The Journey Into a Man's Broken Heart

The Journey Into a Man's Broken Heart

by Sabur Im
The Journey Into a Man's Broken Heart

The Journey Into a Man's Broken Heart

by Sabur Im


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Letter to the Reader: A story is just the formation of words used to paint the picture of an event. My story is not any different. Each word used, is full of emotions, with hopes of painting a portrait of LOVE. I always heard people say, "It's better to have LOVED and lost than not to have LOVED at all." And at times, I was completely in agreement with this. Well that was until I LOVED and lost and was never able to LOVE again. I can't blame LOVE for this, but I can blame me. In order to remove the stain that guilt has left on the remaining pieces of my heart, I painted this picture, with my words, in hopes that you will end up appreciating the gift of LOVE.

Product Details

ISBN-13: 9781456733964
Publisher: AuthorHouse
Publication date: 01/21/2011
Pages: 232
Product dimensions: 8.90(w) x 6.00(h) x 0.60(d)

Read an Excerpt

The Journey into a Man's Broken Heart

By Sabur IM


Copyright © 2011 Sabur IM
All right reserved.

ISBN: 978-1-4567-3396-4

Chapter One

"Thoughts and Transitions"

"...................." I could not believe it. After all of these years, it had finally happened to me. Maybe I should just keep my eyes closed because I am not sure if I am ready to face the next step. It must be Heaven that I made it to because I do not feel any flames burning holes into my flesh or razor-sharp objects plunging into my body. But then again, I am dead and I no longer have a body. Damn, how would I know what really happens in Hell? For all that I know Hell can just be an eternity of me living my biggest fear, which is failure. So I might just fail at everything from this point on and not be able to save anyone, not be able to accomplish anything, just an eternity of being nothing, a pointless existence. All of these thoughts were racing through my mind and I had the answers to none of them. A few minutes ago I thought I was fearless and now here I am, petrified to open my eyes because I am not ready to face eternal damnation in Hell. I was also not ready to truly appreciate the perfection and the divinity of Heaven, if that is what awaited me.

Only twenty-three years old and already I am finished living, just another statistic: one more black male who did not make it to twenty-five. There is so much that I did, but even more that I did not do. Wherever I am at when I open my eyes, I have questions that I hope will be answered. Out of all the days, if this would have happened a week ago, I would have been content, but not today!

What if I open my eyes and this is all just a dream? I will not fool myself. If I was just dreaming I would not feel so at peace. I would be able to remember something that happened before I went to sleep and I would not be lying here wondering if I am dreaming. I am certain that this is not a dream because if it was, I would not be so DAMN scared to open my eyes!!!

"Ahhhhhhh....................Here goes nothing."

"...................." Speechless. Never in my wildest dreams would I ever have expected this.

is PERFECT!!!!!!" I shouted.

The gates were made up of one large diamond that seemed to stretch on infinitely in both directions. This was not the type of diamond that I saw while I was living, this was flawless. The diamond was as clear as water but as bright as the sun and for some strange reason I did not have to shield or protect my eyes from the radiant glare that bounced off of it from the sun's beams. It was hard to believe that I was inhaling air this pure: with every breath my being was engulfed with energy and happiness. This...................this was what I would get to bask in for eternity!

As I approached the gates they slowly opened and I saw the most exhilarating scene. Everyone was joyful, the scenery resembled Earth but the earth here was perfectly nourished, the people, the angels, the animals were all so beautiful. It was impossible to use words to describe the visual delights that were blessing my eyes. All of the families were happy and playing, enjoying every moment together.

"What is this feeling?" I asked myself as I quickly did a 180-degree turn to see what was behind me, but nothing was there. It must have been the magnificent gates opening to allow others the true privilege of coming into Heaven. One thing that I had noticed was that people had been coming in non-stop but it was only that one time when I felt startled and was compelled to look behind me. I did not think that I should concern myself with this strange feeling; I just thought that it was odd.

The sight of families being reunited, true loves once again being able to complete themselves with their other halves, was so stunning. All of this was occurring in front of my eyes but there I was standing alone. There was so much peace and love in the air and everything surrounding me was perfection but yet I still felt alone. Why? How could I be in Heaven and not be reunited with my loved ones? Those were the questions that I asked myself, hoping that I could somehow search deep down for the answers. Maybe I just never truly loved before or maybe it is because no one close to me had passed. All that I was able to do was come up with maybes for these questions. Even though everyone in Heaven was a family, loving and helping each other, I still could not shake the feeling that I was alone.

Everything could be felt here, the music played by a symphony of angels, the aura of warmth and love that was draped over everyone, the peace that overwhelmed the spirit from the flowing of the waters, the humming of the birds, buzzing of the bees and I felt all of this internally. The homes were not numbered or labeled but still everyone knew which home belonged to them, because each home was perfect to their beholder. I could look down and see my legs and they were physically moving but yet I did not feel them tiring. When I looked up I saw that everyone was wearing different garments and they all had different hair styles but no one cared, no one was judging one another. None of us had to express ourselves verbally, we could just feel each other and we could understand each other without any words ever being exchanged. Some people still spoke but it was just such a spiritual atmosphere that either way everything got communicated and comprehended.

After some time went by, I started to feel less lonely. I would play with the kids and this made me feel at peace: it was like playing with the younger children in my family. However, this only lasted temporarily because as time kept passing I began to feel that emptiness again. How could I not be happy in Heaven? I was beginning to believe that something was wrong with me. Thoughts began to race through my mind and that is when it happened.

On that cool brisk night I felt something deep within my heart, and the feeling that I was feeling was the presence of God. "Why can't I see you?" I asked him, but to no surprise there was no response. His presence was felt throughout my entire being, he would allow me to understand the answers to the questions that I had, but verbally, he would not answer. I completely understood: why would God answer to me? I was his child, not the other way around. He made me realize that everything that had yet to happen was because of my choices, choices that I had made and will make in the future. I did not completely understand nor did I know what these choices were/are, but I did know that I could not be completely happy here in Heaven until I made all of them.

Shortly after these thoughts went through my mind I felt the presence leave and I just sat there in deep thought. I knew that I must figure out what my issue was. There was not any reason why I should not be completely happy here. This was paradise, perfect in every way, shape, and form. There was nothing here that was out of place, but yet and still I felt out of place. "Please, can I just know the answer to one question? Please!!!!!!" I cried out desperately, hoping to somehow get an answer.

Exhausted and almost heartbroken, I just lay back onto the bed, which is when I heard a voice. "Why do you have so much pain?" the soft voice asked me in a concerned tone.

I quickly turned in the direction from which the voice came, and there I saw a baby, with small fluttering wings, in the opening of the bedroom doorway. "What is your name?" I asked.

He came completely into the room and quietly said, "I am your guardian angel. My name is not important at this point; just know that I am here to put your mind to ease."

Confused, surprised, and full of other mixed emotions I asked, "My guardian angel? Why am I just now meeting you? Also, why do I feel like this? Why am I not happy?"

"You seem so surprised to have a guardian angel! Every one of God's children was assigned an angel to look over them. Some choose to go astray which we are not able to prevent, due to free will, but still we are always there. You know me and my name. It may take you some time to realize it but in due time everything will come full circle. About why you are not happy, that is a question that is simple and yet extremely complex. You are not happy because you feel alone here. The reason that you feel all alone here is because of two reasons: one, you never truly loved anyone that had passed. Secondly, you are about to make certain decisions that will change everything," said the baby angel.

It was difficult to take this all in at one time. I was not expecting so much excitement in such a short period of time. I wanted to ask so many more questions but I did not want to waste time asking questions that I truly did not need the answers to. My guardian angel just told me that I know him, and that I will remember, but when? I had yet to remember everything that happened during my time alive, which might be the reason that I could not remember him. He did look familiar! Something about his eyes and his nose resembled someone that I know. And what was this decision that I was going to be making? I assumed that asking this would be a waste of time because that will be answered by time. He was looking at me, peacefully. I wondered if he could hear my thoughts even though I was trying to block them.

"I do not know the reasoning behind this question, but am I the only person to ever feel like this? I mean was there or is there anyone else that feels or felt lonely here?" I asked.

"Well, this too is a difficult question to answer. There was one other person and while he was here he had completely different feelings than you. Actually, the only similarity between the two of you was that neither of you were/are happy here ... Before you ask the answer is yes, you will meet him one day!" stated my guardian angel, as he awkwardly looked me in the eyes.

He quickly broke eye contact and became flushed with a look of sadness. He looked as though something terrible was currently happening and he was being forced to watch it. I felt distant because I had no idea what I could do to ease his pain. One thing that I can say is that he did comfort me by informing me that I would eventually meet this mystery man that shared or shares the same confusion and emptiness here in Heaven. Meeting someone else that actually experienced this same emotional journey would most likely ease my mind and relax away the loneliness.

Feeling like I was finally getting this emptiness filled I said to the baby angel, "I only have two more questions that I need to ask you! But before I ask I just wanted to take this time to thank you for coming to me. You sitting here with me, helping me to understand what is happening is truly making me feel better. And I thank you!!......Now to my final questions. The first question is the more important of the two. How come I can't remember my life, well, the life I had before here? I mean some things I do remember, but most of them I don't. The thing is, I can't even remember how I died. The second question is kind of difficult; when I first entered through the gates I felt something. I can't explain it, but I really felt something. Since then I have had this feeling that it was something important but when it initially happened I made myself believe that it was nothing. What it is I'm asking is, is that something that I should concern myself with?"

Once I finished I looked at the angel. I swear that his face looked exactly like that of someone whom I had known for all of my life. So young and innocent, yet his eyes were completely full of fear and sadness. He said to me, "I'm sorry! I'm sorry that I can't save you. I'm sorry!!! When you remember me, just remember that it was not meant to be! I don't hate you nor do I feel any type of resentment towards you. I love you and know that you love me. As far as the answer to your questions, you don't remember anything because you are supposed to be at peace first. Well, you should be accepting the fact that you died and that your former life is over and nothing that happened during that time can be changed. If everybody remembered their complete pasts right away they would not be able to achieve the internal peace that one should feel when one reaches Heaven. Eventually, over time, all of your memories, the good and the bad ones, will come to you. The memories will surface at a time when you are able to understand them. You, however, are remembering parts of your past immediately without reaching that inner peace. Your other question goes back to something that I have previously told you. And it is now apparent that you have already met him. I'm supposed to let you choose your own path and no matter what I do you will, but please can you not do it, PLEASE?"

Tears flooded to the eyes of my guardian angel, and in a moment's time he began to cry. I did not know what the future was holding but I did know that it was causing the baby angel an overwhelming amount of pain. Seeing this, I now knew that when I was faced with my future decision I would not go through with it. It was not possible; I could not see myself causing him any more pain than I already was and I had not even done anything. While I was processing these thoughts through my mind I began to feel calm. I did not know where it came from, but I could see that my guardian angel felt it too.

He used his hands to clear his face and in the same motion he looked at me and smiled. Seeing that he was feeling better I felt the happiest that I had felt my entire time there. To me, there is nothing worse than knowing that I made someone cry. Out of nowhere I had this flash memory of her. As these memories processed, my spirits began to down. I never had the chance to tell her that I was sorry. All of the times that I hurt her could not be apologized for, due to my time running out. Well, I guess that I would have the chance to make up for the bad times once we reunite. Then I could prove to her that I loved her. I knew that once she got here everything would be all right; she and my family would make me feel complete.

"Guardian, I am happy now. I am sorry that I made you cry but everything will be all right from here on!" I told my angel.

He continued to simultaneously smile and wipe his tears, only pausing to say, "I hope so, I wish that you will stay this happy! I hope that I am seeing the wrong future!"

After he said this he slowly begin to vanish from my room. I did not know what it was that he was talking about but what I did know is that I would prove him wrong. All that I could do now was smile and just enjoy the positive spirits in the air while sitting in the chair beside my bed. In this position I could relax while canvassing the entire room. This perfect bedroom, in this perfect home, in HEAVEN! When I looked down at my glass floor I noticed that there were some diamonds resting there. Amazed at the clarity of these stones, I realized that they were the tears from my guardian angel. That was so ironic: from the pain that I caused my angel something so beautiful came to be. These diamonds would serve as something great; they would be a constant reminder of the pain that I would cause my angel if I did the wrong thing.

What could have been days, even years, went by, and I grew happier. The reason that I had not thought about the time is because I was so happy: time really served no purpose to me anymore. I enjoyed being with the angels and the other families here. Sometimes I just sat, watching everything around me, and taking it all in. It was true beauty, from the people to the exotic plants and animals: perfection! The angels were something that I never could have pictured. Every time that I saw one I was more impressed by the radiance of their skin, the memorizing tones of their voices, their flowing and angelic wings, everything about them captivated my every sense. Knowing that at one point in my future I could become an angel only made me happier.

Some of the people in Heaven were old while others were young. After asking around I learned that the babies that were here were at a younger age because that age was how old they were at the time that they passed. As far as everyone else, they were at the age that they were happiest. Knowing that everyone was in perfect harmony only makes me happier. The babies were full of innocence and every time that they passed. As far as everyone else, they were at the age that they were happiest. Knowing that everyone was in perfect harmony only makes me happier. The babies were full of innocence and every time that they talked it was like music and calmness for the soul.


Excerpted from The Journey into a Man's Broken Heart by Sabur IM Copyright © 2011 by Sabur IM. Excerpted by permission of AuthorHouse. All rights reserved. No part of this excerpt may be reproduced or reprinted without permission in writing from the publisher.
Excerpts are provided by Dial-A-Book Inc. solely for the personal use of visitors to this web site.

Table of Contents


Chapter 1 "Thoughts and Transitions"....................1
Chapter 2 "My Decision"....................12
Chapter 3 "6 Days, 6th Night"....................19
Chapter 3.5 "Here I am Again?"....................35
Chapter 4 "Lost by Chance"....................37
Chapter 5 "Restless Rest"....................43
Chapter 5.5 "Resting while Restless"....................46
Chapter 6 "The Awakening"....................51
Chapter 7 "Doctor and Sweet Pain"....................61
Chapter 7.5 "Dreams of Nightmares and Revenge"....................67
Chapter 8 "Relaxation Attempts then Shocking Baby Steps"....................70
Chapter 9 "Changes that don't Change"....................76
Chapter 9.5 "Rehab for the SOLE and SOUL"....................85
Chapter 10 "Back on My Journey"....................89
Chapter 10.5 "Traveling Down a Familiarly Unfamiliar Road"....................96
Chapter 11 "And the Journey Ends and Begins"....................100
Chapter 12 "Moments"....................109
Chapter 12.5 "Heavenly Moments"....................116
Chapter 13 "A New Day, A New Life"....................125
Chapter 14 "Seasons"....................128
Chapter 15 "Actions of Celebration and Thoughts of Anticipation"....................149
Chapter 15.5 "The Light is Starting to Dimly Fade at the End of the Tunnel"....................156
Chapter 16 "A Bond that Cannot Be Broken and Words that Should Not Be Spoken"....................159
Chapter 17 "Detoured to the Original Path"....................185
Chapter 17.5 "SIX"....................192
Chapter 18 "...................."....................199
Chapter 19 "Here I Stand"....................207
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