A Moment with God for Caregivers
This popular series of convenient pocket-size books offers 58 prayers in each volume. An excellent resource to use for brief devotions that fit in with today's busy lifestyle. Includes Scripture passages with each prayer. For personal or group use. *A Moment with God for Caregivers--Touching prayers for anyone in the business of caring.
A Moment with God for Caregivers
This popular series of convenient pocket-size books offers 58 prayers in each volume. An excellent resource to use for brief devotions that fit in with today's busy lifestyle. Includes Scripture passages with each prayer. For personal or group use. *A Moment with God for Caregivers--Touching prayers for anyone in the business of caring.
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A Moment with God for Caregivers

A Moment with God for Caregivers

by Becky Fish
A Moment with God for Caregivers

A Moment with God for Caregivers

by Becky Fish


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This popular series of convenient pocket-size books offers 58 prayers in each volume. An excellent resource to use for brief devotions that fit in with today's busy lifestyle. Includes Scripture passages with each prayer. For personal or group use. *A Moment with God for Caregivers--Touching prayers for anyone in the business of caring.

Product Details

ISBN-13: 9781426744679
Publisher: Abingdon Press
Publication date: 06/01/2011
Sold by: Barnes & Noble
Format: eBook
File size: 605 KB

About the Author

Becky, former editor of Virtue magazine, served as a contributor to 365 Meditations for Women and 365 More Meditations for Women. She lives in Bend, Oregon with her husband Bruce.

Read an Excerpt

A Moment with God for Caregivers

Prayers for People Who Care for Others

By Bruce Durost Fish, Becky Durost Fish

Dimensions for Living

Copyright © 1998 Dimensions for Living
All rights reserved.
ISBN: 978-1-4267-4467-9



Then a great and powerful wind tore the mountains apart ... but the LORD was not in the wind. After the wind there was an earthquake, but the LORD was not in the earthquake. After the earthquake came a fire, but the LORD was not in the fire. And after the fire came a gentle whisper. When Elijah heard it, he pulled his cloak over his face and went out and stood at the mouth of the cave.

—1 Kings 19:11b-13

Father, we long for a spectacular display of your power. We want to know that you are grappling with the things that threaten our loved ones and us. But although spectacular displays make us feel good for a while, they don't bring peace to our souls. What Elijah needed, what he sought, was a personal word from you. Not the wind, not the earthquake, not the fire, but the gentle whisper. Today, may we hear your whisper of omnipotence and find peace for our souls.


We continually remember before our God and Father your work produced by faith, your labor prompted by love, and your endurance inspired by hope in our Lord Jesus Christ.

—1 Thessalonians 1:3

Lord, my caregiving in part grows out of my faith, my sense of how you have instructed us to care for our families. But on those tough days when my nose is being rubbed into the worst aspects of servanthood, may my labors also be prompted by love, and may the promise of what you are doing in my life through Christ's work on the cross motivate me to endure.


God said, "Let there be light," and there was light. God saw that the light was good, and he separated the light from the darkness.

—Genesis 1:3-4

Father, light was your chosen tool for fashioning the world. You did not destroy darkness, but gave us a way to understand it. You gave shape to what was formless and drew life out of empty shadow.

Our relationships with those we care for are like that original formless void. We are in a place where we cannot see clearly, and what we dimly perceive frightens us. May your power and presence illuminate us and our loved ones as we care for them. With the help of your creative presence, may we discover a new life and legacy of hope for those we love.


He will cover you with his feathers, / and under his wings you will find refuge.... / You will not fear the terror of night, / nor the arrow that flies by day.

—Psalm 91:4, 5

Lord, the phone rang at two o'clock this morning. Mom was calling, terrified. Some of this fear is physiologically caused, and the doctor is changing her medication to help alleviate her distress. But some of her fear is not simply a case of chemical imbalances in her body. There is a genuine fear of being alone, of being vulnerable, of feeling life slip away. Be with my mother this night. Cover her with your wings, and may she find refuge in your love.


By day the LORD directs his love, / at night his song is with me.

—Psalm 42:8

Lord, tonight Mom had an asthma attack and it took the better part of an hour to get her breathing comfortably again. She was understandably upset. To help her relax so she could drift back to sleep, we played Mozart's Eine kleine Nachtmusik (A Little Night Music). As she nodded off with a slight smile on her face, I thought of how hearing music in the darkness can bring comfort and security. Thank you that no matter how dark the nights of my life may be, your song never ceases.


"Where were you when I laid the earth's foundation? / Tell me, if you understand."

—Job 38:4

Father, we watch the mounting losses of our loved ones and feel our own lives slipping away. Their growing dependency haunts us. How can we feel safe when such things happen to those around us?

We are shocked by your response to Job. He asks for an explanation of his suffering and you tell him to reflect on your sovereign power. Is there another lesson for us to learn?

Does your presence in a fallen world sow the seeds of both our suffering and our salvation? And where does comfort come from? When a flood of suffering threatens to carry us away, can we escape by piling up answers around us like sandbags?

Help us remember that what you do not prevent, you still have the power to redeem. May we find you powerfully near to us, as you were to Job when you asked him your thundering questions.


And this is my prayer: that your love may abound more and more in knowledge and depth of insight, so that you may be able to discern what is best.

—Philippians 1:9-10

Lord, it is so difficult to know what is best in this situation. Would activities at the senior center be helpful or harmful? Whom should we hire to supplement our caregiving? Do the social benefits of the foot-care clinic outweigh the difficulties of getting Mom up earlier than she likes?

May we see Mom clearly—have insight into her needs—and be better able to discern what is best.


For the word of God is living and active. Sharper than any double-edged sword, it penetrates even to dividing soul and spirit, joints and marrow; it judges the thoughts and attitudes of the heart. Nothing in all creation is hidden from God's sight.

—Hebrews 4:12-13a

Father, give us the courage to manage the truth as you uncover it. May we find it gentle when dealing with the broken places of our lives and immensely strong when confronting our proud ignorance.

Help us to see the truth about those in our care. May our clear vision give them comfort as their understanding fades. Stand with us as we face with them the anguish of lifelong fears and bad habits. Guard their souls from these enemies. Embrace us with your immense love, which always waits for us at the center of every truth that comes from you. Show us the inexhaustible hope that flows from your truth, as we walk together through difficult times. May we, and those we care for, be changed by this encounter.


Even to your old age and gray hairs / I am he, I am he who will sustain you. / I have made you and I will carry you.

—Isaiah 46:4

Lord, it's fall. A cool breeze nips the air, warning of winter's approach. The leaves are dropping from the trees, and the Canada geese form huge Vs in the sky, pointing south. Yet as summer's flowers turn brown, and trees stand with bare arms reaching toward heaven, I am still surrounded by beauty: orange mountain ash berries suspended from their branches, streaks of yellow-orange vine maple climbing across the foothills, huge flocks of evening grosbeaks gathered at the feeder. As my loved one prepares for the winter of her life, bare arms reaching toward heaven, may I also see the beauty that marks this season of her life and praise you.


But I trust in you, O LORD; / 1 say, "You are my God." / My times are in your hands; / deliver me from my enemies / and from those who pursue me.

—Psalm 31:14-15

Lord, I talked with the receptionist at the eye doctor's. Her father has cancer and has been dying for two years. He's said his good-byes to everyone who knows him. There are no unresolved situations. He is wasting away. The whole family senses that it is his time to go. Yet he remains.

I understand her suffering. The hours of our days are in your hands, but sometimes we question why the last minutes and seconds are necessary. Give me and the others who are caring for my loved one the wisdom to do everything we can to ease her discomfort, and help us trust you with the timing of her departure.


The prudent see danger and take refuge, / but the simple keep going and suffer for it.

—Proverbs 27:12

Lord, whenever I face change, some familiar things must also be eliminated from my life. I have added both the hours it takes to care for my parent and the time I need for replenishment. Much as I want to hang onto all my old activities, I can't continue like this.

I need to discern which activities are best put aside during this time of added commitments. Help me to determine which people are most important in my life and then select the activities that will build those relationships and allow my soul to be nurtured. Give me the will to restore balance to my days, and grant me your peace in the choices I make.


Martha was distracted by all the preparations that had to be made. She came to [Jesus] and asked, "Lord, don't you care that my sister has left me to do the work by myself? Tell her to help me!"

"Martha, Martha," the Lord answered, "you are worried and upset about many things, but only one thing is needed. Mary has chosen what is better, and it will not be taken away from her."

—Luke 10:40-42

Lord, there are so many responsibilities in my life. Like Martha, I can only see the needs of other people and what I must do to meet them. Whether I am at home, at work, or at church, people ask things of me, and I feel obligated to say yes. Open my eyes so that, like Mary, I will recognize my own needs not as an expression of selfishness, but as something you honor and are willing to meet—if only I will let some things go and sit at your feet.


Even though I walk / through the valley of the shadow of death, / 1 will fear no evil, / for you are with me; / your rod and your staff / they comfort me.

—Psalm 23:4

Lord, I know that there are thousands of caregivers out there, but my friends aren't among them. Their parents are active and healthy. They give me blank stares when I try to describe some middle-of-the-night crisis. They try to be helpful by suggesting activities that my parent can no longer enjoy or do safely. They cannot comprehend how much energy it takes to care for the one who used to care for me. There are days—weeks—when I feel very alone in this situation. Remind me that you are with me as I walk in the shadow of death.


The LORD will guide you always; / he will satisfy your needs in a sun-scorched land / and will strengthen your frame.

—Isaiah 58:11

Lord, today went well. There were no new problems—or old problems, for that matter. The sun was shining. Everything worked the way it's supposed to. There were no long waits at traffic lights, no complaints about meals, no objections to taking medicine. Nobody fought. The family smiled. Life was good.

It's so easy to focus on the problems and difficulties that life brings. But today was kissed with a double measure of your grace. Thank you for this break from the ordinary that we all so desperately needed.


O LORD, you have seen this; be not silent. / Do not be far from me, O Lord. / Awake, and rise to my defense! / Contend for me, my God and Lord.

—Psalm 35:22-23

Lord, I just learned that someone was criticizing me behind my back for how I'm taking care of my parent. This person doesn't know the situation. She doesn't know how many professionals I have both advising me about the best care and stopping in to supplement what I'm doing. She never bothered to ask me. Instead she jumped to conclusions and spread lies. I'm angry and hurt and discouraged. Tomorrow I will call her and try to clarify the situation. But tonight I need a defender. I need to know that you will stand up for me.


A word aptly spoken / is like apples of gold in settings of silver.

—Proverbs 25:11

Lord, one of the home healthcare nurses took me aside today and told me how impressed she is by the care we are giving Mom. Thank you for bringing someone into my life who encourages and affirms me. It means so much to have a professional who knows our situation tell me that I'm doing something right.

Help me to remember these words of praise so that when I am criticized by people who don't know the particulars of our situation, I will not take their words to heart. And give me opportunities to pass on this gift of praise to others who cross my path.


Be very careful, then, how you live—not as unwise but as wise.

—Ephesians 5:15

Lord, the special needs of my loved one can sometimes block from view the needs of the rest of my family. Yet before I became a caregiver, I made commitments to my spouse, my children. They will be with me long after the need for my caregiving is past. Give me the wisdom to balance my time and attention so that I will not inadvertently sow seeds of bitterness and resentment in the souls of those I love so much.


Six days you shall labor and do all your work, but the seventh day is a Sabbath to the LORD your God. On it you shall not do any work.

—Exodus 20:9-10

Lord, sometimes it's hard to trust that others will take care of my parents as well as I would. I feel so responsible for them that I want to control every minute of their lives. I want to be there if there's a problem, and I want to be there to prevent any problem from occurring. Give me the faith to trust you with my parents. Then, having released them to you, may I let others participate in my parents' care so that I am free to obey your commands about rest.


He who dwells in the shelter of the Most High / will rest in the shadow of the Almighty. / I will say of the LORD, "He is my refuge and my fortress, / my God, in whom I trust."

—Psalm 91:1-2

Father, she sits in her chair, staring out the window, unable to believe in her own life. She is impoverished in the midst of wealth, lonely among friends. Increasingly she feels only her own pain, sees only her own tears, hears nothing but the quiet sounds of death creeping closer. She can find no place of refuge, no shelter from her own fears, no fortress to defend her from the disease that is stealing her sanity.

On some level, she still believes in you, but she trusts no one. A listless, despairing depression stalks her, and she can no longer find her way to you for shelter. Seek her out as she stumbles down this narrowing path, and be a refuge for her tired soul.


"Where, O death, is your victory? / Where, O death, is your sting?" / The sting of death is sin, and the power of sin is the law. But thanks be to God! He gives us the victory through our Lord Jesus Christ.

—1 Corinthians 15:55-57

Lord, I saw a side of Mom today that I never thought I'd see again this side of heaven. She had an extra measure of energy, and her mind was sharper than it's been in years. She regaled us with stories and wrote notes to friends. Yesterday she didn't have the strength to sign her name. As I watched her, I wept. The immensity of what I am losing overwhelmed me. But I also felt joy as I haven't in weeks. Something I thought had been lost to me forever was for a brief moment returned, and I was reminded that death will not be the final statement in her life. Thank you for this gift.


Therefore, brothers, since we have confidence to enter the Most Holy Place by the blood of Jesus, ... let us draw near to God with a sincere heart in full assurance of faith.

—Hebrews 10:19, 22

Lord Jesus, she stands quietly by the bed of her dying husband, fear held at bay by faith and love. After fifty years, no words are necessary, so she feeds him chips of ice and strokes his fevered face. They both see death's curtain dropping slowly between them. Their eyes embrace, speaking volumes.

I watch the miracle of your love in my mother's eyes, healing my father's soul even as his body is consumed. Those pieces of ice become for them a final communion, offering a promise of new life.

We stand together on holy ground, where life endures in the face of death, and hope has the final word. When my time comes, or my wife's, may we have this kind of confidence and hope, to enter the holy place and do good deeds of love.


Excerpted from A Moment with God for Caregivers by Bruce Durost Fish, Becky Durost Fish. Copyright © 1998 Dimensions for Living. Excerpted by permission of Dimensions for Living.
All rights reserved. No part of this excerpt may be reproduced or reprinted without permission in writing from the publisher.
Excerpts are provided by Dial-A-Book Inc. solely for the personal use of visitors to this web site.

Table of Contents


The Whisper of Omnipotence,
Motivated by Love,
Let There Be Light,
Night Terrors,
Night Songs,
Just One More Question,
Discerning What Is Best,
All Things Laid Bare,
Reaching to Heaven,
Waiting for God's Time,
Making Adjustments,
Time for Myself,
When I Am Alone,
Thanks for God's Grace,
When Criticized,
A Timely Word,
Time for Others,
When I Need Rest,
Place of Refuge,
Our Victory,
Holy Ground,
Attitude Is Everything,
Trial by Fire,
Leap of Faith?,
Weeding the Kingdom,
Draw Near the Fire,
Grey Eagle Rising,
A New Situation,
Bug Control,
The End of Exile,
Good News, Bad News,
When Money Is Needed,
Spirit of '76,
Antidote for Fear,
The Last Enemy,
No More Tears,
Leaving Home,
When Feeling the Heat,
Unbind Him!,
What Am I Doing for You?,
New Friends,
Sorrows of a Servant,
Foot Care,
Prayer at Sunset,
In Good Company,
Feed My Sheep,
A Time for Release,
Guard Duty,
Misplaced Independence,
Loving Confrontation,
When Exhausted,
Waiting Quietly,
Becoming an Advocate,
Anxiety Attacks,
The One Who Remembers,
Light in the Darkness,
Shaped by Choices,
Idol Thoughts,

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