In a total departure from his first, highly acclaimed mystery, The Cop with the Pink Pistol, Basnight turns to historical fiction. Miss Francine is a 12-year-old house slave in Richmond, VA. As the only "inside" slave in the Pegram household, she shoulders much of the work. Still Francine is treated almost like a daughter by the childless mistress of the house when no one else is about. As the Civil War progresses, we see the gradual slide into privation and finally the evacuation of the city, while Francine is left behind by her mistress. Impossible though it seems, Francine survives this horrendous ordeal but at great cost to her person—and her dreams. VERDICT This meticulously researched novel covers a time period that is always of interest. Its only shortcoming is that the characters don't develop distinguishable voices. Fans of Civil War fiction will find the story compelling, but readers looking for a follow-up to Basnight's first book will have to wait.—Pamela O'Sullivan, Coll. at Brockport Lib., SUNY