William Kennedy
Tailspin is an intriguing mix of fictional method and dazzling fact, a key perhaps-coda most certainly-to one of America's most publicized murders of the 20th century. Bernard Conners again brings his FBI sleuthing expertise to bear on the did-he-or-didn't-he story of James Call, an Air Force major, a career criminal, a Jekyll and Hyde charmer, and the result is a true crime non-fiction novel of high order.
Robert Danzig
Bernie's books bind! They lock you in and say, 'Don't you dare put me down until the very last word of the very last page.' You are guaranteed a compelling read.
Robert Danzig, Author and Speaker, Former Vice President and General Manager of Hearst Newspapers
James Brady
The strange, unsettling story of an American war hero gone bad. If this were a novel you'd be tempted to protest the twists and turns as fictional excess. But Conners is telling the story of an actual person, Major James Call, gifted, charming, lethal, doomed.
James Brady, author of The Marines of Autumn and Warning of War
Joseph E. Persico
What a read! Brilliant. Riveting to the last page.
Joseph E. Persico
Author of My American Journey (a collaboration with Colin Powell) and Roosevelt's Secret War
Louis J. Freeh
A well-written and researched book, Tailspin reads with the excitement and detail of a fast-moving case. Mr. Conners' work is a fitting tribute to the heroic and able efforts of the men and women of the New York State Police.
Louis J. Freeh, Former Director, FBI
George A. Plimpton
Tailspin is an astonishing work that is not only riveting to read but casts new light on one of the more notorious murder cases of the last century. Conners' years spent researching his subject is time well spent for his reputation as a writer. Tailspin offers a startling solution to a crime that has puzzled the nation for fifty years.