The 1776 Report
The 1776 Report is the official report of The President's Advisory 1776 Commission. Submitted to the President and released as a public document on January 18, 2021, the report explains the core principles of the American founding and how they have shaped American history, considers the leading challenges to these principles at home and abroad, and calls on all Americans to “restore our national unity by rekindling a brave and honest love for our country and by raising new generations of citizens who not only know the self-evident truths of our founding, but act worthy of them.” This edition features the original text with the addition of notes and commentary by Chair Larry P. Arnn, Vice Chair Carol Swain, and Executive Director Matthew Spalding.

The 1776 Report
The 1776 Report is the official report of The President's Advisory 1776 Commission. Submitted to the President and released as a public document on January 18, 2021, the report explains the core principles of the American founding and how they have shaped American history, considers the leading challenges to these principles at home and abroad, and calls on all Americans to “restore our national unity by rekindling a brave and honest love for our country and by raising new generations of citizens who not only know the self-evident truths of our founding, but act worthy of them.” This edition features the original text with the addition of notes and commentary by Chair Larry P. Arnn, Vice Chair Carol Swain, and Executive Director Matthew Spalding.

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The 1776 Report is the official report of The President's Advisory 1776 Commission. Submitted to the President and released as a public document on January 18, 2021, the report explains the core principles of the American founding and how they have shaped American history, considers the leading challenges to these principles at home and abroad, and calls on all Americans to “restore our national unity by rekindling a brave and honest love for our country and by raising new generations of citizens who not only know the self-evident truths of our founding, but act worthy of them.” This edition features the original text with the addition of notes and commentary by Chair Larry P. Arnn, Vice Chair Carol Swain, and Executive Director Matthew Spalding.

Product Details

ISBN-13: 9781641772211
Publisher: Encounter Books
Publication date: 03/30/2021
Pages: 128
Sales rank: 553,677
Product dimensions: 5.50(w) x 8.50(h) x (d)
Age Range: 18 Years

About the Author

Larry P. Arnn is the president of Hillsdale College, where he is also a professor of politics and history.

Carol Swain is a former professor of political science at Princeton and Vanderbilt Universityies, and a former professor of law at Vanderbilt Law School.

Matthew Spalding is the Kirby Professor in Constitutional Government and the Dean of the Van Andel Graduate School of Government at Hillsdale College's Washington, D.C., campus.

Table of Contents

Preface ix

The 1776 Report

I Introduction 1

II The Meaning of the Declaration 5

III A Constitution of Principles 15

IV Challenges to America's Principles 26

Slavery 27

Progressivism 34

Fascism 36

Communism 38

Racism and Identity Politics 40

V The Task of National Renewal 44

The Role of the Family 45

Teaching America 46

A Scholarship of Freedom 48

The American Mind 50

Reverence for the Laws 51

VI Conclusion 54

Appendix I The Declaration of Independence 57

Appendix II Faith and America's Principles 64

Appendix III Created Equal or Identity Politics? 76

Appendix IV Teaching Americans About Their Country 87

Endnotes 103

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