The Muse, Part One

Life is simple for Gurt. He's a reliable lad who does whatever he's told and keeps secrets. And that's important, because Castle Underberry is full of dirty secrets.

He has no history, no family, and no job title. But he's comfortable, well-fed, and very well-entertained, so long as he does whatever odd job needs doing.

When Vnix'al Julgia, an important orcish painter, visits the castle, Gurt becomes her personal valet. He's never seen an orc before, but he's heard stories. Stories of orcs kidnapping men and women alike to use them as playthings. Stories of beastly orc women endowed with extra... features.

But it can't be that bad. Can it?

His job is on the line. He just needs to do what he's told, and give her whatever she wants.

The Muse, Part One

Life is simple for Gurt. He's a reliable lad who does whatever he's told and keeps secrets. And that's important, because Castle Underberry is full of dirty secrets.

He has no history, no family, and no job title. But he's comfortable, well-fed, and very well-entertained, so long as he does whatever odd job needs doing.

When Vnix'al Julgia, an important orcish painter, visits the castle, Gurt becomes her personal valet. He's never seen an orc before, but he's heard stories. Stories of orcs kidnapping men and women alike to use them as playthings. Stories of beastly orc women endowed with extra... features.

But it can't be that bad. Can it?

His job is on the line. He just needs to do what he's told, and give her whatever she wants.

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The Muse, Part One

The Muse, Part One

by Dakota Oakes

Narrated by Adam Stone

Unabridged — 1 hours, 21 minutes

The Muse, Part One

The Muse, Part One

by Dakota Oakes

Narrated by Adam Stone

Unabridged — 1 hours, 21 minutes

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Life is simple for Gurt. He's a reliable lad who does whatever he's told and keeps secrets. And that's important, because Castle Underberry is full of dirty secrets.

He has no history, no family, and no job title. But he's comfortable, well-fed, and very well-entertained, so long as he does whatever odd job needs doing.

When Vnix'al Julgia, an important orcish painter, visits the castle, Gurt becomes her personal valet. He's never seen an orc before, but he's heard stories. Stories of orcs kidnapping men and women alike to use them as playthings. Stories of beastly orc women endowed with extra... features.

But it can't be that bad. Can it?

His job is on the line. He just needs to do what he's told, and give her whatever she wants.

Product Details

BN ID: 2940191492537
Publisher: Dakota Oakes
Publication date: 01/25/2024
Series: The Forbidden Tome
Edition description: Unabridged
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