Hafez Disclosure in International Phonetic Alphabet
This book is mostly provided for non-Persian (Farsi) speakers all over the world who are the lovers of Persian language and literature. It helps the readers to read the poems of Khwaja Shams-ud-Din Muhammad Hafez-e Shirazi in its original language in order to enjoy and comprehend the beauty and deep impression of Persian language and literature with the accurate Persian pronunciations. But even Persian language speakers can profit this book as there are some problems in accurate pronunciations.
Hafez Disclosure in International Phonetic Alphabet
This book is mostly provided for non-Persian (Farsi) speakers all over the world who are the lovers of Persian language and literature. It helps the readers to read the poems of Khwaja Shams-ud-Din Muhammad Hafez-e Shirazi in its original language in order to enjoy and comprehend the beauty and deep impression of Persian language and literature with the accurate Persian pronunciations. But even Persian language speakers can profit this book as there are some problems in accurate pronunciations.
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Hafez Disclosure in International Phonetic Alphabet

Hafez Disclosure in International Phonetic Alphabet

by Nazanin Mousavi
Hafez Disclosure in International Phonetic Alphabet

Hafez Disclosure in International Phonetic Alphabet

by Nazanin Mousavi


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This book is mostly provided for non-Persian (Farsi) speakers all over the world who are the lovers of Persian language and literature. It helps the readers to read the poems of Khwaja Shams-ud-Din Muhammad Hafez-e Shirazi in its original language in order to enjoy and comprehend the beauty and deep impression of Persian language and literature with the accurate Persian pronunciations. But even Persian language speakers can profit this book as there are some problems in accurate pronunciations.

Product Details

ISBN-13: 9781524600266
Publisher: AuthorHouse
Publication date: 04/07/2016
Sold by: Barnes & Noble
Format: eBook
Pages: 950
File size: 3 MB

Read an Excerpt

Hafez Disclosure in International Phonetic Alphabet

By Nazanin Mousavi


Copyright © 2016 Nazanin Mousavi
All rights reserved.
ISBN: 978-1-5246-0027-3


Ghazal 1 For Love at First Appeared Easy


Ho! O Saki, pass around and offer the bowl: For love at first appeared easy, but difficulties have occurred. By reason of the perfume of the musk-pod, that, at the end, the breeze displayeth from that fore-lock, From the twist of its musky curl, what blood befell the hearts! In the stage of the Beloved, mine what ease and pleasure, when momently, The beil giveth voice, saying: "Bind ye up the chattels of existence!"

With wine, becolor the prayer-mat if the Pir of the Magians bid thee; For of the way and usage of the stages not without knowledge is the holy traveler.

The dark night, and the fear of the wave, and the whirlpool so fearful. The light-burdened ones of the shore, how know they our state?

By following my own fancy, me to ill fame all my work brought: Secret, how remaineth that great mystery whereof assemblies speak?

Hafiz! if thou desire the presence from Him be not absent: When thou visitest thy Beloved, abandon the world; and let it go.

Ghazal 2 Melody of the Stringed


The rectitude of work, where? and, I ruined where? Behold the distance of the Path, from where to where?

My heart wearied of the cloister, and of the patched garment of hypocrisy: The Magians' cloister; where? the pure wine where?

With profligacy, what connections have rectitude and piety? The hearing of the exhortation where? The melody of the stringed instrument where?

From the Friend's face, what gaineth the dark heart of enemies? The dead lamp, where? The candle of the resplendent sun, where?

The dust of Thy threshold is like the kuhl of our vision: Where go we? Order. Hence, where?

Look not at the apple of the chin; for in the path is a pit: O heart! where goest thou? With this haste, where?

He is gone! To him, be the time of union a pleasant memory. Gone is that glance, where? and that reproof, where?

O friend! from Hafiz seek neither ease nor patience: Ease, what? Patience, what? Sleep, where?

Ghazal 3 Dark Mole


If that Bold One of Shiraz gain our heart, For His dark mole, I will give Samarkand and Bukhara.

Said! give the wine remaining; for, in Paradise, thou wilt not have The bank of the water of the Ruknabad nor the rose of the garden of Musalla.

Alas! These saucy dainty ones sweet of work, the torment of the city, Take patience from the heart even as the men of Turkistan the tray of plunder.

The beauty of the Beloved is in no need of our imperfect love: Of lustre, and color, and mole and tricked line, what need hath the lovely face?

By reason of that beauty, daily increasing that Yusof had, I know That Love for Him would bring Zulaikha forth from the screen of chastity.

Thou spakest ill of me; and I am happy. God Most High forgive thee thou spakest well: The bitter reply suiteth the ruby lip, sugar-eating.

O Soul! Hear the counsel, for, dearer than the soul, Hold happy youths the counsel of the wise old man.

The tale of minstrel and of wine utter; little seek the mystery of time; For this mystery, none solved by skill; and shall not solve.

Thou utteredest a ghazal; and threadedest pearls. Hafiz! come and sweetly sing That, on thy verse, the sky may scatter the cluster of the Pleiade

Ghazal 4 Beautiful Fawn


O breeze! with softness speak to the beautiful fawn, Saying: Thou hast given to us desire for the mountain and the desert.

The sugar-seller, whose life be long! Why Maketh he no inquiry of the welfare of the parrot sugar of devouring?

O rose! perhaps the pride of beauty hath not given thee permission, That thou makest no inquiry as to the state of the distraught nightingale.

By beauty of disposition, people of vision one can captivate: Not by snare and net, take they the wise bird.

I know not why the color of constancy, they have not Those straight of stature, dark of eye, moon of face.

When thou sittest with the beloved; and drinkest wine, Bring to mind the beloved ones, wind-measuring.

Of defect in thy beauty, one cannot speak save to this degree That the way of love and of constancy belongeth not to the lovely face.

On the sky, what if, of Hafiz's utterances Zuhra's singing should bring to dancing the Masiha.

Ghazal 5 Hidden Mystery


For God's sake. O pious ones! forth from the hand, goeth my heart. For God's sake: O the pain that the hidden mystery should be disclosed.

We are boat-stranded ones! O fair breeze! arise: It may be that, again, we may behold the face of the Beloved.

For the space of ten days, the sphere's favor is magic and sorcery: O friend! regard as booty, goodness in friends.

Last night in the assembly of the rose and of wine, the bulbul sweetly sang: O Saki! give wine: O intoxicated ones! come to life!

O generous one! in thanks for thy own safety One day, make inquiry of the welfare of the foodless darvish.

The ease of two worlds is the explanation of these two words: With friends, kindness; with enemies, courtesy.

In the street of good name, they gave us no admission: If thou approve not, change our Fate.

That bitter wine, which the Sufi called "The mother of iniquities," To us, is more pleasant and more sweet than the kisses of virgins.

In the time of straitedness, strive in pleasure and in intoxication: For, this elixir of existence maketh the beggar Karun.

Don't rebel, due to defiance thou burnt like candle Darling in whose hands granite is like wax soft

The cup of wine is Sikandar's mirror. Behold So that it may show thee the state of Dara's kingdom.

Life-givers, are the lovely ones, Persian-prattling: O Saki! this news, give to the old men of Fars.

Of himself, Hafiz put not on this patched, wine-stained garment O Shaikh, pure of sins! hold us excused.

Ghazal 6 Breeze of Dawn


To the Sultan's attendants, who will convey this prayer "In thanks for sovereignty, away from sight drive not the beggar?"

From the watcher, demon of nature, I take shelter in my God Perchance that gleaming light may, for God's sake, give a little aid.

If Thy dark eye-lash made for our blood, O Idol! think of its deceit; and, make no mistake

When Thou enkindlest thy face, Thou consumest a world, From this, what profit hast Thou that Thou doest no kindness

All night, in this hope I am that the breeze of dawn, With the message of lovers, will cherish the lover.

O Beloved! what is the tumult that to lovers thou displayedest Thy face like the gleaming moon, Thy stature like the heart-ravishing cypress?

O Murshed! to the lover Hafiz morning-rismg, give thou, for God's sake, a draught, May his prayer of the morning-time avail thee!

Ghazal 7 The Brightness of the Wine


O Sufi! come; for bright is the mirror of the cup: That thou mayst see the brightness of the wine of ruby hue.

Of profligates intoxicated as the mystery within the veil; For, this state is not the Zahid's, lofty of degree.

The Anka is the prey of none. Up-pluck thy snare: For, here ever, in the hand of the snare, is wind.

At time's banquet, enjoy one or two cups; and go: Verily desire not perpetual union.

O heart! youth's vigor hath departed; and, from life, thou hast not plucked a single rose: Elderly of head, show skill of name and fame.

Strive in the pleasure of the present. As, when no water remained, "Adam let go the garden of the house of safety."

On our part, at thy threshold, many are thy rights of service. O Sir! again, in pity, look upon thy slave.

The disciple of the cup of Jamshid is Hafiz. O breeze, go: And give salutation from the slave to the Shaikh of Jam.

Ghazal 8 Sigh of Burning Heart


O Saki! arise; and give the cup: Strew dust on the head of the grief of time.

In my palm, place the cup of wine so that, from my breast, I may pluck off this patched garment of blue color.

Although in the opinion of the wise, ill-fame is ours, Not name nor fame, do we desire.

Give wine! with this wind of pride, how long, Dust on the head of useless desire?

The smoke of the sigh of my burning heart Consumed these immature ones.

Of the secret of my distraught heart, a friend, Among high and low, none, I see.

Glad is my heart with a heart's ease, Who, from my heart, once took ease.

At the cypress in the sward, again looketh not That one, who beheld that cypress of silvern limb.

Hafiz! day and night, be patient, in adversity: So that, in the end, thou mayst, one day, gain thy desire.

Ghazal 9 Tidings of the Rose


The splendor of youth's time again belongeth to the garden; The glad tidings of the rose reacheth the bulbul sweet of song.

O breeze! if again thou reach the youths of the meadow, Convey our service to the cypress, the rose, and the sweet basil.

If the young Magian, wine-seller, display such splendor, I will make my eye-lash the dust-sweeper of the door of the wine- house.

O thou that drawest, over the moon, the polo of purest ambergris, Make not distraught of state, me of revolving head.

This crowd that laugheth at those drinking the wine-dregs, I fear? They will, in the end, ruin their Faith.

Be the friend of the men of God; for, in Noah's ark, Was a little dust, that purchased not the deluge for a drop of water.

Forth from the house of the sphere, go; and bread, seek not. For, in the end, this dark cup slayeth the guest.

To him, whose last sleeping-place is with two handfuls of earth, Say "Thine what need to exalt the turrets to the sky?"

My moon of Kan'an! the throne of Egypt is thine: The time is that when thou shouldst did farewell to the prison.

Hafiz! drink wine; practice profligacy and be happy; but, Like others, make not the Kuran the snare of deceit.

Ghazal 10 Our Plan


Last night from the Masjed towards the wine tavern our Pir came: O friends of the Path! after this, what is our plan?

How may we, disciples, turn to the Ka'ba, when Our Pir hath his face towards the house of the Vintner.

In the Fire-worshipper's Tavern we also shall be lodging; For, in the Covenant of eternity without beginning, even so was our destiny.

In the bond of His tress, how happy is the Heart! If Wisdom know, In pursuit of our tress-chain, the wise will become distraught.

By its grace, Thy beautiful face explained to us a verse of the Koran: For that reason, in our explanation, is naught save grace and beauty.

A single night, against Thy stony heart, ever effecteth aught Our sigh, fire-raining and the burning of our heart in the night- time?

Beyond the sphere passeth the arrow of our sigh. Hafiz! silence. Show compassion to thy soul; avoid the arrow of ours.

Ghazal 11 Reflection of the Face of the Beloved


Saki! with the light of wine, up-kindle the cup of ours. Minstrel! speak, saying: "The world's work hath gone to the desire of ours."

In the cup, we have beheld the reflection of the face of the Beloved O thou void of knowledge of the joy of the perpetual wine-drinking of ours.

Never dieth that one, whose heart is alive with love: On the world's record, is written the everlasting existence of ours.

The coy glance and the grace of those straight of stature till With grace, moving like a lofty pine-tree, cometh the cypress of ours.

O breeze! if thou pass by the rose-bed of beloved ones, Take care! present to the beloved the message of ours.

From thy memory, our name why purposely takest thou? Itself cometh, when cometh no recollection of ours.

To the eye of our heart-binding beloved pleasing is intoxication For that reason, to intoxication they have given the rein of ours.

On the day of up-rising, I fear, a profit taketh not. The lawful bread of the Shaikh, more than the unlawful water of ours.

Hafiz! from thy eye, keep shedding a tear-drop; It may be, that the bird of union may attempt the snare of ours.

The green sea of sky, and the bark of the new moon, Are immersed in the favor of Haji Kivam of ours.

Ghazal 12 Sakis of the Banquet of Jam


O! the splendor of the moon-beauty from the illumined face of Thine! The lustre of beauteousness from the chin-dimple of Thine!

My soul at the lip desireth the sight of Thee: Back it goeth; forth, it cometh; what order is Thine?'

By the revolution of Thy eye, none obtained a portion of enjoyment: Best, that they sell the veil of chastity to the intoxicated ones of Thine.

Our sleep-stained fortune will, perchance, become vigilant, On that account that a little water on its eye, expressed that gleaming face of Thine.

Along with the wind, send from Thy cheek a handful of roses: It may be that I may perceive a perfume from the dust of the rose garden of Thine.

O Sakis of the banquet of Jam, long be your life; desire, Although our cup be not full of wine at the circulation of yours.

My heart worketh desolation. Inform the heart-possessor: Verily, O friends, I swear by soul of mine and soul of Thine.

O Lord! when these desires, that are our companions appear, Collected will be the heart of ours; and dishevelled the tress of Thine.

When by us, Thou passest, from dust and from blood keep far thy skirt: For, on this Path many a one hath become a sacrifice of Thine.

O breeze! from us, to the dwellers of Yazd say: The head of those not recognizing truths the polo ball of yours.

From the plain of propinquity, though we be far, not far is desire: The slave of your King we are, and the praise-utterer of yours.

O King of Kings, lofty of star! for God's sake, a blessing, That, like the sky, I may kiss the dust of the court of yours.

Hafiz uttereth a prayer. Listen: say an amin! Be my daily food the lips sugar-scattering of Thine.

Ghazal 13 The Hail Droppeth


The morning blossometh; and the cloud bindeth a veil: O companions! the morning cup! the morning cup!

The hail droppeth on the face of the tulip: O companions! the wine! the wine!

From the sward bloweth the breeze of Paradise: Then, ever drink pure wine.

In the sward, the rose hath fixed its emerald throne: Get wine like the fiery ruby!

Again, they have closed the door of the tavern: O Opener of doors! open!

Rights of salt, thu ruby lip Hath against the wound of roast-heart

At such a time, 'tis wonderful That hastily they close the tavern.

To the cheek of the Saki of Pari form. drink the pure wine in the season of the rose.

Ghazal 14 Poor Stranger


I said: "O Sultan of lovely ones! show pity to this poor stranger." He said: "In the desire of his own heart, loseth his way the wretched stranger."

To Him, I said: "Pass awhile with me." He replied: "Hold me excused." A home nurtured one, what care beareth he for such griefs of the poor stranger?

To the gently nurtured one, asleep on the royal ermine, what grief, If, should make the couch of thorn; and, the pillow of the hard stone, the poor stranger.

O thou in the chain of whose tress, are the souls of so many lovers, Happily, fell that musky mole, on thy colored cheek, so strange.

In the color of the moon-like face, appeareth the reflection of wine: Like the leaf of the Arghavan on the surface of the wild red rose, strange

Strangely hath fallen that ant-line around thy face: Yet, in the picture gallery the musky line is not strange.

I said: "O thou tress of night-hue, the evening of the stranger! "In the morning time, beware, if his need bewail this stranger."

He said: "Hafiz!, friends are in the stage of astonishment:" "Far it is not, if shattered and wretched sitteth the stranger."


Excerpted from Hafez Disclosure in International Phonetic Alphabet by Nazanin Mousavi. Copyright © 2016 Nazanin Mousavi. Excerpted by permission of AuthorHouse.
All rights reserved. No part of this excerpt may be reproduced or reprinted without permission in writing from the publisher.
Excerpts are provided by Dial-A-Book Inc. solely for the personal use of visitors to this web site.

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