Rediscover Catholicism: A Spiritual Guide to Living with Passion and Purpose

At a Time When Many Catholics are Disillusioned, Questioning Their Faith, and Filled with Doubts About the Relevance of Catholicism in the Modern World, the Voice of One Man Cries Out to the World's Largest Faith Community With a Clarity That is Rare and Inspiring.

Rediscover Catholicism, takes us on an adventure of life-changing proportions. Beginning with our common yearning for happiness, Kelly reveals the essence of authentic Catholic spirituality while addressing some of the most important questions we face today both as individuals and as a Church.

Are you happy?

Are you living an authentic life?

Do you really think you will find happiness where you are looking?

How would you like your life to change?

What is God's dream for your life?

Why have so many people rejected Catholicism?

What does it mean to walk with God in the modern world?

Do the saints have anything to offer you?

Is Jesus still relevant?

Can the ancient traditions of Catholicism help us deal with the modern challenges of our lives?

In each generation a leader comes forth who is able to bring Christianity to life in a way that revitalizes individuals, communities, and the universal Church. Once you experience his bold, brilliant, practical, and inspiring style, you will soon understand why so many people consider Matthew Kelly to be one of the great spiritual voices of our times.

Rediscover Catholicism: A Spiritual Guide to Living with Passion and Purpose

At a Time When Many Catholics are Disillusioned, Questioning Their Faith, and Filled with Doubts About the Relevance of Catholicism in the Modern World, the Voice of One Man Cries Out to the World's Largest Faith Community With a Clarity That is Rare and Inspiring.

Rediscover Catholicism, takes us on an adventure of life-changing proportions. Beginning with our common yearning for happiness, Kelly reveals the essence of authentic Catholic spirituality while addressing some of the most important questions we face today both as individuals and as a Church.

Are you happy?

Are you living an authentic life?

Do you really think you will find happiness where you are looking?

How would you like your life to change?

What is God's dream for your life?

Why have so many people rejected Catholicism?

What does it mean to walk with God in the modern world?

Do the saints have anything to offer you?

Is Jesus still relevant?

Can the ancient traditions of Catholicism help us deal with the modern challenges of our lives?

In each generation a leader comes forth who is able to bring Christianity to life in a way that revitalizes individuals, communities, and the universal Church. Once you experience his bold, brilliant, practical, and inspiring style, you will soon understand why so many people consider Matthew Kelly to be one of the great spiritual voices of our times.

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Rediscover Catholicism: A Spiritual Guide to Living with Passion and Purpose

Rediscover Catholicism: A Spiritual Guide to Living with Passion and Purpose

by Matthew Kelly
Rediscover Catholicism: A Spiritual Guide to Living with Passion and Purpose

Rediscover Catholicism: A Spiritual Guide to Living with Passion and Purpose

by Matthew Kelly


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At a Time When Many Catholics are Disillusioned, Questioning Their Faith, and Filled with Doubts About the Relevance of Catholicism in the Modern World, the Voice of One Man Cries Out to the World's Largest Faith Community With a Clarity That is Rare and Inspiring.

Rediscover Catholicism, takes us on an adventure of life-changing proportions. Beginning with our common yearning for happiness, Kelly reveals the essence of authentic Catholic spirituality while addressing some of the most important questions we face today both as individuals and as a Church.

Are you happy?

Are you living an authentic life?

Do you really think you will find happiness where you are looking?

How would you like your life to change?

What is God's dream for your life?

Why have so many people rejected Catholicism?

What does it mean to walk with God in the modern world?

Do the saints have anything to offer you?

Is Jesus still relevant?

Can the ancient traditions of Catholicism help us deal with the modern challenges of our lives?

In each generation a leader comes forth who is able to bring Christianity to life in a way that revitalizes individuals, communities, and the universal Church. Once you experience his bold, brilliant, practical, and inspiring style, you will soon understand why so many people consider Matthew Kelly to be one of the great spiritual voices of our times.

Product Details

ISBN-13: 9780984131891
Publisher: Blue Sparrow
Publication date: 01/01/2011
Series: NA
Pages: 320
Sales rank: 206,601
Product dimensions: 5.80(w) x 8.30(h) x 1.10(d)

Table of Contents

Prologue: Imagine This... 13

Introduction: Where to From Here? 17

Part 1 We Become What We Celebrate 27

Chapter 1 Our Universal Hunger 29

Appearance vs. the Authentic

Why Has Christianity Been Rejected?

The Cry for Help

Chapter 2 The Prevailing Philosophy 35




Chapter 3 Is Jesus Still Relevant? 41

Our Quest for Happiness

God and Happiness

The Attitude of Christ

The Role of Discipline

Jesus in History

Chapter 4 Searching for Identity 49

The Mission

The Adventure of Salvation

Catholics Today

Catholicism Is a Lifestyle

Identity Crisis

Chapter 5 What are We Celebrating? 59

The Future of Catholicism

The Solution

Let the Celebration Begin

Part 2 The Authentic Life 67

Chapter 6 What is the Authentic Life? 69

Fostering the Inner Life

Modern Despair

Our Essential Purpose

What Is Holiness?

The- Best- Version- of- Yourself

Vatican II

The Great Depression

Chapter 7 The Path is Well Trodden 83

In Search of Excellence

The Saints

Common Objections

The Pedestal Syndrome

The Rejection of Discipline

Keeping the Goal in Sight

Chapter 8 Even a Blind Man Knows... 93

Francis of Assisi

Mother Teresa

John Vianney

Thomas More

John Paul II

Taking the Gospel Seriously

Chapter 9 What Sets Them Apart? 119

Singleness of Purpose

The Will of God

How Would You Like Your Life to Change?

Chapter 10 Their Attraction and Influence 129


Spiritual Friends and Loneliness

Foster This Spirit

Bright Lights

Chapter 11 Who Will Be Next? 135

To Whom Does the Future Belong?

Shame on Us

What Are You Willing to Give Your Life For?

Finding Your Place

Where Do We Start?

Part 3 The Seven Pillars of Catholic Spirituality 145

Chapter 12 Confession 149

Turning to God

I Am a Sinner

The Drama of Life

A Sacred Encounter

Common Objections

Behold the Beauty


A New Habit


The Touch of the Master's Hand

Chapter 13 Daily Prayer 175

Why Pray?

Thought Determines Action

The Classroom of Silence

Getting Started

Do I Have to Go to Church to Pray?

Begin Today

Cast Into the Deep

Chapter 14 The Mass 205

Prepare Yourself

Get Yourself a Mass Journal

A Quick Journey Through the Mass

Spiritual Game Changer

My Favorite Prayer

Beyond You & Me

Embrace the Gift

Chapter 15 The Bible 229

Where Did the Bible Come From?

Jesus: The Turning Point in Human History

Where Should You Start?

Beyond the Gospels

Stories, Questions and Prayers

77 Years

Chapter 16 Fasting 247

In Search of a Vision

Body and Soul

The Death of Discipline

Fasting in the Scriptures

The History of Christian Fasting

Lenten Fasting

Fasting and You

The Universe and You

Always a Means, Never an End

Where, When, and for How Long?

Chapter 17 Spiritual Reading 265

An Ancient Tradition

What Should We Read?

When, Where, and for How Long?

Adult Education

Keeping the Star in Sight

Chapter 18 The Rosary 270

Why Have We Abandoned the Rosary?


Growth in Virtue

Twenty Lessons

More Than One Way

The Real Objection


Part 4 Now Is Our Time 285

Chapter 19 Time for a Change 287

Are We Willing to Change?

What Should We Focus On?




Chapter 20 Leadership 309

Paralyzed by Fear


Bold Leadership

Servant Leadership

Chapter 21 Return to Virtue 317

The World Needs the Church

Something Wonderful is About to Happen

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