Phonons in Nanostructures

Phonons in Nanostructures

by Michael A. Stroscio
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Phonons in Nanostructures

Phonons in Nanostructures

by Michael A. Stroscio
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Stroscio (physics, Duke U.) and Dutta (the Army Research Office's Director of Research and Technology Integration) focus on the study of phonons and phonon-mediated effects in structures with nanoscale dimensional confinement in one or more spatial dimensions. Pertinent to the field of optoelectronics, quantum electronics, materials science, chemistry, and biology, the phenomenon explored is important in technologies needed to fabricate nanoscale structures and devices. Geared toward practicing physicists, the theme of the work is the description of optical and acoustic phonons in such nanostructures as the superconductor superlattice, quantum wires, and carbon nanotubes.

Annotation c. Book News, Inc., Portland, OR (

Product Details

ISBN-13: 2900521018059
Publication date: 08/22/2005
Pages: 292
Product dimensions: 6.00(w) x 1.25(h) x 9.00(d)

About the Author

Dr. Michael A. Stroscio earned a Ph.D. in Physics from Yale University and held research positions at the Los Alamos Scientific Laboratory and the Johns Hopkins University Applied Physics Laboratory, before moving into the management of federal research and development at a variety of U.S. government agencies. Dr. Stroscio has served as a policy analyst for the White House Office of Science and Technology Policy, and as Vice Chairman of the White House Panel on Scientific Communication. He has taught and lectured on Physics and Electrical Engineering at several universities including Duke University, the North Carolina State University and the University of California at Los Angeles.

Table of Contents

Chapter 1Phonons in nanostructures1
1.1Phonon effects: fundamental limits on carrier mobilities and dynamical processes1
1.2Tailoring phonon interactions in devices with nanostructure components3
Chapter 2Phonons in bulk cubic crystals6
2.1Cubic structure6
2.2Ionic bonding - polar semiconductors6
2.3Linear-chain model and macroscopic models7
2.3.1Dispersion relations for high-frequency and low-frequency modes8
2.3.2Displacement patterns for phonons10
2.3.4Macroscopic theory of polar modes in cubic crystals14
Chapter 3Phonons in bulk wurtzite crystals16
3.1Basic properties of phonons in wurtzite structure16
3.2Loudon model of uniaxial crystals18
3.3Application of Loudon model to III-V nitrides23
Chapter 4Raman properties of bulk phonons26
4.1Measurements of dispersion relations for bulk samples26
4.2Raman scattering for bulk zincblende and wurtzite structures26
4.2.1Zincblende structures28
4.2.2Wurtzite structures29
4.3Lifetimes in zincblende and wurtzite crystals30
4.4Ternary alloys32
4.5Coupled plasmon-phonon modes33
Chapter 5Occupation number representation35
5.1Phonon mode amplitudes and occupation numbers35
5.2Polar-optical phonons: Frohlich interaction40
5.3Acoustic phonons and deformation-potential interaction43
5.4Piezoelectric interaction43
Chapter 6Anharmonic coupling of phonons45
6.1Non-parabolic terms in the crystal potential for ionically bonded atoms45
6.2Klemens' channel for the decay process LO [right arrow] LA(1) + LA(2)46
6.3LO phonon lifetime in bulk cubic materials47
6.4Phonon lifetime effects in carrier relaxation48
6.5Anharmonic effects in wurtzite structures: the Ridley channel50
Chapter 7Continuum models for phonons52
7.1Dielectric continuum model of phonons52
7.2Elastic continuum model of phonons56
7.3Optical modes in dimensionally confined structures60
7.3.1Dielectric continuum model for slab modes: normalization of interface modes61
7.3.2Electron-phonon interaction for slab modes66
7.3.3Slab modes in confined wurtzite structures71
7.3.4Transfer matrix model for multi-heterointerface structures79
7.4Comparison of continuum and microscopic models for phonons90
7.5Comparison of dielectric continuum model predictions with Raman measurements93
7.6Continuum model for acoustic modes in dimensionally confined structures97
7.6.1Acoustic phonons in a free-standing and unconstrained layer97
7.6.2Acoustic phonons in double-interface heterostructures100
7.6.3Acoustic phonons in rectangular quantum wires105
7.6.4Acoustic phonons in cylindrical structures111
7.6.5Acoustic phonons in quantum dots124
Chapter 8Carrier-LO-phonon scattering131
8.1Frohlich potential for LO phonons in bulk zincblende and wurtzite structures131
8.1.1Scattering rates in bulk zincblende semiconductors131
8.1.2Scattering rates in bulk wurtzite semiconductors136
8.2Frohlich potential in quantum wells140
8.2.1Scattering rates in zincblende quantum-well structures141
8.2.2Scattering rates in wurtzite quantum wells146
8.3Scattering of carriers by LO phonons in quantum wires146
8.3.1Scattering rate for bulk LO phonon modes in quantum wires146
8.3.2Scattering rate for confined LO phonon modes in quantum wires150
8.3.3Scattering rate for interface-LO phonon modes154
8.3.4Collective effects and non-equilibrium phonons in polar quantum wires162
8.3.5Reduction of interface-phonon scattering rates in metal-semiconductor structures165
8.4Scattering of carriers and LO phonons in quantum dots167
Chapter 9Carrier-acoustic-phonon scattering172
9.1Carrier-acoustic-phonon scattering in bulk zincblende structures172
9.1.1Deformation-potential scattering in bulk zincblende structures172
9.1.2Piezoelectric scattering in bulk semiconductor structures173
9.2Carrier-acoustic-phonon scattering in two-dimensional structures174
9.3Carrier-acoustic-phonon scattering in quantum wires175
9.3.1Cylindrical wires175
9.3.2Rectangular wires181
Chapter 10Recent developments186
10.1Phonon effects in intersubband lasers186
10.2Effect of confined phonons on gain of intersubband lasers195
10.3Phonon contribution to valley current in double-barrier structures202
10.4Phonon-enhanced population inversion in asymmetric double-barrier quantum-well lasers205
10.5Confined-phonon effects in thin film superconductors208
10.6Generation of acoustic phonons in quantum-well structures212
Chapter 11Concluding considerations218
11.1Pervasive role of phonons in modern solid-state devices218
11.2Future trends: phonon effects in nanostructures and phonon engineering219
Appendix AHuang-Born theory221
Appendix BWendler's theory222
Appendix COptical phonon modes in double-heterointerface structures225
Appendix DOptical phonon modes in single- and double-heterointerface wurtzite structures236
Appendix EFermi golden rule250
Appendix FScreening effects in a two-dimensional electron gas252
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