The Riddle of the Deplorable Dandy: A Novel of Georgian England

The Riddle of the Deplorable Dandy: A Novel of Georgian England

by Patricia Veryan
The Riddle of the Deplorable Dandy: A Novel of Georgian England

The Riddle of the Deplorable Dandy: A Novel of Georgian England

by Patricia Veryan

eBookFirst Edition (First Edition)


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The Riddle of the Deplorable Dandy: A Novel of Georgian England by Patricia Veryan

Elspeth Clayton's family has been living in considerably reduced circumstances, and to improve their finances, her brother Vance becomes a soldier of fortune. His assignments take him to France, where he is caught up in political intrigues. Injured in an attempt to escape a troop of dragoons, he is arrested and held in a French gaol for questioning and probable execution.

In an effort to save her beloved brother, Elspeth turns first to his best friend and then to her most devoted suitor, but both are prevented from coming to her aid. Meanwhile, she has unintentionally antagonized Gervaise Valerian, a quick-tempered dandy, much admired in Town, but whom she finds far from enchanting. Valerian has devised a daring plan to smuggle his father, a fugitive from justice, out of England. When his accomplice in the scheme is rendered helpless, he blames Elspeth.

Despite their mutual antipathy, they are each desperate to aid their loved ones, and with considerable reluctance they eventually decide to work together. Hunted by authorities on both sides of the Channel and pursued by unknown assassins, their efforts are fraught with danger but they persist with their struggle, in the course of which their feelings for each other undergo a marked change.

Product Details

ISBN-13: 9781466884335
Publisher: St. Martin's Publishing Group
Publication date: 10/28/2014
Sold by: Macmillan
Format: eBook
Pages: 368
Sales rank: 836,922
File size: 386 KB

About the Author

Patricia Veryan was born in England and moved to the United States following World War II. The author of several critically acclaimed Georgian and Regency series, including the Sanguinet Saga, she now lives in Kirkland, Washington.

Read an Excerpt

The Riddle of the Deplorable Dandy

By Patricia Veryan

St. Martin's Press

Copyright © 2002 Patricia Veryan
All rights reserved.
ISBN: 978-1-4668-8433-5


"Did you hear that, Godmama?" Listening intently, Elspeth Clayton tilted her head. It was a pretty head: light-brown hair curled softly about delicate features and sent little tendrils to flirt with the small ears; the face was oval in shape, the cheekbones high, the nose straight, and the mouth full-lipped and generous. Too generous perhaps, and combining with a resolute jaw-line to defy the current edict demanding (according to Miss Clayton) that all females must appear witless and helpless. She considered herself to be neither witless nor helpless. But if she could not claim the appellation 'Beauty,' her figure was shapely, her outlook on life was buoyant and cheerful, and although at the perilous age of two and twenty she was still unmarried, she was not without several admirers who pronounced her very lovely indeed.

Madame Martha Elspeth Colbert, reclining on a rose velvet chaise in the cozy parlour of her fashionable London house, and ostensibly reading a history book, had fallen into a gentle doze. Startled, she jerked upright exclaiming, "Eh? Hear what? There is this wretched wind, of course, but save for that I hear nothing. It is, child, that you are not yet accustomed to London's clatters and clamours. Indeed, 'tis fortunate that when your dear mama allowed you to visit the metropolis you were sent to me. South Audley Street is a relatively peaceful thoroughfare, and this house is, my clever brother assures me, of solid construction, so that if I cannot offer you the peace of your country cottage in Wales, you are more peaceful here than are many of London's inhabitants."

"Yes, indeed, ma'am," agreed Elspeth, hurrying to the window and peering down into the street. "I am most grateful that you invited me to share your beautiful home, and I truly appreciate our location. It is just that I thought I heard the doorbell."

Madame Martha settled back on the chaise and stretched forth a hand to the box of comfits on a small nearby table. A charming if rather too plump lady who retained her good looks although she was past fifty, she had fallen in love with the dashing young Monsieur Maurice Colbert while on a visit to Paris some thirty years since, and married him after a shockingly whirlwind courtship. She had not lost touch with her English friends and family, however, and two years ago had returned to London a wealthy widow. She had been welcomed by many former schoolmates, including her lifelong friend, Dora Clayton, and her daughter, to whom Madame stood as Godmother. Madame Colbert was well liked in London Town, and since she was a comely lady of good-natured and generous disposition, her tendency to foolishness was regarded with tolerant amusement and she was seldom without an invitation to some social function.

Now, nibbling a piece of Turkish Delight, she said rather indistinctly, "With all the bluster and howls this wind is creating I would be surprised indeed if you could have heard the bell. Besides, it is too late for a morning call, and too early for an afternoon visit, so —"

She was interrupted by a footman who entered soft-footed and, announcing that a gentleman had called, proffered a silver salver.

Madame took up the card and frowned at it. "Drew?" she muttered. "I think I have not the acquaintance of anyone named —"

"Nicholas!" exclaimed Elspeth, clapping her hands delightedly. "He is my brother's very best friend, Godmama, and will have news of Vance I am sure, for they went to Paris together! We have known him forever. He is a year older than Vance and Papa used to say he was a good influence because although he is such a young fellow he is a proper sobersides. But he is the nicest boy. May I go down, please?"

Madame Martha refused this request, however, desiring instead that Mr. Drew be shown up to the parlour and that refreshments be served. "It is a most inappropriate hour to pay a call," she grumbled, sitting up and straightening her gown. "But if he is a friend of your family, of course, we must receive him. I take it he is well born?"

"Yes, indeed," said Elspeth. "His papa's country estate is in Buckinghamshire and marched with ours — before we lost it, you know. I believe his family spends much of the year down there. You will like him, I feel sure, ma'am."

When Nicholas Drew was shown into the parlour, however, Madame Martha's first reaction was shock rather than liking. She was faced by a tall man she would have guessed to be on the far side of thirty rather than eight and twenty. He came into the parlour briskly; almost, she thought, as though he marched in, and there was about him an air of urgency that made her nervous. He was on the thin side but his bearing was proud and his head held high, reinforcing her impression that he was, or had once been, a military man. He wore neither wig nor powder, his hair of a dark auburn was tied back neatly, a pair of fine blue eyes were set under rather heavy dark brows, and his features were even and would have been unremarkable save for the scar of a sabre cut that marred his left cheek.

She was staring at that scar wonderingly as he straightened from bowing over her hand after Elspeth's introduction. A whimsical twinkle came into his eyes. He said, "You have found me out, ma'am. Yes, it was a duel."

Madame blushed and stammered, but Elspeth laughed and gave him both her hands, saying he was a rogue to embarrass her dear godmother when she had been trying to convince the lady he was "a very nice boy."

He winced at that description, but pressed a kiss on each of the hands he held and apologized if he had put Madame to the blush. "Though I have to say you blush very charmingly, ma'am."

This kind of light flirtation was more to Madame Martha's taste. She said teasingly that she suspected her goddaughter was correct in having named him a rogue, and as he took the chair she indicated, she added that she would forgive him, since her dear late husband had been more than a little bit of a rogue himself.

The conversation went along easily. The footman and a maid arrived with a tray of hot tea and small cakes. Drew apologized for having called at such an hour. He was obliged, he explained, to leave town for a few days and had been anxious to visit Elspeth before departing.

"I understand you were with Vance Clayton in Paris," said Madame.

"Occasionally, ma'am. We sailed on the same packet, but afterwards went our separate ways, having different tasks to accomplish."

Elspeth asked anxiously, "Do you say you have not seen my brother? I had hoped you might have word of him."

Madame was adding milk to her tea and thus missed the quick warning glance Drew slanted at the girl.

"Oh, I saw him," he said. "In fact, Vance sends you his love and —"

"And does he also say when he will come home?"

"He cannot say with any certainty, Elspeth. It will depend on his work."

Madame helped herself to another cake and asked, "What might his work be, Mr. Drew?"

Very aware of Elspeth's anxious gaze, he replied smoothly, "Why, at present he is a courier, ma'am. And very much in — er, in demand."

"Really?" Curious, the widow said, "It sounds exciting. For whom does he work?"

He answered apologetically, "I think, ma'am, I am not allowed to say. Save only, he is employed by a person of some fame in a matter that is of — great import."

"La, but how intriguing! It sounds as though young Vance has risen to a position of trust. In government, perhaps, sir?"

Drew smiled and spread his hands with a regretful shrug.

Madame pouted prettily. "More tea, Elspeth? Your mama will be so pleased. But I suppose we must not press Mr. Drew to betray a trust. So instead you must tell us of yourself, sir, and what you were about in La Belle France, or is that a state secret also?"

"Not unless shipping is a state secret, madame. I was there in behalf of my father, who is in the import trade."

Madame Martha recoiled from the word "trade" but she expressed interest. She was growing sleepy as she tended to do after luncheon, and she was relieved when Drew enquired after a proper interval if he might be allowed to take Miss Clayton for a drive. Madame looked at the window and the flying clouds dubiously, but Elspeth pleaded that she would so enjoy a breath of fresh air, and reflecting that her goddaughter's absence would give her the opportunity for a comfortable nap, Madame gave her consent.

Within ten minutes Drew was handing Elspeth into his light coach and directing his groom to follow a leisurely path up to Tyburn Road and thence along Oxford Street and down Drury Lane.

Climbing in beside Elspeth, he said, "Your godmama is a delightful lady, But I had to talk to you in private. I hope I was not too obvious."

"No, no," she said. "You charmed her neatly. Nicholas, I've been beside myself, for I sensed that you have something to tell me. Is Vance in trouble?"

He looked into her sweet face and wished he had not to be the one to break such terrible news. Taking her gloved hand, he said gently, "You know that your brother has been engaged in a risky business of late?"

"Yes, of course, for when he left England he confided to me that he had become what they call a — a soldier of fortune. It was only for our sakes, Nick. Mama's and mine. Since my poor father died we have lost just about everything we had. Vance tried so hard to bring us about. I suppose he must have felt this was his only hope. He has sent funds home, which has been a relief to poor Mama. I worried so at first, but he scolded me for doubting his ability, and indeed, he is such a fine swordsman, I hoped ..." She searched the grave face beside her and her voice trembled as she uttered the question she dreaded to ask. "My brother is not — is not — dead?"

"I pray not." He saw her face whiten, and tightening his clasp on her hand he said quickly, "He entered the service of La Belle Pompadour. Vance is a good looking fellow and she —" He cut off the remark and added, "You will know how the lady interferes in political matters?"

"Yes. And that she has powerful enemies. Oh, Nicholas! Has she persuaded Vance to do something dreadful?"

Trying to keep his voice calm, he answered, "He was caught with one of her letters."

"Oh, my Lord!" A hand flew to her throat. She exclaimed in a voice that fluttered, "They will execute him for treason!"

"For spying, rather. He is not in the Bastille, at least. Madame Pompadour is powerful and it does not do to cross her without proof. Vance is imprisoned in a private chateau."

"Then all he has to do is give them her beastly letter! What value can it have compared to his life?"

He said gently, "I fancy several lives depend on the contents of the letter remaining secret. Vance gave his word to destroy it if he was caught. I have learned it was not found when he was arrested, but —"

Elspeth gave a stifled sob and closed her eyes briefly. "I think you are trying to tell me he is being — questioned. Then — then he is very likely dead already."

Drew sighed and leaned back against the squabs, still holding her hand. "The only hope I can offer will not be of great comfort, alas. Vance fought for his life, as you may guess. He was wounded, Ellie. Yes, I know that terrifies you, but I learned that the minister who has him is most anxious that he not be questioned till he has to an extent recovered."

Elspeth burst into tears and groped for her handkerchief.

Putting his arm around her and holding her close, Nicholas patted her shoulder and waited out the storm. As he had guessed, it was brief.

Impatient with her weakness, she dried her tears, sat straight and said rather huskily, "Vance would never break his given word unless — unless he were forced. So we may have a little t-time in which to do something, is that what you think?"

Drew thought, 'It is what I hope,' but he said, "Yes."

"Then we must go to Whitehall at once! The Horse Guards will intervene if they know a British subject is being held prisoner in ... France ..." Her words trailed off as he shook his head. "Why not?"

"I went to our Embassy in Paris straightaway. I was listened to politely and assured that steps would be taken, but as you know, I'm not a stranger to diplomacy and I refused to be fobbed off. It was a struggle, but eventually I wrung the truth from them. It seems Whitehall is particularly anxious that Versailles not be upset at this particular time."

She protested indignantly, "How should an injured British gentleman upset almighty Versailles?"

"Because your British gentleman is known to be a soldier of fortune, m'dear, and is in the pay of La Marquise de Pompadour, the King's favourite, who is also a much too busy political plotter. A tangled skein at best, which could lead to the kind of involvement Whitehall would move heaven and earth to avoid. I could see I would get nowhere at the embassy, so I came home and went to the Horse Guards and to some, er — individuals of influence whom I chance to know."

Watching his stern face, Elspeth said, "Could they offer no hope at all?"

He met her eyes squarely. "I have been warned very plainly to stay clear of the business."

"But you will not?" Clasping his hand again, she said in desperation, "Nicky! Vance is your best friend. Surely, you will not just stand by and do nothing to help him?"

"Of course not. I will do whatever I may. Firstly, I must hire men and a boat."

Awed, she said breathlessly, "You mean to try a rescue yourself?"

"Since I cannot achieve it legally, I must strive to accomplish it illegally."

Her eyes lit up. She exclaimed, "Dear Nicky! How splendid! What can I do to help?"

He asked with a smile, "Have you the acquaintance of any gentlemen of power and influence?"

Casting about in her mind for such rare commodities, she said worriedly, "Godmama may, but ... Wait! Yes, I do! In fact, I was to ride with him in the park this afternoon!" She peered out of the window. "I had intended to send a note to postpone our ride, but I do think the wind is dying down, so I shall be able to go." She turned a radiant face. "He will help us, I know it!"

Amused as always by her swift changes of mood, Drew asked, "Does this reliable paragon chance to be known to me?"

"Oh, I am sure he must be. His uncle is a power in the East India Company. I've known Joel since we were in the nursery."

Drew's smile faded. "You never mean Skye? Lord Hayes's nephew?"

"Yes. Lieutenant Joel Skye. He would do anything I asked! Now why must you look so glum? Do you think Joel is too young to help? He has a quick mind and is as brave as he can stare, and —"

"And has always adored you. I know that, certainly. But Lord Hayes is no longer a power in the East India Company. His health has reduced him to an invalid and forced him to retire."

Elspeth's brow wrinkled. "I did not know," she said uneasily. "I am indeed sorry to hear it. Lord Hayes is such a nice gentleman."

"A nicer gentleman than Joel was granted in his sire," said Drew with uncharacteristic acerbity.

"Good gracious! Does their feud continue after all these years?"

"Colonel Sir Walter Skye is as crusty as ever. I think he will never forgive his brother-in-law for influencing Joel to choose the Navy rather than the Army as he had wished."

"Joel had every right to make his choice, and I am proud of him for sticking to his guns." She added thoughtfully, "I wonder what will become of him now. I mean, whether he will continue to be attached to the East India Company?"

"He'll likely be able to tell you during your ride this afternoon. Jupiter! We've reached Drury Lane already! I'd thought to take you into the Bedford for a cup of chocolate or tea, but perhaps you will want to get ready for your ride."

Elspeth agreed that she had better go home, and Drew called to the coachman to return by way of Piccadilly and the side streets. Closing the window once more, he stressed the need for caution. "If Skye can be of help, you shall have to warn him that we don't want the Horse Guards getting wind of our plans. If they do, we will surely be shut down or clapped up, to say the least of it!"


Excerpted from The Riddle of the Deplorable Dandy by Patricia Veryan. Copyright © 2002 Patricia Veryan. Excerpted by permission of St. Martin's Press.
All rights reserved. No part of this excerpt may be reproduced or reprinted without permission in writing from the publisher.
Excerpts are provided by Dial-A-Book Inc. solely for the personal use of visitors to this web site.

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