When I'm On My Knees - 20th Anniversary Edition: Devotional Thoughts on Prayer for Women
The Million-Copy Bestseller Is Back in a Beautiful 20th Anniversary Edition

When I’m on My Knees has blessed more than a million readers since its 1997 release. Now this inspiring devotional is available in a 20th anniversary edition in a beautiful new package. With themes like praise, forgiveness, healing, trials love, God's faithfulness, and worship, Anita Corrine Donihue's encouraging devotional thoughts touch all aspects of your life.

“Great things happen when I’m on my knees,” Anita writes. “Forces of heaven are released when one person goes to prayer.”

The heartfelt prayers, devotional thoughts, and poetry that made When I’m on My Knees a bestseller are all here, complemented by a lovely new design—a joyful reminder of God’s many blessings and His wondrous works.

When I'm On My Knees - 20th Anniversary Edition: Devotional Thoughts on Prayer for Women
The Million-Copy Bestseller Is Back in a Beautiful 20th Anniversary Edition

When I’m on My Knees has blessed more than a million readers since its 1997 release. Now this inspiring devotional is available in a 20th anniversary edition in a beautiful new package. With themes like praise, forgiveness, healing, trials love, God's faithfulness, and worship, Anita Corrine Donihue's encouraging devotional thoughts touch all aspects of your life.

“Great things happen when I’m on my knees,” Anita writes. “Forces of heaven are released when one person goes to prayer.”

The heartfelt prayers, devotional thoughts, and poetry that made When I’m on My Knees a bestseller are all here, complemented by a lovely new design—a joyful reminder of God’s many blessings and His wondrous works.

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When I'm On My Knees - 20th Anniversary Edition: Devotional Thoughts on Prayer for Women

When I'm On My Knees - 20th Anniversary Edition: Devotional Thoughts on Prayer for Women

by Anita C. Donihue
When I'm On My Knees - 20th Anniversary Edition: Devotional Thoughts on Prayer for Women

When I'm On My Knees - 20th Anniversary Edition: Devotional Thoughts on Prayer for Women

by Anita C. Donihue


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The Million-Copy Bestseller Is Back in a Beautiful 20th Anniversary Edition

When I’m on My Knees has blessed more than a million readers since its 1997 release. Now this inspiring devotional is available in a 20th anniversary edition in a beautiful new package. With themes like praise, forgiveness, healing, trials love, God's faithfulness, and worship, Anita Corrine Donihue's encouraging devotional thoughts touch all aspects of your life.

“Great things happen when I’m on my knees,” Anita writes. “Forces of heaven are released when one person goes to prayer.”

The heartfelt prayers, devotional thoughts, and poetry that made When I’m on My Knees a bestseller are all here, complemented by a lovely new design—a joyful reminder of God’s many blessings and His wondrous works.

Product Details

ISBN-13: 9781683224846
Publisher: Barbour Publishing, Incorporated
Publication date: 10/01/2017
Edition description: Anniversary
Pages: 224
Sales rank: 395,838
Product dimensions: 5.10(w) x 7.10(h) x 0.70(d)

About the Author

Anita C. Donihue is a writer, teacher, and pastor's wife in Washington, whose When I'm on My Knees series has sold more than one million copies. She and her husband, Bob, have five grown sons.

Read an Excerpt


Part 1


Joyful, Joyful, We Adore Thee

Joyful, joyful, we adore Thee.
Melt the clouds of sin and sadness,
Give unto the LORD, O ye mighty, give unto the LORD glory and strength. Give unto the LORD the glory due unto his name; worship the Lord in the beauty of holiness. Psalm 29:1–2 KJV


Father, thank You for being so patient with me. For the many times I mess things up and You are still there for me, I am grateful. You are truly my heavenly Father. How thankful I am for Your tender mercies, Your sympathy toward me when I need You most. I reverence You, Lord. How marvelous are Your wondrous ways, how kind Your forgiving grace.

When I'm not wise in my spending, You still provide my needs; when I stumble, You hold me up. You watch over me through day and night.

You protect me from harm's way, wrapping Your wings about me as an eagle protects her young. She carries them on her wings and doesn't let them fall. Thank You for carrying me, too.

Praise You for Your endless love and compassion. You have kept me safe from disaster so many times. You heal my illnesses. You strengthen my mind, soul, and body. Thank You for the love You show me every day.

Forgive me for my thoughtlessness and the times I mistreat You. I can't understand why You love me!

I marvel that You know me so well. You know the hairs on my head. You care about the pain in my head, my hands, my back, my feet. When a sparrow falls, You care. How much then You must care for me.

Help me, Father, to think before I act, to be more cautious, and to take better care of myself. Thank You for Your patience and forgiving love.

Bless the Lord, O my soul: and all that is within me, bless his holy name.

Bless the Lord, O my soul,
Who forgiveth all thine iniquities; who healeth all thy diseases;

Who redeemeth thy life from destruction; who crowneth thee with loving kindness and tender mercies;

Who satisfieth thy mouth with good things;
The Lord executeth righteousness and judgment for all that are oppressed.

He made known his ways unto Moses,
The Lord is merciful and gracious,
He will not always chide: neither will he keep his anger for ever.

He hath not dealt with us after our sins;
For as the heaven is high above the earth,
As far as the east is from the west, so far hath he removed our transgressions from us.

Like as a father pitieth his children,

Is there ambition in my heart?
I charge my thoughts, be humble still,
The patient soul, the lowly mind Shall have a large reward:

Father, I praise You, for You know perfectly well each of my needs, even before I ask. Sometimes You know better than I. You love me so much that You gave Your only Son so I could be free from sin and You could adopt me as Your child. Because of this, I give You first place in my life, and I commit myself to living as You want me to.

Not only do You give me all I need, but You also provided this earth for us to live on; You control the beginning and end of all that lives; You have given me the present; and You lay out my future before me. Nothing really belongs to me, yet how You shower Your blessings upon me to enjoy.

Thank You, Lord, for being my Shepherd. Thank You for watching over and protecting me as a shepherd does his sheep.

I feel confident and unafraid as You direct me each day. When You provide for me, I find enough overflowing goodness to share with others. How blest I am to have You as my Savior!

You are unchanging. I can always depend on You. Thank You for Your faithfulness. Praise You for caring for me and my loved ones from one generation to the next, as we love You and obey Your Word.

I will not fear tomorrow for You take care of that, too. I try to prepare for the future, yet I live one day at a time, trusting You.

I lift my voice in praise to You.

May my thoughts and deeds give You great joy. Let my heart be pure and blameless in Your sight. I shall lift Your name in joyful song forever and ever.

How Has God Provided for Me?

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Sing to the LORD a new song;

I shudder at how I was once in sin's bondage, Lord Jesus. Then You saved me. All I had to do was ask You into my heart and You forgave my every single sin. How wonderful to be set free of all that horrible baggage I was carrying around in my life. How marvelous to enjoy fellowship with You. Thank You, Lord, for Your saving grace.

Although my life was a mess when I gave it to You, You loved me anyway. Step by step You performed miracles within me, like You did years ago for Paul when he was in prison. You broke my chains of sin and entrapment. You led me through every door of my life and helped me to mature in You.

How can You forgive me for my wrongdoings? Over and over I slip. Over and over You catch me and stamp out the destructive rotten sins. I have difficulty even forgiving myself, but with Your mighty hand You cast my sins into the deepest sea. Help me, Lord, for only then am I free from sin.

How amazing, the way You freed me. I'm so much happier, my health even improves. You give me energy and life each day, life more abundant than ever.

Once I had no hope. I lived in utter confusion without direction or goals. My paths were like quicksand, ready to swallow me up into total darkness. For so long I held back from giving my heart to You.

I didn't want to lose control.

Yet, when I was willing to let my will be crucified on the cross with You, Lord, You began to live within me. You are my Deliverer and loving Friend. You have set my feet on a firm path, and I fear no more.

Thank You for how You love me and give of Yourself. How I praise You, Lord, for freedom from crippling sin. I'm so thankful Your death wasn't a lost cause. You have saved so many sinners such as I and given joy beyond measure.

Here in calm communion I seek Your guidance. Thank You for how You lead me along the right paths. Thank You for hearing me and helping each time I call upon Your name. I walk within Your strength. I praise You for how You wrap me in the garments of Your salvation and place the robe of righteousness about my shoulders.

I take joy in putting other things aside, for You are first in my life. No longer will I depend on my own good works, but instead on Your wonderful grace. Thanks be to You, God!

To the Jews who had believed him, Jesus said, "If you hold to my teaching, you are really my disciples. Then you will know the truth, and the truth will set you free." JOHN 8:31–32 NIV

The Saviour

Behold the Saviour of mankind Nailed to the shameful tree;
Hark! how He groans, while nature shakes,
Tis finished! now the ransom's paid,
But soon He'll break death's iron chain,
Years I Spend in Vanity and Pride

Years I spend in vanity and pride,
Now I've given to Jesus everything;
O the love that drew salvation's plan!
Mercy there was great, and grace was free;
Out of the depths have I cried unto thee, O Lord.

Thank You, Father, for Your wonderful Holy Spirit. Great and wondrous is Your presence. I feel Your warm love about me. You fill my heart with praise to You. You are so dear. I open my heart to Your Holy Spirit to nurture and lead me, for Your ways are just and true.

Because of Your love, Holy Spirit, I am learning to love others more. I strive to love them as much as You do me. Through all our imperfections, Your love helps make up for the many faults of others, as well as my own.

Holy Spirit, fill me daily. Groom me so I may produce the fruits of Your Spirit. Make my cup overflow so I may be a blessing to those around me.

Great and wondrous is Your presence. Your ways are just and true. Your comfort is with me day and night, everlasting to everlasting. How great You are!

But the fruit of the Spirit is love, joy, peace, patience, kindness, goodness, faithfulness, gentleness, and self-control. Against such things there is no law. Galatians 5:22–23 NIV

Praise You for Spiritual Fruit

Love beyond measure Selfless and free.
Peace, lasting peace Through Your infinite love,
Goodness that's wrought by Repentance and tears,
Gentleness laced with Strong self-control,
But the Comforter, which is the Holy Ghost, whom the Father will send in my name, he shall teach you all things, and bring all things to your remembrance, whatsoever I have said unto you.
John 14:26 KJV


I will sing unto You, Lord, a new song. You make me strong as I lift my praise to You. Praise be to God! Because of all You have done, I sing praises to You. I love to tell others how You saved me and how You help me each day. When they hear of Your marvelous ways and see You are alive and working in my life, they listen in wonder. May they, too, make You Lord of their lives.

In You I am courageous and strong. You are my joy and my strength. I will not fear. Instead, I will unceasingly sing Your praises. You are my protector. You are with me wherever I go. Thank You for Your power and might. When the challenges come, I thank You for giving me a song.

The hours tick by. Before long You will return.

Then I will sing to You for eternity.

Praise be to You!


My thoughts often turn toward heaven, Lord. When earthly trials and worries surround me, I long to be with You. I feel homesick, as though I have some subconscious memory of having been in heaven before. Could I have been with You there before I was placed in my mother's womb? Someday I'll have the answers.

I don't feel a part of the evil in this world and I'm certainly not attracted to what it has to offer. All the money I could earn, the treasure I can obtain, the land I may plan to buy are nothing in light of my eternal home with You. Earthly things lose their value. They wear out, rust, fade, and are sometimes stolen. The eternal treasures I store in heaven with You can never be taken from me. So I'll invest my meager riches in You and Your work. I can't help but love You more than anything the world can give me.

Although my body will die, my soul grows closer to You with each passing day. All the trials and sufferings are minor and won't last. Thank You for the heavenly home I'll go to some day. There will be no sickness there, no pain, no tears. Only eternal life filled with joy and gladness awaits me. There I can be with You and praise You forever.

Sing to the LORD a new song,
Let the desert and its towns raise their voices;
• * *

He will wipe every tear from their eyes.
Beautiful Isle

Somewhere, the sun is shining,
Somewhere the day is long,
Somewhere the load is lifted,
Somewhere, Somewhere,
Thank You for Our Forefathers

For our forefathers, thank You, Lord.
For those who dreamed new dreams,
For those who sought peace,
Praise be to You, Father, for everlasting wisdom. A day shall come when we will be the forefathers. Grant us and our leaders an equal amount of love for You, O God, an urgency to seek Your will and ways, a dedication to build new bridges for the young. Give us each keen insight so the bridges and lessons we lay out shall withstand the tests of time. In Jesus' name, I pray.


Lord, thank You for my country and the freedoms we have. Thank You for the huge strides we've made in science, medicine, and technology. Thank You for those who have gallantly contributed their lifework in order to help mankind.

Thank You for our Christian forefathers, for the sacrifices they made to provide us with what we have today. When I look around, I see we have so much. Help me to be responsible in preserving the values and strengths our country began with.

In the midst of our nation's struggles, crippling hurts, and confusion, I lift our leaders (good and bad) to You in prayer for guidance and help. Grant us a godly pulsebeat, aligned with Your will and direction. Give us Christian leadership. Revive us spiritually. May we regain the standards we have so carelessly thrown away and once again become one nation under God.

Cleanse our sins and heal our land, I pray. Deliver us from drugs and violence. Help our people who love You to step forth and speak out for what is right. Help our schools, our teachers, our children to keep setting new goals, dreaming new dreams, and aiming high. Wrap Your arms around our dear country's young people and dry their tears. Lead them toward a future that is good and true. Help us to go forth as a nation, to be an example to the world, by Your love and grace.

Most of all, Lord, may I do my best to help.

May the love, kindness, and dedication begin within me. In Jesus' name, amen.

What Does My Country Mean to Me?

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In you our fathers put their trust; they trusted and you delivered them. They cried to you and were saved; in you they trusted and were not disappointed. They will proclaim his righteousness to a people yet unborn — for he has done it. Psalm 22:4–5, 31 NIV

If my people, who are called by my name,
In you, O LORD, I have taken refuge;

Excerpted from "When I'm On My Knees"
by .
Copyright © 1997 Barbour Publishing, Inc..
Excerpted by permission of Barbour Publishing, Inc.
All rights reserved. No part of this excerpt may be reproduced or reprinted without permission in writing from the publisher.
Excerpts are provided by Dial-A-Book Inc. solely for the personal use of visitors to this web site.

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