Study Strategies for Early School Success: Seven Steps to Improve Your Learning
Study Strategies for Early School Success: Seven Steps to Improve Your Learning
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Study Strategies for Early School Success: Seven Steps to Improve Your Learning

Study Strategies for Early School Success: Seven Steps to Improve Your Learning

Study Strategies for Early School Success: Seven Steps to Improve Your Learning

Study Strategies for Early School Success: Seven Steps to Improve Your Learning


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Product Details

ISBN-13: 9781886941557
Publisher: Specialty Press/A.D.D. Warehouse
Publication date: 04/01/2003
Series: Seven Steps Family Guides
Pages: 146
Product dimensions: 8.50(w) x 11.00(h) x 0.40(d)
Age Range: 8 - 12 Years

Read an Excerpt

Study Strategies for Early School Success

Seven Steps to Improve Learning

By Sandi Sirotowitz, Leslie Davis, Harvey C. Parker, Wendy Thompson, Richard Dimatteo

Specialty Press, Inc.

Copyright © 2003 Leslie Davis Sandi Sirotowitz, and Harvey C. Parker
All rights reserved.
ISBN: 978-1-886941-55-7


Getting Organized to Succeed

We started this book with a chapter on organization because we think organization is very important for success in school.

Most students who do well have all the supplies they need to learn and work. They use notebooks and folders to store their work. They use a system to remember homework assignments. They usually have a favorite place at home to study and do homework. They keep their study place organized so that papers and books don't get lost or forgotten. They keep track of their grades and make sure important work is done first.

If you are organized you will be able to keep track of what you need to do. In this chapter we will tell you about five skills to help you stay organized. Each skill has one or more worksheets that you can complete so you can become SUPER ORGANIZED!

Organization Skills

1. Organizing your school supplies.

2. Organizing your school papers.

3. Organizing your bedroom or study area.

4. Keeping track of your grades in school.

5. Setting priorities to do your work.

Start by answering the questions on the next page to see how organized you are.

Are You Organized?

Answer these questions to see how organized you are. See if you and your parents (and/or teacher) agree!

Count the number of Almost Always responses.

My score is ________.

16-18 Yes! My organization is superior!

13-15 OK, my organization is average, but I can do better.

less than 15 Uh-oh - HELP me organize, please

Get Ready! Get Set! Get Shopping!

Look over this checklist of school supplies. Put a check in the box next to the supplies you need. Then go shopping!

School Supply Checklist


[] one three-ring notebook or one per subject

[] spiral notebooks, one per class

[] dividers with pockets, a different color for each class

[] case for highlighters, pens, pencils, etc.


[] student planning book

[] calendar with enough empty spaces to write in

[] electronic schedule and assignment keeper


[] Dictionary

[] Thesaurus

[] up-to-date atlas

[] access to an encyclopedia

[] library card


[] 3 X 5 or larger file box and ruled index cards

[] an accordion file folder with enough pockets for each class

[] crate to hold file folders for each class


[] pens, pencils, colored pencils, crayons, and erasers

[] pencil sharpener

[] ruler

[] markers

[] highlighters (yellow and at least one other color)

[] glue, rubber cement, tape

[] scissors

[] stapler and staples

[] hole punch

[] paper clips

[] rubber bands

[] correction fluid

[] reinforcers for notebook paper

Organize Your School Supplies

Did you buy your school supplies? Great! Now it is time to keep them neat and handy!

Start with your book bag (we like to "do the worst first." ) Empty your book bag (but be careful to stand back so nothing that falls out bites you). Now be brave and look through what you've just dumped out.


* * *

Choose one day every week to reorganize your bookbag or to sort papers in your notebooks or folders. This can be boring, but it is very important to get into the habit of organizing your work at least once each week. Make this promise to yourself.

I will clean out my book bag every (circle one day):

Sun Mon Tues Wed Thurs Fri Sat

Organize Your School Papers You Need Now

You can use a 3-ring binder or folders to keep your papers organized. Read the suggestions below to help you organize the papers you need now.

3-Ring Binder

Use a 3-ring binder, with dividers, one per subject. Label each divider by subject name.

Folders with Pockets

Use pocket folders. Use a different color for each subject, and write the subject on the outside.

• Use a separate pocket folder with 3-hole clasps for homework (see the illustration below). Label the inside left pocket, "TO DO" for homework papers that need to be done. Use the inside right pocket to keep an assignment agenda page or homework calendar.

• Also buy a plastic sleeve with 3-holes to put into the folder. You will put your completed homework into the sleeve to keep it neat and clean and ready to turn in.

Organize Your Old School Papers You Will Need Later

There are some papers, like old tests, you will want to save to use later and some papers that you can throw away. Follow these six steps:

1. Separate your papers into two piles — TRASH and SAVE.

2. To Trash: doodlings, notes from friends, old homework papers, etc.

3. To Save: old tests with questions and answers written on them, class notes, important handouts.

4. Get manila file folders. Label them by subject and store them in a file drawer or plastic crate.

5. Write the subject, date, and page or chapter number on the top of each paper you file. When you are ready to study for a test, you will have an easy time reviewing old, but still important notes and tests.

6. It is important to get into the habit of filing your saved work every day.

Organizing Your Bedroom

Many kids do homework in their bedroom or they keep their school supplies in their bedroom. Check to see how neat your bedroom is. Walk into your bedroom and check the floor, the bed, your desk, bookcase, and closet. Rate from 0 (worst) to 4 (best) how neat and organized each area of your room is.

Set aside one day each week to straighten up your bedroom.

I will straighten up my bedroom every (circle one day):

Sun Mon Tues Wed Thurs Fri Sat

Picture Perfect Bedroom

Draw a picture of your bedroom as it looks right now or take pictures of your room and paste it on this page. Circle any clutter in your picture (on your desk, on the floor, in your closet, etc).

Draw a picture of your bedroom after you have organized it or take pictures of your room after it has been organized and paste the pictures on this page. Compare this neater room with the "before" picture above. Do you see a difference? Congratulations for creating the picture perfect bedroom.

Get Energized to Organize

Some people organize every day. They throw out things they don't need, put things away, and straighten up. Other people organize only when the mood strikes them. Here are some tips to stay organized.

1. When the mood to organize strikes you — ACT!

Jamie came home from visiting her friend Sue and decided to clean the clutter in her room. She noticed how neat Sue's bedroom was. Jamie started by picking up the clothes on the floor and putting them away. She tackled her desk drawers next, filling up three wastebaskets with unwanted pens, papers, tapes, etc. Next came her closet.

Describe a time when you were in a mood to organize and tell what you did.




2. Take advantage of opportunities to stay organized.

• When you hang up a shirt, put two or three other things away.

• When you file a school paper, check to see if other papers need to be filed.

• If you open your desk drawer to find a pen, take a moment to clean out anything from the drawer you don't need.

• Before leaving, scan your room for cups, glasses, pizza, etc. to take away.

Write some other ways to take advantage of opportunities to get organized.




3. Find a cleanup coach — a friend, parent, brother or sister who is willing to help you or keep you company while you organize.

Who did you choose as a clean-up coach?_______________

What ideas did your coach give you that were helpful?




4. Do a 10-Minute Pickup.

Set a timer for 10 minutes and pick up all the clutter in your room that you can before the timer goes off. Challenge your brother or sister to a 10-minute pickup race to see who can clean up the most. What were you able to pick up in 10 minutes?




Desktop Disaster

Do you have enough space to work at your desk, or is your desk cluttered with stuff? Unclutter this disastrous desk by crossing out all the items you would not need for homework and study.

Think about how your desk looks at home. List the things you could put away (or throw away) and that you don't need to have on your desk.




Grade Tracking

Don't be surprised by grades. Whenever you get a grade, write it on the chart like the one below. Look over your chart every week to see where you might need to improve.

Copy the Grade Chart that you will find on the next page and hang the chart on your refrigerator or in your room.

This page may be copied for your personal use.

Doing Your Work — 1, 2, 3 ...

When you have a lot of things to do, decide on the order in which to do them. Check the order in which you do your homework. You can check more than one description.

____ I do the homework I like first and the homework I dislike last.

_____I do the most important homework first and the least important homework last.

____ I do what is due first.

____ I do the shortest or easiest homework first and the longest or hardest homework last.

____ I do the longest or hardest homework first and the shortest or easiest homework last.

____ I don't really have any set way I work. I do my homework in any order.

Do this exercise:

Read the following list and write each job on the "do list" called "Get It Done Today" found on the next page. Write the job in the order you would choose to do it.

— watch t.v.

— math-page 72, problems 1-15

— study for tomorrow's spelling test

— work on next week's book report

— science book-read chapter 5, questions 1-5 page 32

Have a plan:

Look at the assignments you wrote today in your homework planner. Think of which assignment you would like to do first. Write it on the "GET IT DONE TODAY" chart on the page 16.

1. write the homework on the chart in the order you will do it

2. as you complete each assignment, color in the star

3. when everything is complete you will be the brightest star

Get It Done Today!

Date: _________________

Color star
Assignment when completed

1.____________________________________________ *

2.____________________________________________ *

3.____________________________________________ *

4.____________________________________________ *

5.____________________________________________ *

6.____________________________________________ *

7.____________________________________________ *

8.____________________________________________ *


* * *

After you know how to plan, use this shortcut. Use your homework planner to prioritize your work by writing "1" next to the assignment to be done first, "2" next to the one to be done second and so forth.

Get It Done Today!

Date: _________________

Color star
Assignment when completed

1.____________________________________________ *

2.____________________________________________ *

3.____________________________________________ *

4.____________________________________________ *

5.____________________________________________ *

6.____________________________________________ *

7.____________________________________________ *

8.____________________________________________ *


* * *

After you know how to plan, use this shortcut. Use your homework planner to prioritize your work by writing "1" next to the assignment to be done first, "2" next to the one to be done second and so forth.

This page may be copied for your personal use.

Be the Best That You Can Be!

Read each sentence below and check the box that shows the real you.

Look over your answers. Write down any behaviors you checked "Almost Never" or "Sometimes" and choose one to improve each week.





Seven Steps to Homework Success

Homework experts have found that there are seven simple steps you need to follow to complete homework successfully. In this chapter we will give you some ideas and worksheets to help you learn and practice these steps.

Step 1 Write down the assignment given by the teacher and bring home the proper books and supplies.

Step 2 Choose a good time and place in which to complete your homework.

Step 3 Start each homework assignment by reading directions and following them carefully.

Step 4 Plan how to manage difficult or long-term assignments.

Step 5 Find ways to pay attention — especially when you get bored.

Step 6 Double-check your work to make certain it is accurate and complete.

Step 7 Return the homework to school and turn it in when it is due.

Start this chapter by completing the homework self- check on the next page.

Homework Self-Check

The seven steps to homework success are written below as a checklist. Read each step and check the category ("Always or Usually", "Sometimes", or "Hardly Ever") which best describes how you do your homework.

1. I write my homework assignments down every day and bring home everything I need to do my work.

2. When I can, I do my homework in the same place and at around the same time each day.

3. I start each homework assignment by first reading the directions carefully.

4. If I have a problem with an assignment, I know how to get help.

5. I know what to do to stay focused on my homework, and I take breaks when I need them.

6. I double-check my work to make sure it has been done correctly and completely.

7. Before leaving for school in the morning, I check to make sure I have my homework, and I turn it in to the teacher when it is due.

Which steps do you always or usually do? __ __ __ ____ __ __

Which steps do you sometimes do? __ __ __ __ __ __ __

Which steps do you hardly ever do? __ __ __ __ __ __ __

Using a Homework Planner Today's Homework

Step 1

Suggestions for using Today's Homework chart:

1. Write down all assignments and the dates they are due.

2. Check off each supply you need to take home.

3. Before leaving class at the end of the day put all the supplies you need in your book bag.

4. Decide the order of how you plan to do the assignments. Put the number in the "Priority" column.


* * *

Get into the habit of using your homework planner every day. You can make copies of our planner (on the next page) or use a store-bought planner or one your school provides. Most planners are alike. They all work — if you use them.

Monthly Planner

A monthly planner will help you keep track of important dates. Record important dates such as when tests will be given, when projects are due, field trips, etc.

Step 1

Getting Homework When You Are Absent

Start a Study Buddy Club!

Members give each other their phone numbers or e-mail addresses.

When a member is absent, he or she calls a name on the Study Buddy Club list to find out what is due.

Each member promises to know what went on in class and when work is due.

Use this chart to write down the names and contact information of your study buddies.

Study Buddy Club Membership List

Phone Numbers/e-mail

___________________ _______________________

___________________ _______________________

___________________ _______________________


* * *

Check to see if your school uses a homework hotline either by phone or internet.

Hotline phone #__________________

Internet address __________________

Step 2

Where, When, and How Do You Do Your Best Work?

We all have different learning styles. Some people need absolute quiet around them when they read or study. Others are not bothered by noise. Music or the television playing in the background may even help them concentrate. Some kids like to do their homework in their bedroom, either at a desk or while lying in bed. Others prefer the kitchen or family room. What works best for you?

1. In which room of your house do you prefer to do homework?_______________________

2. Do you do homework in the same place almost every day?_______

3. When is the best time for you to study or do homework? a. morning b. right after school c. after dinner

4. Do you sit at a table or desk? _______ Do you prefer to lie in bed or sit on the floor when doing homework?_______

5. Do you like it quiet when you do homework or study? ______

6. Does it distract you to have music playing or the television turned on?_ Do you like it when there is noise in the background as you do homework or study?______

7. Do you usually know exactly what assignments you have to do?_______

8. If you get tired when studying, what do you do?______________________

9. If you need help, what do you do?

10. Is there anything you could think of that would help you study better?

Step 2

The Learning Station(tm)

We want to introduce you to the Learning Station™. The Learning Station™ has been developed as a system to help you organize homework tasks, work, maintain interest, and improve self-management.


Excerpted from Study Strategies for Early School Success by Sandi Sirotowitz, Leslie Davis, Harvey C. Parker, Wendy Thompson, Richard Dimatteo. Copyright © 2003 Leslie Davis Sandi Sirotowitz, and Harvey C. Parker. Excerpted by permission of Specialty Press, Inc..
All rights reserved. No part of this excerpt may be reproduced or reprinted without permission in writing from the publisher.
Excerpts are provided by Dial-A-Book Inc. solely for the personal use of visitors to this web site.

Table of Contents


1 Getting Organized to Succeed,
2 Seven Steps to Homework Success,
3 Reading for Meaning,
4 Organizing Written Reports,
5 Giving Oral Presentations,
6 Learning Style, Memory, and Attention,
7 Taking Tests,
Internet Homework Resources,
Answer Key,
Forms You May Copy,

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