Table of Contents
Preface xi
Prologue: What Do We Mean by Grace? xiii
1 Grace as Gift 1
The Anthropology of Gift 3
Gifts in Paul's Greco-Roman Context 5
The Western "Pure" Gift 9
2 Perfections of Gift and Grace 12
Six Perfections of Grace 13
Some Influential Figures in the History of Interpretation 18
3 Paul, Grace, and Second Temple Judaism 24
The New Perspective on Paul 26
Grace Is Everywhere, but Is It Everywhere the Same? 27
Four Second Temple Texts 28
Conclusion 36
4 "I Do Not Reject the Grace of God" (Galatians 1-2) 38
The Christ-Gift and the Recalibration of Norms (Galatians 1:1-2:10) 41
The Antioch Incident and the Redefinition of Value in Christ (Galatians 2:11-21) 45
5 The Christ-Gift, the Law, and the Promise (Galatians 3-5) 51
The Frame Passages (Galatians 3:1-5; 5:2-12) 52
Christ, Promise, and Law (Galatians 3:6-5:1) 54
Conclusion 61
6 The New Community as the Expression of the Gift (Galatians 5-6) 63
Freedom, Flesh, and Spirit 64
"Fleshly" Competition and Its Antidote 66
The New Creation (Galatians 6:11-18) 71
7 The Incongruous Gift and Its Fitting Result (Romans 1-5) 75
Human Sin and the Creative Power of God (Romans 1:16-3:20) 78
The Christ-Gift (Romans 3:21-26; 5:1-11) 82
The Abrahamic Family Trait (Romans 4) 84
Conclusion 86
8 New Life in Dying Bodies (Romans 5-8 and 12-15) 88
Under the Reign of Grace (Romans 5-6) 88
Newness of Life: Ex-centric Existence in Christ 91
The Body and the Construction of a Christian Habitus 93
A Community Constructed by Grace (Romans 12:1-15:13) 96
Conclusion 99
9 Israel, Christ, and the Mercy of God (Romans 9-11) 101
The Crisis of Israel 101
The Creation of Israel by the Mercy of God (Romans 9:6-29) 104
God's Incongruous Act in Christ (Romans 9:30-10:21) 107
The Momentum of Mercy and the Salvation of Israel (Romans 11:1-36) 109
Conclusion 112
10 The Grammar of Grace and the Gift of Christ 114
Grace and Power in the Letters to Corinth 116
The Gift as Christ 119
11 The Practice of Grace 125
Gifts in the Body 126
Reciprocal Support 128
The Collection-Gift for Jerusalem 132
12 Grace and Other Perspectives on Paul 137
Protestant Perspectives 138
Catholic Perspectives 141
The New Perspective on Paul 143
"Paul within Judaism" 145
13 Paul and the Dynamics of Grace Today 149
Challenging Communities 151
Because You're Worth It 154
Gift, Reciprocity, and "Charity" 156
Bibliography 161
Index of Authors 173
Index of Scripture and Othen Ancient Sources 176