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Danylo Nimak, an investigator of the homicide department in Ivano-Frankivsk region, is not like others. He is not interested in life and family. Work is everything to him. And now he is at the epicenter of the Dovbush trail. The execution of an elderly teacher from Lviv is obvious to him. With the senses of an experienced hunter, Danylo finds the business card of the killers from the mouth of the corpse. It means that it is not just a murderer. On the same day he is removed from the case for unknown reasons. However, Daniel does not stop. Having enlisted the support of the Ukrainian ubiquitous journalists of the main TV channel, Nadia Avdeeva, Nimak continues to investigate. Someone who hinders Danylo is trying to incriminate him in a criminal case. Identification of the investigator and journalists who are hiding from the authorities. At some point, when Daniel and Nadia have a thread that leads to the criminal, they are surrounded by security forces right in the hotel. But, dexterous Nimak, taking his boss hostage, avoids the chase. The freedom will not last long. They are taken into circulation by Kord fighters and, as it turns out, not to close them. Interior Minister Avakov meets with the couple in the forest at a hunting hideout. The politician offers to investigate and agrees to cooperate with the Belarusian security forces. The couple is sent to Belarus. It is obvious that everything that is done in Belarus is known to the Russian secret service. The couple is secretly transported to Moscow...
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Danylo Nimak, an investigator of the homicide department in Ivano-Frankivsk region, is not like others. He is not interested in life and family. Work is everything to him. And now he is at the epicenter of the Dovbush trail. The execution of an elderly teacher from Lviv is obvious to him. With the senses of an experienced hunter, Danylo finds the business card of the killers from the mouth of the corpse. It means that it is not just a murderer. On the same day he is removed from the case for unknown reasons. However, Daniel does not stop. Having enlisted the support of the Ukrainian ubiquitous journalists of the main TV channel, Nadia Avdeeva, Nimak continues to investigate. Someone who hinders Danylo is trying to incriminate him in a criminal case. Identification of the investigator and journalists who are hiding from the authorities. At some point, when Daniel and Nadia have a thread that leads to the criminal, they are surrounded by security forces right in the hotel. But, dexterous Nimak, taking his boss hostage, avoids the chase. The freedom will not last long. They are taken into circulation by Kord fighters and, as it turns out, not to close them. Interior Minister Avakov meets with the couple in the forest at a hunting hideout. The politician offers to investigate and agrees to cooperate with the Belarusian security forces. The couple is sent to Belarus. It is obvious that everything that is done in Belarus is known to the Russian secret service. The couple is secretly transported to Moscow...
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Danylo Nimak, an investigator of the homicide department in Ivano-Frankivsk region, is not like others. He is not interested in life and family. Work is everything to him. And now he is at the epicenter of the Dovbush trail. The execution of an elderly teacher from Lviv is obvious to him. With the senses of an experienced hunter, Danylo finds the business card of the killers from the mouth of the corpse. It means that it is not just a murderer. On the same day he is removed from the case for unknown reasons. However, Daniel does not stop. Having enlisted the support of the Ukrainian ubiquitous journalists of the main TV channel, Nadia Avdeeva, Nimak continues to investigate. Someone who hinders Danylo is trying to incriminate him in a criminal case. Identification of the investigator and journalists who are hiding from the authorities. At some point, when Daniel and Nadia have a thread that leads to the criminal, they are surrounded by security forces right in the hotel. But, dexterous Nimak, taking his boss hostage, avoids the chase. The freedom will not last long. They are taken into circulation by Kord fighters and, as it turns out, not to close them. Interior Minister Avakov meets with the couple in the forest at a hunting hideout. The politician offers to investigate and agrees to cooperate with the Belarusian security forces. The couple is sent to Belarus. It is obvious that everything that is done in Belarus is known to the Russian secret service. The couple is secretly transported to Moscow...

Product Details

ISBN-13: 9783987568022
Publisher: SUNRAY
Publication date: 02/10/2023
Sold by: Bookwire
Format: eBook
Pages: 243
File size: 404 KB
Language: Ukrainian

About the Author

Мене звуть Сергій Журавльов. Волелюбний українець. Основний мотив моїх творінь — доставити читачам і слухачам задоволення від моєї публіцистичної роботи. Понад чверть підприємств України було зруйновано або окуповано російськими загарбниками. Я, як і багато моїх співвітчизників, залишився без роботи. Єдина надія - на вас, мої вдячні читачі та слухачі, саме з цієї термінової причини я більш енергійно продовжив свою письменницьку діяльність. Коротко про себе: Я народився 29. 10. 1958 року в Луганську, Україна. Деякі речі, описані в моїх книжках, ґрунтуються на реальних подіях із мого життя та життя моїх друзів і знайомих. Увесь вільний від роботи і дозвілля час присвячую спілкуванню, читанню і творчості. Я люблю грати в хокей. Люблю риболовлю. Люблю віндсерфінг, яхтинг і дайвінг. Я люблю полювання. Не тільки це, але я люблю брати участь у драгрейсингу. Я люблю свою дружину. Ми жили по сусідству, дружили просто так, любов народилася в серці... Я люблю своїх дітей, у мене їх троє. Я люблю своїх онуків, на сьогоднішній день їх у мене вісім. Я люблю Землю і землян. Я ненавиджу диктатуру і диктаторів, фашизм, расизм і путінський рашизм. У перші тижні нападу рашистів на Україну, будучи старшим офіцером запасу, брав участь у територіальній обороні під Білою Церквою, недалеко від Києва. Мій девіз: Пропаганда в будь-якій формі має бути заборонена. А головне - Мир без кордонів! Тим, хто читає ці рядки, висловлюю щиру повагу і бажаю здоров'я та фінансового добробуту. Якщо у вас є бажання поспілкуватися зі мною, я буду радий це зробити. Якщо ви є носієм мови і хочете допомогти мені підправити текст, я буду дуже вдячний. Моя пошта: sergiyazhuravlov@gmail.com Мій сайт: www.vam-moi-knigi.com Мій стільниковий +380674417700 Якщо мій читач захоче придбати друковану версію мого роману, я готовий вислати її вам.
. . . . , , . - , , . : 29. 10. 1958 , . , , . , . . . , . . , . . , , ... , . , . . , , . , , , . : - . - ! , , ' . , . , . : sergiyazhuravlov@gmail.com : www.vam-moi-knigi.com +380674417700 , .
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