The HR Intuitive: 33 Lessons to Awaken Your Inner Guide

It begins here, with your ability to connect innately to your people and to yourself.

An intuitive operates in the realm of things often not seen or recognized due to a lack of sensitivity to the surroundings. This skill set is not magical and is one that everyone possesses. Unfortunately it is often underdeveloped or subconsciously blocked. An HR Intuitive utilizes these skills to craft organizational strategies centered on people.

This book contains 33 lessons to awaken your intuitive skill set. These lessons will allow you to hear once again, a voice that has long been suppressed, forgotten or ignored. It is this voice that awakens the healing arts of HR, where we actively engage in restoring individuals to their true intention and make possible a level of greatness not yet experienced within our organizations.

The HR Intuitive: 33 Lessons to Awaken Your Inner Guide

It begins here, with your ability to connect innately to your people and to yourself.

An intuitive operates in the realm of things often not seen or recognized due to a lack of sensitivity to the surroundings. This skill set is not magical and is one that everyone possesses. Unfortunately it is often underdeveloped or subconsciously blocked. An HR Intuitive utilizes these skills to craft organizational strategies centered on people.

This book contains 33 lessons to awaken your intuitive skill set. These lessons will allow you to hear once again, a voice that has long been suppressed, forgotten or ignored. It is this voice that awakens the healing arts of HR, where we actively engage in restoring individuals to their true intention and make possible a level of greatness not yet experienced within our organizations.

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The HR Intuitive: 33 Lessons to Awaken Your Inner Guide

The HR Intuitive: 33 Lessons to Awaken Your Inner Guide

by Samm Smeltzer

Narrated by David Chiaverini

Unabridged — 5 hours, 14 minutes

The HR Intuitive: 33 Lessons to Awaken Your Inner Guide

The HR Intuitive: 33 Lessons to Awaken Your Inner Guide

by Samm Smeltzer

Narrated by David Chiaverini

Unabridged — 5 hours, 14 minutes

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It begins here, with your ability to connect innately to your people and to yourself.

An intuitive operates in the realm of things often not seen or recognized due to a lack of sensitivity to the surroundings. This skill set is not magical and is one that everyone possesses. Unfortunately it is often underdeveloped or subconsciously blocked. An HR Intuitive utilizes these skills to craft organizational strategies centered on people.

This book contains 33 lessons to awaken your intuitive skill set. These lessons will allow you to hear once again, a voice that has long been suppressed, forgotten or ignored. It is this voice that awakens the healing arts of HR, where we actively engage in restoring individuals to their true intention and make possible a level of greatness not yet experienced within our organizations.

Product Details

BN ID: 2940175302265
Publisher: Year of the Book
Publication date: 08/02/2022
Edition description: Unabridged
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