Not Like Me: A Field Guide for Influencing a Diverse World
We live in a diverse world filled with unprecedented opportunity. According to author Eric Michael Bryant in Not Like Me, formerly titled Peppermint-Filled Piñatas, we can become agents of change creating genuine unity among people from a variety of backgrounds and belief systems through our relationships. Through humorous stories and pointed insights gleaned from Eric’s own personal experiences and failures, the experiences of others, and the life and teachings of Jesus, you will discover how to move beyond ethnic, racial, cultural, or ideological barriers towards genuine friendship with others. In our nation, an “uncivil war” is raging. Liberals call for racial reconciliation and tolerance while conservatives tend to hide from our pluralistic world or fight against it. None of these approaches will last. We need to create a new future that connects to God’s heart. We can remove the religious baggage of Christianity to discover the world Jesus intended. Followers of Christ will be inspired to actively engage the world in order to overcome stereotypes placed upon us and influence those who have not been interested in Jesus because of these stereotypes. In addition, spiritual seekers will find that when stripped away from the religion created around him, Jesus’ dream for our world is remarkable and refreshing. In this new world, we can discover how to resolve conflict, overcome bitterness, create a better future, develop diverse communities, and enjoy our diverse world. Not Like Me also includes a brief article after each chapter with practical ways to apply the principles presented in that chapter. The contributors include: Ed Stetzer, Amena Brown, Margaret Feinberg, Kevin Harney, Dr. Gerardo Marti, Kim Martinez, Lon Wong, Mark De Ymaz, Princess Zulu, Dan Kimball, and Erwin Mc Manus (Foreword).

Not Like Me: A Field Guide for Influencing a Diverse World
We live in a diverse world filled with unprecedented opportunity. According to author Eric Michael Bryant in Not Like Me, formerly titled Peppermint-Filled Piñatas, we can become agents of change creating genuine unity among people from a variety of backgrounds and belief systems through our relationships. Through humorous stories and pointed insights gleaned from Eric’s own personal experiences and failures, the experiences of others, and the life and teachings of Jesus, you will discover how to move beyond ethnic, racial, cultural, or ideological barriers towards genuine friendship with others. In our nation, an “uncivil war” is raging. Liberals call for racial reconciliation and tolerance while conservatives tend to hide from our pluralistic world or fight against it. None of these approaches will last. We need to create a new future that connects to God’s heart. We can remove the religious baggage of Christianity to discover the world Jesus intended. Followers of Christ will be inspired to actively engage the world in order to overcome stereotypes placed upon us and influence those who have not been interested in Jesus because of these stereotypes. In addition, spiritual seekers will find that when stripped away from the religion created around him, Jesus’ dream for our world is remarkable and refreshing. In this new world, we can discover how to resolve conflict, overcome bitterness, create a better future, develop diverse communities, and enjoy our diverse world. Not Like Me also includes a brief article after each chapter with practical ways to apply the principles presented in that chapter. The contributors include: Ed Stetzer, Amena Brown, Margaret Feinberg, Kevin Harney, Dr. Gerardo Marti, Kim Martinez, Lon Wong, Mark De Ymaz, Princess Zulu, Dan Kimball, and Erwin Mc Manus (Foreword).

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Not Like Me: A Field Guide for Influencing a Diverse World

Not Like Me: A Field Guide for Influencing a Diverse World

Not Like Me: A Field Guide for Influencing a Diverse World

Not Like Me: A Field Guide for Influencing a Diverse World


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We live in a diverse world filled with unprecedented opportunity. According to author Eric Michael Bryant in Not Like Me, formerly titled Peppermint-Filled Piñatas, we can become agents of change creating genuine unity among people from a variety of backgrounds and belief systems through our relationships. Through humorous stories and pointed insights gleaned from Eric’s own personal experiences and failures, the experiences of others, and the life and teachings of Jesus, you will discover how to move beyond ethnic, racial, cultural, or ideological barriers towards genuine friendship with others. In our nation, an “uncivil war” is raging. Liberals call for racial reconciliation and tolerance while conservatives tend to hide from our pluralistic world or fight against it. None of these approaches will last. We need to create a new future that connects to God’s heart. We can remove the religious baggage of Christianity to discover the world Jesus intended. Followers of Christ will be inspired to actively engage the world in order to overcome stereotypes placed upon us and influence those who have not been interested in Jesus because of these stereotypes. In addition, spiritual seekers will find that when stripped away from the religion created around him, Jesus’ dream for our world is remarkable and refreshing. In this new world, we can discover how to resolve conflict, overcome bitterness, create a better future, develop diverse communities, and enjoy our diverse world. Not Like Me also includes a brief article after each chapter with practical ways to apply the principles presented in that chapter. The contributors include: Ed Stetzer, Amena Brown, Margaret Feinberg, Kevin Harney, Dr. Gerardo Marti, Kim Martinez, Lon Wong, Mark De Ymaz, Princess Zulu, Dan Kimball, and Erwin Mc Manus (Foreword).

Product Details

ISBN-13: 9780310329961
Publisher: Zondervan
Publication date: 08/07/2010
Pages: 256
Product dimensions: 5.40(w) x 8.30(h) x 0.80(d)
Age Range: 18 Years

About the Author

Dr. Eric Michael Bryant (D.Min. in Entrepreneurial Leadership) serves as the pastor for Central Austin and the South Austin campus of Gateway Church. After helping plant a church in Seattle, Eric served for 12 years on the leadership team at Mosaic in Los Angeles, a church known for its creativity and diversity.

Eric leads a doctoral cohort in Missional Effectiveness at Bethel Seminary and serves as part of the Origins Project, a movement of people passionate about Jesus, Humanity, and Innovation. Eric and his wife Debbie live with their son Caleb and daughter Trevi near downtown Austin, Texas. Connect with Eric at

Read an Excerpt

Not Like Me

A Field Guide for Influencing a Diverse World
By Eric Michael Bryant


Copyright © 2010 Eric Michael Bryant
All right reserved.

ISBN: 978-0-310-32996-1

Chapter One


Winning People and Influencing Friends

Every Fourth of July, we celebrate the birthday of the United States with friends from church. Soccer, volleyball, music, and food at the park create a great environment to invite other friends who aren't yet connected to a church. A few years back, a friend of mine named Masayoshi joined us.

Erwin McManus, the lead pastor of Mosaic, and his family had just returned from time in New Zealand, so they were eager to share with us their newfound interest in the game of rugby. Masayoshi chose not to play, so I mentioned I would find him later. I love competition of any type, but the prospect of another type of football without pads fascinated me.

Even though Erwin explained the rules, chaos ensued after the kickoff. The twenty guys on the field kept reverting to North American football rules. Rather than pitching it backward, we insisted on throwing it forward. We kept trying to block, tackle, and pass rather than ruck, maul, or scrum. In the end, as every single play ended up with several illegal moves, our enthusiasm began to die down, not to mention that we were becoming exhausted. I decided to take a break and find Masayoshi rather than trying to figure out the real rules.

I was hoping to get to know my friend a bit more. He had moved from Japan to study at Cal State University, Los Angeles, a school within walking distance of my house. Several people from Mosaic met Masayoshi, and he soon got involved with several small groups over the years. During this particular summer, Masayoshi participated in our backyard group and seemed very intrigued by our conversations. Even when he moved farther away, he faithfully came each week.

As Masayoshi and I sat in the shade, I asked him about his spiritual journey. He described how his background of growing up in Japan had influenced him toward a more secular way of looking at the world, yet with a deep respect for ancestors, connected to a mixture of Buddhism and Shintoism. Once he was in LA, a group of international students invited him to join them for weekly dinners. Not knowing anyone in the United States, he jumped at the opportunity to develop friendships. When he discovered that those hosting the parties followed Christ, he became more intrigued rather than turned off. He wondered why these strangers were so kind and seemed to genuinely care for him. He couldn't figure out why they seemed so happy and even intentional with their lives. As he continued to get to know more and more people who followed Christ, eventually he could not rationalize away what was happening in his heart. He decided to follow Christ too.

I was stunned. People in Japan have historically been quite closed to the idea of a relationship with Jesus. Yet for Masayoshi, after just a couple of years, he desired to entrust his entire life and future to Christ. At the picnic, he shared about his fear of his parents' reaction to this news. In order to honor them, he had decided to tell them about his decision on his next trip home, which was quickly approaching. With their blessing, he wanted to be baptized when he returned to Los Angeles.

Later that fall, Masayoshi was baptized, and after graduating, he eagerly looked forward to returning to Japan so that he might be able to help his friends and family discover what he has found in a relationship with Christ. His courage and resolve inspire me. I have often thought about how Masayoshi's life was so dramatically changed as a result of the friends he met in LA.

Compare Masayoshi's story with the story of a missionary family who lived for seven years in Japan without ever seeing a conversion. When asked if they had any friends, they responded with only the names of a few other missionaries. Sadly, they did not have any friends in Japan who did not follow Christ. This missionary family had a passion for reaching people. They studied outreach strategies in seminary and language school so that they could communicate. They had learned how to debate with Buddhists, Shintoists, and secular atheists, but they didn't know how to befriend them.

The missionary family spent years preparing for ministry in Japan and years in ministry in Japan, but they were playing the wrong game - just as in that rugby game we weren't just playing by the wrong rules; we weren't even playing the right game. North American football and rugby may be similar, yet they are worlds apart. We can't just tweak the pass here and the pitch there. The points are different. Defense and offense are different. There are no huddles in rugby. Once we stop trying to play football with a rugby ball, we will begin to enjoy the nuances of an entirely different game.

As followers of Christ trying to reach people, we are in a totally new game. We try to make minor adjustments to the rules, thinking that doing so will help us succeed, but we won't be able to break through until we start playing the right game.

Many of our programs, ministries, and churches operate as though our world is filled with people who want to be Christian and just don't know how. There is less interest in switching religions than we would even care to discover. Rather than simply looking for ways to develop new strategies and programs, we must hone the skill of developing relationships. We need to go back to the beginning and capture the essence of interaction with the world around us. Our future depends on recapturing our ancient past.


The most effective apologetic is love. This may seem simplistic or even naive in a pluralistic, universalistic, spiritually heightened, anti-Christian, and syncretistic world, but knowing all the "right" answers is not nearly as effective as demonstrating a transformed life of genuine love and concern and care. We need to follow the apostle Paul's guidance to "preach the word; be prepared in season and out of season; correct, rebuke and encourage," while ensuring that we follow how he wanted his church-planting protégé, Timothy, to do this - "with great patience and careful instruction" (2 Timothy 4:2). As a college student preparing to preach the word and teach the truth, I began to discover through relationships with people who did not follow Christ that what I knew was not nearly as important as how I treated them.

As we shape the future of how we live our lives as followers of Christ, we need to look back at the beginning of our history. In a time and place in history when following Christ was considered a cult, even still the first followers of Christ were well respected among the people. In Acts 2:47 Luke describes these early followers of Christ as "enjoying the favor of all the people."

How is this possible? The customs and practices of this new understanding from God called "the Way" seemed absurd, ridiculous, or even offensive to those around them. Some had walked away from Jesus, thinking that he was advocating cannibalism as he referred to what we now call "the Lord's Supper" (see John 6:35-58). The idea that slaves and women deserved respect and honor seemed absurd and even revolutionary. These early Christians spoke often of death - personally dying to self, the martyrdom of some in their community, and the death of the Messiah on the cross. More radically, the men and women who met together daily to study the Scriptures and to serve others claimed that the Messiah had died, had miraculously rose from the dead, and now was mystically communicating with them through the Holy Spirit. I can guarantee, the early Christians weren't following the advice of Dale Carnegie and "winning friends and influencing people" as a result of their beliefs - so what was it? Perhaps they were reversing Carnegie's mantra. Could it be that the early Christians were "winning people and influencing friends"? Developing friendships takes longer and requires more effort, but the impact is greater and longer lasting.

To curry favor, the early followers of Christ had relationships with people who did not yet know Christ. Their message was one of tremendous hope, and they demonstrated sacrificial love. Sound simple? If you are anything like me, you know that what may sound simple to accomplish is actually extremely difficult to do. We struggle to have friendships with those who do not follow Christ and even with those who do not live as though they follow Christ. At times our message comes across as judgmental. Too often we live independently from those around us who have genuine needs. For us to overcome these struggles, we should consider the example of the early church.

Luke, a doctor, historian, and adventurer within the early church, writes of the exploits of our Christian forefathers and foremothers:

When the day of Pentecost came, they were all together in one place. Suddenly a sound like the blowing of a violent wind came from heaven and filled the whole house where they were sitting. They saw what seemed to be tongues of fire that separated and came to rest on each of them. All of them were filled with the Holy Spirit and began to speak in other tongues as the Spirit enabled them. Now there were staying in Jerusalem God-fearing Jews from every nation under heaven. When they heard this sound, a crowd came together in bewilderment, because each one heard their own language being spoken. Acts 2:1-8

These early followers of Christ were in relationships with others who did not know Christ. With the help of the miraculous, they shared with God-fearing Jews and converts who had come from all over the world to be part of a religious celebration called Pentecost. If we had been in their place, we probably would have enjoyed the wind and the gift of tongues for ourselves. Thinking, "Isn't this amazing what God is doing among us!" we may well have failed to venture out from being together in that "one place."

The early church didn't just talk about God's love; they actually loved people. Their reputation for generosity preceded them. People heard about the way these followers of the Way would sell their land and possessions and give the proceeds to meet the needs of others (see Acts 2:44-45). Their community included not only men, but women, slaves, and people from a variety of socioeconomic, political, and ethnic backgrounds as well. It should come as no surprise that the followers of Jesus would follow his example and soon after the miracle at Pentecost begin to go out to befriend and include religious zealots, pagans, tax collectors, Jews, Samaritans, Gentiles, Ethiopians, and so many others.

People who did not follow the Way respected those who did because of the way they loved each other and loved those who were not yet in their community.

As followers of Christ, we should be known by our love. As "the beloved disciple," John, grew older, he wrote letters to those close to him, preparing them to carry on without him. He writes, "Dear friends, let us love one another, for love comes from God. Everyone who loves has been born of God and knows God. Whoever does not love does not know God, because God is love" (1 John 4:7-8). God's character exudes love to such a degree that John writes that "God is love." In his very nature, God can be classified as "love."

Wouldn't it be amazing if people looked at our lives and described us in this way? To hear someone say, "She personifies love," or "If you looked up 'love' in the dictionary, you would see his picture."

When we are born into God's family, one of the most dominant genetic traits that becomes evident in our lives is love. If you want to discover whether you are related to God, just ask someone if they experience love from your life. Love is the greatest clue.

In the Scriptures, love isn't simply a warm feeling or even a choice of kindness. Love as defined and lived out by God involves sacrifice, as John illustrates:

This is how God showed his love among us: He sent his one and only Son into the world that we might live through him. This is love: not that we loved God, but that he loved us and sent his Son as an atoning sacrifice for our sins. Dear friends, since God so loved us, we also ought to love one another. No one has ever seen God; but if we love one another, God lives in us and his love is made complete in us. 1 John 4:9-12

The apostle Paul also affirms this understanding of love when he writes, "But God demonstrates his own love for us in this: While we were still sinners, Christ died for us" (Romans 5:8).

Love equals sacrifice. We must be willing to lay down our lives for the sake of others (see John 15: 13). We must be willing to sacrifice our needs in order to meet the needs of others. The love others are to feel and experience around us is no less than love that actually costs us something. For too long, I have loved when it was convenient, expedient, or even strategic. To love to the point where it actually hurts connects more closely to what the word means. Love has been reduced to "like" or "lust." Genuine love requires genuine sacrifice.

The early church may have met in homes and hung out near the temple, but they also lived in the community and shared their lives with others who were not yet part of the Way. Too often we require others to come to us to find God rather than allowing what God does among us to spill over into the lives of those who have not been with us in that "one place."

Love is the new apologetic yet again. In a time when animosity toward followers of Christ seems to be rising, we need to live this out now more than ever. Some of the animosity we now experience may be, in reality, the displaced anger of those who have been hurt by others in the name of religion.


Several years ago, a friend of mine named Erik Quillen asked me for advice. (We called him "EQ" in the office to avoid confusion between the two of us.) After he complained a bit about his lack of a love life, I decided to help him out. I wrote down the names of five women in our church and encouraged him to ask them out, one at a time. He could only complain again if his dating situation had not changed after he had finished asking out the women on this list. Most single guys I know complain, yet they never ask anyone out. I figured that giving them a list would keep them from coming back to me in the future. EQ was different - he actually did it!

He began by inviting the second woman on the list out on a date. Once that relationship seemed to be leading nowhere, he thought about his next move. After considering his previous experience with the third woman on the list and realizing he didn't even know who the fourth and fifth women were, he summoned the courage to invite the number one woman on his list, Holly, to dinner at the Cheesecake Factory. Deep inside, he had admired this person all along, but he had seen her as beyond his reach. Seventeen months later, EQ and Holly were married.

Since I am involved in a church where 80 percent of the attenders are single, you can imagine how many times someone asked me for a list. To dispel the myth of my prophetic nature as a cupid, I must finally reveal the secret of my list: I wrote down the names of the five women I suspected EQ already liked. I had seen him spending time with Holly in her office. Since they worked together, he would go in to get something, but he would come out twenty minutes later. Using my keen intellect, I put Holly at the top of his list.

I have to admit I like being a matchmaker, much to the dismay of my single friends, but when you have a good marriage, you want everyone to experience that amazing relationship. The same should be true in our relationship with Christ.

When someone has a great relationship with God, he or she should want others to enjoy and experience that relationship as well. We need to be willing to reallocate our time and energy because we are so in love with God that we want the people we care about to discover the same God we love and who loves us.


Excerpted from Not Like Me by Eric Michael Bryant Copyright © 2010 by Eric Michael Bryant. Excerpted by permission.
All rights reserved. No part of this excerpt may be reproduced or reprinted without permission in writing from the publisher.
Excerpts are provided by Dial-A-Book Inc. solely for the personal use of visitors to this web site.

Table of Contents


Foreword by Erwin McManus....................11
Introduction: The Art of Woo Overcoming the Christian Stereotype....................15
1. CURRY FAVOR Winning People and Influencing Friends....................31
2. BOUNCE HOUSES IN THE NEIGHBORHOOD Getting off the Couch to Make Friends....................45
3. PEPPERMINT-FILLED PIÑATAS Partying to expand Our Influence....................67
4. A FELLOWSHIP OF FREAKS Finding a Common Cause to Create Community....................81
5. UNCIVIL WAR Proving That God Is Real....................99
6. WHITE MEN CAN JUMP (JUST NOT AS HIGH) Seeing Past Stereotypes....................125
7. THE UNTOUCHABLES Learning to See Those We Overlook....................145
8. COMPASSIONATE CONSERVATIVES AND LOVING LIBERALS Reaching across the Ideological Aisle....................167
9. LOTS OF SEX IN THE CITY Engaging Others in a Post-Sexual Revolution World....................185
10. THE MOSQUE NEXT DOOR Building relationships with the religious....................209
Conclusion: Apathetics Anonymous Activating Personal Change....................233
Interactive Questions....................245
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