The Grandma Force: How Grandmothers are Changing Grandchildren, Families, and Themselves
Becoming the grandmother of twins changed Harriet Hodgson and altered her life course. According to Hodgson, we live in a fast-paced, complex time, a time when too many grandchildren are victims of bullying, internet scams, and sexual abuse. Hodgson believes that grandmothers are needed today more than any other time in history. "Grandmas can't be passive," she declares. "Every grandma has the power to protect and guide her grandchildren and needs to tap this power." This narrative weaves Hodgson's personal story with research findings and is packed with ideas for helping grandchildren. "The Grandma Force is about the power of love and the power of one," Hodgson says. "One-by-one, grandmas are standing up for grandchildren and creating a hopeful future for them." 
The Grandma Force: How Grandmothers are Changing Grandchildren, Families, and Themselves
Becoming the grandmother of twins changed Harriet Hodgson and altered her life course. According to Hodgson, we live in a fast-paced, complex time, a time when too many grandchildren are victims of bullying, internet scams, and sexual abuse. Hodgson believes that grandmothers are needed today more than any other time in history. "Grandmas can't be passive," she declares. "Every grandma has the power to protect and guide her grandchildren and needs to tap this power." This narrative weaves Hodgson's personal story with research findings and is packed with ideas for helping grandchildren. "The Grandma Force is about the power of love and the power of one," Hodgson says. "One-by-one, grandmas are standing up for grandchildren and creating a hopeful future for them." 
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The Grandma Force: How Grandmothers are Changing Grandchildren, Families, and Themselves

The Grandma Force: How Grandmothers are Changing Grandchildren, Families, and Themselves

by Harriet Hodgson MA
The Grandma Force: How Grandmothers are Changing Grandchildren, Families, and Themselves

The Grandma Force: How Grandmothers are Changing Grandchildren, Families, and Themselves

by Harriet Hodgson MA


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Becoming the grandmother of twins changed Harriet Hodgson and altered her life course. According to Hodgson, we live in a fast-paced, complex time, a time when too many grandchildren are victims of bullying, internet scams, and sexual abuse. Hodgson believes that grandmothers are needed today more than any other time in history. "Grandmas can't be passive," she declares. "Every grandma has the power to protect and guide her grandchildren and needs to tap this power." This narrative weaves Hodgson's personal story with research findings and is packed with ideas for helping grandchildren. "The Grandma Force is about the power of love and the power of one," Hodgson says. "One-by-one, grandmas are standing up for grandchildren and creating a hopeful future for them." 

Product Details

ISBN-13: 9781608082186
Publisher: Boutique of Quality Books
Publication date: 09/01/2019
Edition description: None
Pages: 258
Product dimensions: 5.90(w) x 8.90(h) x 0.60(d)

About the Author

Harriet Hodgson, BS, MA has been a freelance writer for thirty-eight years. She is the author of thousands of articles and thirty-six books. She has appeared on more than 185 radio talk shows, including CBS Radio, and dozens of television stations, including CNN. She has also been a guest on many BlogTalkRadio programs. A popular speaker, she has given presentations at public health, Alzheimer's, bereavement, and caregiving conferences.

Read an Excerpt


The Contemporary Grandma

Grandma at a Crossroads

Mothers in the 1940s

Life During World War II

Then and Now

Caring for the Next Generation

Sharing Generational Skills

Grandparents used to be considered old, tired, and worn out. No more. Today's grandparents enjoy better health, stay physically active, volunteer in their communities, pursue new interests, and have longer lives. The American Grandparents Association (AGA) shared statistics of today's grandparents that paint a different picture than the stereotype: 33 percent of grandparents have been married twice, 15 percent have demonstrated for a cause, and 10 percent have tattoos. Grandparents are even getting younger: the average age of a grandma is forty-eight, not old by modern standards.

Grandma at a Crossroads

In earlier decades, the mother of the family stayed home and took care of the children while the father worked outside the home. Today, both parents may work and, consequently, need reliable help for children. Grandma or Grandpa is often that helper, the one who changes diapers, fixes meals, drives kids to school, and reads to children. A grandparent is the one to call when a grandchild is ill. Grandparents may also contribute financially to the family.

For these reasons and more, grandparents are the foundation of the family — a support system, protective shield, calming influence, and source of love. Whether you are ready for these changes or not, today's grandparents are at a crossroads. Each grandparent can choose how their role as grandma or grandpa will be defined as they recognize their responsibilities and validate them in ways that empower all generations.

As a grandmother, I'd like to focus this book on grandmas. Whether you're a new or experienced grandma, the grandma role is always evolving. You need to decide what kind of grandma you want to be. You can be a quiet, uninvolved grandma, stay home and pursue your interests. Or you can be a proactive grandma, one who stands up for her beliefs, her beloved grandchild, helps the family, and works to improve the community. The choice is yours.

Let's take a brief look at yesterday's mothers and grandmas and how they lived, the challenges they faced, and how they responded to these challenges. I'll be sharing some of my own experiences and encourage you to think of your experiences. When I compare my life with my mother's life, I'm astonished at what she was able to accomplish with a limited education (she never graduated from high school), no funds, and no transportation. At the time, families had one car, if they had a car at all. We had one car, but my mother didn't know how to drive. Though she took driving lessons for a while, she stopped after she hit the front porch of our house.

My mother inspired me as a child and continues to inspire me. You may have similar feelings about your mother and grandmother. Looking at the roles women filled in the past may clarify your idea of the kind of grandma you want to be. This history may also give you perspective on the challenges you face as a grandma.

Mothers in the 1940s

Letters and phone calls were the main forms of communication when I was little. In Great Neck, a village on Long Island where my family lived (and it's still called a village), mail was delivered twice a day, once in the morning and again in the afternoon. We always looked forward to the mailman walking up our front steps. Double deliveries are unheard of today, and mail has become a rare form of communication. A thank- you note is even more rare.

My mother and her younger sister talked on the phone daily. Oddly, if my mother called her sister it was a local call, but if my aunt called my mother, it was a long-distance call. The clever Clifton sisters devised a plan. When my aunt wanted to talk to my mother, she dialed our phone number, let it ring three times, and hung up immediately. This was my mother's signal to call her back, and they talked on the phone for hours. They were very close and phone calls helped them maintain this relationship. People still rely on cell phones for communication today, though now the phones travel with them, and texting has often replaced conversation.

At the time, mothers were expected to stay home and manage the household. Certainly, there was lots of work to be done. Mother spent hours in the kitchen and wore an apron when she prepared meals. Since there were no mixes or meal kits, everything was made from scratch. Orange juice wasn't fresh or frozen, it was squeezed from oranges. My mother squeezed a bag of oranges every morning. A milk truck delivered milk and left it in an insulated box by the back door. Bread and other baked goods were delivered by a bakery truck.

Although Mom loved to bake and was an excellent baker, she bought cupcakes from the truck because it saved time. There were six in a box: two with vanilla frosting, two with chocolate, and two with strawberry. I loved them all.

Plates were smaller then, which reduced the serving sizes. Like all the families on the block, we had an ice box. Every few days an ice truck delivered a block of ice to our house. Graduating from an ice box to an electric refrigerator was a big deal, and my parents were excited about it. If I recall, a blue water pitcher came with the refrigerator. Plastic food storage bags hadn't been invented yet. Leftovers were wrapped in wax paper or stored in glass refrigerator dishes. These glass containers have made a comeback as people worried about the dangers of plastics, and I've seen them in discount stores and online.

There were no home electric dishwashers, and dishes were washed and dried by hand. What a concept!

Mothers had weekday clothes and good clothes, often called Sunday clothes. To save her good clothes, a mother wore a "house dress" while she cleaned. My mother had three house dresses, and they were all ugly. Socks with holes in them weren't thrown away. Instead, they were repaired with a darning egg (a large wooden egg with a handle), needle, and thread. Mom taught me how to darn socks. First, I covered the hole with perpendicular strands of thread, a task that required patience and concentration. Then I wove in a second set of threads perpendicular to the first. Darning socks was tedious work.

A mother who knew how to use a treadle-powered or electric sewing machine bought sewing patterns and made her own clothes and clothes for the family. Choosing sewing patterns could take hours. My mother acquired a used table-type sewing machine and made one dress for me. Considering it was her first effort, the dress fit well, and I wore it. I guess Mom didn't like sewing because she never made anything else. She closed the lid of the sewing machine table and it stayed closed. Today, old sewing patterns have become collectibles and are available online. I still have patterns from my home sewing days.

Entertainment was simple then — listening to the radio, playing cards, playing board games, reading magazines and books, going to the movies, gardening, and doing craft projects. My brother and I caught every episode of "Captain Midnight," "Jack Armstrong" and "The Shadow" on the radio. We were thrilled when the mailman delivered our genuine Captain Midnight decoder rings and looked forward to using them with the next program. It was a disappointing experience. After following the instructions and deciphering the code, which took longer than I thought, the message was "Tune in tomorrow," or something boring like that.

Black-and-white television was in its infancy, and few families had a set. My father sold industrial finishes to factories. One factory made television sets, and Dad was able to buy a set at a discount. We watched Phil Spitalny and his All-Girl Orchestra and stayed up late watching live theater productions. Long after my mother, brother, and I had gone to bed, Dad would stay up late and watch boxing matches.

Believe it or not, conversation was a form of entertainment.

On summer evenings, folks in my neighborhood sat on their front porches, watched the fireflies come out, and told stories until it was time for bed. I caught fireflies in a jar. When I wasn't catching fireflies, I sat on our tiny porch with my parents and waited for the Good Humor man, who drove an ice cream truck around neighborhoods. The driver rang a set of windshield bells to let people know he was coming. Occasionally we bought ice cream from the truck, but most of the time we didn't because it was pricey.

Laundry was a labor-intensive task, and mothers usually did it on Monday. We had a wringer washing machine, a beast of an appliance with an open tub and wringer on top. Laundry was fed into the wringer to remove excess water. I was upstairs when my mother called, "Harriet, come here." Something about her voice alerted me. I ran down to the basement and discovered my mother's arm was caught in the wringer up to her elbow. Following her instructions, which Mom gave in an amazingly calm voice, I reversed the wringer and freed her arm. Thankfully, my mother wasn't severely injured, but the memory of this experience still makes me shudder.

Although clothes dryers were invented in 1930, they weren't readily available, and laundry was dried on a clothesline. Our clothesline ran from the back corner of the house, over the yard, to the corner of the garage. A canvas clothespin bag hung from the clothesline and stayed there in rain, sleet, and snow. Modesty existed back then, and my mother dried panties and bras in a pillow case so neighbors wouldn't see her "unmentionables." Modesty seems to have disappeared and nothing is unmentionable today.

Life During World War II

All family members — parents, children, grandparents, cousins, aunts, and uncles — were affected by World War II rationing.

The US government had three national programs: victory gardens, food canning, and knitting for the troops. Our victory garden was in an open field at the top of a hill. Some families marked off their plots with metal stakes and rope. People grew what they needed most: carrots, onions, potatoes, lettuce, cabbage, cucumbers, zucchini, and tomatoes. As the plants grew and matured, the field was transformed into a living quilt of produce. Tending a victory garden wasn't just a necessity; it was a social experience. Neighbors weeded and watered while they swapped stories about food rationing, the shortage of gas, and war developments.

One story was about a German submarine surfacing in Long Island Sound. I didn't know if the story was true. Decades later, I learned there were spies on Long Island. Some German men who lived in the US returned to Germany for spy training that included creating explosives, building timers, and writing in code. After training, they returned to the states in a U-boat, which ran aground several times. They finally disembarked on a beach at the end of Long Island. The spies were dressed in German uniforms and had plans to blow up factories to slow war production. The bumbling spies were caught by a Coast Guard soldier.

Schools had air raid drills. I remember a drill at Lakeville Elementary School when I crouched by the furnace with my hands over my head. The teacher told me it was a fire drill, but I knew it wasn't. Air raids and spies were constantly on my mind. My brother assembled World War II plane models and hung them from his bedroom ceiling. When we played outside we usually played war, and I was always a Japanese soldier.

One evening I noticed ink spots on the bottom corner of the newspaper. I asked my mother if the different spots could be a code for enemy spies. She was shocked. Until that moment, I don't think my mother realized how aware I was of the war. Despite her assurances of no spies and no code, I continued to worry.

Sugar was in short supply and rationed. My husband still has his ration book, now a family artifact. I have my mother's cookbook, The Victory Cook Book: Wartime Edition, which contains substitutes for rationed ingredients and recipes for inexpensive wartime meals. Although I've never made the recipes, I read the book to get a sense of history. The chapter titled "How to Feed a Family of Five on $15 a Week" contains menus with lots of vegetables and little meat. Prune Whip, a gloppy brown dessert, was one of my mother's favorite recipes. When I sampled the dessert I grimaced, yet the courteous members of the bridge club complimented her on it.

Cookbooks included information about safe home canning methods — the second government program. The US Department of Agriculture (USDA) Extension Services published and distributed canning information. Victory gardens reached their peak in 1943 and so did canning. About four billion cans and jars of food were preserved that year.

My mother didn't can food, but she did grind the little beef we had into hamburger. The hand-crank grinder was bolted to a wooden stepstool. I didn't like the hamburger it produced because the grind was so large the hamburgers fell apart. When we had meat, the fat (such as bacon fat) was poured into a tin can and taken to the butcher. The government paid people by the pound for the fat, and it was used to make explosives. I couldn't understand how fat could be made into bombs. All I knew was that I was responsible for delivering cans of fat to the grocery store.

The third government program, "knitting for the boys," became an international program. Soldiers had barely grabbed their guns before wives and sweethearts grabbed knitting needles and yarn. Elementary students, including my husband, learned to knit and made afghan squares. While machine knitting was more efficient, hand knitting kept women and children involved in war efforts. The American Red Cross was designated as the clearing agency and provided free patterns for sweaters, hats, mittens, and scarves. These patterns are still available online.

Although the nation was at war and worried about spies, a mother didn't lock the house. Neighbors took care of neighbors and watched each other's homes. When I walked to the grocery store, I greeted the neighbors I met by name. "Hello, Mrs. Smith." "Good morning, Mrs. Larson. What's Patty doing these days?" This is a sharp contrast to modern neighborhoods. Many families have no idea who lives next door or on the block. I've lived in my present neighborhood for almost five years and still don't know all my neighbors.

When I was in high school, my career options included teacher, nurse, or secretary. World War II changed female employment forever. Women worked in factories, shipyards, and on farms. Posters of Rosie the Riveter, a fictitious symbol of working women, appeared coast to coast. Rosie wore a red bandana and above her face were the words, "We Can Do It!"

To my surprise, my mother went to work at the Sperry manufacturing plant near our home. In a few weeks, Mom changed from homemaker to factory worker and helped to assemble gyroscopes — devices used in navigation systems. She brought a gyroscope home to us (something she probably shouldn't have done), and I tried to spin it like a top. The gyroscope didn't spin and, much to my disappointment, fell over.

Dad was ambivalent about my mother having a job. Because he was the air raid warden for our block, he understood the need for her job and tolerated it. He was also glad for the extra income. After the war, my mother worked as a sales associate for Bloomingdale's, a famous department store, and was assigned to the children's department.

Some returning soldiers wanted their wives to stop working and stay home. It was too late. American women had proved they were smart, reliable, productive, and great at multi-tasking.

Then and Now

I've been a witness to history and seen the differences between yesterday's grandmas and today's grandmas.

My grandma never worked outside her home. To do so would have implied that her husband didn't earn enough money for his family. Finding care for five children would also have been a problem because day care centers didn't exist at the time. When I became a grandma, I had accrued a variety of work experience — a dozen years as a teacher, one summer as school secretary and phone operator (yes, I plugged in wires to connect callers), writer for a computer software firm, and freelance health/wellness writer. The difference in life experience between my grandmother and me in the role of grandmother is quite a contrast for such a relatively short period of time.

Yesterday's grandma made all meals from scratch. Today's grandma buys frozen meals, meal kits, take-out, or eats out.

Yesterday's grandma dried clothes on a clothesline and ironed them. Today's grandma uses a high-tech washer and dryer and asks, "What's an iron?"

Yesterday's grandma mended socks. Today's grandma buys socks when necessary and may even collect unusual socks.

Yesterday's grandma bought clothes from specialty shops — or made her own — and wore hats. Today's grandma orders clothes online and may wear a golf cap.

Yesterday's grandma cleaned rugs with a rug beater or vacuum. Today's grandma has a high-tech vacuum or robotic vacuum.


Excerpted from "The Grandma Force"
by .
Copyright © 2019 Harriet Hodgson.
Excerpted by permission of Boutique of Quality Books Publishing Company.
All rights reserved. No part of this excerpt may be reproduced or reprinted without permission in writing from the publisher.
Excerpts are provided by Dial-A-Book Inc. solely for the personal use of visitors to this web site.

Table of Contents

About This Book xi

Preface xiii

Chapter 1 The Contemporary Grandma 1

Grandma at a Crossroads 2

Mothers in the 1940s 3

Life During World War II 7

Then and Now 10

Caring for the Next Generation 12

Sharing Generational Skills 14

Chapter 2 New Grandma, a Life-Changing Role 17

Writing a Mission Statement 17

What Are You Called? 20

Some Life Changes 21

Wishes for Your Grandchild 23

Grandma Can Say No 25

Helping with Education 26

Joining a Support Group 28

Online Support 30

Chapter 3 Writing Your Grandma Script 35

Script Components 36

Personal Goals 37

Avoiding the Perfectionist Trap 39

I'm a Role Model! 41

Ditching Grandma Guilt 44

Chapter 4 Types of Grandmas 49

Formal Grandma 50

Fun-Seeking Grandma 51

Grandmas Raising Grandkids (GRG) 52

Wise Grandma 53

Long-Distance Grandma 54

Working Grandma 57

The Nanny Granny 59

Other Types of Grandmas 61

Chapter 5 Part of the Family 65

Learning to be a Grandma 66

Family Identity and Values 67

Their Rules and Yours 69

Cell Phone Rules 74

Sharing Chores 76

Who's in Charge? 77

Keeper of Stories and History 79

Chapter 6 Building a Loving Relationship 83

Attachment Bonding 83

Qualities of a Good Grandma 85

Your Personality 86

A Loving Relationship 88

Gifts Greater Than Money 90

Special Needs Grandchild 91

Belongingness 94

Chapter 7 Communication, Your Best Tool 97

Body Language Basics 98

Voice Quality Pitch, and Tone 100

Fostering Communication 102

Updating Communication 105

Internet Safety 106

Email from Grandma 110

Humor as Communication 111

Chapter 8 At-Home Activities for Grandkids 113

Reading Aloud, Your First Choice 114

Successful Sleepovers 117

Cooking Together 119

Grandchild's Interests 121

Art as Personal Expression 123

Cursive Writing Practice 127

Chapter 9 Out-and-About Activities for Grandkids 129

Walking and Fitness 129

Going to a Park or Health Club 131

Magical Museums 133

Day Trips and Longer Trips 134

Grandkid's Camp 136

National Grandparents Day 137

Chapter 10 Relationships Change with Time 141

Physical Growth 142

Emotional Growth 142

Service Learning 147

Supporting a Grandchild's Dreams 150

Adult-to-Adult Relationship 151

Chapter 11 Becoming an Activist and Advocate 155

Taking the Proactive Route 155

Examples of Activism 157

Working with Organizations 160

Advocacy 163

Let's Be Civil 166

The Grandmother Project 168

Persistence and Professionalism Count 171

Chapter 12 Taking Care of Me 175

Essential Medical Tests 176

Hearing Loss 179

Enough Sleep 180

Healthy Eating and Food Preparation 183

Physical Activity 186

The Power of Quiet 188

The Art of Self-Kindness 190

Religion and Spirituality 191

Self-Care List 193

Chapter 13 Holding on and Letting Go 195

Time of Gracious Harvesting 196

I'm Holding On To… 197

I'm Letting Go Of… 199

The Right Timing 201

Acceptance Is Soul Work 202

Grandmas Are Wisdomkeepers 204

Chapter 14 Conclusion 207

Bibliography 215

About the Author 231

Other Grandparenting Books by Harriet Hodgson 233

Index 235

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