Hispanic Heritage Month starts on September 15th, and this year we’re kicking off our celebrations of the Latinx community with a curated list of titles we love from some truly talented Hispanic voices. From gory Gothic retellings to perfectly precious picture books, we’ve got an array of incredible titles that center Hispanic history, people, and […]
The middle grade years are ones of transition, during which kids are faced with many important questions like what is important to them, and who they will be when they grow up (as well as more mundane yet still important things like what the significance of deodorant is!). The following six middle grade books emphasize […]
Jenny Lawson is crazy, and she knows it. She has a taxidermied pegasus. She brought a koala costume all the way to Australia in hopes of wearing it while holding a real koala who may or may not have chlamydia. And she’s afraid of finding dead bodies in public bathroom stalls.
The eastern states—including such states as Maine, New Hampshire, and, of course, New York—conjure up images of tradition and old wealth. Known for fast talking, fast walking, and minimal patience for tomfoolery, East Coasters, enjoy a fast-paced lifestyle with all the delicious pizza and bagels they can handle. They also experience actual seasons, with autumn leaves, epic […]
Is there anything more exciting than the promise of a crop of fantastic new writers that comes with a new debut class each year? You may already know the answer is a resounding “No,” but what you might not be aware of is that this year’s debuts are frighteningly fantastic. Ask anyone who gets their […]