Traces of Time
"Mariani has emerged as one of the few significant post-Montalian poets in Italy, and Molino is a graceful, experienced, thoroughly reliable translator. The result is an elegant book, an important book, bringing a distinctive voice into English."—Rosanna Warren

Culled from his entire career, the poems in Traces of Time cover numerous themes, most prominently the poet's relationship to history and how poetry can exist outside of it. "Tiananmen, 20 Years Later," "Protocols of War," and "Checkmate" (about 9/11) all illustrate Lucio Mariani's concerns "through images both dense and porous, lines both cadenced and spasmodic," and confirm his place in contemporary poetry.

"Protocols of War"
(Baghdad is not far)

Of this time you'll gather no memories for your eternal hunger.
Can't you see the slags in the weave that enfolds the flesh of the living?
Can't you see that the boxes and drawers where the silver of bygone days abounds have no room for trinkets or seashells of a present founded on plaster markets,
lost facing a mirror seeking itself in the halls of the world?
Don't you see that for the first time every man erects ruins for his heirs enacting inane protocols of war while the future slams its shutters tight so as to celebrate on statistical altars the glory of mindless marionettes maneuvered by nothingness,
sprung in the bitter fields of oblivion?
Of this time you'll gather no memories.

Lucio Mariani is the author of eight volumes of poetry, including Echoes of Memory (available in English from UPNE), as well as a volume of essays, a collection of short stories, and translations of works by César Vallejo, Tristan Corbière, and Yves Bonnefoy.

Anthony Molino is a translator from the Italian, an anthropologist, and a psychoanalyst. In addition to Lucio Mariani's two volumes, he has also translated works by Valerio Magrelli and Antonio Porta, among others.

Traces of Time
"Mariani has emerged as one of the few significant post-Montalian poets in Italy, and Molino is a graceful, experienced, thoroughly reliable translator. The result is an elegant book, an important book, bringing a distinctive voice into English."—Rosanna Warren

Culled from his entire career, the poems in Traces of Time cover numerous themes, most prominently the poet's relationship to history and how poetry can exist outside of it. "Tiananmen, 20 Years Later," "Protocols of War," and "Checkmate" (about 9/11) all illustrate Lucio Mariani's concerns "through images both dense and porous, lines both cadenced and spasmodic," and confirm his place in contemporary poetry.

"Protocols of War"
(Baghdad is not far)

Of this time you'll gather no memories for your eternal hunger.
Can't you see the slags in the weave that enfolds the flesh of the living?
Can't you see that the boxes and drawers where the silver of bygone days abounds have no room for trinkets or seashells of a present founded on plaster markets,
lost facing a mirror seeking itself in the halls of the world?
Don't you see that for the first time every man erects ruins for his heirs enacting inane protocols of war while the future slams its shutters tight so as to celebrate on statistical altars the glory of mindless marionettes maneuvered by nothingness,
sprung in the bitter fields of oblivion?
Of this time you'll gather no memories.

Lucio Mariani is the author of eight volumes of poetry, including Echoes of Memory (available in English from UPNE), as well as a volume of essays, a collection of short stories, and translations of works by César Vallejo, Tristan Corbière, and Yves Bonnefoy.

Anthony Molino is a translator from the Italian, an anthropologist, and a psychoanalyst. In addition to Lucio Mariani's two volumes, he has also translated works by Valerio Magrelli and Antonio Porta, among others.

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"Mariani has emerged as one of the few significant post-Montalian poets in Italy, and Molino is a graceful, experienced, thoroughly reliable translator. The result is an elegant book, an important book, bringing a distinctive voice into English."—Rosanna Warren

Culled from his entire career, the poems in Traces of Time cover numerous themes, most prominently the poet's relationship to history and how poetry can exist outside of it. "Tiananmen, 20 Years Later," "Protocols of War," and "Checkmate" (about 9/11) all illustrate Lucio Mariani's concerns "through images both dense and porous, lines both cadenced and spasmodic," and confirm his place in contemporary poetry.

"Protocols of War"
(Baghdad is not far)

Of this time you'll gather no memories for your eternal hunger.
Can't you see the slags in the weave that enfolds the flesh of the living?
Can't you see that the boxes and drawers where the silver of bygone days abounds have no room for trinkets or seashells of a present founded on plaster markets,
lost facing a mirror seeking itself in the halls of the world?
Don't you see that for the first time every man erects ruins for his heirs enacting inane protocols of war while the future slams its shutters tight so as to celebrate on statistical altars the glory of mindless marionettes maneuvered by nothingness,
sprung in the bitter fields of oblivion?
Of this time you'll gather no memories.

Lucio Mariani is the author of eight volumes of poetry, including Echoes of Memory (available in English from UPNE), as well as a volume of essays, a collection of short stories, and translations of works by César Vallejo, Tristan Corbière, and Yves Bonnefoy.

Anthony Molino is a translator from the Italian, an anthropologist, and a psychoanalyst. In addition to Lucio Mariani's two volumes, he has also translated works by Valerio Magrelli and Antonio Porta, among others.

Product Details

ISBN-13: 9781940953144
Publisher: Open Letter
Publication date: 07/14/2015
Edition description: Bilingual
Pages: 130
Product dimensions: 5.50(w) x 8.40(h) x 0.60(d)

About the Author

Lucio Mariani is the author of eight volumes of poetry including Qualche Notizia del Tempo (Some News of Time) and Echoes of Memory, as well as a volume of essays, a collection of short stories, and translations of works by César Vallejo, Tristan Corbière, and Yves Bonnefoy.

Anthony Molino is a translator from the Italian, an anthropologist, and a psychoanalyst. His translations include Lucio Mariani's Echoes of Memory and works by Valerio Magrelli and Antonio Porta, among others.

Read an Excerpt

Traces of Time

New and Selected Poems

By Lucio Mariani, Anthony Molino


Copyright © 2012 Lucio Mariani
All rights reserved.
ISBN: 978-1-940953-14-4



    Domandavi se mai mi sentissi in ritardo.
    È un problema di chi si mette fra la seconda
    e l'ultima corsia.
    Io rincorro da solo.
    Che sia quindi in anticipo o tardivo
    tutto dipende dal disamore che sto ruminando.
    Per la giusta cadenza ho battuto le mani due o tre volte
    e mi sono premiato schizzandomi sul viso
    fresche parcelle di felicità. Nel buio.


    You'd ask if I were ever late.
    That's a problem for people stuck
    between the second and last lanes.
    Me, I'm in lone pursuit.
    So that whether I'm early or late
    depends solely on the day's disaffection.
    To catch the beat I clapped my hands once or twice,
    before splashing my face with particles
    of happiness. For getting it right. In the dark.


    Come amore soltanto ti vivo assente
    amore mio
    deposta nella trama
    e nella corda un filo indistinguibile,
    continuato fremòre del silenzio.
    Mi dirai non è amore, così non è
    dolore il non patito, il temuto dolore
    tu che non sai cominciata la morte
    e che cerchi le affiches sopra ogni bottiglia.


    I live your love only in your absence
    my love
    stitched in the woof
    and weft of an invisible thread
    endless throb of silence.
    That's not love, you'll say, the way pain
    not suffered, though dreaded,
    isn't pain. You, who ignore that death has set in
    and trust the label on every bottle.


    Dove il rumore della tua memoria
    stagna forte, sottile, inconsumato
    ubique lune e stelle differenti
    dicono quanto passo della notte
    di quante notti ancora sto passando
    per trovare rarissime finzioni
    da versare sul petto e sull'attesa
    della piccola morte che m'hai dato.


    Where the din of your memory
    stagnates strong subtle unconsumed
    everywhere moons and disparate stars
    tell how much of the night I pass
    how many nights I still pass looking
    to find the rarest of pretences
    to pour over my chest and the wait
    for the little death you handed me.


    Chiama l'usanza un minimo di appello,
    s'apre la stanza e avvio secondo norma
    i giochi che non voglio interamente
    che come me non vuole interamente
    la conosciuta mia.
    E pure si converge e pure si conviene
    per un curioso, banale istinto di compattamento.
    Eppure avviene.


    Habit makes for a roll call of sorts
    the room opens and I begin as usual
    the games I really don't want to play
    the same games she's not keen on.
    And still we meet, still we converge
    by way of some odd, banal inclination to conjoin.
    The pact, you know,
    just happens.


    Mi chiedi d'esser l'altro che comprendi,
    quello che parla lentamente, chiaro,
    che descrive le piazze partendo dai negozi
    che del mare
    discute il salino, il rischio, la grandezza
    che lasci la sera
    ritrovi il mattino inalterato.
    Mi chiedi d'esser l'altro
    che cadenza la cura
    dell'orto e del tuo frutto
    acqua per l'acqua
    fronte per la fronte
    che morde con i denti
    e il giorno divide dalla notte,
    non cerca indizi di luna.
    Mi chiedi d'esser l'altro
    che conosce per nome
    i suoi nemici e il giusto
    che non lima un dubbio rotondo
    che sputa le spine del ventre
    che lo scriccio di foglia calpestata
    chiama rumore.

    Mi chiedi d'esser biondo.


    You ask me to be the other you comprehend,
    the one who speaks slowly, clearly,
    who describes a piazza from its shops
    and discusses the sea's
    salinity, its risk and grandeur
    whom at night you leave
    to find in the morning, unchanged.
    You ask me to be the other
    who cadences the care
    of your garden and fruit
    water for water
    brow for brow
    who bites with his teeth
    to divide night from day,
    indifferent to the moods of the moon.
    You ask me to be the other
    who knows what's right
    and his enemies by name,
    who smooths the edges of doubt
    and spits up the thorns in his gut,
    who calls the crackle of a leaf underfoot

    You ask me to be blond.


    a Luca

    Mentre l'eternità figlio,
    l'eternità è quel modo di te
    che ho potuto donarti stabilmente,
    un tralcio sotterrato
    nel parco dei tuoi umori
    che riaffiora nel sorriso improvviso
    nell'inabilità della mano a sfabbricare
    nella curiosità che ti dà il mare
    forte e continua più della paura
    nel rispettare il misero antropino
    nell'amore del vino e delle poppe.
    Eterna figlio è la tua parte
    eterno quel milligrammo mio
    che domani ed insieme ingombreranno
    il gesto della scimmia tua devota
    qualunque sia
    per sangue o suggestione. E così via.


    for Luca

    Whereas eternity, my son,
    eternity is that way of yours
    I managed indelibly to bestow,
    a brier hidden
    in the garden of your moods
    that sprouts in your sudden smile
    in your hand's inability to craft
    in the curiosity the sea inspires
    stronger and steadier than any fear
    in your respect for the lowly little man
    in your love for wine and tits.
    Eternal, my son, is the part of you
    eternal that milligram of mine
    that tomorrow together will burden
    the gesture
    of any and every monkey devoted to you
    whether by blood or influence. And so on.


    a César Vallejo

    Salve infinito Vallejo
    sproposito umano
    salve cuore capace del tuo corpo
    dei mille amati e d'oltre
    salve voce che hai detto
    quello che il tempo ancora tace
    salve unico mastro nell'impresa
    di restare tradito post mortem
    salve luce della candela malintesa
    liquidato con quattro righe
    nel dictionnaire di Van Tieghem
    contro le ventitré per Alberti il corista
    salve spada emotiva della guerra
    combattuta da solo
    sudando inchiostro d'anima e di sale.
    Sulle ciglia
    raccolgo i resti della devozione
    e t'accarezzo
    felice che di te abbiano fatto
    un mio segreto
    César Vallejo, miniera generale
    di quozienti estricabili nonché
    di chiavi di cappelli y entonces.



    for César Vallejo

    Hail, infinite Vallejo
    human blunder
    hail, heart worthy of your body
    of the thousands loved and more
    hail, voice that spoke
    what time still hushes
    hail, lone master adept
    at staying betrayed post-mortem
    hail, light of a misguided candle
    dismissed in but four lines
    by Van Tieghem in his dictionnaire
    while Alberti the chorister counts twenty-three
    hail, emotive sword of the war
    you fought alone
    sweating ink of soul and salt.
    From my eyes I wipe
    the remains of my devotion
    and I embrace you
    happy they have made of you
    my own personal secret.
    César Vallejo, universal mine
    of all that can be extracted from words,
    of keys of hats y entonces.



Excerpted from Traces of Time by Lucio Mariani, Anthony Molino. Copyright © 2012 Lucio Mariani. Excerpted by permission of OPEN LETTER.
All rights reserved. No part of this excerpt may be reproduced or reprinted without permission in writing from the publisher.
Excerpts are provided by Dial-A-Book Inc. solely for the personal use of visitors to this web site.

Table of Contents

Preface Rosanna Warren ix

Translator's Note xiii

Contest 3

You'll Say 5

Where 7

Love Sometimes 9

The Other 11

Eternity 13

Y entonces 15

Letter 17

Try 21

The Only Dead 23

Coincidences 27

In the Grass 29

On the Tongue 31

Whims of Water 33

Ephesus 35

Crèche 39

The Slightest of Winds 41

Hyperbole 43

It's Necessary 45

The Envy of the Gods 49

De Moraes 51

Lethe 53

Sicily in June 55

The Prophet's Precept 57

Question 59

Desert 61

Botched Plans 63

Talking to Themselves 65

Of Time 67

So Says the Merchant 69

Piazza Navona 71

L'esprit de la lot 73

The Moral Issue 75

The Bollard 77

Checkmate 79

New Myths 81

Protocols of War 83

The Moon and the Wave 85

The Short-Lived Butterfly 87

Like the Daisies 89

My Birth 91

Oration 97

Operation Medici 103

The Gesture 107

A New Freedom 109

Scapegoat of Silence 111

The Knaves of Commerce 113

What Barbarians 117

Guests 121

Letter Never Sent 125

To a Translator 127

Against All Daggers 129

A Frequent Question 131

To a Friend 133

Curtain Call 135

Ineptia 137

Identities in Transit 141

Tiananmen Square, 20 Years Larer 143

Pietas 145

Lady 147

Afterword Lucio Mariani 149

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