Ego Land
One thing to remember if nothing from this book is you came from nothing and you will be returning to nothing so why do you need anything. Like attracts like. If you’re not on the same page as your divine spark you will feel distant, empty and lost. That emptiness is you reaching out to you to bring you home but you can only do it by showing yourself the obstacles of the things you don’t want to have in your life. Life is not about the amount of times you fall down but the amount of times you get up. Every encounter you have is a divine encounter with yourself giving you the gift (choice) to make a different experience take place. You need to exhaust all your wants, needs and desire to truly know that all you need is love. You don’t need to find your divine spark. It’s within you, just remove the layers that are covering it up (that were put there by you). Your EGO is a closed loop. Its job is to keep you entertained and the program of EGO Land is a surrender program. When you want, crave and pray for things like happiness, abundance, and health you are praying to reveal the GOD inside you. Once you awaken the divine spark within you that’s how you manifest all the things you are praying for, all the amazing things for yourself and for others. I am writing this for you as you but I am me speaking to you to help you remember who you are. You are in EGO Land in order to experience the duality of what is to be separate from your self. The difference between you and me is I know I am writing this to myself to wake you up to yourself.
Ego Land
One thing to remember if nothing from this book is you came from nothing and you will be returning to nothing so why do you need anything. Like attracts like. If you’re not on the same page as your divine spark you will feel distant, empty and lost. That emptiness is you reaching out to you to bring you home but you can only do it by showing yourself the obstacles of the things you don’t want to have in your life. Life is not about the amount of times you fall down but the amount of times you get up. Every encounter you have is a divine encounter with yourself giving you the gift (choice) to make a different experience take place. You need to exhaust all your wants, needs and desire to truly know that all you need is love. You don’t need to find your divine spark. It’s within you, just remove the layers that are covering it up (that were put there by you). Your EGO is a closed loop. Its job is to keep you entertained and the program of EGO Land is a surrender program. When you want, crave and pray for things like happiness, abundance, and health you are praying to reveal the GOD inside you. Once you awaken the divine spark within you that’s how you manifest all the things you are praying for, all the amazing things for yourself and for others. I am writing this for you as you but I am me speaking to you to help you remember who you are. You are in EGO Land in order to experience the duality of what is to be separate from your self. The difference between you and me is I know I am writing this to myself to wake you up to yourself.
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Ego Land

Ego Land

by Jason
Ego Land

Ego Land

by Jason


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One thing to remember if nothing from this book is you came from nothing and you will be returning to nothing so why do you need anything. Like attracts like. If you’re not on the same page as your divine spark you will feel distant, empty and lost. That emptiness is you reaching out to you to bring you home but you can only do it by showing yourself the obstacles of the things you don’t want to have in your life. Life is not about the amount of times you fall down but the amount of times you get up. Every encounter you have is a divine encounter with yourself giving you the gift (choice) to make a different experience take place. You need to exhaust all your wants, needs and desire to truly know that all you need is love. You don’t need to find your divine spark. It’s within you, just remove the layers that are covering it up (that were put there by you). Your EGO is a closed loop. Its job is to keep you entertained and the program of EGO Land is a surrender program. When you want, crave and pray for things like happiness, abundance, and health you are praying to reveal the GOD inside you. Once you awaken the divine spark within you that’s how you manifest all the things you are praying for, all the amazing things for yourself and for others. I am writing this for you as you but I am me speaking to you to help you remember who you are. You are in EGO Land in order to experience the duality of what is to be separate from your self. The difference between you and me is I know I am writing this to myself to wake you up to yourself.

Product Details

ISBN-13: 9781452500676
Publisher: Balboa Press
Publication date: 11/01/2010
Sold by: Barnes & Noble
Format: eBook
Pages: 176
File size: 305 KB

Read an Excerpt


By Jason Troy Doherty


Copyright © 2010 Jason Troy Doherty
All right reserved.

ISBN: 978-1-4525-0066-9

Chapter One

"An awakened being intuitively knows the truth in a situation and will follow their life's purpose to raise the vibration of the planet and advance human consciousness" (Unknown Author)

First off I would like to start of by saying thank you for having an open mind, for being flexible with your thinking and purchasing my book. I am not here to change your mind about anything you are experiencing but we will be discussing a lot of different topics concerning some things that may shock you and may upset you.

I suggest taking what resonates with you at this time and leave the rest as you may not be ready for it.

Please keep in mind that fear of something is what keeps you away from your unlimited power. So however you are evaluating your life at this time, I am here to share with you my experience. I am not a teacher, guru or someone that is enlightened.

"To observe without interference is true mastery." (Unknown Author)

I believe we are already enlightened. You just need to remember who you are. Whatever path you are on all paths lead you back home and some are short and some are the long way.

When your foundation is rocked you will get angry, upset and you may even want to leave the room or burn this book. I call this the opening or the defensive action your EGO will take to protect itself.

The stuff that I will be discussing will empower and show you how you have been disempowered by people and beliefs that you have trusted all of your life. I will be covering topics that are not main stream as well this information is out there for you to read and see with your own eyes all you have to do is look. If you're open to the truth the truth will present itself and set you free. All I want to do is present this information, not debate it.

"You will see it for yourself when you allow yourself to feel it so that you can believe it."

"You are in constant dialog with your creator you just thinking your not!!"

Point to it not teaching it, because all forms of truth are forms of truth, they are not (THE TRUTH). You cannot speak of the truth; it cannot be grasped in this place that I call EGO Land.

Think of me as a dog barking, I am repeating information that I have sifted thru over 20 yrs and have come to my own interpretation of my own experience.

This is not the truth, this is my truth at this moment and it will change as I unfold.

"EGO Land is set up as the ultimate program for limitation, to provide you the experience."

But one fundamental truth is I am not doing anything, you are not doing anything. You are being done. The awareness that perceives thru your body mind is using your biological meat suit as a vehicle to have an experience.

You think you are in the driver seat but you are only the passenger along for the ride and the name of the ride is EGO Land. Sometimes you take control of the wheel and the ride hits a couple of bumps in the road, sometimes it even crashes.

The best way to enjoy the ride is with your hands off the wheel and to be sitting in the passenger seat smiling.

"Stop judging and controlling your life, it's a game. You are awakening to your personal power and the nature of the illusion, your illusion."

4 stages of awakening to who you are and why you are here.

Stage one: you awake to the truth of who and what you are. Questioner Mode begins Stage two: you become the apprentice and seek validation on the truth of whom and what you are. Questioner Mode still around but now you have added the Seeker Mode.

Stage three: you want to awaken others to the truth of whom and what they are. Teacher Mode kicks in you lose both the questioner and seeker. Now you are like a parrot you repeat the information you have collected in your own experience, seeking out others to validate the experience.

"True suffering is believing the thoughts that arise are true. You came to this world with NO THING and you will leave with NO THING."

Stage four: you stop all prior stages and know that no one needs to be fixed and no one is broken. You understand everyone is on the same path just different experiences. Only one experience having many experiences.

You allow life to move you instead you moving life. Mastery Mode. You now only observe instead of interfere or manipulate your experience. You now understand that talking is just talking, just like a dog barking.

So for me this began in 1998 and I ask the question why am I here and down the rabbit hole I went and the mis information and dis information rolled in.

"Memory never contains now!

Awareness is always expressing itself as the NOW moment."

Book after book, website after website and the questioner was born which gave birth to the seeker. Now my truth today is not my truth tomorrow so I have completed this book as a marker or a guide book for my children.

My first question is: Are we setup for failure from the beginning? Do we need the contrast and the struggle to operate within the GAME of Life? EGO Land.

What I am trying to say is all the content of our lives, its part of the story ... the ride. The experience and we make our choice PRE BIRTH to experience certain things.

"Underneath every human being's cool rational exterior is a passion, you won't find the reason why he/she creates a style for himself unless you find the passion in them that drives them to need such a cover." (Unknown Author)

So if you keep buying a lottery ticket thinking so bad you want to be a millionaire and you keep failing at it, maybe your not suppose to be a millionaire this time around.

Think of it like a roller coaster ride, before you get on each set of seats has a lane for you to file into. The ride may have up to 14 seats for 2 people per compartment. You choose who you like to come on your ride this time around. Example (your Family and Friends)

So you approach the ride you pick the lane that best suits the experience you like to have. Some pick the middle to just coast thru the ride the first time around. Others will pick the front as they have been on this ride many times and want the maximum result from the ride and others may pick the back as they have been on the front and middle and wish to continue the ride but are thinking of trying a different ride or perspective. Some people don't even get on the ride and sit on the side lines to see the reactions of other as they get on the ride and especially when they get off the ride.

"Everything is an illusion, past already happened, future isn't here and the only real time is NOW!" Meaning Right NOW!!

Even when the ride is over the ones that don't get on the ride will ask others how was it, what did you experience, should I try it.

So I would like to ask you in your life where do you see yourself on this roller coaster ride.

I call this place EGO land and it's the construct of a play ground for us to grow and unfold to reach our divine potential within the GAME. I shouldn't use the word reach because it's not something you obtain or get. It's something you remember and bring thru the character you are now playing.

"You would not have a deep driving desire or reoccurring fantasy to do something if you didn't have the capability to fulfill it." (Unknown Author)

Are you playing the victim or addict and have manifested a disease in your life because you like attention or crying out for help.

Are you playing the good friend who is the shoulder to cry on and enjoys speaking about others and enjoy the drama and gossip?

Are you all the above or playing the role of many hats and can't keep up with all the TO Do's?

Are you playing the role of the seeker, teacher or the Guru? Jumping from material to technique to recruiting others to follow and experience your ride.

"Things don't change we change."

We have come from a place of purity and are still in a place of perfection, this hologram of our body, this meat suit we walk around in, is our vehicle to move within 3D space. We are multi dimension beings if you like it or not.

You may not be ready to hear this but you can ask yourselves if what you are reading is true. We are all hook up as a truth meter and I advise you before retaining any information to check in with your truth meter.

How does this information that I am giving you feel, not how does it fit in with your current belief structure but how does this feel to you.

"How much of your life is on automatic pilot?"

See we are losing our sense of feeling with the advancement of our modern technology. We are now hooked up not to feel but to be entertained at every moment. We have lost our connection to our divine spark; it's still there and never leaves. What this book will do is show you how strong is your signal? How much of your life is on automatic pilot?

I have come to the understand that things are not as they appear to be and we are not who we think we are.

That the limitations we but on ourselves are patterns of belief and habitual ways of moving within EGO land. We listen and absorb to much of others information or experience to see the comparison in our own daily experience.

"Are you making a living or living a life?"

When that comparison doesn't match up we think something is wrong and that we have to fix it to become better then the other person. We want to be happy and we strive for happiness in all our experiences. That is the program here in EGO Land and you can never get rid of the program its part of the game.

The game is how can you entertain me, what's in it for me. This place you are born into is a place to fulfill all your wants, needs and desires. It is set up like an amusement park or Circus with all its clowns, ring leaders, freak shows and scary rides and you are one of the characters in the park and you can choose what ride you like to be on. (FREE WILL)

You may be one of the people that hasn't been able to get on the roller coaster ride of life but have been on the side lines asking others about what's it like or you may like to sit and read about it.

"The game is how can you entertain me, what's in it for me."

I hope after you read this book you are ready to make one step and get on the ride even better jump to the front of the line and throw your hands up and let it all go. Just some words of advice about all the rides in EGO Land the more child like you are the more life will be able to move thru you to give you the ride of your life.

Some people are in EGO Land in a dream like daze, moving thru each experience (RIDE) to the next on auto pilot. They can't even see it's the same experience (RIDE) they have been on over and over again. Just the characters have changed and the scenery is different but the underlining experience is the same.

They are stuck in an experience loop, what is needed is to stop and step back out of the box to see how they keep repeating the same patterns.

"This place you are born into is a place to fulfill all your wants, needs and desires."

I am here to bring your attention to the patterns in your own experience to say stop, just for one second, one minute just stop and look around you. My remembering started when I asked a question to myself. Because what you learn from birth is information and the things you know really deep down know are true without someone teaching you and this comes thru in a feeling.

I call it the (AH Ha moment).

You Are Born Awake/Born Knowing!! Your Unborn Nature Never Sleeps. Only your body sleeps and your being is awake and playing in every experience if you're aware of it or not. (Out of Body Experiences)

Life is not a puzzle to be solved but a game that wants to be played. This is an invitation to stop what ever search you are on because deep down at the fundamental core it's a search for happiness. Wholeness of what you already are, it's not a process it's a knowing, a remembering.

"Where is everything when you're not thinking about it?"

Knowing that you know, and isn't it time for you to stop the chase and take a look around, we all carry this wound of separation from the whole. We try everything to fill it up and become whole again only to feel stuck or lost.

If you have been drawn to open this book you are ready to rest and allow yourself to give up. Give in to yourself, rest with your being and be satisfied with what is here.

You are the teacher and the student; you are your own healer and guru. What happens when you stop, just being still in silence.

"Life is not a puzzle to be solved but a game that wants to be played."

Imagine this nothing happening, no concepts, ideas or beliefs, just emptiness. In a split second in your life, how ever you are evaluating your experience. Stop

Let go of the ultimate prize of spiritual enlightenment because I have a secret you are already that. So take a deep breath and exhale. Fall deeply in love with what you have and who you are. In this state of gratitude you are free to flow with life.

If you are still reading this you have exhausted the seeker in you. You are ready to meet the true you. You are ready to let go of your story.

"Let go of the ultimate prize of spiritual enlightenment because I have a secret you are already that."

I cannot give you a technique on how to do this just point you to it. I cannot tell you the truth of who you are because your mind with grasp for it or push it away.

To really understand what I am speaking about is something you cannot grasp with your mind but only with your being. That little spark in you that never ages and never dies.

You think you are doing it but you are not, you are being done. This book is not a teaching it's a pointer. We are all on a path, a road, a quest and that road leads us and pulls us.

"Your EGO is a closed loop. Its job is to keep you entertained and the program of EGO Land is a surrender program, so let go"

It's an energetic pull of our own energy back to the source of all to remember who we are.

EGO land is showing you the limitlessness of limitation and separation.

You are here to have an experience, you have arrived!! You are here SO PLAY!! Get on the ride and scream.

"You are timeless awareness travelling thru the world of the mind to be a person in time. You're unlimited and you are wanting an experience of limitation."

You are this divine spark in human form.... Surprise, get used to it!! Accept it, and Believe it, Understand every moment, every person you encounter is an aspect of you, it is you. If your belief system cannot grasp this idea, then you need to return this book for a full refund.

I am writing this for you as you but I am me speaking to you to help you remember who you are. You are in EGO Land in order to experience the duality of what is to be separate from your self. Your 5 senses will only allow so much of what is around you thru. This is the beginning of the illusion.

The difference between you and me is I know I am writing this to myself to wake you up to yourself.

"The difference between you and me is I know I am writing this to myself to wake you up to yourself."

Everything in EGO land is set up as a surrender program, the more you let go of who you think you are the more will unfold of who you really are.

EGO land is a place for you to experience Anger/ Hurt/Fear and return to Love.

You come here to EGO Land over and over again, lifetime after lifetime. Playing this character, after character to move thru all experiences that have anger, hurt, and fear at the route of the experience.

"You are the creation of yourself. You create everything you want, need or desire."

The underlining experience is love that encompasses them all. If you peel back the layers, you will have arrived, you are now in touch with your divine spark.

To be here is to enter a beautiful, shared illusion that gives you complete power over what you can create for your own personal reality; this is how powerful you are. Within EGO Land we believe that we are looking at a separate person, you are not, we are ONE. One experience playing the part of many.

You are the creation of yourself. You create everything you want, need or desire. You have chosen this life. You have chosen the obstacles and experience before you came into this life. What you can be are your self-beliefs about what you think you can or cannot do.


Excerpted from EGO LAND by Jason Troy Doherty Copyright © 2010 by Jason Troy Doherty. Excerpted by permission of BALBOA PRESS. All rights reserved. No part of this excerpt may be reproduced or reprinted without permission in writing from the publisher.
Excerpts are provided by Dial-A-Book Inc. solely for the personal use of visitors to this web site.

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