Warning! Confusion and Deception in the Church!: Truth Is Hard to Hear After Beleiving a Lie for So Long!

God's Word has much to say to believers but will confound the unbelievers. Confusion has entered the church to deceive believers from God's truth. The church is not the same when many preachers are proclaiming lies, which is false doctrine. Many denominations have caused this confusion to be sustained as truth through their people for many past generations. People think preachers only proclaim truth. When you tell a lie long enough, you believe it. Some denominations tell the world that God's Word is full of errors and contradictions, which is what Satan wants to cause more deception. If you do what God wants, you will have peace with God. If you do less than what is expected, God will take your talent and give it to someone else. If you are available, God will meet you there. The Bible does command you to commit your way to the Lord and follow him.

Warning! Confusion and Deception in the Church!: Truth Is Hard to Hear After Beleiving a Lie for So Long!

God's Word has much to say to believers but will confound the unbelievers. Confusion has entered the church to deceive believers from God's truth. The church is not the same when many preachers are proclaiming lies, which is false doctrine. Many denominations have caused this confusion to be sustained as truth through their people for many past generations. People think preachers only proclaim truth. When you tell a lie long enough, you believe it. Some denominations tell the world that God's Word is full of errors and contradictions, which is what Satan wants to cause more deception. If you do what God wants, you will have peace with God. If you do less than what is expected, God will take your talent and give it to someone else. If you are available, God will meet you there. The Bible does command you to commit your way to the Lord and follow him.

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Warning! Confusion and Deception in the Church!: Truth Is Hard to Hear After Beleiving a Lie for So Long!

Warning! Confusion and Deception in the Church!: Truth Is Hard to Hear After Beleiving a Lie for So Long!

by Terry Case
Warning! Confusion and Deception in the Church!: Truth Is Hard to Hear After Beleiving a Lie for So Long!

Warning! Confusion and Deception in the Church!: Truth Is Hard to Hear After Beleiving a Lie for So Long!

by Terry Case


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God's Word has much to say to believers but will confound the unbelievers. Confusion has entered the church to deceive believers from God's truth. The church is not the same when many preachers are proclaiming lies, which is false doctrine. Many denominations have caused this confusion to be sustained as truth through their people for many past generations. People think preachers only proclaim truth. When you tell a lie long enough, you believe it. Some denominations tell the world that God's Word is full of errors and contradictions, which is what Satan wants to cause more deception. If you do what God wants, you will have peace with God. If you do less than what is expected, God will take your talent and give it to someone else. If you are available, God will meet you there. The Bible does command you to commit your way to the Lord and follow him.

Product Details

ISBN-13: 9781524691783
Publisher: AuthorHouse
Publication date: 05/17/2017
Pages: 208
Product dimensions: 6.00(w) x 9.00(h) x 0.48(d)

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The Bible is the most influential book and has out sold all other books of all time. Stop a minute and answer the question, "What is the Bible, to you?" Now, see how your definition is compared to the following information. The Bible reveals God to mankind. God reveals His nature, His character, His love, His justice, His forgiveness, His truth, His salvation plan and how to get into The Kingdom of God, for eternity. The Bible Is About Your Creator, God, You, and Your Eternity for your SPIRITUAL GROWTH!

The Bible is God's Word that He had written to WARN you about the truth of Heaven and Hell! God tells you in Romans that the Bible is to give YOU HOPE. God tells you the Holy Spirit and the Bible is to transform your mind, if you diligently study it God's Way.

The Bible is written for you to know and understand God and God's Way. It claims to be the inspired Word of God, which means it, is from God, given to men to write and to pass on to all mankind as told in 2 Timothy 3:16. The Bible explains to mankind His purposes and plans, from the beginning of this age, throughout history leading into eternity. The Bible is for you, to learn, to be Spiritually Mature.


God reveals Himself and his name to you in His Word called the Bible. What is God's name and should you use it when referring to Him? Christianity is about a relationship with God. Relationships are about spending time together getting to know each other, so you need to know the name of the other person in the relationship. Most people call God, God, but that is not personal at all. God's Bible teaches that He has a few titles; "God" and "Lord" are among them. The Bible does teach that God has a personal name: Jehovah. God tells you in Psalm 83:18 that His name is Jehovah, which means you alone, are the Most High over all the earth. He uses the Bible to introduce himself to you personally.

To love God is to Believe, Trust and Obey God It takes your time!-------DAILY! It takes your Maturity!---------DAILY! It takes the Holy Spirit!---------DAILY! These terms are with God All Mighty. God wants you to understand the Bible! You need to understand God's Terms! To pick up your CROSS is DAILY SERVICE!

What does the name Jehovah mean? Jehovah means that nothing is impossible. That means; God can fulfill any promise he makes. That means; God can carry out any purpose he decides. God's name is unique! You will learn some other names as you study the Bible.

The Bible is God's WARNING!

The Bible is God's WAY!

The Bible is God's EXPECTATIONS!

The Bible is God's INSTRUCTIONS to Believers!

The term B -I -B -L -E as an acronym,

Believer's Instructions Before Leaving Earth

Each of the Gospels has its own emphasis on different aspects of the ministry of Jesus from 4 different people's perspective.

--Matthew's Gospel presents the message that Jesus is the King that they were waiting for, their promised Messiah. But, they expected a Messiah that would come as a king to overthrow Rome and establish the New Kingdom to rule the world with justice and peace. Matthew shows you that Jesus is the Messiah and King. Matthew writes of His victory over satan and the grave. The Gospel of Matthew also reveals some of the characteristics of The Kingdom of God, for you to obey.

--Mark writes his Gospel showing Jesus as the servant of God. Mark tells you that He was sent here to do the will of the Father. Mark tells you about the many miracles, healings and victories over demons. These were to give you proof that He indeed was the Son of God, the Messiah. Mark shows you Jesus serving, sacrificing, and saving as He does the will of the Father

--Luke writes about Jesus' virgin birth and gives you many details of his life that are not found elsewhere. Luke describes Jesus ministry through the area of Galilee to Jerusalem. Luke describes Jesus as the remedy for mankind's sins. He also emphasizes His perfect humanity with concern for all the weak and the suffering.

--John emphasizes Jesus life and His purpose. John uses figurative terms such as light, truth, love and the Good Sheppard. John's Gospel shows you the deep love of Jesus for all mankind and the peace that comes from belief in Jesus. John records signs and wonders to encourage all to BELIEVE in Jesus. He makes it clear that BELIEVING is to be active, living and continuous trust in Jesus.

The Four Gospels are from four different people's perspectives that work together to provide a testimony of Jesus life. All the Gospels present Jesus as the One who died, so that sinners might be saved through faith. They all record His resurrection.

--Jesus proclaims the need for RIGHTEOUSNESS!

--Jesus warns that the penalty of sin is HELL!

--Jesus always presents God as the standard of RIGHTEOUSNESS!

--Jesus tells you that He is the means of RIGHTEOUSNESS! God makes it clear in Matthew 5:6 --You need Jesus to obtain righteousness or you will be cast into HELL. Jesus tells you how to be righteous at the Sermon on the Mount in Matthew 5:1-12 -The Beatitudes describe what righteousness consists of.

Believers Instruction Before Leaving Earth

I heard for years it was Basic Instruction Before Leaving Earth, which sounded good, but it was written for BELIEVERS.

What is the Bible? --- Oh Yea! --- It is God's Word!

It is written for the BELEIVER!

The definition is lengthy and the word "Bible" comes from the Latin and Greek words meaning, "book". The Bible is "The Book" written for all people, throughout history. It's a book like none of you have ever read. It is a book inspired by God, written by Men, for BELIEVERS. It was not dictated to men. The Bible is the Best Seller every year. There have been more Bibles sold than any other book in History. The Bible is a collection of 66 smaller books to WARN and INFORM humans what they should understand to become a child of God, for God's family. The Bible is a book with 66 chapters that needs to be put together for Believers Mature Understanding of what God wants you to know before Eternity.

I started reading the Bible as a layman. I think it's important to stress the word layman, which I was when I was a new Christian and was not yet committed to continuous time devoted to STUDY. You grow in grace by reading God's Word and letting it come alive within you by revelation of the Holy Spirit that indwells the Believer. The Bible is needed for Spiritual Growth that leads to Eternal Life. There are Christians that are considered Bible scholars, which have committed to extreme continuous study to learn all they can as soon as they can. Christians need to be committed and devoted to a lot of prayer and studying. Many have been analyzing every word, every phrase, every sentence and every parable of each of the 66 books contained in the Bible. They have been doing this for centuries, trying to interpret its complexities, mysteries and truth for all mankind.

When there is no growth there is no life.

What's the result? There has been no consensus of minds, but have all sorts of people, denominations, Pastors and cults that have interpreted the Bible in, way too many wrong ways. Instead of coming together in a unity of wisdom many have supported their own personal agenda or group agendas. I studied as a layman until I answered a call to teach Sunday School, which meant I needed a lot more time devoted to being equipped to lead others into God's Word for eternity, but with the consistent relationship with the Holy Spirit.

There were a lot of Authors that wrote necessary parts of the Bible! The Authors; about 40, count'em - 40 different human authors inspired by God to write for YOU. They all contributed their part as they were inspired by the Holy Spirit to write the different books that became the "Canon of Scripture" that we know today as the "BIBLE". Just think to be an author in the BIBLE, WOW! Many people of many different professions wrote the Bible over about 1500 years. The authors were fishermen, priests, tax collectors, farmers, shepherds, doctors, women and kings, to mention a few.

The Bible is unified and speaks a lot about UNITY. The reason is that it has been written for you by inspiration of God, Himself. The theme of all the books within the Bible is consistent in theme and context, while written for you in sixty-six different books.

Spiritual Growth depends on your Attitudes!

--- 2 Peter 3:18 – Truth is growing in GRACE and KNOWLEDGE of Jesus and The Kingdom of God.

--God wants you to grow.

--Pastors want you to grow.

--Families want you to grow.

--Believers want to grow.

--Your attitudes are essential to your continued Spiritual Growth.

It is referred to, by some; as ROUTE 66.

There are some ministries that use the reference of Route 66. It includes; two main divisions: O. T. & N. T.

O.T. =*Old Testament -- In short, the Old Testament is the story of the nation of Israel and The Kingdom.

N.T. =*New Testament -- is the story of a Man and The Kingdom of God.

Each division has a number of different books.

There are over 40 different authors that wrote the scriptures.

A quick breakdown is as follows.

---Books of law, such as Leviticus and Deuteronomy;

---Historical books, such as Ezra and Acts.

---Poetical books, such as Psalms and Ecclesiastes;

---Prophetic books, such as Isaiah and Revelation.

---Biographical books, such as Matthew and John;

---Epistles (formal letters) such as Titus and Hebrews.

To further answer what the Bible is, you need to view the Bible as very important to your life. You need to know it will ultimately have an eternal impact on you and those around you. The Bible is truly God's Word and you should cherish it, study it, fully trust it and obey it. Then the Bible will lead you into eternity. It contains God's promises and God's expectations. If you dismiss the Bible as the Word of God, then you dismiss God Himself, which is rejecting God the Father, God the Son and God the Holy Spirit.

God gave you the Bible as evidence of His love for you. The Bible is a revelation that God communicated to mankind to know what He is like and how you can have a relationship with Him. The Bible is full of wisdom that you could not have known had God not divinely revealed them to you. Again God revealed Himself to mankind over approximately 1500 years ago and it contains everything mankind needs to know about God, for a relationship with Him. The Bible is truly the Word of God and is the final authority for all matters of faith and morals. There was about a 400 year silent time between Malachi in the Old Testament and the New Testament.

The Bible is the Word of God that carries very simple messages for all Believers to understand. The understanding is not easy. God is the beginning; He created all things in the past; He is intervening in the present; He is preparing the future.

In the beginning God created man to live on His new earth. It was to be an easy life on earth, but the devil complicated it drastically by lying and deceiving mankind. Now through disobedience mankind has given lordship to the devil. Now all have to live with the results of that disobedience called sin. Now your life is a constant trial filled with poverty, plagues, famines, pain, war and death. The devil would teach America to say: "Our Father, which art in Washington", oh he already has them doing that. God tells you in 2 Thessalonians 3:10 --If anyone doesn't work, they are not even worthy to eat anything!

Then God loved us so much that He gave mankind hope. He decided to give mankind His only begotten son, Jesus Christ, which had to die on a cross as a perfect sacrifice to atone for all sins of mankind that you might be saved. Something is begotten when it's been generated by procreation; in other words, it's been born by a woman. In Matthew 1 is the genealogy of who had who as a child. It is about making human children.

If you believe in Jesus, accept Him and prepare to enter The Kingdom of God, so you can share in His eternal life. With this newfound belief, you receive the Holy Spirit to guide you. Your lives should then be full of love for God and love for one another -- living your lives treating others, as you would like them to treat you. You understand that God has forgiven you for your sins if you get into fellowship with Jesus through a relationship with Him and then you must forgive others for their sins toward you.

So why does the Bible have two testaments?

--Why is the Bible so long?

--Why is the Bible so complicated?

--Why is the Bible so interesting?

--Why is the Bible so confusing?

--Why is the Bible so professorial?

--Why is the Bible so historical?

For me, it's obvious –

--To establish its validity

--To establish its veracity;

--To establish its accuracy;

--To keep your interest;

--To keep you coming back again and again

--To help you understand and

--To re-establish your faith;

--To give you a guide with warnings to live God's Way.

God picked the nation of Israel, to be the lineage, which was to bring Jesus Christ, into the world. The Old Testament describes the nation of Israel and the many things it had to go through. God selected a man named Abraham that lived in Israel to make a deal with; the deal was called a COVENANT.

A Covenant is like a Special Deal, but it is till death, PERIOD! God was the Originator so He could make a modification or decide when the Covenant would end or change. God came and talked to Abraham and made the Covenant, which was to use Israel, which would finally bless the whole world. Moses tells you in Genesis 12:2-3 – God was going to make Abraham, a great nation, and would bless him beyond imagination. The covenant would make his name great in the entire World. God further stated that he would also bless all people that bless Abraham and will cause great calamity to come to all those that would cause anything bad to Israel.

The first five books of the Old Testament are called the Pentateuch. Moses wrote the first five books of the Old Testament in about 40 years (1445 — 1405 BC). Moses might have written Job, they are not positive. The origins of Israel are in the book of Genesis.

--The establishment of theocracy, in the other books of the Pentateuch;

--The entrance into Canaan, in the Book of Joshua;

--The period preceding the kings, in the Book of Judges;

--The establishment of the monarchy and its development, in the Books of Samuel, and the opening chapters of the Books of Kings,

--The division of Israel into two kingdoms.

The historical value of the Old Testament books is tremendous, so I will expound a little more on some of them. The Books of 1st & 2nd Kings have greater historical value than what is reported in the Books of 1st & 2nd Chronicles, which were written at a later period of time.

Then you have the books of the, major and minor, prophets, which possess great historical sources for the reason of furnishing illustrations of the historical situation and events from the lips of contemporaries. Israel was finally established as a nation. Then God raised up a family through whom Jesus would be born, which is the family of David as God tells you in Psalm 89:3-4.

The New Testament is the New Covenant; it starts with the Gospels that detail the life of Jesus from four different perspectives. He fulfilled the prophecies of the Old Testament when He was born a human baby, then He lived a sinless life and died so that all might be saved. His shed blood was the atonement for all of humanity.

The Bible has to be put together as one Book.

What is the Bible? It is a book with 66 chapters!

-It is a BOOK about GOD!

-It is a BOOK about The Kingdom Of God!

-It is a BOOK about JESUS!

-It is a BOOK about The Holy Spirit!

-It is God's Way into Life and Eternity!

Jesus is the central character in the Bible. The BIBLE is really about Jesus and The Kingdom of God. The Old Testament predicted His coming, while getting ready for Him to enter the world. That has all come to fruition and it is WARNING you of the future, because of what God has for you. You need to be prepared to enter The Kingdom of God. The New Testament further describes His birth, His life, His death and His Attributes, which will provide a way into Eternity for all human beings on Earth. The entire New Testament was written in about 50 years, from AD 44 to around AD 95. The New Testament is all eyewitness events and experiences.


Excerpted from "Warning! Confusion and Deception in the Church!"
by .
Copyright © 2017 Terry Case.
Excerpted by permission of AuthorHouse.
All rights reserved. No part of this excerpt may be reproduced or reprinted without permission in writing from the publisher.
Excerpts are provided by Dial-A-Book Inc. solely for the personal use of visitors to this web site.

Table of Contents

Preface, ix,
Introduction, xv,
1. The Bible Is?, 1,
2. Truth Is?, 28,
3. What was original SIN?, 33,
4. Blaming God?, 45,
5. People Cause Confusion?, 56,
6. Is Christianity based on fear?, 61,
7. False Gospels Cause Confusion?, 67,
8. Confusion About Death?, 82,
9. Communicating With The Dead?, 103,
10. Confusion about Forgiveness?, 108,
11. God s Creation in Genesis?, 119,
12. Eternal Security?, 121,
13. No Works?, 126,
14. Why Confusion About Immortality?, 142,
15. Salvation Is?, 148,
16. Healing By His Stripes?, 164,
17. Is Christianity Free?, 166,
18. Conclusion, 169,

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