Thriving on Overload: The 5 Powers for Success In A World Of Exponential Information
When managing massive amounts of information is part of your job and daily life, how do you transform a feeling of overwhelm into a sense of abundance and empowerment?

This groundbreaking guide delivers the practical insights and strategies you need to build a positive relationship with information and excel at work and in all your ventures.

Ross Dawson draws on his work as a leading futurist and twenty-five years of research into the practices that transform a surplus of information into compelling value. In Thriving on Overload, he shares simple actionable techniques for staying ahead in an accelerating world. It's all about choosing to thrive on overload-rather than being overwhelmed by it.

Discover valuable lessons from some of the world's most extraordinary "information masters"-entrepreneurs, investors, executives, and researchers who excel at transforming vast mines of data into the solid gold of insight and effective action.

Packed with clear guidance, useful exercises, engaging stories, and handy resources, Thriving on Overload helps you build the capabilities that enable you to outperform your peers and prosper as never before in a world defined by excessive information.
Thriving on Overload: The 5 Powers for Success In A World Of Exponential Information
When managing massive amounts of information is part of your job and daily life, how do you transform a feeling of overwhelm into a sense of abundance and empowerment?

This groundbreaking guide delivers the practical insights and strategies you need to build a positive relationship with information and excel at work and in all your ventures.

Ross Dawson draws on his work as a leading futurist and twenty-five years of research into the practices that transform a surplus of information into compelling value. In Thriving on Overload, he shares simple actionable techniques for staying ahead in an accelerating world. It's all about choosing to thrive on overload-rather than being overwhelmed by it.

Discover valuable lessons from some of the world's most extraordinary "information masters"-entrepreneurs, investors, executives, and researchers who excel at transforming vast mines of data into the solid gold of insight and effective action.

Packed with clear guidance, useful exercises, engaging stories, and handy resources, Thriving on Overload helps you build the capabilities that enable you to outperform your peers and prosper as never before in a world defined by excessive information.
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Thriving on Overload: The 5 Powers for Success In A World Of Exponential Information

Thriving on Overload: The 5 Powers for Success In A World Of Exponential Information

by Ross Dawson

Narrated by Nathan Lang

Unabridged — 5 hours, 57 minutes

Thriving on Overload: The 5 Powers for Success In A World Of Exponential Information

Thriving on Overload: The 5 Powers for Success In A World Of Exponential Information

by Ross Dawson

Narrated by Nathan Lang

Unabridged — 5 hours, 57 minutes

Audiobook (Digital)

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When managing massive amounts of information is part of your job and daily life, how do you transform a feeling of overwhelm into a sense of abundance and empowerment?

This groundbreaking guide delivers the practical insights and strategies you need to build a positive relationship with information and excel at work and in all your ventures.

Ross Dawson draws on his work as a leading futurist and twenty-five years of research into the practices that transform a surplus of information into compelling value. In Thriving on Overload, he shares simple actionable techniques for staying ahead in an accelerating world. It's all about choosing to thrive on overload-rather than being overwhelmed by it.

Discover valuable lessons from some of the world's most extraordinary "information masters"-entrepreneurs, investors, executives, and researchers who excel at transforming vast mines of data into the solid gold of insight and effective action.

Packed with clear guidance, useful exercises, engaging stories, and handy resources, Thriving on Overload helps you build the capabilities that enable you to outperform your peers and prosper as never before in a world defined by excessive information.

Product Details

BN ID: 2940174933354
Publisher: McGraw Hill-Ascent Audio
Publication date: 05/09/2023
Edition description: Unabridged
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