The One Year Devotions for Boys 2
Boys can discover the joys of daily time with God! The One Year Book of Devotions for Boys Volume 2 blends engaging stories with brief Scripture readings and memory verses to help preteens dig in to the Word. Readers will relate to the contemporary characters dealing with real-life dilemmas, and they’ll learn to apply the lessons to their own lives through the practical application sections. Indexes at the end provide additional resources for studying specific topics and verses. A valuable tool for developing a lifetime of spiritual growth!
The One Year Devotions for Boys 2
Boys can discover the joys of daily time with God! The One Year Book of Devotions for Boys Volume 2 blends engaging stories with brief Scripture readings and memory verses to help preteens dig in to the Word. Readers will relate to the contemporary characters dealing with real-life dilemmas, and they’ll learn to apply the lessons to their own lives through the practical application sections. Indexes at the end provide additional resources for studying specific topics and verses. A valuable tool for developing a lifetime of spiritual growth!
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The One Year Devotions for Boys 2

The One Year Devotions for Boys 2

The One Year Devotions for Boys 2

The One Year Devotions for Boys 2


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Boys can discover the joys of daily time with God! The One Year Book of Devotions for Boys Volume 2 blends engaging stories with brief Scripture readings and memory verses to help preteens dig in to the Word. Readers will relate to the contemporary characters dealing with real-life dilemmas, and they’ll learn to apply the lessons to their own lives through the practical application sections. Indexes at the end provide additional resources for studying specific topics and verses. A valuable tool for developing a lifetime of spiritual growth!

Product Details

ISBN-13: 9780842360142
Publisher: Tyndale House Publishers
Publication date: 10/01/2002
Pages: 400
Product dimensions: 5.90(w) x 8.80(h) x 0.88(d)
Age Range: 8 - 12 Years

Read an Excerpt



Copyright © 2002 Children's Bible Hour
All right reserved.

ISBN: 978-0-8423-6014-2

Chapter One

January 1


Read: 1 Corinthians 15:35-44

"Mom, I wish I could explain to little Lindsey about colors," said Maxwell with a sigh. "This afternoon I mentioned that the sky was so blue, but she couldn't understand what that meant."

"I know. Lindsey doesn't see color because she's blind," said Mom. "But her other senses seem to be more keen than ours. For one thing, she recognizes people by their footsteps or voice. We couldn't do that with very many people!"

Just then Brian burst into the kitchen. "Can I have a cookie, please?" he begged, opening the cookie jar.

"Yes, but just one," agreed Mom. "What did you learn at Bible club today, Brian?"

"About heaven," replied Brian, after swallowing a mouthful of cookie. "But I don't understand it very well."

"I don't understand it, either," said Maxwell. "I can't quite picture what we'll be doing there all the time."

Mom thought hard. "Maxwell," she said slowly, "remember how difficult-even impossible-it is for Lindsey to understand what colors are? In the same way, it's impossible for us to understand exactlywhat heaven is like. It's a completely different world, and we can't totally know what it will be like."

"What if we don't like it?" asked Brian, only half joking.

Mom smiled. "Do you think Lindsey would hesitate if she had the chance to see?"

"Of course not," said Maxwell and Brian at the same time.

"But she doesn't understand what it's like to be able to see," Mom told them.

"No, but she knows that sight is something wonderful," said Maxwell, "even though she doesn't quite understand it. She knows it's great because of what we tell her about it."

"And we know that heaven is going to be wonderful because of the things God tells us about it," replied Mom. "All our comparisons and descriptions fall far short of the glorious reality of heaven." MTF

* * *


Do you ever wonder and question and argue-and even worry-about heaven and how life there will be different from your life here on earth? Although heaven will certainly be different, be assured that it will be wonderful and far better than life on earth.


MEMORIZE: "Now we see but a poor reflection as in a mirror; then we shall see face to face. Now I know in part; then I shall know fully, even as I am fully known." 1 Corinthians 13:12, NIV

January 2


Read: Joshua 24:14-16

"Want me to feed Celina today?" Miguel asked his mother.

"Sure, thanks," replied Mom, as she handed Miguel a baby spoon and jar of mashed peas.

"Open wide," Miguel said, dipping the spoon into the baby food jar and putting a spoonful of the peas into Celina's mouth. Celina spit the green peas back out. "Hey! You're supposed to eat them!" scolded Miguel. He tried to put another spoonful of peas into her mouth, but she clamped her lips shut and turned her head away.

Mom chuckled. "You can keep offering them to her, but if she won't accept them, I'm afraid you can't make her eat them." She took a jar from the cupboard and handed it to Miguel. "Here, try some carrots instead."

Miguel held out some carrots to Celina. This time Celina opened her mouth and accepted a spoonful. After that she willingly took some more. "See. They're good," said Miguel. "And they're good for you, too, aren't they, Mom?"

"Yes, they are," Mom agreed, "but babies don't realize that we know what's good for them, so they don't always want to accept what we offer."

Miguel turned to look at his mom. "Our youth pastor said we're something like that," Miguel told her. "He said God loves us and knows what's best for us, and he wants us to believe in Jesus as Savior and to serve him. But God lets us choose whether or not we want to accept him and serve him."

Mom nodded. "That's right. Just like Celina decided whether or not to accept the food you offered her, we decide whether or not to accept Jesus and receive the salvation God offers us," she said. "And after we do accept him, we have to decide whether to faithfully live for him and serve him." GJT

* * *


Have you accepted Jesus as your Savior? Have you decided to serve him all of your life? Or are you turning your head-and heart-away? God loves you and knows it's best for you to not only have Jesus in your life, but also to spend your life serving him. Why not "open wide"? Decide today to receive him as Savior, and then give your life in service for him.


MEMORIZE: "Choose for yourselves this day whom you will serve." Joshua 24:15, NIV


Read: Romans 8:26-28

It hadn't been a good day for Michael. Nothing seemed to be any fun since his best friend, Daniel, had moved away. "Please, dear God," prayed Michael that night, "let Daniel come back and live here again."

"I know you miss Daniel very much," commented Dad as he tucked Michael into bed, "but I don't think his family is going to move back here."

"Yes, they will," Michael said confidently. "I asked God to bring them back, and he'll answer my prayer, won't he?"

"Yes," agreed Dad. "God always answers prayer, but his answer isn't always what we want it to be." After a moment, he asked, "Do you remember the time your puppy ran out the front gate and almost got hit by a car? Why do you suppose he did that?"

"I remember," Michael said. "Kipper came out because he wanted to be where I was."

"If that was what he wanted, why didn't you let him stay outside the fence with you?" asked Dad.

"Because he wouldn't be safe there," Michael answered promptly. "Kipper doesn't know enough to stay on the sidewalk like I do."

Dad nodded. "So even though Kipper wanted to be outside the fence, you knew better," he said. "That's the way God is. His answer to our prayers sometimes has to be 'no' because he knows what's best for us."

"But why wouldn't God want Daniel to come back?" Michael asked. "That couldn't be bad for me."

"But it might not be best for Daniel's family. His father had been out of work until he found a good job in another state," replied Dad. "Instead of praying that Daniel will come back, perhaps you should be asking God to help him and his family adjust to their new home."

Slowly Michael nodded. "And I'll ask God to help me find a new best friend, too," he decided. KRA

* * *


Do you think God should answer all your prayers exactly the way you want? If things don't go your way, do you think God doesn't care? That's not true. He does care, and he knows what is best for you. So even when God's answer to your prayer is "no," trust him and believe that his way is best.


MEMORIZE: "And we know that God causes everything to work together for the good of those who love God and are called according to his purpose for them." Romans 8:28

January 4


Read: 1 Timothy 5:1-44

"Hey, pass the gravy." Andrew interrupted the conversation at dinner.

Dad frowned. "Didn't you notice that your mother and I were talking?" he asked. "You interrupted us."

"Well, sor-ree," said Andrew, stressing the second syllable of the word. "But pass the gravy. I need some more."

Mom shook her head. "Whatever happened to saying 'please'?"

"Okay," replied Andrew. "Please may I have the gravy?" He rolled his eyes. "It's not like we're out in a restaurant or anything," he complained.

"Would you use better manners in a restaurant?" asked Dad.

"Well, yeah," answered Andrew, "or ... like ... if I was at somebody's house for dinner. You don't expect me to be all proper and everything around here at home, do you?"

"Actually," answered Dad, "yes, I do. You seem to think you should respect only people outside your own family-that you need to use good manners only when you're around other people. But the Bible says you are to honor your parents, and developing good manners is one way of showing honor and respect."

Andrew stared at his dad. "But ..."

"Home is also the perfect place for you to learn to do good and make right choices," added Mom. "Home is where you should be practicing the right way to do things."

"A football player practices to get in shape for the Super Bowl," said Dad, "and a figure skater practices to get in shape for the Olympics. In the same way, here at home you should practice doing things right so that in school or in the neighborhood or wherever you are, you'll be in shape to behave correctly." He paused. "Do you understand what we're saying? Do you have any questions?"

Andrew looked thoughtful. After a moment, he grinned. "Yes," he said. "May I please have some more of that delicious gravy?" BH

* * *


Does your behavior at home show that you honor your parents? You should be polite, thoughtful, and kind wherever you are, especially at home. That will please your parents, but best of all, it will please God. And it will prepare you to be polite wherever you are.


MEMORIZE: "Children ... should learn first of all to put their religion into practice by caring for their own family ... for this is pleasing to God." 1 Timothy 5:4, NIV

January 5


Read: Job 38:4-7; 41:11

Tyler stared at his dad's computer screen. "A boy in my class-Jared-says we're smarter than God," he said. "He says if we can invent computers, we can do anything. I told him we will always need God. Won't we, Dad?"

"Yes, but I'm afraid lots of people think the way Jared does," answered Dad. "Tyler, do you think this computer can give us the answer to the question you just asked?"

"Not unless somebody programmed it to answer that question," Tyler replied. "And the answer would depend on who programmed it. The computer can't think for itself."

Dad rubbed his chin. "So the computer can't be any smarter than the person who programs it?"

"Right," agreed Tyler.

"Do you know when the first computer was built?" asked Dad. Tyler shook his head. "It happened thousands of years ago," said Dad. "That first computer was built into Adam, and it was called a 'brain.' Who programmed it?"

"God did," answered Tyler.

"Right," said Dad. "Do you think the human brain could be smarter than the one who programmed it?"

"No," Tyler said.

"Right again," said Dad. "You know, Tyler, when the mechanical computer was first invented, people called it an electronic brain. They were copying God's idea. But God made it better than humans ever will. In fact, the human brain is still much more powerful than any electronic computer."

"Really?" asked Tyler. He sighed. "I can hardly remember my locker number, but this computer remembers everything."

"That's because we humans only use a very small percentage of our brain power," Dad told him.

"Why is that?" asked Tyler.

Dad looked uncertain. "I don't know. Maybe God decided we weren't responsible enough to use it all," he suggested.

Tyler grinned. "Yeah," he said. "If we did, maybe more people would get the idea that they were smarter than him." HMT

* * *


Did you know that you own one of the most powerful computers in the world? Your brain is more wonderfully designed than anything humans can create. Nothing has been done that God hasn't thought of first. People believe they can do anything with computers, but the truth is, they can't do anything without God. He is-and always will be-the all-powerful and all-knowing God.


MEMORIZE: "For apart from me you can do nothing." John 15:5

January 6


Read: Psalm 139:1-12

Joel lay on the sofa, his bald head a circle against the white pillow. Medical treatments had caused his hair to fall out. His mother looked over at him just as a tear slid down his cheek. "What's wrong, honey?" she asked. "Not feeling so good today?"

"I'm scared," replied Joel in a trembling voice. "It seems like God has gone away. Ever since I got sick, it feels as if he isn't here at all."

"It may feel like that," Mom said, "but God promises to always be with us. It's hard sometimes to keep praying and trusting him, but we need to do that." She sat down beside Joel. "The way you feel isn't surprising, though," added Mom. "It reminds me of something that happened to me when I was little."

"Were you sick, too?" asked Joel.

Mom shook her head. "No. I was with my family on a train trip," she said. "We stopped in a city, and my daddy got off the train. I remember watching for him to come back, afraid that the train would leave without him. I was so relieved when I saw him walk past the window. But a few minutes later, we started moving, and he wasn't yet with us. I was terrified because I thought we had left him behind."

"So did you?" asked Joel.

"No, but it certainly felt like it," said Mom. "Even though my mother kept saying she knew my daddy was on the train, I couldn't quite believe her. I cried until he walked back into the car. I would have saved myself a lot of worry if I had trusted my mom's word. And God's Word is more trustworthy than any person's. We can believe it when God says he'll never leave us."

"Show me where it says that," said Joel. "I want to read it for myself." VEN


Excerpted from THE ONE YEAR DEVOTIONS FOR Boys 2 Copyright © 2002 by Children's Bible Hour. Excerpted by permission.
All rights reserved. No part of this excerpt may be reproduced or reprinted without permission in writing from the publisher.
Excerpts are provided by Dial-A-Book Inc. solely for the personal use of visitors to this web site.

Table of Contents


JANUARY 1. Heaven 2. Open Wide 3. The Best Answer 4. Practice Makes Perfect 5. The Best Computer 6. Where's God? 7. Your Achilles' Heel 8. One at a Time 9. Sniff 10. The Telltale Prints 11. Going with the Flow 12. The Default Setting 13. X-ray Machine 14. Justin's Family 15. Clocks and People 16. A Home for Doug 17. A True Hero 18. Ears and Actions 19. The Best Judge 20. Just Once Won't Hurt 21. Is It True? 22. Words 23. Eyes of Love 24. Gone from Memory 25. A True Investment 26. Show It 27. For Your Protection 28. Guardrails 29. Lost Notebook 30. The Right Size (Part 1) 31. The Right Size (Part 2) FEBRUARY 1. The Growth Process 2. A Walrus Family (Part 1) 3. A Walrus Family (Part 2) 4. What's Missing? 5. Reaching the Goal 6. Life-Giving Flood 7. The Picture Puzzle 8. Escape from Death 9. The Winning Losers 10. Ashley and Oliver 11. Aunt Lillian 12. Fish Out of Water 13. Why Wait So Long? 14. Do I Have to Smile? 15. What Shall I Be? 16. Neal's Bargain 17. Rules, Rules, Rules 18. Wong's History 19. Fruit Out of Season 20. Bashful Ben 21. Life's Puzzle 22. The Star 23. Every Step Counts 24. The Things I Remember 25. The Benchwarmer 26. The Whining Sister 27. Walking Home 28. Why Am I Guilty? MARCH 1. Who Cares? 2. Raised Eyebrows 3. A Long Time 4. It's Greek to Me 5. Matthew's Problem 6. Why? 7. To Sin or Not to Sin 8. Like Andrew and Peter 9. The Rope 10. Never Alone 11. Helping Dad 12. Second Chance 13. Tie a Yellow Ribbon 14. The Dropout 15. A Dirty Mouth 16. Old Enough 17. Worth It All 18. Hymn Meanings 19. What to Do 20. A Dirty House 21. Read It Again 22. Seed Sowing 23. Behind the Scenes 24. Dark Days 25. The Toaster and the Bible 26. Creation and the Truth 27. WhatIs God Like? 28. Like Desert Plants (Part 1) 29. Like Desert Plants (Part 2) 30. Change of Plans 31. To Save Her Young APRIL 1. Somebody's Fool 2. One Day with Chirpie 3. The Wrong Side 4. The Sun and the Moon 5. Punishment or Celebration? 6. The Right Answer 7. Disappearing Peas 8. They're Human 9. Older Brother 10. Excuses, Excuses 11. Not a Cowboy 12. The Hopeless Case (Part 1) 13. The Hopeless Case (Part 2) 14. The Hopeless Case (Part 3) 15. Spilled Milk 16. Fence of Protection 17. He's Alive 18. Speak Up 19. The Fad Trap 20. The Easter Picture 21. What You Watch 22. Really Free 23. Captain Midnight 24. No Strings Attached 25. A New Name 26. The Experiment 27. Forgive Me My Sins 28. One of the Gang 29. I Hate Work (Part 1) 30. I Hate Work (Part 2) MAY 1. Out! 2. Stiff Competition 3. The Mystery Seeds 4. Bird in a Cage 5. All Wet 6. The Good Hiding Place 7. Keep the Fire Burning 8. Quality Counts 9. Grass Huts and Baseball 10. Never Too Young 11. The Wallet 12. Snowcones and Eggs 13. The Dog and the Gate 14. The Procrastinator 15. Don't Forget 16. You Can't Do It 17. Pitching Straight 18. I Wish It Were Mine 19. Baseballs and Bushes 20. The Way You Live 21. The Cover-Up (Part 1) 22. The Cover-Up (Part 2) 23. The Prize 24. A Sneaky Trap 25. Brain Power 26. The Baseball Diamond 27. Hidden Weeds 28. Remember Me 29. All Dressed Up 30. Tidal Wave 31. Dead, but Alive JUNE 1. Preparation Needed 2. Pay Attention! 3. Helpful Ants 4. Rain, Rain, Rain 5. No! 6. Where Is He? (Part 1) 7. Where Is He? (Part 2) 8. The Storm 9. Before the Sun Sets 10. The Missionary Project (Part 1) 11. The Missionary Project (Part 2) 12. A Lesson in a Cave 13. No Time to Wait (Part 1) 14. No Time to Wait (Part 2) 15. Look for the Opportunities 16. Nothing but the Truth 17. Big Enough 18. Go Ahead-Jump! 19. Rewards 20. Glad to Go to Church 21. Enough Ice Cream 22. Tommy and Old Asaph 23. A Place of Escape 24. Danger! Stay Away! 25. The Boss 26. Arrowheads and Promises 27. God's Light 28. Big Brother 29. Hooked 30. The Fireflies JULY 1. A Surprising Return 2. Beginning to Fly 3. Brett's Plan 4. A Walk in the Woods 5. Lost in the Woods 6. A Measure of Faith 7. Raspberry Riot 8. High-Flying Sparks 9. Hide and Seek 10. All God's Creatures 11. Visit from a Cousin 12. David's Mean Mommy 13. Every Secret Thing 14. Walking the Plank 15. Welcome 16. Crooked Shingles 17. Salted Leeches 18. Fuel on the Fire 19. The Mime 20. Gazelles and Thoughts 21. Call Waiting 22. Puzzles and Lives 23. Point of View 24. Learning the Hard Way 25. Laddie's Enemy 26. Dangerous Thorns 27. Getting Clean 28. Family Day 29. Ocean of Love 30. Sink or Swim 31. The Way to Grow AUGUST 1. Dirty Footprints 2. God's Protective Gear 3. The Broken Window 4. Door to Heaven 5. The Fishing Trip 6. More Food, Please! 7. Why Did It Happen? 8. Trapped (Part 1) 9. Trapped (Part 2) 10. The Buried Treasure 11. Dead Man's Reef 12. Jimmy's Gift 13. What to Do about Dad? 14. Good Impression 15. Easy-but Wrong 16. The Open Gate 17. Willing Servant 18. The Broken Train 19. Pass the Salt (Part 1) 20. Pass the Salt (Part 2) 21. The Quiet Times 22. Undeserved Reward 23. Here, There, and Everywhere 24. Cliff Dwellers 25. God at Work 26. A Mighty Weapon 27. Christian Construction 28. Wildfire 29. The Wise Squirrel 30. Troublesome Melon (Part 1) 31. Troublesome Melon (Part 2) SEPTEMBER 1. Clothes Talk 2. Kick the Can'ts 3. Bearing Fruit 4. Leftovers 5. No Dad 6. Weekend Plans 7. Ready for the Future 8. The Demonstration 9. Making the Team 10. A Losing Game 11. Mine to Share 12. One Little Sacrifice 13. It's Just like Him 14. The Winner 15. The Choice 16. Keeping Healthy 17. On Guard 18. Bad Apples 19. Follow the Rules 20. Repotted to Grow 21. Stop Signs and Christians 22. The Problem Tongue 23. Locked Out 24. Born to Be Me 25. From Bad to Worse 26. The "Fix-It" Kid 27. WWJS 28. All but One 29. Blow It Away 30. Wrinkle Free OCTOBER 1. Thorny Hedge (Part 1) 2. Thorny Hedge (Part 2) 3. The Lost Job 4. Flash Knows the Way 5. The Unlovable 6. Up, Up, and Away 7. Warning Signals 8. Liver of the Team 9. Story of a Pretzel 10. Right Side Up 11. Better than Chocolate Cake 12. Crab Fishing 13. It Pays to Advertise 14. The Gang (Part 1) 15. The Gang (Part 2) 16. Tree Problems 17. Out to Win 18. A Lesson from the Lawn 19. Warning! Window Here! 20. Out of Balance 21. On Becoming Fossils 22. A Good Rule 23. Change Needed 24. Lost Inheritance (Part 1) 25. Lost Inheritance (Part 2) 26. Like a Badger (Part 1) 27. Like a Badger (Part 2) 28. One of the Flock 29. Mysterious Noises 30. The Bat (Part 1) 31. The Bat (Part 2) NOVEMBER 1. Saved from the Fire 2. Politics and Prayer 3. Brad Conquers Fear (Part 1) 4. Brad Conquers Fear (Part 2) 5. Remember Me 6. A Big Story 7. Joe and the Yo-Yo 8. Who Is Guilty? 9. Questions 10. The Turnabout (Part 1) 11. The Turnabout (Part 2) 12. Teacher Conference 13. A Bored Friend 14. Would You Steal? 15. A Forgiving Judge 16. Prayer in a Public Place 17. Ready on Time 18. God's Gang 19. Jesus, My Friend 20. Do unto Others 21. Someone to Trust 22. A Disaster Zone 23. Shoes and Salvation 24. Marvelous Marvin 25. A Bad Sickness 26. The Human Race 27. Silent Friend 28. Sorry-but, No 29. Memory Problems 30. The Very Best News DECEMBER 1. Up the Down Escalator 2. The Inheritance 3. A Horrible Pit! 4. Jason's Treasure 5. Tried and True 6. The Yellow Balloon 7. The Right Clothes 8. Important Rules 9. The Birthday Presents 10. All from God 11. Rags to Riches 12. Anticipation 13. The Happy Home 14. The Strange Rescue 15. On Track 16. The Greatest Engineer 17. The Prayer Closet 18. The Real Jesus 19. If I'd Only Known 20. The Bar of Judgment 21. The Prescription 22. Who Said So? 23. Two Kinds of Treasure 24. A Shared Gift 25. Home at Last 26. Get Real! 27. Faithful in the Least 28. Focus Trouble 29. For Your Own Good (Part 1) 30. For Your Own Good (Part 2) 31. Follow the Shepherd INDEX OF TOPICS INDEX OF SCRIPTURE READINGS INDEX OF MEMORY VERSES
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