Fully Alive Action Guide: A Journey That Will Change Your Life

Fully Alive Action Guide: A Journey That Will Change Your Life

by Ken Davis
Fully Alive Action Guide: A Journey That Will Change Your Life

Fully Alive Action Guide: A Journey That Will Change Your Life

by Ken Davis


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Food labels, advertisements, politicians, self-help books—they all promise the same thing: a better life . . . or—as Jesus might put it—life to the fullest.

For millions this pursuit of happiness has captivated, ensnared, and, most disappointingly, it has eluded. Which begs the question, what is the missing link? Used alongside the Fully Alive DVD-based Action Kit, this Action Guide explores the idea that God is glorified when man is “fully and eternally alive,” illustrated by best-selling author and motivational speaker Ken Davis’s most honest and intimate stories.

Ken invites us to walk with him on a journey, along a road of heartache and adventure to a place he calls “the land of the living,” and discover what may be missing in our lives. Get a taste of the beautiful urgency of today and begin moving toward a change in your life that draws from the joy and power that can be found only in Christ.

Features include:

  • Seven sessions of study
  • Personal reflection readings and journaling space
  • Leader notes and ideas for forming a Fully Alive Action Group

Intended for use with the Fully Alive Action Kit (ISBN: 9781401675264)

Product Details

ISBN-13: 9781401675288
Publisher: Nelson, Thomas, Inc.
Publication date: 07/24/2012
Pages: 112
Product dimensions: 5.30(w) x 7.30(h) x 0.40(d)

About the Author

Ken Davis provides a unique mixture of side-splitting humor and inspiration that never fails to delight and enrich audiences of all ages. Davis’s daily radio program, Lighten Up! is broadcast on over 500 stations nationwide.

Read an Excerpt


A Journey that Will Change Your Life

Thomas Nelson

Copyright © 2012 Ken Davis and Lighten Up Ministries, Inc.
All right reserved.

ISBN: 978-1-4016-7528-8

Chapter One

Session One



When was the last time you felt the rush of excitement as you raced down a hill on your bike? When was the last morning you leapt out of bed, excited about the opportunities the day would bring? When was the last time you felt the power of Christ as you used your talents to live for his glory? When was the last time you felt that you were living fully alive? Has it been awhile?

The reality is that many of us have allowed the busyness of life to prevent us from living our lives fully alive. Instead of living lives of action, we have chosen to live lives of reaction, and we are missing out. Let's change that ... it's time to live fully alive!

Get Started – 1 minute

Have someone in the group read aloud this brief description of the session theme.

Welcome! As you begin your Fully Alive study together, be prepared to see God do amazing things in the lives of your group members. With this in mind, it is important that each person commits to fully participating in each session.

In this opening session you are invited to explore what it means to live life fully alive. You are invited to stop living with your eyes half closed, and start living with your eyes wide open.

Get Connected – 3 minutes

Share your response to the following question:

What is the first image that comes to mind when you hear the expression "fully alive"?

Give Your Heart and Mind to God – 1 minute

Making a decision to live fully alive may cause you to look at your life in new ways. It may cause you to confront your fears, wrestle with regrets, and ask new questions. As you prepare your heart and mind for session one, open in prayer, asking God for the courage. Ask God to awaken a passion in your life that knows no bounds.

Learn Together – 13 minutes

I f you'd like to take o few notes as you watch the session one video segment use the space below.

Discussion: "Fully Alive" – 12 minutes

You may not have time to discuss all of the questions in this section-that's okay! Cover as many as you can, encouraging everyone to participate.

1. As you listened to Ken Davis speak about living fully alive, what words, phrases, or ideas stuck out to you?

2. When have you felt you were merely trudging through the paces of life?

3. What would you need to change in your life in order to live fully alive?

4. Ken Davis has written that the impulse to live fully alive is 'so strong that people spend billions of dollars every year on drugs and diets and creams that claim to bring new life ... what people don't often realize is that the passion for living is a God thing." How have you tried in the past to live fully alive?

Exploration – 12 minutes

Read Philippians 3:10–14 and discuss your answers to the following questions:

1. Do you believe the power of the resurrection is available to followers of Jesus now?

2. Where have you seen it?

3. What does it mean to "lay hold of that for which Christ Jesus has also laid hold of me'?

4. How can we reach out and lay hold of the life God means for us to live?

Reflection – 12 minutes

During this section it is time to look inside and discover how this session can transform your life.

In order to define a path for living fully alive Ken challenges us to look back at our lives for the moments where God has driven a stake in the ground. Ken says, "Look at those moments where you felt fully alive and you might discover a secret as to what you'll have to put in your life to be what God created you to be."

Take a few moments to write down some of the stakes in the ground from your past, those moments of personal revelation, and then answer the following questions as a group.

Give everyone in your group a chance to respond.

1. What is one key stake you have discovered in your life?

2. Was it hard to identify stakes in your life? Why?

3. When you look back and see the stakes in your life lined up, how do you see those stakes leading you in a new direction toward living fully alive today?

Ken Davis also shared that stakes in the ground are not only things God has placed in our past, but also things we can put ahead of us. Considering the following areas, take a few moments to write down stakes you would like to put ahead of you in order to become fully alive, and then answer the following questions.





1. What is one stake you are putting in the ground to become fully alive?

2. What is one way you need help putting your stakes in the ground?

3. How can you as a group work together to help each other put stakes in the ground?

Now is the Time – 5 minutes

Henry David Thoreau is credited with saying, "Most men lead lives of quiet desperation and go to the grave with the song still in them."

We all wake up in the morning with opportunities before us and choices to make. We can either follow our dreams, and sing the song God has given us, or continue to live each day just like the day before and go to the grave with our song still in us.

As you close this session, take a moment to discuss together what it means for you to live your life fully alive, answering the following question:

"What song is God asking me to sing with my life?"

Close with Prayer – 1 Minute

The end of this time together is really the beginning of the opportunity for you and your group to live fully alive. It is essential for each member of the group to commit to look deep within and to be willing to openly share with one another.

Take a moment and offer a prayer of thanksgiving and commitment to God, such as the one that follows:

Dear heavenly Father, as a group of people who love you and want to be found in faithful obedience to what you've called us to do, we ask ...

What do you want us to learn while we're on this journey toward becoming fully alive? What stakes in the ground have you placed in our lives so far? What new stakes in the ground can we place today? We want to know the power of the resurrection in our lives. We want to glorify you as we live fully alive. Amen.

Chapter Two

Session Two



There is a thrill that occurs when you start to live fully alive. Like putting on a pair of glasses for the first time, you experience a moment of clarity as the blurry images of past mistakes and a lack of direction are transformed into clear pictures of wisdom and purpose. Yet this thrill does not always last.

Frankly, the second you decide to live fully alive you will begin to notice that in the midst of glorious opportunities there are all kinds of obstacles. These obstacles will threaten to derail and squelch your newfound passion for life. They will attempt to extinguish the fire of life that you feel burning inside you.

But wait! There is good news! Are you ready to hear it?

Get Started – 1 minute

Have someone in the group read aloud this brief description of the session theme.

In this session you will not only discover how to name the obstacles that are holding you back from living fully alive, but how to overcome them. And in the end you will discover the hope that Christ has for you as you live each day fully alive.

Get Connected – 3 minutes

In less than ten words, answer the following question:

What obstacles may be keeping you from living fully alive?

Give Your Heart and Mind to God – 1 minute

Now it is time to prepare your heart and mind for session two. Take a few minutes to pray together for your group meeting. Ask God to help you overcome the obstacles in your life, recognize the blessings he has for you, and help you move forward in living fully alive.

Learn Together – 16 minutes

If you'd like to take a few notes as you watch the session two video segment, use the space below.

Discussion: "Obstacles and Opportunities" – 10 minutes

You may not have time to discuss all of the questions in this section—that's okay! Cover as many as you can, encouraging everyone to participate.

1. As you listened to Ken share about the obstacles that he has faced in living fully alive, what words, phrases, or ideas stuck out to you?

2. Ken mentioned fear and perfectionism as two of the obstacles he has faced in life; what obstacles have you faced?

3. When have you had the opportunity to see a "Nooooooo!" picture of yourself, a picture that allowed you to see yourself from a new perspective?

4. Were you pleased with what you saw?

5. Did you see a blessing in your "No!" picture?

6. How did you respond?

Exploration – 12 minutes

Read Matthew 2633–35, 73–75 and discuss your answers to the following questions:

1. How confident was Peter in his loyalty to Jesus and in his courage to face difficult challenges?

2. What was Peter's reaction to the prophetic statement in 26:34 by Jesus about him?

3. Before this incident, do you think Peter felt that he was one of the more trusted disciples of Jesus?

4. How surprised was Peter by his behavior in the face of opposition?

Read 1 Peter 1:6–7 and discuss your answers to the following questions:

1. This statement by Peter was written over thirty years after the death of Jesus. Do you think Peter learned much through his denial of Jesus?

2. Do you think this should be considered a "stake in the ground" moment for Peter?

3. How had Peter's attitude changed in the thirty years?

Reflection – 12 minutes

During this section it is time to look inside and discover how this session can transform your life.

A key takeaway from the life of Peter is that while he could have been depressed and ashamed in the face of his behavioral failure, he instead chose to take advantage of the failures and opportunities he had by using the mercy God had shown him. And as we work to overcome the obstacles in our own lives, we can do the same.

Specifically, Ken spoke of three ways you can overcome the obstacles in your life and take advantage of the opportunities that God is giving you. Let's take some time to work through each.


First, using the space below, write down words in order to create a picture of your life right now. For example, you could write down the different roles you have, the obstacles you've identified, your spiritual gifts, the things you are passionate about, your abilities, personality traits that describe you, positive and negative experiences from your life, and your unique talents.


Second, now that you have a clear picture of your life, use the space below to write any blessings and opportunities you see in front of you. What opportunities might God be asking you to pursue?


Finally, write down the very next step you need to take in order to pursue what God is calling you to do. As a group, you should also make a commitment to help each other in taking the steps you identify.

Now is the Time – 5 minutes

As you finish this session, remember the words of the apostle Paul in Philippians 4:8:

"Whatever is true, whatever is noble, whatever is right, whatever is pure, whatever is lovely, whatever is admirable – if anything is excellent or praiseworthy – think about such things." (NIV)

Be encouraged to stay positive as you work with your group to overcome the obstacles in your life and go after the opportunities God is giving you. Remember, just as Ken said, "God isn't looking for perfection, he is looking for obedience."

The reality is that you will fall; it will hurt, but in the end it will be worth it. Make sure to pace yourself, let God lead you along the way, and never give up. Live fully alive!

Close with Prayer – 1 minute

The end of this time together is really the beginning of the opportunity for you and your group to remove obstacles and seize opportunities in your lives. It is essential for each member of the group to commit to look deep within and to be willing to openly share with one another.

Take a moment to offer a prayer of thanksgiving and commitment to God, such as the one that follows:

Dear heavenly Father, today we are making a decision to lean on the hope that Christ offers us, and to move forward knowing that you work together all things for good for those who love you and are called according to your purposes. We make a decision as a group to trust one another, and to help each other overcome the obstacles in our lives. We see clearly that you have given us great opportunities to live fully alive, and today we plant a stake in the ground to go after them. May the power of your Spirit guide us, and may we do all things for your glory alone. Amen.

Chapter Three

Session Three



Isn't it amazing that, out of the billions of people in the world, God did not make any two people the same? Beyond just our physical differences, some of the most amazing differences we have are the gifts God has given each person. One person is a gifted public speaker, and another person is a gifted writer. One person is a talented chef, and another person is a talented mechanic.

When you start to understand this you will see that because of your God-given, unique giftedness, you have a clear reason to make a difference in the world. As a result, you will see that it is important for you to make goals that will allow you to use your gifts for God's glory.

Get Started – 1 minute

Have someone in the group read aloud this brief description of the session theme:

Take a moment to look at the other people in your group. Isn't it pretty clear that you are different from the person sitting next to you? In this session you will not only discover the unique gifts God has given you, but you will also learn how to make goals that give you a chance to use them. In doing so you will learn to live life fully alive!

Get Connected – 3 minutes

In one or two sentences, answer the following question:

What is one goal you have set for yourself in the past?

Give Your Heart and Mind to God – 1 minute

Now it is time to prepare your heart and mind for session three. Take a few minutes to pray together for your group meeting. Ask God to give you wisdom as you reflect upon who you have been in the past, who you are today, and who you would like to be in the future. Ask God to help you make clear goals and to take the steps necessary to achieve them.

Learn Together – 20 minutes

If you'd like to take a few notes as you watch the session three video segment, use the space below.

Discussion: "Goals" – 10 minutes

You may not have time to discuss all of the questions in this section—that's okay! Cover as many as you can, encouraging everyone to participate.

1. What is one of the gifts you believe God has given you?

2. Do you see any gifts in other group members that they might not be aware of?

3. Share with the group a time when you felt like you were able to use your gifts in order to achieve a goal of great value. What made it valuable?

4. Are you currently involved in any situations where you feel that you are not able to use your gifts?

5. What is one goal you would like to use your God-given gifts to achieve?

Exploration – 10 minutes

Read Nehemiah 2:11–20 and discuss your answers to the following questions:

1. How did he use his gifts for God's glory?

2. What is one example of how Nehemiah showed that he had a sense of purpose in achieving his goals?

3. How did Nehemiah maintain a positive attitude when opposition arose?

4. What was Nehemiah's reaction to ridicule and threat?

5. What do you do in the face of opposition?

Reflection – 12 minutes

During this section it is time to look inside and discover how this session can transform your life.

Are you ready to use your giftedness to achieve goals for God's glory and live fully alive? Use the following exercise to help you get started.

1. In each of the areas listed below, write down the goal that will give you the greatest sense of accomplishment.

2. Within each area, write down one or two milestones that will lead to the accomplishment of each goal.

3. Now rank each of your four goals according to how important they are for you to achieve.

4. For the top-ranked goal write down the absolute next step you need to take in order to achieve your goal.

5. Take a few minutes to share your top-ranked goal with the rest of the group.





Now is the Time – 5 minutes

The truth is that there is a finish line at the end of our lives, and this gives us a choice as to how we live now. We can choose to saunter our way toward that finish line, never giving everything we have to use our gifts for God's glory; or we can run hard, exhausting every opportunity. Choose to run hard.

The great news is that you don't have to run the race alone. There are people around you who can help you make it, and the Bible is filled with examples of people who have lived their lives making the most of every opportunity.

As a group, commit to read the following verse each day before your next session. It is a verse that will inspire you as you follow through on achieving the goals you have chosen. You may find it helpful to memorize this verse:

"Therefore we also, since we are surrounded by so great a cloud of witnesses, let us lay aside every weight, and the sin which so easily ensnares us, and let us run with endurance the race that is set before us." (Hebrews 12:1, NKJV)


Excerpted from FULLY ALIVE ACTION GUIDE by KEN DAVIS Copyright © 2012 by Ken Davis and Lighten Up Ministries, Inc.. Excerpted by permission of Thomas Nelson. All rights reserved. No part of this excerpt may be reproduced or reprinted without permission in writing from the publisher.
Excerpts are provided by Dial-A-Book Inc. solely for the personal use of visitors to this web site.

Table of Contents


How to Use This Guide....................9
Session One: Fully alive....................13
Session Two: Obstacles and Opportunities....................25
Session Three: Goals....................37
Session four: Not alone....................49
Session Five: Baggage: Guilt and Forgiveness....................61
Session Six: Faith and Risk....................71
Session Seven: Finishing well....................83
About the Author....................98
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