Title: ren gong zhi neng: di4ci chan yege ming, Author: Peter Skalfist
Title: yi liao wei sheng wuxueI: bing yuan titoren jiannowei sheng wucong, Author: Rogers Nilstrem
Title: Laser Weapon: The most innovative air defense systems using powerful lasers to burn down enemy drones and rockets, Author: Fouad Sabry
Title: Asteroid Mining: Is the mining of asteroids going to be the next golden race in space?, Author: Fouad Sabry
Title: Swarm Robotics: How can a swarm of weaponized drones driven by artificial intelligence arrange for an assassination attempt?, Author: Fouad Sabry
Title: Speech Recognition: How speech recognition is going to cause disruption, Author: Fouad Sabry
Title: Time Crystal: Atomic structure repeating, not in three, but four dimensions, including time. Could these crystals help us travel through time?, Author: Fouad Sabry
Title: Lightweight Small Arms Technologies: Upgrading the bullets to be light and deadly, Author: Fouad Sabry
Title: Caseless Ammunition: The phantom ammunition for The army's next generation squad automatic rifle, Author: Fouad Sabry
Title: Green Bullet: Why the United States army is moving away from lead ammo to
Title: Fusion Power: Generating electricity by using heat from nuclear fusion reactions, Author: Fouad Sabry
Title: Nanoradio: Attaching tiny chemical sensors into the blood vessels of diabetics, Author: Fouad Sabry
Title: Civic Technology: How can emerging technology help bring society and the government closer together?, Author: Fouad Sabry
Title: Reusable Launch System: Space exploration is revolutionized by the development of reusable rockets, Author: Fouad Sabry
Title: Sonic Weapon: Sonic warfare and the secret operations of spies, Author: Fouad Sabry
Title: Artificial Gravity: To maintain your foot in the space, artificial gravity is a must, Author: Fouad Sabry
Title: Programmable Matter: People will conjure objects as easily as we now play music or movies, Author: Fouad Sabry
Title: Self Reconfiguring Modular Robot: Now, they have been brought into the real world, Transformers take the shape of robots that can morph into vehicles, Author: Fouad Sabry
Title: Ocean Thermal Energy Conversion: From temperature differences between surface and deep ocean waters, Author: Fouad Sabry
Title: Memristor: A new age of applications for beyond Moore's law for computing, Author: Fouad Sabry

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