Hello to the Cannibals

At first, all Lily Austin knows about 19th–century explorer Mary Kingsley is that, 100 years before, she was the first white woman to venture into the heart of Africa. But as Lily begins reading about Mary Kingsley, she becomes more and more fascinated – and discovers in Mary a kindred spirit.

In her own life, Lily feels trapped – on the one hand, she craves family and intimate connection; on the other hand, she has no healthy or satisfying role models. Consequently, as she nears graduation from the University of Virginia, she finds herself uncertain about what to do with her life.

As she researches Mary's life – she has begun writing a play about her – Lily comes to witness Mary's incredible bravery and startling originality, qualities that prove inspirational to Lily, whose own bravery is required as she attempts to navigate dysfunctional and destructive relationships with her young husband, her extended family – and a legacy of abuse dating back to her childhood.

Hello to the Cannibals

At first, all Lily Austin knows about 19th–century explorer Mary Kingsley is that, 100 years before, she was the first white woman to venture into the heart of Africa. But as Lily begins reading about Mary Kingsley, she becomes more and more fascinated – and discovers in Mary a kindred spirit.

In her own life, Lily feels trapped – on the one hand, she craves family and intimate connection; on the other hand, she has no healthy or satisfying role models. Consequently, as she nears graduation from the University of Virginia, she finds herself uncertain about what to do with her life.

As she researches Mary's life – she has begun writing a play about her – Lily comes to witness Mary's incredible bravery and startling originality, qualities that prove inspirational to Lily, whose own bravery is required as she attempts to navigate dysfunctional and destructive relationships with her young husband, her extended family – and a legacy of abuse dating back to her childhood.

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Hello to the Cannibals

Hello to the Cannibals

by Richard Bausch
Hello to the Cannibals

Hello to the Cannibals

by Richard Bausch



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At first, all Lily Austin knows about 19th–century explorer Mary Kingsley is that, 100 years before, she was the first white woman to venture into the heart of Africa. But as Lily begins reading about Mary Kingsley, she becomes more and more fascinated – and discovers in Mary a kindred spirit.

In her own life, Lily feels trapped – on the one hand, she craves family and intimate connection; on the other hand, she has no healthy or satisfying role models. Consequently, as she nears graduation from the University of Virginia, she finds herself uncertain about what to do with her life.

As she researches Mary's life – she has begun writing a play about her – Lily comes to witness Mary's incredible bravery and startling originality, qualities that prove inspirational to Lily, whose own bravery is required as she attempts to navigate dysfunctional and destructive relationships with her young husband, her extended family – and a legacy of abuse dating back to her childhood.

Product Details

ISBN-13: 9780061882081
Publisher: HarperCollins
Publication date: 10/13/2009
Format: eBook
Pages: 688
File size: 796 KB

About the Author

About The Author

Richard Bausch is the author of nine other novels and seven volumes of short stories. His work has appeared in the New Yorker, the Atlantic Monthly, Esquire, Playboy, GQ, Harper's Magazine, and other publications, and has been featured in numerous best-of collections, including the O. Henry Awards' Best American Short Stories and New Stories from the South. In 2004 he won the PEN/Malamud Award for Excellence in the Short Story.

Read an Excerpt

Chapter One

Toward the end of her junior year of college, her parents separated, and that summer, the hottest summer anyone could remember, she heard them discuss their dissolving marriage individually, to different people, in distressingly composed, matter-of-fact voices. They might as well have been talking about refinancing a mortgage. With her, they were mutually reserved, polite, careful not to criticize each other. They spoke of reciprocal respect, of what was best for everyone; and it seemed that no rancor existed between them. Indeed, once it came to the final arrangements, they both appeared rather self-satisfied for having accomplished everything with a minimum of pathological scenes. Even the lawyers called it amicable.

In Lily Austin's mind, there was nothing about splitting a household in two that could be called anything of the sort.

Her roommate, Sheri Galatierre, attempted to divert her, asking her along to parties and other social events. Lily mostly demurred. As it had been for years, now, she was troubled by the company of strangers, though she didn't express it that way. She didn't know, really, how to say what she wanted.

Sheri had a way of getting down into her sorrow with her that made her feel worse, though the other woman obviously meant to help. Dominic Martinez also tried to distract her, being goofy and chattering, clowning for her. He had come to the university that year, having transferred in from North Carolina. He'd walked up to her after one of the performances of the drama department, and said, "Ronda Seiver's party." It had startled Lily, and for a moment she hadn't recognized him. "You got the book that hadthe lady explorer in it."

"Dominic?" she said.

He bowed, exactly as he had that night at Ronda's house.

They had become rather like brother and sister, since then. Dominic sometimes refused to indulge her. He would tell her to grow up and stop twisting her own knife in herself. Strangely, that helped some.

Yet in the hours when she was alone, nothing quite reached the place where she was hurting. The facts hurt; the knowledge of what had lately transpired between her parents caused a deep, unreachable, continual ache. She couldn't shake the old, terrible, familiar sense of having been betrayed. And so while everyone around her spoke in terms of romance, and while it was in all the books and the plays she was reading -- and last spring she had played the most romantic of parts, Rosalind, in As You Like It -- Lily had decided that the whole thing was a lie and a cheat.

Her father, completely serious, and without a trace of irony, had an affair with someone he worked with. He spoke about falling in love. He used the phrase, telling Lily's mother about it, confessing to her that it had been going on for more than a year, crying idiotically and beggingher to forgive him. Lily's mother, who had felt the weight of her own increasing estrangement from him, went into an almost surreptitious six-week-long depression, then gathered strength and called a lawyer. Everything was decided with an efficiency, a courtesy, that Lilydeplored. It was as if her parents had decided to close a long-running play in which they had performed the lead roles.


This was in 1988. Bush and Dukakis were running for Reagan's soon-to-be vacated office, and Lily, entering her last year of college, found that she couldn't care less. In the fall, back at school, she went through the strangeness of writing to and communicating with her parents separately, and of having to speak to the young woman, a set designer, to whom her father was now married (a civil ceremony in Maryland, three days after the divorce was final, in late July). The strain worked on her in unexpected ways: she had experienced episodes of panic and sleeplessness. And when she could sleep at all she had nightmares -- one, quite recently, about her fourteenth birthday. She was more upset about how it made her feel than she was about the nightmare itself; inexplicably, it was worse waking from it than being in it.

She had registered for double the normal hours, having lost a semester when she switched majors, and wanting to graduate on time. Her teachers liked her ability to lose herself in whatever role she tried, and others commented favorably on her performances. When she had played Rosalind, there was a certain pleasure in being recognized. But she was already discovering that she had no taste for being in front of people. There was something in herself that she defied by continuing to perform, though her sense of this was visceral, flying in the face of her own increasingly introverted feelings. Her discomfiture after the performances, her absence at most of the celebrations and cast parties and social gatherings, had become the subject of talk among the other members of the drama school. She went her own way; and people began to leave her alone. Even Dominic and Sheri kept a certain respectful distance at times.

The panic she managed mostly to keep at bay, though trying to decide what she might do after college, after all this relentless work, was cause for anxiety, too. The anxiety, whatever its source, plagued her. When one was suffering through this kind of distraction, it was nearly impossible to concentrate on memorizing large masses of text. It was difficult enough just getting through assigned reading.

On one of the last football weekends of her senior year -- a crisp, breezy Saturday with the smell of burning leaves in the air and a pleasant coolness that seemed a kind of mingling of the fading summer and the coming winter -- Sheri cajoled and begged her into accompanying her to the game. The Cavaliers won big, though since she didn't know anything about football ...

Hello to the Cannibals. Copyright © by Richard Bausch. Reprinted by permission of HarperCollins Publishers, Inc. All rights reserved. Available now wherever books are sold.

Reading Group Guide


Mary Kingsley and Lily Austin are two women born more than a century apart. They will never meet, yet they sense each other's existence. For each, the other is a confidante with whom she can share her sense of displacement in the world. Because her curiosity about the world is stronger than her fear of traveling alone in a strange and dangerous country, Mary is set apart from other women her age. Lily sets herself apart from others because she is determined to be true to herself, even if it means leaving college without graduating, marrying a man she has only recently met, caring for a child alone, and living each day with no idea about what the next day will hold. Both are women of their time, stifled by its conformities, but also freed by their realization that the rules do not apply to them simply because they do not believe in the rules.

Throughout the novel, marriages dissolve and are reformed, acquaintances become lovers, and strangers become friends. Families are torn apart by divorce or betrayal, or knit together by convenience and circumstance. Truths are withheld out of fear of rejection and reprisal -- and then revealed with more painful consequences. When disrupted by tragedy, death, and even birth, the order that a family brings to the world may feel random and false. Yet it is that very connection that so many of these characters crave. Richard Bausch reminds us how frail we are, how needy and selfish we can be, and yet how generous we are when we love and are loved by the right people.

Through Bausch's uncanny sense of place, the dark jungles of Africa -- swarming with killer insects smaller than a fingernail and man-eatingcrocodiles larger than a boat -- as well as 19th century Cambridge's crowded, fetid streets vividly come to life. A lazy, late summer afternoon, poolside at a sprawling Mississippi estate reeks of hedonistic pleasure, even when compared to the French Quarter during Mardi Gras. Yet no matter how comfortable their surroundings, both Lily and Mary feel suffocated in places where the natives are only too happy offer opinions on how to live, think and act.

Hello to the Cannibals reveals with delicious complexity the lives of two intriguing female explorers. One explores the world, the other explores the terrain of her own heart, yet both women fight their battles with courage and truth, both struggle to feel at home in the world. This sweeping novel reminds us that truthfully lived, one's life is never anything less than a perilous, mysterious, and wondrous journey.

Discussion Questions
  • The pivotal moment in Lily's adolescent life occurs during an overnight stay at a friend's house. There is a dangerous ice storm, and her parents are late picking her up. That same night, Lily meets Dominic; her friend's grandfather molests her; and she is introduced to the exploits of Mary Kingsley. How are these events interconnected? How will they shape Lily's future?

  • How do Lily's relationships with the men in her life compare and contrast with that of Mary Kingsley to her father?

  • Discuss the relationship between Lily and Mary Kingsley. Is it really a relationship? How is each woman helped by her correspondence with the other?

  • What qualities do Mary and Lily share? How are they different? How are Mary and Lily each a product of their family, society, and times? How is each woman's life determined by external forces, and how does each break out of the molds thrust upon her?

  • How does Bausch explore the significance of family? How do our parents help us define who we are? How does our family shape our concept of the world?

  • What roles do prejudice and bigotry play in the novel? How do the characters of Rosa, Buddy, Manny, and Aunt Violet reflect these themes?

  • What impact does Buddy's death have on the lives of the people who lived in his house? What did he mean to the people around him?

  • One night in Paris, Mary experiences an epiphany about herself: that she is not just different from other women her age, but that she is extraordinary. "It is a distance, from the feeling that one is different from everyone to the discovery that one is extraordinary." Describe what this difference might feel like, and the ensuing responsibilities to one's self such a discovery would mean. Do you think Lily is extraordinary?

  • After waiting out a terrible storm in her cabin, and then heroically keeping a piano from crashing into anyone on deck, Mary realizes something about herself: "She looks at the place where, earlier, she lay in such terror of her own solitary little life in the immense, turning world. Without quite voicing it to herself, she understands now, finally, that the one hedge against this fear...the one weapon available to her for battling it and keeping it at bay is action, even if the action is nothing more than movement from one place to another." How is this truth played out in Mary's later life? How do fear, action, and movement occur in Lily's life?

  • Dominic's interpretation of the message of Lily's play is different from Lily's own. With whom do you agree? What is your opinion of Lily's play? Do you think it will be successful?

  • While Bausch tells Lily's story in the past tense, Mary's is told in the present. How do the different narrative techniques affect their stories? How might the novel have been different had Bausch used only past or present tense? Or if the tenses had been switched?

  • Lily writes to Mary, "Writing these small entries to you, people will say that's a conceit. For me, it's a beautiful mystery." Do you consider Bausch's narrative structure a literary conceit? How might Lily's own use of a journal dedicated to Mary feel like a mystery to her?

  • Bausch ends his narrative about Mary with her lone ascent to the summit of Mt. Cameroon -- an incredibly arduous expedition that proves, in the end, disappointing, even though it means that she is the first woman to achieve the summit. How does this climb -- and the fact that she leaves only a small paper calling card as a record of her achievement -- fit in with the rest of Mary's story, and with the novel in general?

  • Likewise, what did you think of the way Lily's story ends. How do the final scenes tie together some of the novel's themes? What do you think Lily's future holds?

  • How do you think Bausch chose the title for his novel? Do you think it is fitting?

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