Broadview Anthology of Literature of the Revolutionary Period 1770-1832 / Edition 1

Broadview Anthology of Literature of the Revolutionary Period 1770-1832 / Edition 1

by D.L. Macdonald
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Broadview Anthology of Literature of the Revolutionary Period 1770-1832 / Edition 1

Broadview Anthology of Literature of the Revolutionary Period 1770-1832 / Edition 1

by D.L. Macdonald
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The selections from 132 authors in this anthology represent gender, social class, and racial and national origin as inclusively as possible, providing both greater context for canonical works and a sense of the era’s richness and diversity. In terms of genre, poetry, non-fiction prose, philosophy, educational writing, and prose fiction are included. Geographically, America, Canada, Australia, India, and Africa are represented along with Britain, emphasizing Romantic literature as a world literature. Biographical headnotes, explanatory footnotes, and an extensive bibliography clarify and illuminate the texts for readers.

Product Details

ISBN-13: 2901551110515
Publication date: 03/04/2010
Pages: 1608
Product dimensions: 7.70(w) x 9.20(h) x 1.90(d)

About the Author

D.L. Macdonald (1955-2010) was Professor of English at the University of Calgary, author of Poor Polidori (1991) and Monk Lewis: A Critical Biography (2000), and the co-editor with Kathleen Scherf of the Broadview Editions of Mary Shelley’s Frankenstein, Mary Wollstonecraft’s The Vindications, Matthew Gregory Lewis’s The Monk, and John William Polidori’s The Vampyre and Ernestus Berchtold.

Anne McWhir is Professor of English at the University of Calgary and the editor of the Broadview edition of Mary Shelley’s The Last Man.

Table of Contents



  • from Two Tracts: Information to Those Who Would Remove to America. And, Remarks Concerning the Savages of North America (1784)
    • Remarks Concerning the Savages of North-America

RICHARD PRICE (1723 — 1791)

  • from A Discourse on the Love of our Country, delivered on Nov. 4, 1789, at the Meeting-House in the Old Jewry, to the Society for Commemorating the Revolution in Great Britain (1789)


  • from Seven Discourses Delivered in the Royal Academy by the President (1778)
    • from A Discourse, Delivered to the Students of the Royal Academy, on the Distribution of the Prizes, December 10, 1776, by the President [DISCOURSE 7]

CLARA REEVE (1729 — 1807)

  • from The Progress of Romance, through Times, Countries, and Manners; with Remarks on the Good and Bad Effects of It, on Them Respectively; in a Course of Evening Conversations (1785)
    from Evening 7

EDMUND BURKE (1729? — 1797)

  • from Reflections on the Revolution in France, and on the Proceedings in Certain Societies in London Relative to That Event. In a Letter Intended to Have Been Sent to a Gentleman in Paris (1790)
    A Letter from the Right Honourable Edmund Burke to a Noble Lord, on the Attacks Made Upon Him and His Pension, in the House of Lords, by the Duke of Bedford and the Earl of Lauderdale, Early in the Present Sessions of Parliament (1796)

IGNATIUS SANCHO (1729? — 17 80)

  • from Letters of the Late Ignatius Sancho, an African. To Which are Prefixed Memoirs of his Life, by Joseph Jekyll, Esq. M.P. 5th ed. (1803)
    • LETTER 36, To Mr. Sterne

JOHN SCOTT (1730 — 1783)

  • from Poetical Works (1782)
    • Ode 13 [“I hate that drum’s discordant sound”]

OLIVER GOLDSMITH (1730? — 1774)

  • The Deserted Village, A Poem (1770)


  • from Letters on Education, with Observations on Religious and Metaphysical Subjects (1790)
    • PART 1, LETTER 24

WILLIAM COWPER (1731 — 1800)

  • from The Task, A Poem, in Six Books (1785)
    • from BOOK 2, The Time-Piece
  • from The Works of William Cowper, Esq. comprising his Poems, Correspondence, and Translations, ed. Robert Southey (1837)
    • The Negro’s Complaint
      Sweet Meat Has Sour Sauce: or, The Slave-Trader in the Dumps
  • from Life, and Posthumous Writings of William Cowper, ed. William Hayley (1803)
    • Sonnet, to William Wilberforce, Esq.
      The Cast-Away

ERASMUS DARWIN (1731 — 1802)

  • from The Temple of Nature; or, The Origin of Society: A Poem. With Philosophical Notes (1803)
    • from CANTO 4, Of Good and Evil

JOHN ADAMS (1734 — 1826) and ABIGAIL ADAMS (1744 — 1818)

  • Letters
    • Abigail Adams to John Adams, 31 March 1776
      John Adams to Abigail Adams, 14 April 1776


  • from Letters from an American Farmer (1782)
    • from LETTER 12, Distresses of a Frontier Man

THOMAS PAINE (1737 — 1809)

  • from The Age of Reason; Being an Investigation of True and Fabulous Theology (1794)

CHARLOTTE BROOKE (1740 — 1793)

  • from Reliques of Irish Poetry: Consisting of Heroic Poems, Odes, Elegies, and Songs, Translated into English Verse: with Notes Explanatory and Historical; and the Originals in the Irish Character. To Which is Subjoined an Irish Tale (1789)
    • The Lamentation of Cucullin, over the Body of his Son Conloch
      Song. For Mable Kelly. By Carolan

ANNA SEWARD (1742 — 1809)

  • from Llangollen Vale, with Other Poems (1796)
    • Eyam
      To Time Past. Written Dec. 1772
  • from Original Sonnets on Various Subjects; and Odes Paraphrased from Horace (1799)
    • Sonnet 10. To Honora Sneyd
      Sonnet 71. To the Poppy

HANNAH COWLEY (1743 — 1809)

  • from the World, Fashionable Advertiser (10 July 1787)
    • To Della Crusca. The Pen
  • from the World (22 December 1787)
    • To Della Crusca

THOMAS JEFFERSON (1743 — 1826)

  • In Congress, July 4, 1776, A Declaration by the Representatives of the United States of America, in Congress Assembled


  • from Poems (1773)
    • The Mouse’s Petition, Found in the Trap Where He Had Been C onfin’d All Night A Summer Evening’s Meditation
  • An Address to the Opposers of the Repeal of the Corporation and Test Acts (1790) Epistle to William Wilberforce, Esq. on the Rejection of the Bill for Abolishing the Slave-Trade (1791) from the Monthly Magazine 4 (July—December 1797)
    • Washing-Day
  • from the Monthly Magazine 7 (January—June 1799)
    • To Mr. C——ge
  • Eighteen Hundred and Eleven, A Poem (1812)
    from The Works of Anna Laetitia Barbauld. With A Memoir by Lucy Aikin (1825)
    • The Rights of Woman
      Inscription for an Ice-House
      To the Poor
      To a Little Invisible Being Who Is Expected Soon to Become Visible
      The First Fire. October 1st, 1815

HANNAH MORE (1745 — 1833)

  • Slavery, A Poem (1788)
    Village Politics. Addressed to All the Mechanics, Journeymen, and Day Labourers, in Great Britain. By Will Chip, a Country Carpenter (1792)
    • A Dialogue between Jack Anvil the Blacksmith, and Tom Hod the Mason
  • from Cheap Repository Tracts (1795)
    • Patient Joe; or, the Newcastle Collier
  • from Strictures on the Modern System of Female Education. With a View of the Principles and Conduct Prevalent among Women of Rank and Fortune (1799)
    • CHAPTER 4

THOMAS BELLAMY (1745 — 1800)

  • The Benevolent Planters: A Dramatic Piece as performed at the Theatre Royal, Haymarket (1789)

SAMUEL HEARNE (1745 — 1792)

  • from A Journey from Prince of Wales’s Fort in Hudson’s Bay to the Northern Ocean (1795)
    • from CHAPTER 4
      from CHAPTER 5
      from CHAPTRE 9

OLAUDAH EQUIANO (1745? — 1797)

  • from The Interesting Narrative of the Life of Olaudah Equiano, or Gustavus Vassa, the African. Written by Himself (1789)
    • CHAPTER 2

ELIZABETH HANDS (1746? — 18 15)

  • from The Death of Amnon. A Poem. With an Appendix: Containing Pastorals, and Other Poetical Pieces (1789)
    • A Poem, On the Supposition of an Advertisement Appearing in a Morning Paper, of the Publication of a Volume of Poems, by a Servant Maid
      A Poem, On the Supposition of the Book Having Been Published and Read
      Written, Originally Extempore, on Seeing a Mad Heifer Run through the Village Where the Author Lives

SUSANNA BLAMIRE (1747 — 1794)

  • from The Poetical Works of Miss Susanna Blamire, “The Muse of Cumberland” (1842)
    • from Stoklewath Or, The Cumbrian Village

CHARLOTTE SMITH (1749 — 1806)

  • from Elegiac Son nets. Third Edition, with Twenty Additional Sonnets (1786)
    • 1. [“The partial Muse, has from my earliest hours”]
      3. To a nightingale
      4. To the moon
      7. On the departure of the nightingale
      17. From the th irteenth cantata of Metasta sio
      21. Supposed to be written by Werter
      24. By the same
      25. By the same. Just before his death
      27. [“Sighing I see yon little troop at play”]
      32. To Melancholy. Written on the banks of the Arun, October, 1785
      35. To fortitude
  • from Elegiac Sonnets, by Charlotte Smith. The Fifth Edition, with Additional Sonnets and Other Poems (1789)
    • 44. Written in the Church Yard at M iddleton in Sussex
  • from Elegiac Sonnets. The Sixth Edition, with Additional Sonnets and Other Poems (1792)
    • Thirty-Eight. Address’d to M rs. H——Y
  • The Emigrants, A Poem, in Two Books (1793)
    • To William Cowper, Esq.
      BOOK 1
      BOOK 2


  • from Excursions in North America, Described in Letters from a Gentleman and his Young Companion, to Their Friends in England (1806)
    • LETTER 32, Mr. Henry Franklin to Edwin Middleton

LADY ANNE LINDSAY (1750 — 1825)

  • Auld Robin Gray; A Ballad, ed. Sir Walter Scott (1825)

CATHERINE ANN DORSET (1750? — 1817?)

  • from The Peacock at Home; and Other Poems (1809)
    • The Spider

THOMAS CARY (1751 — 1823)

  • from Abram’s Plains: A Poem (1789)

PHILIP FRENEAU (1752 — 1832)

  • from Poems Written between the Years 1768 & 1794 (1795)
    • The Indian Burying-Ground
      The Wild Honey Suckle
      George the Third’s Soliloquy
      To Sir Toby, a Sugar-Planter in the Interior Parts of Jamaica

FRANCES BURNEY (1752 — 1840)

  • from The Journals and Letters of Fanny Burney (M adame d’Arblay), ed. Joyce Hemlow et al. (1975)
    • from Letter to Esther Burney, 22 March—June 1812


  • from Poems, Supposed to Have Been Written at Bristol, by Thomas Rowley, and Others, in the Fifteenth Century; The Greatest Part Now First Published from the Most Authentic Copies, with an Engraved Specimen of One of the MSS. (1777)
    The Storie of William Canynge
    On Happienesse, by William Canynge
  • from A Supplement to the Miscellanies of Thomas Chatterton (1784)
    • Heccar and Gaira. An African Eclogue Jan. 3, 1770
  • from William Barrett, The History and Antiquities of the City of Bristol (1789)
    • The Warre


  • from The British Theatre (1806—09)
    • On De Monfort; a Tragedy, in Five Acts; by Joanna Baillie, as Performed at the Theatre Royal, Drury Lane
      On Lovers’ Vows; A Play in Five Acts; Altered from the German of Kotzebue, by M rs. Inchbald. As Performed at the Theatre Royal, Covent-Garden

PHILLIS WHEATLEY (c. 1753 — 1784)

  • from Poems on Various Subjects, Religious and Moral. By Phillis Wheatley, Negro Servant to Mr. John Wheatley of Boston, in New England (1773)
    • On Being Brought from Africa to America
      On the Death of the Rev. Mr. George Whitefield. 1770
      To the Right Honourable William, Earl of Dartmouth, His Majesty’s Principal Secretary of State for North America, &c.
      To S.M. a Young African Painter, on Seeing His Works

ANN YEARSLEY (c. 1753 — 1806)

  • from Poems, on Several Occasions. By Ann Yearsley, a Milkwoman of Bristol (1785)
    • To the Same [Stella]; on Her Accusing the Author of Flattery, and of Ascribing to the Creature That Praise Which Is Due Only to the Creator
      On Mrs. Montagu
  • Reflections on the Death of Louis XVI (1793) from The Rural Lyre; A Volume of Poems: Dedicated to the Right Honourable the Earl of Bristol, Lord Bishop of Derry (1796)
    • To Mira, on the Care of Her Infant

JOEL BARLOW (1754 — 1812)

  • from The Hasty-Pudding: A Poem, in Three Cantos. Written at Chambery, in Savoy, Jan. 1793
    • (1793) CANTO 1
    from the Huntington Library Quarterly 2 (1938—39)
    • Advice to a Raven in Russia. December, 1812

GEORGE CRABBE (1754 — 1832)

  • from The Borough: A Poem in Twenty-four Letters (1810)
    • LETTER 22, The Poor of the Borough. Peter Grimes

ANNE GRANT (1755 — 1838)

  • from The Highlanders, and Other Poems, 2nd ed. (1808)
    • A Familiar Epistle to a Friend. Written in 1795

ROBERT MERRY (1755 — 1798)

  • from the British Album (1790)
    • The Adieu and Recall to Love
      To Anna Matilda
      The Interview

WILLIAM GODWIN (1756 — 1836)

  • from An Enquiry Concerning Political Justice, and Its Influence on General Virtue and Happiness (1793)
    • from BOOK 2, Principles of Society, from CHAPTER 2, Of Justice
      from BOOK 8, Of Property, from CHAPTER 8, Of the Means of Introducing the Genuine System of Property
  • from Memoirs of the Author of A Vindication of the Rights of Woman (1798)
    • from CHAPTER 6, 1790—1792
      from CHAPTER 9, 1796, 1797
      from CHAPTER 10


  • The Passage of the Mountain of Saint Gothard. A Poem (1802)

WILLIAM BLAKE (1757 — 1827)

  • from Songs of Innocence (1789)
    • Introduction
      The Ecchoing Green
      The Lamb
      The Little Black Boy
      A Dream
      The Chimney Sweeper
      The Divine Image
      Holy Thursday
      Nurse’s Song
      Infant Joy
  • The Marriage of Heaven and Hell (1793)
    Visions of the Daughters of Albion (1793)
    America a Prophecy (1793)
    from Songs of Innocence and of E xperience, Shewing the Two Contrary States of the Human Soul (1794)
    • from Songs of Experience
      • Introduction
        Earth’s Answer
        The Clod & the Pebble
        Holy Thursday
        The Little Girl Lost
        The Little Girl Found
        The Chimney Sweeper
        The Sick Rose
        The Fly
        The Tyger
        My Pretty Rose Tree
        Ah! Sun-Flower
        The Garden of Love
        The Human Abstract
        Infant Sorrow
        A Poison Tree
    • from Milton (1800—08)
      • Preface
    • from The Pickering Manuscript
      • The Mental Traveller
        The Crystal Cabinet
        Auguries of Innocence
    • Marginalia
      • from Annotations to the Works of Sir Joshua Reynolds (1798)
        Annotations to Wordsworth’s Preface to The Excursion, being a portion of The Recluse, A Poem (1814)
        from Annotations to Thornton’s The Lord’s Prayer, Newly Translated (1827)
    • Letters
      • [To] Revd Dr Trusler, 23 August 1799
        To Thomas Butts, 22 November 1802

HARRIET LEE (1757 — 1851)

  • from Canterbury Tales (1795—1805)
    • The Old Woman’s Tale. Lothaire: A Legend

OTTOBAH CUGOANO (c. 1757 — c. 1801)

  • from Thoughts and Sentiments on the Evil and Wicked Traffic of the Slavery and Commerce of the Human Species, Humbly Submitted to the Inhabitants of Great-Britain (1787)

MARY ROBINSON (1758 — 1800)

  • from Poems (1791)
    • Ode to Beauty
  • from the Morning Post (29 January 1795)
    • January, 1795
  • Sappho and Phaon. In a Series of Legitimate Sonnets, with Thoughts on Poetica l Subjects, and Anecdotes of the Grecian Poetess (1796)
  • from Lyrical Tales (1800)
    • The Haunted Beach
    • The Negro Girl
    • The Alien Boy
  • from the Morning Post (1 August 1800)
    • The Camp
  • from The Wild Wreath (1804)
    • A London Summer Morning
    • The Poet’s Garret
  • from The Poetical Works of the Late Mrs. Mary Robinson (1806)
    • To the Poet Coleridge
      The Savage of Aveyron
      The Birth-Day
      The Wintry Day
      The Old Beggar

HENRIETTA O’NEILL (1758 — 1793)

  • from Desmond. A Novel. By Charlotte Smith (1792)
    • Ode to the Poppy

ROBERT BURNS (1759 — 1796)

  • from Poems, Chiefly in the Scottish Dialect (1786)
    • To a Mouse, On turning her up in her Nest, with the Plough, November, 1785
      To A Mountain-Daisy, On turning one down, with the Plough, in April—1786
      To A Louse, On Seeing one on a Lady’s Bonnet, at Church
  • from Poems, Chiefly in the Scottish Dialect (1787)
    • John Barleycorn. A Ballad
  • from Francis Grose, The Antiquities of Scotland (1791)
    • Tam O’Shanter. A Tale
  • from Holy Willie’s Prayer, Letter to John Goudie, Kilmarnock, and Six Favourite Songs (1799)
    • Holy Willie’s Prayer
      A Man’s a Man, for a’ That: A Song
  • from The Scots Musical Museum (1787—1803)
    • Ae Fond Kiss, And Then We Sever
      A Red, Red Rose
      Comin’ thro’ the Rye
  • from The Poems and Songs of Robert Burns, ed. James Kinsley (1968)
    • Auld Lang Syne
      The Rights of Woman—Spoken by Miss Fontenelle on her benefit night, November 26, 1792
      Robert Bruce’s March to Bannockburn


  • from A Vindication of the Rights of Men, in a Letter to the Right Honourable Edmund Burke;
    Occasioned by his Reflections on the Revolution in France
    from A Vindication of the Rights of Woman (1792)
    • Dedication, To M. Talleyrand-Périgord, Late Bishop Of Autun
      CHAPTER 2, The Prevailing Opinion of a Sexual Character Discussed
      CHAPTER 3, The Same Subject Continued
      CHAPTER 4, Observations on the State of Degradation to Which Woman Is Reduced by Various Causes
      from CHAPTER 13, Some Instances of the Folly W hich the Ignorance of Women Generates; with Concluding Reflections on the Moral Improvement That a Revolution in Female Manners Might Naturally Be Expected to Produce, Section 2
  • from Letters Written During a Short Residence in Sweden, Norway, and Denmark (1796)
      LETTER 1
      LETTER 6
      LETTER 7
      LETTER 8
      LETTER 15
  • from Posthumous Works of the Author of A Vindication of the Rights of Woman (1798)
    • from The Wrongs of Woman: or Maria. A Fragment, CHAPTER 5
      On Poetry, and Our Relish for the Beauties of Nature
  • Letters
    • To Joseph Johnson, 26 December 1792
      To Gilbert Imlay, 19 August 1794
      To Gilbert Imlay, 9 February 1795
      To Gilbert Imlay, c. March 1796
      To William Godwin, 17 August 1796
      To William Godwin, 17 August 1796

HELEN LEIGH (fl. 1788)

  • from Miscellaneous Poems (1788)
    • The Natural Child

MARIA LOGAN (fl. 1793)

  • from Poems on Several Occasions. 2nd ed. (1793)
    • To Opium
      Verses On Hearing That an Airy and Pleasant Situation, near a Populous and Commercial Town, Was Surrounded with New Buildings

JANET LITTLE (1759 — 1813)

  • from The Poetical Works of Janet Little, the Scotch Milkmaid (1792)
    • Given to a Lady Who Asked Me to Write A Poem

RICHARD POLWHELE (1760 — 1838)

  • The Unsex’d Females: A Poem (1798)

THOMAS CLARKSON (1760 — 1846)

  • from An Essay on the Slavery and Commerce of the Human Species, particularly the African , translated from a Latin Dissertation, which was honoured with the First Prize in the University of Cambridge for the Year 1785 (1786)
    • from PART 3, The Slavery of the Africans in the European Colonies, CHAPTER 1
  • from The History of the Rise, Progress and Accomplishment of the Abolition of the African Slave-trade, by the British Parliament (1808)
    • Illustration of a Slave Ship

MARY HAYS (1760 — 1843)

  • from Appeal to the Men of Great Britain in Behalf of Women (1798)
    • What Women Are


  • from Letters Written in France, in the Summer 1790, to a Friend in England; Containing, Various Anecdotes Relative to the French Revolution; and Memoirs of Mons. and Madame du F—— (1790)
    • LETTER 4
      LETTER 11
  • A Farewell, for Two Years, to England. A Poem (1791)
    from Poems on Various Subjects. W ith Introductory Remarks on the Present State of Science and Literature in France (1823)
    • To Sensibility
      Sonnet: To the Torrid Zone

JOANNA BAILLIE (1762 — 1851)

  • from Poems; Wherein It Is Attempted to Describe Certain Views of Nature and of Rustic Manners; and also, To Point Out, in Some Instances, the Different Influence Which the Same Circumstances Produce on Different Characters (1790)
    • A Winter Day
      A Mother to Her Waking Infant
      A Child to his Sick Grand-Father
  • from A Series of Plays: In Which it Is Attempted to Delineate the Stronger Passions of the Mind. Each Passion being the Subject of a Tragedy and a Comedy (1798)
    • from Introductory Discourse
      De Monfort
  • from Fugitive Verses (1840)
    • Thunder
      Song, Woo’d and Married and A’


  • from Fourteen Sonnets, Elegiac and Descriptive. Written During a Tour (1789)
    • To the River Itchin, Near Winton
      On Dover Cliffs. July 20, 1787

WILLIAM COBBETT (1763 — 1835)

  • from Political Register (11 December 1813)
    • from To Mr. Alderman Wood, On the Subject of Teaching the Children of the Poor to Read
      • LETTER 1
    • from Cobbett’s Weekly Register (5 January 1822)
      • from Kentish Journal

SAMUEL ROGERS (1763 — 1855)

  • from Poems (1812)
    • The Boy of Egremond
  • from Poems (1814)
    • To ——

ANN RADCLIFFE (1764 — 1823)

  • from The Mysteries of Udolpho, A Romance; Interspersed with Some Pieces of Poetry (1794)
    • Storied Sonnet
      To Autumn
      To Melancholy
  • from Gaston de Blondeville (1826)
    • Scene on the Northern Shore of Sicily
  • from New Monthly Magazine and Literary Journal 16, Part 1 (1826)
    • from On the Supernatural in Poetry. By the Late Mrs. Radcliffe

JOHN THELWALL (1764 — 1834)

  • from Poems Written in Close Confinement at the Tower and Newgate, under a Charge of High Treason (1795)
    • Stanzas On Hearing for Certainty That We Were to be Tried for High Treason
  • from Poems Chiefly Written in Retirement (1801)
    • To the Infant Hampden.—Written during a Sleepless Night. Derby. Oct. 1797


  • from A Collection of Poems, Chiefly Manuscript, and from Living Authors, ed. Joanna Baillie (1823)
    • A Riddle


  • from The Farmer’s Boy; A Rural Poem (1800)
    • from Spring


  • from An Essay on the Principle of Population, as It Affects the Future Improvement of Society. With Remarks on the Speculations of Mr. Godwin, M. Condorcet, and Other Writers (1798)
    • from CHAPTER 10


  • from The Scottish Minstrel (1821—24)
    • The Land o’ the Leal
      Caller Herrin’
      The Laird o’ Cockpen

MARIA EDGEWORTH (1768 — 1849)

  • from Popular Tales in Two Volumes (1804)
    • The Grateful Negro

ANN BATTEN CRISTALL (c. 1768 — after 1816)

  • from Poetical Sketches, in Irregular Verse (1795)
    • Before Twilight. Eyezion
      Morning. Rosamonde
      Noon. Lysander
      Evening. Gertrude

JANE MARCET (1769 — 1858)

  • from Conversations on Political Economy; in Which the Elements of that Science are Familiarly Explained (1816)
    • from CONVERSATION 10, On the Condition of the Poor

AMELIA OPIE (1769 — 1853)

  • from Poems (1802)
    • Song of a Hindustani Girl
  • from The Warrior’s Return, and Other Poems (1808)
    • To A Maniac

GEORGE CANNING (1770 — 1827) and JOHN HOOKHAM FRERE (1769 — 1846)

  • from The Anti-Jacobin; or, Weekly Examiner (27 November 1797)
    • Sapphics: The Friend of Humanity and the Knife-Grinder
  • from The New Morality


  • from Lyrical Ballads, with A Few Other Poems (1798)
    • Advertisement
      Goody Blake, and Harry Gill, a true story
      Simon Lee, the old Huntsman, with an incident in which he was concerned
      Anecdote for Fathers, shewing how the art of lying may be taught
      We are Seven
      Lines Written in Early Spring
      The Thorn
      The Idiot Boy
      Expostulation and Reply
      The Tables Turned; an Evening Scene, on the same subject
      Old Man Travelling; animal tranquility and decay, a sketch
      The Complaint of a Forsaken Indian Woman
      Lines Written a Few Miles Above Tintern Abbey, on revisiting the banks of the Wye during a tour, July 13, 1798
  • from Lyrical Ballads, with Other Poems. In Two Volumes (1800)
    • Preface
      There was a Boy
      Strange fits of passion I have known
      Song [“She dwelt among th’ untrodden ways”]
      A slumber did my spirit seal
      Lucy Gray
      The Two April Mornings
      Three years she grew in sun and shower
      Michael, A Pastoral Poem
  • from Poems in Two Volumes (1807)
    • I travell’d among unknown Men
      Resolution and Independence
      Composed upon Westminster Bridge, Sept. 3, 1802
      The world is too much with us; late and soon
      It is a beauteous Evening, calm and free
      To Toussaint L’Ouverture
      London, 1802
      The Solitary Reaper
      To a Butterfly [“Stay near me—do not take thy flight!”]
      My heart leaps up when I behold
      I wandered lonely as a Cloud
      To a Butterfly [“I’ve watch’d you now a full half hour”]
      To Thomas Clarkson, On the final passing of the Bill for the Abolition of the Slave Trade, March 1807
      Elegiac Stanzas, Suggested by a Picture of Peele Castle, in a Storm, painted by Sir George Beaumont
  • from the Friend, 11 (26 October 1809)
    • Oh! pleasant exercise of hope and joy!
  • from The Excursion, Being a Portion of The Recluse, A Poem (1814)
    • from Home at Grasmere
      • BOOK FIRST, The Wanderer
  • from Poems by William Wordsworth: including Lyrical Ballads, and the Miscellaneous Pieces of the Author. With Additional Poems, a New Preface, and a Supplementary Essay (1815)
    • Surprized by joy—impatient as the Wind
  • from The River Duddon, a Series of Son nets: Vaudracour and Julia: and Other Poems. To Which Is Annexed, a Topographical Description of the Coun try of the Lakes, in the North of England (1820)
    • Vaudracour and Julia
  • from The Poetical Works of William Wordsworth. In Five Volumes (1827)
    • Scorn not the Sonnet; Critic, you have frowned
  • from the Athenæum (12 December 1835)
    • The Ettrick Shepherd. Extempore Effusion, upon reading, in the Newcastle Journal, the notice of the Death of the Poet, James Hogg
  • from Poems, Chiefly of Early and Late Years; including The Borderers, A Tragedy (1842)
    • The unremitting voice of nightly streams
  • from The Prelude 1799, 1805, 1850, ed. Jonathan Wordsworth, M.H. Abrams, and Stephen Gill (1979)
    • The Two-Part Prelude of 1799
      • FIRST PART
    • Letters
      • To Charles James Fox, 14 January 1801
        To Mary Wordsworth, 11 August 1810

JAMES HOGG (1770 — 1835)

  • from The Queen’s Wake: A Legendary Poem, 3rd ed. (1814)
    • Kilmeny


  • from the Literary Magazine and American Register 6.35 (1806)
    • On the Standard of Taste

SIR WALTER SCOTT (1771 — 1832)

  • from Minstrelsy of the Scottish Border: Consisting of Historical and Romantic Ballads, Collected in the Southern Counties of Scotland; with a Few of Modern Date, Founded upon Local Tradition (1802—03)
    • Lord Randal
  • from Marmion; A Tale of Flodden Field (1808)
    • Song [“Where shall the lover rest”]
      Lochinvar. Lady Heron’s Song
  • from Miscellaneous Poems (1820)
    • The Sun upon the Weirdlaw Hill


  • from William Wordsworth, Poems (1815)
    • Address to a Child During a Boisterous Winter Evening
  • from William Wordsworth, Poems (1842)
    • Floating Island
  • from Susan Levin, Dorothy Wordsworth and Romanticism (1987)
    • Grasmere—A Fragment
      Thoughts on my Sick-bed
  • from Grasmere Journal
    • from Tuesday 10 June 1800
      from Friday 3 October 1800
      Sunday Morning 14 March 1802
      15 April 1802
      Tuesday 26 July 1802

MARY TIGHE (1772 — 1810)

  • from Psyche, with Other Poems. By the Late Mrs. Henry Tighe (1811) from Psyche; or, The Legend of Love
    • CANTO 1
  • On Receiving a Branch of Mezereon Which Flowered at Woodstock.—Dec. 1809


  • from Poems on Various Subjects (1796)
    • Effusion 35. Composed August 20th, 1795, at Clevedon, Somersetshire
  • from the Morning Post (8 January 1798)
    • Fire, Famine, and Slaughter. A War Eclogue
  • Fears in Solitude, Written in 1798 (1798)
    • Fears in Solitude
      France. An Ode
      Frost at Midnight
  • from Lyrical Ballads, with a Few Other Poems (1798)
    • The Rime of the Ancyent Marinere, in Seven Parts
  • from Sibylline Leaves: A Collection of Poems (1817)
    • The Rime of the Ancient Mariner. In Seven Parts
  • from Lyrical Ballads (1798)
    • The Nightingale; A Conversational Poem, Written in April, 1798
      The Dungeon
  • from the Annual Anthology (1800)
    • This Lime-Tree Bower My Prison, A Poem, Addressed to Charles Lamb, of the India-House, London
  • from Memoirs of the Late Mrs. Robinson (1801)
    • A Stranger Minstrel. By S.T. Coleridge, Esq.Written to M rs. Robinson a Few Weeks before Her Death
  • Christabel: Kubla Khan, a Vision; The Pains of Sleep (1816)
    • Christabel
      Kubla Khan: or A Vision in a Dream
      The Pains of Sleep
  • from Sibylline Leaves: A Collection of Poems (1817)
    • To a Gentleman Composed on the night after his recitation of a Poem on the Growth of an Individual Mind
      Dejection: An Ode
  • from Biographia Literaria; or Biographical Sketches of M y Literary Life and Opinions (1817)
    • from CHAPTER 4
      from CHAPTER 13
      CHAPTER 14
      from CHAPTER 17
      from CHAPTER 18
      from CHAPTER 23
  • from The Poetical Works of S.T. Coleridge: including the dramas of Wallenstein, Remorse, and Zapolya (1828)
    • Constancy to an Ideal Object
  • Letter
    • To Joseph Cottle, 26 April 1814

RAJA RAMMOHUN ROY (1772? — 1833)

  • from Petitions Against the Press Regulation (1823)
    • Memorial to the Supreme Court
  • Abstract of the Arguments regarding the Burning of Widows, Considered as a Religious Rite (1830)

CHRISTIAN MILNE (1772? — after 1816)

  • from Simple Poems, on Simple Subjects. By Christian Milne, Wife of a Journeyman Ship-Carpenter in Footdee, Aberdeen (1805)
    • To a Lady, Who Said It Was Sinful to Read Novels
      Sent with a Flower Pot, Begging a Slip of Geranium

FRANCIS JEFFREY (1773 — 1850)

  • from the Edinburgh Review, or Critical Journal 24 (Nov. 1814)
    • from ART. 1 The Excursion, being a portion of the Recluse, A Poem. By William Wordsworth

ROBERT SOUTHEY (1774 — 1843)

  • from Poems (1797)
    • To Mary Wollstonecraft
      The Widow. Sapphics
      The Soldier’s Wife. Dactylics
  • from the Morning Post (30 June 1798)
    • The Idiot
  • from Poems (1799)
    • The Sailor, Who Had Served in the Slave-Trade
  • from the Annual Anthology (1800)
    • The Battle of Blenheim
  • from Letters from England: by Don Manuel Alvarez Espriella. Translated from the Spanish (1807)
    • LETTER 55
  • from A Collection of Poems, Chiefly Manuscript, and from Living Authors, ed. Joanna Baillie (1823)
    • The Cataract of Lodore, Described in Rhymes for the Nursery, by One of the Lake Poets
  • from The Poetical Works of Robert Southey (1853)
    • Bishop Bruno
    • My Days Among the Dead Are Passed


  • from Simonidea (1806)
    • [ Rose Aylmer ] Mother, I Cannot Mind My Wheel
  • from Gebir, Count Julian, and Other Poems (1831)
    • Past ruin’d Ilion Helen lives

MARY LAMB (1764 — 1847) and CHARLES LAMB (1775 — 1834)

  • from Blank Verse by Charles Lloyd and Charles Lamb (1798)
    • The Old Familiar Faces
  • from Charles Lamb and Mary Lamb, Poetry for Children (1809)
    • The Reaper’s Child
      Choosing a Profession
      The Two Boys
      Conquest of Prejudice
  • from Charles Lamb, Elia (1823)
    • Dream-Children; A Reverie
  • Letters
    • To S.T. Coleridge, 27 September 1796
      To William Wordsworth, 30 January 1801
      from To Thomas Manning, 15 February 1801

CHARLES LLOYD (1775 — 1839)

  • from Blank Verse by Charles Lloyd and Charles Lamb (1798)
    • Lines to Mary Wollstonecraft Godwin


  • from Harvest, A Poem, in Two Parts; with Other Poetical Pieces (1818)
    • The Redbreast
      The Rainbow


  • from The Monk: A Romance (1796)
    • Alonzo the Brave and Fair Imogine
  • from The Life and Correspondence of M.G. Lewis, author of “The Monk,” “Castle Spectre,” &c.
    with Many Pieces in Prose and Verse, Never Before Published (1839)
    • The Captive

JANE AUSTEN (1775 — 1817)

  • Love and Freindship
    from Northanger Abbey (1818)
    • from CHAPTER 5

THOMAS CAMPBELL (1777 — 1844)

  • from New Monthly Magazine and Literary Journal 8, original papers (March 1823)
    • The Last Man

WILLIAM HAZLITT (1778 — 1830)

  • from The Round Table, Examiner (Sunday, 26 May 1816)
    • NO. 40, On Gusto
  • from The Liberal. Verse and Prose from the South 2 (1823)
    • My First Acquaintance with Poets
  • from The Plain Speaker: Opinions on Books, Men, and Things (1826)
    • from On the Prose-Style of Poets


  • from The Lay of an Irish Harp; or M etrical Fragments (1807)
    • The Irish Harp
  • from Italy (1821)
    • from CHAPTER 2, Passage of the Alps

THOMAS MOORE (1779 — 1852)

  • from The Works of Thomas Moore, Esq., Comprehending All His Melodies, Ballads, etc. Never Before Published Without the Accompanying Music (1819)
    • A Canadian Boat-Song. Written on the River St.-Lawrence
      Written on Passing Deadman’s Island, in the Gulf of St. Lawrence, Late in the Evening, September, 1804
  • from Melodies, by Thomas Moore, Esq. (1821)
    • Oh! Breathe Not His Name
      The Harp that once through Tara’s Halls
      Believe Me if all those Endearing Young Charms
      The Minstrel Boy
      The Time I’ve Lost in Wooing

HORACE SMITH (1779 — 1849)

  • from Amarynthus, the Nympholept: A Pastoral Drama, in Three Acts. With Other Poems (1821)
    • On a Stupendous Leg of Granite, Discovered Standing by Itself in the Deserts of Egypt, with the Inscription Inserted Below
      On the Spanish Revolution

WILLIAM HONE (1780 — 1842)

  • The Political House That Jack Built (1819)

JOHN WILSON CROKER (1780 — 1857)

  • from the Quarterly Review 7 (March and June 1812)
    • Review of Barbauld’s Eighteen Hundred and Eleven
  • from the Quarterly Review 19 (April 1818)
    • Review of Keats’s Endymion: A Poetic Romance

EBENEZER ELLIOTT (1781 — 1849)

  • from Corn Law Rhymes, 3rd ed. (1831)
    • Song
      Caged Rats

LUCY AIKIN (1781 — 1864)

  • from Epistles on women, exemplifying their character and condition in va rious ages and nations. With miscellaneous poems (1810)
      EPISTLE 1
      EPISTLE 2

CHARLOTTE DACRE (1782? — 18 25)

  • from Hours of Solitude. A Collection of O riginal Poems, now first published (1805)
    • The Poor Negro Sadi
      The Female Philosopher
      The Apparition
      Drinking Song

JANE TAYLOR (1783 — 1824)

  • from Rhymes for the Nursery (1806)
    • The Star
  • from Essays in Rhyme, on Morals and Manners, 3rd ed. (1817)
    • Recreation


  • from The Sketch Book of Geoffrey Crayon, Gent. (1819)
    • Rip Van Winkle. A Posthumous Writing of Diedrich Knickerbocker

LEIGH HUNT (1784 — 1859)

  • from The Story of Rimini (1816)
    • from CANTO 3
  • from the Examiner (21 September 1817)
    • Green little vaulter in the sunny grass
  • from Foliage (1818)
    • To Percy Shelley, on the Degrading Notions of Deity
  • from S.C. Hall, Book of Gems (1838)
    • Abou Ben Adhem and the Angel
  • from the Morning Chronicle 2 (November 1838)
    • Rondeau

THOMAS DE QUINCEY (1785 — 1859)

  • from the London Magazine 4 (September 1821)
    • from Confessions of an English Opium-Eater: Being an Extract from the Life of a Scholar
  • from the London Magazine 4 (October 1821)
    • from Introduction to the Pains of Opium
      from The Pains of Opium
  • from the London Magazine 8 (October 1823)
    • On the Knocking at the Gate in Macbeth


  • from Ollier’s Literary Miscellany (1820)
    • from The Four Ages of Poetry

CAROLINE LAMB (1785 — 1828)

  • A New Canto (1819)
    from Ada Reis, A Tale (1823)
    • Duet
  • from I[saac] Nathan, Fugitive Pieces and Reminiscences of Lord Byron: con taining an entire new edition of the Hebrew Melodies, with the addition of several never before published; … also some Original Poetry, Letters and Recollections of Lady Caroline Lamb (1829)
    • Would I had seen thee dead and cold

BARRON FIELD (1786 — 1846)

  • from First Fruits of Australian Poetry (1819)
    • The Kangaroo


  • from Our Village: Sketches of Rural Character and Scenery (1824)
    • Nutting


  • The Giaour. A Fragment of a Turkish Tale (1813)
    from Hebrew Melodies (1815)
    • She Walks in Beauty
  • from Poems (1816)
    • Fare Thee Well!
  • from The Prisoner of Chillon and Other Poems (1816)
    • Darkness
  • from Childe Harold’s Pilgrimage (1816)
    • from CANTO THE THIRD
  • Manfred, A Dramatic Poem (1817)
    from Don Juan (1819)
      CANTO 1
      CANTO 2
  • Letters
    • To Lady Byron, 8 February 1816
      To Augusta Leigh, 18—29 September 1816
      from To John Murray, 12 August 1819
      from To Douglas Kinnaird, 26 October 1819
      from To John Murray, 16 February 1821
      To Percy Bysshe Shelley, 26 April 1821

MARY PRINCE (c. 1788 — after 1833)

  • from The History of Mary Prince, a West Indian Slave. Related by Herself (1831)

THOMAS PRINGLE (1789 — 1834)

  • from George Thompson, Travels and Adventures in Southern Africa, comprising a View of the Present State of the Cape Colony, with Observations on the Progress and Prospects of the British Emigrants (1827)
    • Afar in the Desert


  • from Notions of the Americans, Picked Up by a Travelling Bachelor (1828)


  • from Alastor; or, The Spirit of Solitude: and Other Poems (1816)
    • Preface
      Alastor: Or, The Spirit of Solitude
      To Wordsworth
  • from History of a Six Weeks’ Tour through a Part of France, Switzerland, Germany, and Holland: with Letters Descriptive of a Sail round the Lake of Geneva, and of the Glaciers of Chamouni (1817)
    • Mont Blanc
  • from the Examiner (19 January 1817)
    • Hymn to Intellectual Beauty
  • from the Examiner (11 January 1818)
    • Ozymandias
  • from Prometheus Unbound: A Lyrical Drama in Four Acts with Other Poems (1820)
    • Prometheus Unbound
      Ode to the West Wind
      To a Skylark
  • The Cenci: A Tragedy, in Five Acts (1820)
    Adonais: An Elegy on the Death of John Keats (1821)
    from Posthum ous Poems, ed. M.W. Shelley (1824)
      The Triumph of Life
  • The Masque of Anarchy. A Poem (1832)
    from the Athenæum 260 (20 October 1832)
    • With a Guitar
  • from The Poetical Works of Percy Bysshe Shelley, ed. M.W. Shelley (1839)
    • England in 1819
  • from Essays, Letters from Abroad, Translations and Fragments, ed. M.W. Shelley (1840)
    • from A Defence of Poetry
  • Letters
    • To Thomas Love Peacock, 22 December 1818
      To Mary Wollstonecraft Shelley, Bagni di Pisa, 9 August 1821


  • from Recollections of the Last D ays of Shelley and Byron (1858)
    • from CHAPTER 12

JOHN CLARE (1793 — 1864)

  • from The Rural Muse. Poems by John Clare (1835)
    • The Nightingale’s Nest
  • from Frederick Martin, The Life of John Clare (1865)
    • [I Am]
  • from John Clare: Poems Chiefly from Manuscript, ed. Edmund Blunden and Alan Porter (1920)
    • Badger
      Quail’s Nest
      Invitation to Eternity
  • from The Poems of John Clare, ed. J.W. Tibble (1935)
    • Enclosure [The Mores]
      The Skylark Leaving Her Nest

FELICIA HEMANS (1793 — 1835)

  • from Tales, and Historic Scenes, in Verse (1819)
    • The Wife of Asdrubal
  • from The League of the Alps, The Siege of Valencia, the Vespers of Palermo, and Other Poems (1826)
    • Casabianca
      Evening Prayer at a Girls’ School
  • from Records of Woman: with Other Poems (1828)
    • The Bride of the Greek Isle
      Properzia Rossi
      The Indian City
      Indian Woman’s Death-Song
      Joan of Arc, in Rheims
      Madeline. A Domestic Tale
      The Grave of a Poetess
      The Homes of England
      To Wordsworth
      The Landing of the Pilgrim Fathers in New England
      The Graves of a Household
      The Image in Lava
  • from Songs of the Affections (1830)
    • The Return
      Woman on the Field of Battle
      The Mirror in the Deserted Hall

JOSEPH SEVERN (1793 — 1879)

  • Letter
    • To John Taylor, 6 March 1821

JOHN LOCKHART (1794 — 1854)

  • from Blackwood’s Edinburgh Magazine 3 (August 1818)
    • Cockney School of Poetry. NO. 4

OLIVER GOLDSMITH (1794 — 1861)

  • from The Rising Village. A Poem. By Oliver Goldsmith, a Collateral Descendant of the Author of the “Deserted Village” (1825)


  • from the North American Review and Miscellaneous Journal (March 1818)
    • To a Waterfowl
  • from Poems (1821)
    • Thanatopsis

JOHN KEATS (1795 — 1821)

  • from the Examiner (1 December 1816)
    • On First Looking into Chapman’s Homer
  • from the Examiner (9 March 1817)
    • On Seeing the Elgin Marbles
  • from the Examiner (21 September 1817)
    • The poetry of earth is never dead
  • from Endymion (1818)
    • from BOOK 1
  • from the Indicator (10 May 1820)
    • La Belle Dame Sans Mercy
  • from Lamia, Isabella, Eve of St. Agnes, and Other Poems. By John Keats, auth or of Endymion (1820)
    • Lamia
      The Eve of St. Agnes
      Ode to a Nightingale
      Ode on a Grecian Urn
      Ode to Psyche
      To Autumn
      Ode on Melancholy
  • from the Indicator (28 June 1820)
    • A Dream After Reading Dante’s Episode of Paulo and Francesca
  • from the Plymouth and Devonport Weekly Journal (1838)
    • On Sitting Down to Read King Lear Once Again
      Bright star, would I were stedfast as thou art
  • from Life, Letters, and Literary Remains of John Keats, ed. Richard Monkton Milnes (1848)
    • Ode on Indolence
      When I Have Fears That I May Cease To Be
  • from Miscellanies of the Philobiblon Society (1856)
    • Hyperion, A Vision
  • from Poetical Works of John Keats (1898)
    • This living hand, now warm and capable
  • Letters
    • To Benjamin Bailey, 22 November 1817
      To J.H. Reynolds, 22 November 1817
      To George and Tom Keats, 21, 27 (?) December 1817
      To J.H. Reynolds, 3 February 1818
      To J.H. Reynolds, 3 May 1818
      To Richard Woodhouse, 27 October 1818
      To Percy Bysshe Shelley, 16 August 1820

JOHN RICHARDSON (1796 — 1852)

  • from Tecumseh; or, The Warrior of the West: A Poem, in Four Cantos, with Notes (1828)


  • from The Liberal: Verse and Prose from the South 4 (1823)
    • from Giovanni Villani
  • from London Magazine 9 (March 1824)
    • On Ghosts
  • from The Keepsake (1831)
    • Transformation
      A Dirge
  • from The Keepsake (1839)
    • Stanzas [“How like a star you rose upon my life”]
      Stanzas [“O, come to me in dreams, my love!”]
  • Letter
    • To Maria Gisborne, 15 August 1822
  • Journal
    • May 14th [1824]
      May 15th

WILLIAM APESS (1798 — 1839)

  • from A Son of the Forest (1829)
    • CHAPTER 3
      CHAPTER 4

THOMAS HOOD (1799 — 1845)

  • from Whims and Oddities, 3rd ed. (1828)
    • The Last Man
      Faithless Nelly Gray

PETER JONES (1802 — 1856)

  • from History of the Ojebway Indians; with Especia l Reference to Their Conversion to Christianity (1861)
    • LETTER to John Jones


  • from The Young Emigrants; or, Pictures of Canada, Calculated to Amuse and Instruct the Minds of Youth (1826)
    • LETTER 5. Agnes to Ellen


  • from The Improvisatrice and Other Poems (1824)
    • The Improvisatrice
  • from The Troubadour, Catalogue of Pictures, and Historical Sketches (1825)
    • The Proud Ladye
  • from The Golden Violet, with its tales of Romance and Chivalry: and Other Poems (1827)
    • Love’s Last Lesson
  • from The Venetian Bracelet, The Lost Pleiad, A History of the Lyre, and Other Poems (1829)
    • Revenge
    • Lines of Life
  • from the New Monthly Magazine 35 (1832)
    • On the Ancient and Modern Influence of Poetry
  • from Fisher’s Drawing Room Scrap Book (1836)
    • Immolation of a Hindoo Widow
  • from The Zenana and Minor Poems of L.E.L. (1839)
    • Felicia Hemans
      On Wordsworth’s Cottage, near Grasmere Lake
  • from Life and Literary Remains of L.E.L., ed. Laman Blanchard (1841)
    • A Poet’s Love
      Influence of Poetry
      Changes in London


  • from Poems Chiefly from Outidana (composed 1823—25)
    • Lines Written in a Blank Leaf of the “Prometheus Unbound”
  • from Torrismond (composed 1824)
    • Song [“How many times do I love thee, dear?”]
  • from Death’s Jest-Book (1825—28)
    • Dirge
      Song [“A cypress-bough, and a rose-wreath sweet”]
      Song [“Old Adam, the carrion crow”]
  • from Death’s Jest Book (revised, 1829—49)
    • Song from the Waters

SUSANNA MOODIE (1803 — 1885)

  • from Enthusiasm; and Other Poems (1831)
    • The Dream


  • from Mosses from an Old Manse (1846)
    • Roger Malvin’s Burial


  • from Ballads and Other Poems (1842)
    • The Wreck of the Hesperus
      The Village Blacksmith
  • from Poems on Slavery (1842)
    • The Slave’s Dream

EDGAR ALLAN POE (1809 — 1849)

  • from Tamerlane and Other Poems (1827)
    • Visit of the Dead
  • from Al Aaraaf, Tamerlane, and Minor Poems (1829)
    • Sonnet—To Science
  • from Poems by Edgar A. Poe, 2nd ed. (1831)
    • Letter to Mr. — ——
      To Helen
      The Doomed City
  • from the Saturday Courier (14 January 1832)
    • Metzengerstein


  • from Poems (1827)
    • The Harp of India
  • from The Fakeer of Jungheera: A Metrical Tale and Other Poems (1828)
    • My country! in thy days of glory past
      from The Fakeer of Jungheera
      • The Legend of the Shushan
        The Spirit’s Song
    • from The Poetical Works of Henry Louis Vivian Derozio, ed. B.B. Shah (1907)
      • To the Pupils of the Hindu College

Index of Authors, Titles, and First Lines

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