Not on My Watch: How to Win the Fight for Family, Faith and Freedom
The Activist Mommy, a social media sensation with over 70 million video views, leads the way for today's Christians in the culture war.

News headlines point to a world that has gone stark-raving mad. Right is wrong and wrong is right. Religious liberty is under attack. Gender identity and fluidity is not only accepted but encouraged. Same-sex marriage is embraced by some churches. Deviant sexual practices are taught in schools. Hundreds of thousands of babies are aborted annually. "No more!" cries Elizabeth Johnston (aka The Activist Mommy), who has made Christian activism a calling for her life and her family. In Not on My Watch, Johnston courageously defends the timeless truths of God's Word and inspires and encourages other Christians to unite in winning this war for our children, our morals, our freedom, and our culture.
Not on My Watch: How to Win the Fight for Family, Faith and Freedom
The Activist Mommy, a social media sensation with over 70 million video views, leads the way for today's Christians in the culture war.

News headlines point to a world that has gone stark-raving mad. Right is wrong and wrong is right. Religious liberty is under attack. Gender identity and fluidity is not only accepted but encouraged. Same-sex marriage is embraced by some churches. Deviant sexual practices are taught in schools. Hundreds of thousands of babies are aborted annually. "No more!" cries Elizabeth Johnston (aka The Activist Mommy), who has made Christian activism a calling for her life and her family. In Not on My Watch, Johnston courageously defends the timeless truths of God's Word and inspires and encourages other Christians to unite in winning this war for our children, our morals, our freedom, and our culture.
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Not on My Watch: How to Win the Fight for Family, Faith and Freedom

Not on My Watch: How to Win the Fight for Family, Faith and Freedom

by Elizabeth Johnston
Not on My Watch: How to Win the Fight for Family, Faith and Freedom

Not on My Watch: How to Win the Fight for Family, Faith and Freedom

by Elizabeth Johnston


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The Activist Mommy, a social media sensation with over 70 million video views, leads the way for today's Christians in the culture war.

News headlines point to a world that has gone stark-raving mad. Right is wrong and wrong is right. Religious liberty is under attack. Gender identity and fluidity is not only accepted but encouraged. Same-sex marriage is embraced by some churches. Deviant sexual practices are taught in schools. Hundreds of thousands of babies are aborted annually. "No more!" cries Elizabeth Johnston (aka The Activist Mommy), who has made Christian activism a calling for her life and her family. In Not on My Watch, Johnston courageously defends the timeless truths of God's Word and inspires and encourages other Christians to unite in winning this war for our children, our morals, our freedom, and our culture.

Product Details

ISBN-13: 9781683972617
Publisher: Worthy
Publication date: 02/12/2019
Pages: 224
Sales rank: 287,355
Product dimensions: 6.00(w) x 9.10(h) x 1.00(d)

About the Author

Elizabeth Johnston, aka the Activist Mommy, is a speaker and vlogger who educates and inspires the public on the burning social and moral issues of the day that are important to families and patriots. She and her husband, Patrick, who is a medical doctor, author, and movie producer, have been pro-life minis­try leaders for many years and home educate their ten beautiful children.

Elizabeth daily triggers the Left by confronting the lies of abortion, feminism, Islam, and the homosexual agenda with wit and snark as only she can, and she regularly posts viral commentary videos, which have netted more than seventy million views. As a thought leader on topics of importance to families and faith, Elizabeth has been featured on many major media outlets, such as Fox & Friends, the New York Times, the Blaze, and Christian Broadcasting Network. The pulse behind all her activism and cultural commentary is her love for her family and her Savior, Jesus Christ. She and her family live in Charlotte, North Carolina.

Read an Excerpt



It was a day I will always remember. As the mother of nine home-schooled kids and six months pregnant with my tenth, there was laundry piled up as tall as my five-foot-three frame, stacks of papers to grade, two sinks full of dishes, and more bills piled on my desk than there was money in our always slender bank account. But something burned inside me I couldn't ignore as I read the news that day.

I could identify with and understand the small, bold woman I watched on my computer screen, who was at that moment the talk of the nation.

I had been loosely following an unfolding conflict in Kentucky, as Kim Davis, a county clerk, refused to sign a same-sex marriage license because of her biblical convictions. Her life was being dissected by every news organization in the nation. The sins of her past were being broadcast to the whole world. There was no sincere attempt by the media to understand her motive for not wanting to endorse same-sex marriage. She was ruthlessly mocked and ridiculed by the LGBT community. She was targeted with vulgar death threats and even her church received bomb threats. Her friends and family, the ones she loved the most, were now in danger because of her principled stance. She had every reason to just throw in the towel and sign on the dotted rainbow line.

The same-sex couples who were walking into Kim's office for a license could easily go to the neighboring county clerk for their marriage licenses, but they were activists who were targeting Kim, who refused to be bullied or bribed or threatened into bowing to their god of political correctness. They would not rest until every single Christian county clerk in America was bullied into defiling their conscience and signing same-sex marriage licenses.

I walked over to the refrigerator and got my toddler a sippie cup and changed the baby's diaper. I sat back down before my laptop and clicked on a video being broadcast from a Kentucky news station. Kim Davis was behind the counter in her office, completely swarmed by cameras and reporters as two men angrily yelled at her and reporters bombarded her with questions. I was struck by how calm and soft-spoken, yet firm, she was while responding to these outsiders. When Kim told the same-sex couple she would not be issuing marriage licenses that day, the tension grew and the homosexual couple was indignant.

"Under whose authority are you refusing to issue us a marriage license?" the homosexual asked as the television cameras zoomed in.

Without missing a beat, Davis responded, "Under God's authority."

That's it! Those were the words I had been waiting to hear. "Kids, pack your bags. We're going to Kentucky."

Kim Davis knew what she had said was politically incorrect and that the nation would be watching. She didn't care.

"Under God's authority." That's how God dynamited me out of my chair in my homeschool room in Ohio and onto the front lines of the culture war.


A recent movie put Leonardo Dicaprio's character in between a mama bear and her cubs. Let's just say it didn't go well for Dicaprio's mangled character. Never had I so clearly visualized the clear and present threat to my "cubs," and I was prepared to do whatever little ol' me could do to remove that threat.

I got on Facebook immediately and began to rally the troops. Thirty-five of us from several different states hastily packed and drove to Kentucky to arrive in time for the morning trial. We found hundreds of people standing outside the courthouse rallying around Kim and traditional marriage, as well as about forty people who came hoping to see a victory for the LGBT community. The sun beat down on us as we prayed and sang outside the courthouse, asking God to vindicate Kim and protect the religious liberty of Christians in America.

At the trial, the worst we expected was that Kim Davis would be demoted or lose her job. The thought of that infuriated us. Never in a million years did we suspect what was about to happen. Judge David Bunning placed her in wrist and ankle shackles and threw her in jail, telling her she wasn't getting out until she was willing to sign same-sex marriage licenses! I could not believe how far gone we were that we would let this federal judge overrule the will of the people of Kentucky and persecute this Christian clerk who was simply following Kentucky law and her religion.

I wanted to encourage Kim Davis so badly, so we went to two different jail facilities looking for her.

"We love you, Kim!" I shouted as the van pulled up to the jail that housed Kim. "We're praying for you, Kim! You're not alone! You're a hero!"

A Christian went to jail that day in America for simply acting like a Christian. I was shocked! How did we get here?

My husband had to go back to work in Ohio. As a physician, he had patients scheduled on Monday. I implored him, "Let us stay, honey. I can't leave yet. Kim is in jail. There is still work to do here." I knew I was pushing him out of his comfort zone. He is a family man and hates coming home to an empty house at the end of a hard day of work. But he saw the fire in my eyes, and he fanned it and let us stay.

The national media followed us everywhere. We sat down for continental breakfast beside CNN and MSNBC reporters. We bumped into New York media moguls in the elevator. Our small band of a few dozen believers and patriots gave them something to report as we fired up our campaign to get Kim out of jail. We were the boots on the ground. We created flyers and banners and networked with pastors, organized a rally, and handed out leaflets at their ballgames. We flew speakers in from around the country. We worked hard to keep the story alive, while encouraging God's people to rally around Kim and demanding the leftist judge to free Kim Davis.

Over 75% of Kentuckians had overwhelmingly voted against same-sex marriage. Federal courts cannot make laws according to the U.S. Constitution, much less make laws that overrule the state constitutions. Kim Davis was obeying the law. Our rallying cry became, "Show us the law, or free Kim Davis!"

The most controversial thing we did was protest outside Judge Bunning's house. And it worked! After two days of protesting there and then holding a huge rally with ten thousand people in attendance, baking on the asphalt of the jail parking lot in blistering heat, we watched with amazement as Kim Davis walked out of that jail with a wide smile on her face and her hands uplifted in praise!

It was three of the most memorable and exciting weeks of my kids' lives. They still recall that time in Kentucky with tremendous fondness. They will never forget what God did and how God used our feeble efforts to get our dear sister out of jail.


Kim Davis had Kentucky law and the people of Kentucky on her side. The Kentucky Constitution was amended to read, "Only a marriage between one man and one woman shall be valid or recognized as a marriage in Kentucky. A legal status identical or substantially similar to that of marriage for unmarried individuals shall not be valid or recognized." Not only were they defining marriage between a man and a woman, but they weren't compromising to accept same-sex "civil unions."

When the Supreme Court ruled that states must accept same-sex marriage, they usurped their lawful boundaries. The United States Constitution tells us who has the power to create law, and it's not the judiciary: "All legislative Powers herein granted shall be vested in a Congress of the United States" (Article 1, Section 1).

If "all" law-making power is vested in Congress, is there any left for the courts? No. Kim Davis didn't violate any law; therefore her incarceration was lawless. It was kidnapping, according to the laws of the land. Wrong doesn't suddenly become right because a guy in a black robe violates the law to kidnap an innocent person and put her in a cage. I mean, can a judge rape someone and it be okay because he's a judge? What if he does it in a judge's attire in a courtroom, with a gavel in his hand? No, of course not! He's not the standard of right and wrong. Our rights come from God, not man. They're inalienable, which means they cannot be legitimately infringed upon except for punishment for a crime. Might does not make right. Just because Judge Bunning and his gun-totin' accomplices can shackle and cage an innocent person in violation of the law and the state and federal constitutions, that doesn't mean it's okay. He's the criminal!

The 9th and 10th amendments to the U.S. Constitution limit the federal government to specifically enumerated powers, and any right or duty not given to the feds belongs to the states or the people. The feds are oath-bound to obey the Constitution, which gives them their power in the first place. If the Constitution may be trampled, then upon what basis must we obey a thing they say?

The federal government isn't the master of the states. The federal government is the servant of the states, with limited jurisdiction. They can only do what the contract says they can do, and even if something needs to be done that's not being done, they can't do it without an amendment authorizing them to do it. You don't amend the Constitution by violating it.

We urged Kentucky Governor Steve Beshear and the Kentucky legislature to uphold God's law and Kentucky law and resist the unlawful decision from the federal judiciary. Beshear did not, and as a result, the election soon after the Kim Davis fiasco saw the executive branch in Kentucky go from Democrat to Republican for the first time in almost four decades with the election of Matt Bevin.


Nothing frustrates me more than hearing Christians say, "We are supposed to just preach the gospel, not fight a culture war." Grr! No, actually, no. In the Great Commission, Jesus told His disciples to teach the nations "all things that I have commanded you" (Matthew 28:20). How many things? All things! Man shall not live by bread alone, but by what, according to Jesus? "By every word that proceeds from the mouth God" (4:4). To abandon any word of God for fear of man or want of man's approval is to abandon faithfulness to God's Word, "For whoever shall keep the whole law, and yet stumble in one point, he is guilty of all" (James 2:10).

We have so much opportunity and freedom in America, and yet in one generation, a snoozing church has seen almost sixty million babies dismembered and slain by abortion and funded at taxpayers' expense, the institution of marriage trampled by homosexuals, Ten Commandment monuments ripped out of our courthouse grounds and off our public school property by the atheists, and "safe sex" education programs teaching sodomy, premarital sex, oral sex, and mutual masturbation to our children by Planned Parenthood, again at taxpayers' expense. We have squandered our opportunities, which were even more expansive than what the first disciples had in the book of Acts!

Apathetic believers, reclined on their couches with their remote-controlled entertainment, their fishing boats, and their cell phone smut, are passing to our children and grandchildren a culture in which the Bible will be hate speech. We can't appeal to the Great Commission to justify our apathy. Yes, we should preach the gospel and and tell people that Jesus is certainly coming back, but generations of Christians have been saying that while doing nothing to preserve religious freedom for their posterity. The Great Commission and soon-coming Savior should be a motivation to stand — not to cower, hide, and give up.


When Kim Davis walked out of jail that day and pointed heavenward, thanking God, tears filled my eyes! She really had nothing poignant and powerful to say. She was just an ordinary woman who had an extraordinary opportunity to stand in the face of tyranny and do right, and she glorified God in her suffering. Worshiping with Kim, and watching her praise the Lord in her little country church the first night she was out of jail, thrilled my soul!

I found a hero. I found a woman God could use to do what the men in our nation were unwilling to do. I found courage outside of my comfort zone. I found my voice. And if God could use Kim Davis and a simple homemaker/homeschooling mom like little ol' me to make a difference, He can use you, too, to do exploits for His glory.



When same-sex marriage was "legalized" in June 2015 through Obergefell v. Hodges, Christians and natural family advocates warned that it would open a Pandora's Box of perversion and confusion that would be virtually impossible to close. We were mocked and called "doomsdayers" and "bigots." But we learned all too quickly that we were right. It serves as a good reminder that when we abandon God's principles, we abandon reason and wisdom. When we allowed same-sex marriage as a culture, we opened ourselves up to a flood of sexual anarchy. It's as if the dam of protection and restraint was breached, and now we are drowning in perversion and confusion.


When Target, second largest general merchandise retailer in America, announced they were changing their bathroom policy to accommodate whatever gender a person identified as (as opposed to their biological gender), most of middle America was in total shock! For the vast majority of us, this had never been an issue, and we found it hard to wrap our minds around why any company would legitimize such psychotic behavior as pretending to be someone of the opposite sex.

Many of us small business owners found it especially hard to believe that a company would choose to offend a majority of its customers for the sake of less than 1 percent of the population, especially a miniscule number of people who must have major mental and character issues. I think we thought to ourselves, Oh, we can fix this. We will show up in droves to protest Target, and they will protect their shareholders and bottom line by reversing their policy. But we underestimated how stubborn and persistent social Marxists will be, even to their own detriment.


Several of my activist friends and ministry leaders scheduled a phone call about this new deluge of bathroom insanity. We all agreed this situation with Target was only the beginning and would begin to be rolled out nationwide with the ultimate goal of forcing even our churches to allow the opposite sex in bathrooms. We determined that we had better hit this dangerous policy hard right from the outset, if we were going to maintain religious liberty.

Our friend Coach Dave Daubenmire, was on that phone call and made media headlines by standing outside a Target bathroom with a sign that read, "Danger! Men May Be In Women's Restroom!" while his daughter used the Target bathroom. That video went viral and the American Family Association (AFA) used Coach's video to promote their Boycott Target petition drive. The AFA petition was signed by one and a half million people who were fed up with the social Marxists' attack on the family, and they pledged to never shop at Target unless the company reversed its new bathroom policy.

Protests began to pop up at Target stores all over the nation. Not many things ignite conservatives to get out and hold a sign and protest, but this did. Locally, we had about fifty show up at our small-town Target to let our voices be heard and to field media interviews.

Coach Dave asked me to consider filming a video on this issue to call the Mama Bear to action and give the Target boycott a boost. I wasn't sure it would do much good or that many people would watch it. Who would care what a homeschool mom with ten children had to say?

This was actually the official beginning of the Activist Mommy.

It took me forever to make that first video. I had to film it over and over to get it right. Eventually I eked out something that resonated with Mama Bears around the nation. I asked America, "How is it that 0.1 percent of the population have 99 percent of the population scrambling to accommodate their feelings?" The damage done to Target was immediate! America said enough is enough, and we voted with our pocket books. Target has since lost $15 billion dollars, persisting in their stubbornness. They eventually ate crow and admitted that their handling of the transgender bathroom policy was what caused their sudden financial trouble.


Then there was Obama's bathroom directive, and — Holy Guacamole! — did things ever get insane!

The crazy libs on the Charlotte (NC) City Council had approved an ordinance that would bring crazy town to not just federal government buildings but right to the public schools as well. As if children don't have enough to worry about in school with peer pressure, grades, drugs, social media, and navigating the ever-complicated world of relationships, they were now going to have to figure out gym class with a boy in the girls' locker room. Lord, have mercy! So the good ol' southern gentlemen and gentlewomen of the North Carolina legislature quickly called a special session and passed a "bathroom bill" called HB2 to ensure that bathrooms/locker rooms/dressing rooms would be used only by individuals according to their biological sex at birth.


Excerpted from "Not on my Watch"
by .
Copyright © 2019 Elizabeth Johnston.
Excerpted by permission of Worthy Publishing Group.
All rights reserved. No part of this excerpt may be reproduced or reprinted without permission in writing from the publisher.
Excerpts are provided by Dial-A-Book Inc. solely for the personal use of visitors to this web site.

Table of Contents

Foreword Todd Starnes xv

Introduction 1

1 Out of Your Dens, Mama Bears! 11

2 Gender Insanity 23

3 The Anti-Feminist Goes Viral 43

4 Abortion 67

5 Silicon Valley Comes After the Activist Mommy 81

6 Stalkers and Death Threats and Trolls, Oh My! 99

7 Why I Do What I Do 115

8 Teen Vogue Bites the Dust 129

9 The Intentional Marxist Takeover 145

10 Why We've Been Losing 163

11 How We Will Win 177

Notes 187

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