Supernatural entities from Japanese mythology propel a young pearl diver on a perilous mission in this immersive otherworldly fantasy set in the fictional Heiwadai Empire. Kai and Kishi are identical twins born into a pearl-diving family, whose female members make risky solo plunges. Stubborn, rule-breaking Kai, who can hold her breath longer, is fascinated by the fairy tales and misses the girls’ late, story-spinning aunt. Obedient Kishi, the faster swimmer, is newly interested in boys, especially the village chief’s son. When an immortal, skeletal ghost whale interrupts a sisterly diving competition, leading to Kishi’s death, Kai journeys to meet with the sea deity Benzaiten, protector of pearl divers, and begs for her twin’s life. Benzaiten promises to restore Kishi to life if Kai steals a magic pearl from the supernatural kitsune who gather monthly on Sky Mountain. Aided by a magical compass and bowl, Kai embarks on a quest to save her sister that’s complicated by bandits and nobility alike. With a painstakingly built world and a strong emotional thrust, Beck’s vivid, fierce-hearted debut fleshes out a flawed, memorable protagonist alongside fearsome mythical creatures. Ages 8–12. Agent: Victoria Wells Arms, HG Literary. (Feb.)
"Filled with elements of Japanese culture, including myths and legends, this is an exciting, fast-paced adventure with lots of twists and turns…. Readers will want to dive into this story full of magic and adventure." — Kirkus Reviews
"The elegant prose is descriptive, and the fictional world, inspired by eleventh century Japan, is rich with Japanese myths and legends... the book will especially find an audience with fans of Erin Entrada Kelly and Grace Lin." — Bulletin of the Center for Children’s Books
"The engrossing story whisks readers into a world of magical possibilities along with real-world conundrums. Enchanting Japanese folklore and detailed settings are woven into a high-stakes adventure with a twist ending that will leave readers hoping for more. A terrifically transporting tale of familial love and the power in finally stepping into your identity." — Booklist
“Supernatural entities from Japanese mythology propel a young pearl diver on a perilous mission in this immersive otherworldly fantasy…. With a painstakingly built world and a strong emotional thrust, Beck’s vivid, fierce-hearted debut fleshes out a flawed, memorable protagonist alongside fearsome mythical creatures.” — Publishers Weekly
Sura Siu narrates this fantasy featuring gods and creatures from Japanese religions and folklore. Pearl-diving twins Kai and Kisha become separated when a ghost whale swallows Kisha. The Dragon King befriends Kai and starts her on a supernatural quest to save her sister. Siu creates a pensive Zen mood with a slow, soft speech pattern. She individualizes the characters with attitude rather than distinct voices. Through words and tone, the listener hears that Kai is impulsive, brave, and proud. When she meets up with the mysteriously reserved bandit Ren, the listener will be swept away by the magic and adventure of an ancient Japanese fantasy world rooted in traditional stories. A map, list of sources, and glossary are downloadable. L.T. © AudioFile 2023, Portland, Maine
Sura Siu narrates this fantasy featuring gods and creatures from Japanese religions and folklore. Pearl-diving twins Kai and Kisha become separated when a ghost whale swallows Kisha. The Dragon King befriends Kai and starts her on a supernatural quest to save her sister. Siu creates a pensive Zen mood with a slow, soft speech pattern. She individualizes the characters with attitude rather than distinct voices. Through words and tone, the listener hears that Kai is impulsive, brave, and proud. When she meets up with the mysteriously reserved bandit Ren, the listener will be swept away by the magic and adventure of an ancient Japanese fantasy world rooted in traditional stories. A map, list of sources, and glossary are downloadable. L.T. © AudioFile 2023, Portland, Maine
In this story set in a fantasy Japan many centuries ago, Kai faces dangers as she tries to save her sister from dying.
On the day of her ceremonial solo dive, part of becoming an official pearl diver, Kai wakes up from an ominous dream in which her twin, Kishi, got trapped behind a transparent undersea barrier. Dismissing it, she goes about her day, diving for mussels. But on her last dive, Kai’s nightmare becomes a reality when Kishi is swallowed by the bakekujira or ghost whale. Determined to save her sister, Kai searches for the whale only to almost lose her own life. After being rescued by Ryujin, the Dragon King, who takes her to sea goddess Benzaiten, Kai pleads for help in bringing her sister back. Benzaiten says Kai must first bring her the pearl belonging to Dakini, the Fox Queen. Kai embarks on a journey toward Sky Mountain, the foxes’ meeting place, along the way encountering bandits, a scheming general, the vicious Crows of the Eternal Night, and a new friend. Filled with elements of Japanese culture, including myths and legends, this is an exciting, fast-paced adventure with lots of twists and turns. Topics of grief, family, friendship, and belonging are at the forefront of Kai’s journey and growth, with classism and other prejudices shaping many characters’ lives.
Readers will want to dive into this story full of magic and adventure. (map, sources, glossary) (Fantasy. 8-12)