Wedding Bells at the Merry Dawn

...... he know he was in big trouble, he tried to reach for the two way
mic but couldn't and he also noticed his vision was getting hazy, he
summoned all his concentration and managed to get the mic, he held
it for a moment then squeezed the talk button " Mayday ...Mayday ...
...I'm in trouble and need help ......

Do you like drama, excitement, romance, and mystery? Then you will just love this
book. Just like the first two books in this series it is action packed and fast moving.
So buckle up your seatbelt and hang on to your hat as you read and enjoy this yet
another great book. Marj O (Radio Host)

By now we've all gotten to know at least some of the main characters in this series.
I'm sure you remember Charlie the helicopter pilot. Well ... he finds himself in quite
a bind. To give you a little hint ... here's a direct quote from the book, "who would
want to shoot Charlie?" Anne O

Interested in doing a little detective work? Well then, why not let the author take
you along as the highly trained Law Enforcement Officials scheme to crack a very
sophisticated drug ring. Amidst all the action you will feel like you're actually a
part of it. Lois B

Wedding Bells at the Merry Dawn

...... he know he was in big trouble, he tried to reach for the two way
mic but couldn't and he also noticed his vision was getting hazy, he
summoned all his concentration and managed to get the mic, he held
it for a moment then squeezed the talk button " Mayday ...Mayday ...
...I'm in trouble and need help ......

Do you like drama, excitement, romance, and mystery? Then you will just love this
book. Just like the first two books in this series it is action packed and fast moving.
So buckle up your seatbelt and hang on to your hat as you read and enjoy this yet
another great book. Marj O (Radio Host)

By now we've all gotten to know at least some of the main characters in this series.
I'm sure you remember Charlie the helicopter pilot. Well ... he finds himself in quite
a bind. To give you a little hint ... here's a direct quote from the book, "who would
want to shoot Charlie?" Anne O

Interested in doing a little detective work? Well then, why not let the author take
you along as the highly trained Law Enforcement Officials scheme to crack a very
sophisticated drug ring. Amidst all the action you will feel like you're actually a
part of it. Lois B

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Wedding Bells at the Merry Dawn

Wedding Bells at the Merry Dawn

by Anthony Green
Wedding Bells at the Merry Dawn

Wedding Bells at the Merry Dawn

by Anthony Green


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...... he know he was in big trouble, he tried to reach for the two way
mic but couldn't and he also noticed his vision was getting hazy, he
summoned all his concentration and managed to get the mic, he held
it for a moment then squeezed the talk button " Mayday ...Mayday ...
...I'm in trouble and need help ......

Do you like drama, excitement, romance, and mystery? Then you will just love this
book. Just like the first two books in this series it is action packed and fast moving.
So buckle up your seatbelt and hang on to your hat as you read and enjoy this yet
another great book. Marj O (Radio Host)

By now we've all gotten to know at least some of the main characters in this series.
I'm sure you remember Charlie the helicopter pilot. Well ... he finds himself in quite
a bind. To give you a little hint ... here's a direct quote from the book, "who would
want to shoot Charlie?" Anne O

Interested in doing a little detective work? Well then, why not let the author take
you along as the highly trained Law Enforcement Officials scheme to crack a very
sophisticated drug ring. Amidst all the action you will feel like you're actually a
part of it. Lois B

Product Details

ISBN-13: 9781463404130
Publisher: AuthorHouse
Publication date: 08/18/2011
Pages: 124
Product dimensions: 6.00(w) x 9.00(h) x 0.29(d)

Read an Excerpt

Wedding Bells at the Merry Dawn

By Anthony Green


Copyright © 2011 Anthony Green
All right reserved.

ISBN: 978-1-4634-0413-0

Chapter One

Jim Baines was awakened by the shaking of his mobile home. He listened for a minute and heard the wind outside that seemed very strong. He got up and tip-toed his way to the front window and opened the drapes a little and all he saw was the swirling snow. He looked down to try to see the lights of the Lodge but couldn't. Don had told him that they could get real bad blizzards at this end of the lake and now he was seeing one. He looked at his watch and saw it was 5:00 a.m. and he thought of curling up under the warm covers when he realized they had a Lodge and four cabins full of people who would be wanting breakfast and this blizzard was a whiteout and most likely the kitchen staff wouldn't be able to make it in from the Fort where they lived which was five miles away. He picked up the phone (surprised that it was still working) first calling Charlie, then Bill and said to them "We all need to head down to the kitchen of the Lodge and somehow cook breakfast for the folks." He then called Chrissy who had her mobile next door and told her.

"Don't worry Jim" said Chrissy. "We have the two Moms here and one was a camp cook, also Charlene and Julie will help out too."

Jim had forgotten that Chrissy's Mom was a camp cook (That's found in the book "Fire on the Hills") and it made him feel a lot easier. Jim got dressed in his heavy outerwear of a parka, mitts, and boots and then went outside to find that the snow was over his knees. He clawed his way to the shed that was beside Charlie's mobile and opened the big door. Inside was a John Deere 440 cat. He got it started and turned on the lights. He could hardly see the road, but he plowed a one-way pass down the hill to the back door of the Lodge. At least the girls would have a trail to walk on. He then went down and started clearing the parking lot, which was hard to do with all the cars parked there. He plowed a trail in case they wanted to leave. Through the swirling snow he saw another set of lights coming towards him. It was Don with the four-wheel drive tractor. He had plowed the driveway out to the main road. Jim slowed his machine to an idle and Don did the same.

Don yelled above the noise, "The main road is plowed. They must have had the truck plows on them all night."

As they were talking one set of headlights came in the driveway. It was the two main cooks. Jim and Don quickly cleared a place for them to park and Jim gave a big sigh of relief. He wasn't going to have to learn how to cook after all.

Jim and Don finished plowing the parking lot and then finished plowing the road to the mobiles. Jim still couldn't get over the snow. It jut kept coming down so hard you couldn't see more than ten feet and the 40 mph wind just blew it into big drifts.

After walking down to the Lodge, he took off his heavy outdoor clothing and then stuck his head in the kitchen. He saw most of the kitchen staff had made it in and that everything was under control. He went to his office and found Charlie and Bill there. They had just come in from clearing the walks to the cabins.

"Now this is what I call a storm" said Charlie.

"Any idea how long it will last?" asked Jim.

"Haven't looked yet" replied Bill.

They all went out into the little room they called the weather office. It was here the radio equipment was kept and also the weather monitors. Jim flipped one on and tuned in the right satellite and could see that directly above them was a cloud formation that looked like a hurricane. Looking at it they all knew what it was. It was a low-pressure system which is like a big dent in the atmosphere and anything near it falls into it trying to fill it up. Around Stuart Lake were high mountains forming a large bowl and if a low-pressure system forms in the bowl it can't go anywhere; so it just sits there until it is full and then it moves on. It was easy to see a warm moist stream of cloud coming off the Pacific was flowing into it. An arctic high-pressure system of cold air from the Yukon was also flowing in from the north and the two were mixing which was causing all the snow. Since there was nothing strong enough in the atmosphere to push it out, it would just sit there until it was full.

"We're in this for at least two or three days" Jim said.

"Yeah, and I was thinking about tomorrow afternoon. I wonder what will happen then?" replied Charlie.

Most of the guests would leave this afternoon which was Saturday, and Sunday afternoon the Rangers will arrive for the Forestry Training School.

"They're a tough bunch" Jim said, "and most of them have 4x4s so I'd count on it. The only ones who may have trouble are those who fly in. Charlie, I noticed you on the lake yesterday; how much ice do we have?"

"About a foot" was the reply.

"Not enough for the Snowdrags" Jim said. "I'd like to see close to two feet. After it quits snowing we should plow the snow off the lake where the drags are going to be so the frost will go deeper. We also have that arctic cold front coming behind this low pressure. When it moves out and if there is no snow on the ice, it will freeze faster."

"Don't have to worry" Charlie said. "This wind is keeping it clear and is saving us a lot of work."

The phone rang just then and Bill answered it. He then cupped the mouthpiece and said "Do we have any rooms left for the Snowdrags?"

Jim shook his head, "But you can tell them the hotel in the Fort and in Vanderhoof have a few left."

Bill conveyed that message and then hung up. "So we really are full?" he asked.

"We've been full since just after New Year" Jim said. "It looks like this is going to be a big event."

"I think the hotels in the area are going to be very happy with us" Bill added.

"We need to have a meeting as soon as the training week is over. I talked with Chrissy and she has all the food lined up so we just have to put the finishing touches to the drags themselves. I have my friend Len from Wetaskiwin coming, and he is going to help us with this first one as he has done this before; so that will be a lot of help."

"I'm getting excited about this" said Charlie. "I can hardly wait to see some of these high powered sleds. It should be fun."

"Lets' go and see if breakfast is ready yet" said Jim.

After making sure everything was running smooth, Chrissy and Charlene were sitting is their office having coffee. They could hear the sound of snowblowers outside where Charlie and Bill were clearing the walks. Both girls were proudly displaying their engagement rings.

"Have you and Jim set a date? Charlene asked.

"No, not yet" was Chrissy's answer. "I think Jim wants to wait until the house is built first."

"How are you coming along with that?" Charlene asked.

"We met with the architect last week and gave him our ideas so now we have to wait 'til he gets back to us."

"Are you excited?" Charlene asked.

"Yes and no" was the answer. "I'm excited about being married to Jim but scared too. I don't know if I can live up to his expectations as I don't know what his former wife was like."

"I'm sure it will be fine" said Charlene. After he lost his wife in that car crash he lost a piece of himself, (That's found in the book "Fire on the Hills") and I think you will give that back to him. He is starved for real love and I know you are too. That's why I know you will fulfill each other."

"I sure hope you're right" said Chrissy. "When I think back to my previous marriage and what happened there, (That's found in the book "Fire on the Hills") I wonder if I can ever forget those dark times. I'm afraid what I might do when Jim comes close to me."

"I wouldn't worry about that" Charlene said. "Just let love take over and it will heal many wounds...."

The last of the guests had just left when Jack came in. "I know I'm a day early but I thought you might be able to use some help, and if not then maybe we can just visit."

"Let's visit first" said Jim.

They all went to the upstairs dining room for coffee where Jack filled them in about the changes in the forestry.

"I have your old job," Jack said looking at Jim "and John Klein gave me even more as now I am in charge of all the districts." "That's great" Jim said. "How about the replacements you needed for us?"

"Real good" Jack said. "We moved everybody up in Stores. Darlene is now in charge and we hired new people to replace those we moved up, but haven't found a real good Birddog or chopper pilot" he said looking at Charlie and Bill.

"Forget it" said Bill. "Jim grounded us for good."

Jack laughed. "You sure have a beautiful place here."

"Thanks" said Jim. "We just like to share it with people. Let me call the girls. They will want to see you."

Jim went to the P/A mic and called for Chrissy, Charlene, and Julie.

When they came up the stairs and saw Jack they gave a squeal of delight and hugged him. Jack was like a teddy bear and everyone wanted to give him a hug.

After supper they had the lights dimmed and they talked about old times while they watched the snow come down outside.

"I know tomorrow is Sunday," Jim said to Bill and Charlie "but we have to snow plow again and it would be easier if we did it early in the morning before the parking lot fills up."

"Yeah, we can do that" Bill said. "We may have to plow just to get to our homes."

The next morning after the plowing was done and breakfast was over the first rangers started coming and by late afternoon they all were there; even John Klein who flew in a few days early ahead of the storm and drove out. It truly was like a family reunion.

John Klein told Jim "I'm still holding that job open for you."

"Sorry," said Jim "maybe when I'm old and feeble but not now."

The two men had a good laugh.

Most of the Stores staff had come as well so Chrissy, Charlene, and Julie had a great reunion as well.

It snowed most of the week, but it didn't matter except that they had to plow each morning. It was warm and cozy in the Lodge and the training sessions went well. Jim was expecting John Klein to tell him this was only a one year event, but instead on Friday afternoon he told Jim he wanted to book next year and for the same price.

"You must have liked what we did" said Jim.

"I did" said John. "It was a relaxed atmosphere and they all said how they felt comfortable and that the training was going to be very helpful."

"Glad we could help" said Jim.

"There are some things I need to go over with you. Is there a time we could do that?"

"Right after breakfast in my office" said Jim.

"That's fine" John said.

After supper they again dimmed the lights and had a time of sharing and laughter. Later everyone headed for their rooms.

Next morning Jim, Bill, and Charlie did the snow plowing and then had breakfast after which Jim and John headed for Jim's office.

Once seated, John said "I haven't filled the position that was offered to you and I have to have someone there. I want him to be like you who knows the district and can command hired help, and I wonder if you could give me any ideas."

"Well, there's Jack."

"No, it can't be Jack. He's filling your old position now."

"Then I'd have to recommend Rob. He can handle staff and knows the district the best that I know of."

"He's the one I was thinking of too, but what about Alex?" John asked.

"He's good too," said Jim "but Rob has more experience."

"Well, I'll talk to Rob but I don't know if he would want to move to Vancouver as he has family here" said John.

"You'll never know 'til you try" Jim said and the two men left it at that.

The cooks did a fabulous job of the banquet and it made Jim very proud of them, and for dessert Jim's Mom came up with a new item that had everyone talking. The band that Don brought in was superb and not too loud.

While sitting there near the front windows Jim felt a chill creep over him. (In the North Country, even though the inside room temperature doesn't change you can still feel if there is a major change outside.) He looked out the window and saw the snow had changed from big fluffy flakes to real small ones that the locals called 'arctic snow' and it usually came just ahead of an arctic front. Jim excused himself and went down to the weather office and flipped on a monitor. He could see by the satellite picture that the low-pressure system above them was full and was breaking up, but just north of it he could see a straight line cut in the clouds with clear skies behind it and he knew that meant the cold arctic air was coming down, and as it did it would bring heavy winds and drifting snow for a few hours.

He checked weather stations north of the front and their temperatures were reading 30° below zero Fahrenheit and that meant in a couple of hours it would be over them. He went back upstairs and at the end of a song he asked the bandleader if he could use their mic. He told everyone what he had found and since everyone there knew what he was talking about they all headed out to the parking lot to plug in their vehicles. If they didn't, at 30° below zero Fahrenheit, it would be too cold for most of the vehicles to start; so they had to plug in the block heaters to keep them warm enough to start. Just about midnight everyone felt the Lodge shake. Looking out the window all anyone could see was swirling snow as the north wind came in at 40 mph and all the new fresh snow was blowing around.

Jim thought 'I don't mind this as we don't have to go out in it.'

The band quit playing at 1:00 a.m. and everyone headed for their rooms.

Chrissy always looked forward to the end of the day. Jim always waited for her to finish and then they would walk to their mobiles together and it would be a tender sharing time as they walked up the hill. Jim seemed so caring and was always watching out for her and she felt so safe when he was around and there were special "little things" ... like he would walk her to her door, would wait while she unlocked it, and he wouldn't leave for his own place until she was safely inside. She wasn't used to this kind of care and attention but she felt she could get used to it real quick.

Tonight as they put on their parkas Jim said, "Pull your hood up tight as it's real cold out there."

As soon as they opened the back door and started walking up the hill, Chrissy knew why Jim had said that. The small flakes of snow were driving into the exposed part of her face and they felt like pointed icicles that stung. She put her mitten hand in front of her face and the other hand held tight to Jim. They hurried as there was no tender talking time tonight. She fumbled for her key and opened her door. She gave Jim a hurried kiss and then quickly went inside.

Sunday morning dawned bright and clear with no wind, but the temperature outside was 35° below zero F. Jim walked with Chrissy down to the Lodge and even though it was cold, it was beautiful with the new snow sparkling like diamonds in the morning sun.

Jim commented at the breakfast table. "We'd better plow the parking lot so everyone can get out today."

"No need to" said Don. "Look!"

Jim did and in the parking lot there was a great big snowblower that was clearing between the rows of vehicles.

"That's Roger" Don said. "He lives half a mile down the road and he comes in when he thinks there is too much snow for us to handle. He'll plow out everything and then he'll be gone; then come back later in the afternoon when the parking lot is empty and do a proper job."

"Do you call him in?" asked Jim.

"No" said Don. "He comes when he thinks he's needed and for payment I have given him a permanent meal card. He comes once or twice a month for supper; that's all he asks."

"I like that idea" Jim said. Secretly he was glad as he wasn't looking forward to going out in the cold.

It was a great time over breakfast and then the guests started leaving and by noon all were gone.

Jim called everybody around the table for a coffee and said "Let's have a meeting tomorrow morning to go over what we did."

"I think everyone enjoyed it" Bill said.

"They did" said Jim. "John booked the same week in January for next year."


Excerpted from Wedding Bells at the Merry Dawn by Anthony Green Copyright © 2011 by Anthony Green. Excerpted by permission of AuthorHouse. All rights reserved. No part of this excerpt may be reproduced or reprinted without permission in writing from the publisher.
Excerpts are provided by Dial-A-Book Inc. solely for the personal use of visitors to this web site.

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