Inspirations of Love: Words of Prayer, Worship and Praise
I was introduce to the bible as a young child. My mother always told me the bible was a book of instructions on how to live my life. As I started reading the bible for myself, I realized it wasn't only a book of instructions but a book about love, real love; unconditional love. The more I read the bible, the more i wanted to experience God for myself. If I needed answers, I'd ask God. I prayed to him at night, and wrote to him all during the day. I wrote to him about everything. I wrote God so many letters that some of my friends asked me if I had a secret love. After reading over all the letters I wrote, I found I had written many poems of worship and praise. I decided at that moment to title this book, "Inspirations of Love"because that is what God is to me. I want to share with you what he have given me. I hope you enjoy and be encouraged.
Inspirations of Love: Words of Prayer, Worship and Praise
I was introduce to the bible as a young child. My mother always told me the bible was a book of instructions on how to live my life. As I started reading the bible for myself, I realized it wasn't only a book of instructions but a book about love, real love; unconditional love. The more I read the bible, the more i wanted to experience God for myself. If I needed answers, I'd ask God. I prayed to him at night, and wrote to him all during the day. I wrote to him about everything. I wrote God so many letters that some of my friends asked me if I had a secret love. After reading over all the letters I wrote, I found I had written many poems of worship and praise. I decided at that moment to title this book, "Inspirations of Love"because that is what God is to me. I want to share with you what he have given me. I hope you enjoy and be encouraged.
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Inspirations of Love: Words of Prayer, Worship and Praise

Inspirations of Love: Words of Prayer, Worship and Praise

by Deborah Kim Blocker
Inspirations of Love: Words of Prayer, Worship and Praise

Inspirations of Love: Words of Prayer, Worship and Praise

by Deborah Kim Blocker


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I was introduce to the bible as a young child. My mother always told me the bible was a book of instructions on how to live my life. As I started reading the bible for myself, I realized it wasn't only a book of instructions but a book about love, real love; unconditional love. The more I read the bible, the more i wanted to experience God for myself. If I needed answers, I'd ask God. I prayed to him at night, and wrote to him all during the day. I wrote to him about everything. I wrote God so many letters that some of my friends asked me if I had a secret love. After reading over all the letters I wrote, I found I had written many poems of worship and praise. I decided at that moment to title this book, "Inspirations of Love"because that is what God is to me. I want to share with you what he have given me. I hope you enjoy and be encouraged.

Product Details

ISBN-13: 9781481760607
Publisher: AuthorHouse
Publication date: 05/18/2015
Sold by: Barnes & Noble
Format: eBook
Pages: 112
File size: 255 KB

Read an Excerpt

Inspirations of Love

Words of Prayer, Worship and Praise

By Deborah Kim Blocker


Copyright © 2015 Deborah Kim Blocker
All rights reserved.
ISBN: 978-1-4817-6059-1


My Daily Walk with Thee

(Dairy of a spiritual woman)

I take my daily walk with thee while I try to understand the world around me.


I'm writing to you because I have let Satan come into my life and it seems as if he has control over my body and mind.

I've done some awful things and I'm asking for your forgiveness. I'm in a lot of trouble and it seems as if there is no way out. Deliver me from all of my strongholds and help me live a Christian life. Please direct me in the path that I should go?

I stand to lose everything, including my sanity. I'm very depressed and want to self medicate. Please help me no matter what the cost because my soul is lost.

I hate the life that I'm living because it dishonors you and your son. Take this life from me and let it be done because I CAN'T LIVE ANOTHER DAY LIKE THIS ONE!!!

It seems the closer I try to get to you the more Satan uses me. Why are you allowing this to happen? You said you'd never leave me nor forsake me, then why do I feel so alone?

People have used and abused me, but now it seems as if I'm doing it to myself.

You said that if I was to confess my sins and ask for forgiveness that you would forgive me so I'm standing on your Word. Do whatever you must to change the direction of my life, even if it means losing my life.

I'm a soldier in your army and I want to put on your armor but I'm not sure how. Show me how so I can fight the good fight. I ask these things in Jesus' name.


I know what is impossible with man is possible with you. I love you and I want to work for the body of Christ.


I can actually feel your presence in my life and I hope to share these feelings of love with others.


Please guide me with your light as I become a light for others?

I was just thinking about my life. Do you know what I realized? I have everything inside of me to make me happy. It's a God given right – A birthright you might say.


Thank you for this day, I WILL REJOICE AND BE GLAD IN IT. Life is so wonderful and peaceful for me. I'm learning so much about my Lord and Savior.


I know I have defects of character that must be changed. I know that you are working with me (and sometimes through me). I pray for your guidance each and every day.


I thank you. I was able to control my emotions and practice the discipline of being patient. I also want to thank you for your merciful blessings; especially giving me the ability to trust you with all my heart without worrying about the outcome because whatever it is, it will all work out for good for those who love Christ.

Today is a good day. I will obey the internal force within me.


I'm here to report "my life have changed", I've been reclaimed. My prayers have been answered. Even though I had to go through something to get where I am, I thank you for your many blessings. I love you


Today I will obey you as you speak to me. Please let my ears be open to receive your voice? Please forgive me for any hurt or harm I may have caused? Show me my mistakes and I will make amends where and whenever possible. Please take away any hatred I have in my heart? Allow me to love people the way that you love me ---unconditionally.

It's amazing the places you can go if you open your mind to all the power and energy stored inside. Most of the time energy is exerted by tiring efforts to keep busy. Some energy is absorbed through our flesh which quickens us with sinful lust and selfish desires. If we could learn to store or re-channel that energy, then we may be able to use it creatively for the good of the most or for the most good.


I feel the presence of demonic forces all around me, but they shall not come nigh because you have given your angels charge over me to protect me in all thy ways.

My soul is quiet. I can actually hear myself think. I've come to the conclusion that in order to connect with God, I must go within and contact my spiritual man. Once the connection is made, the power of the universe flows through my veins; destroying any negativity which may manifest itself as disease, sickness, or even death.


I realize the place of worship comes from within. It's invisible but very powerful! The building is just a gathering post; but it is through the gathering the invisible is manifested into the visible.


Today I will be mindful of my existence and the role I play in the theatre of life. I will appreciate you and all your creation. I will strengthen my personal relationship with you through contemplative prayer.

I looked through and old abandoned building expecting to see signs of hardship and despair. But instead; I felt the warmth of a smile and the beauty of our Creator there.


I really want to do right but I still do wrong. I ask for deliverance from all my sins. Blot out my iniquities so I can become more like you. Don't let my transgression distract from your glorious splendor. Use me as an instrument to shine your light into this dark world. Continue to guide me with your Holy Spirit and your everlasting love.


Thank you for your son Jesus and your Holy Spirit. Thank you for everything I have and/or don't have. Thank you for my blessings and your chastening. Your love endures forever.


I've been procrastinating when I should've been busy working for you. I realize now that we cannot use you; you use us, and you give us blessings and chastisement in accordance to what our soul needs. Thanks for caring for my soul!!


I'm starting to see signs of my spiritual growth. For the first time I can say, I have peace of mind. I can feel your calm.


I feel so wonderful today. I'm starting to learn so much. I know it is because of your spirit within me that I have been set free. I am free to choose who I will serve.


Even though I am born into sin, I don't have to stay in sin. There is a way out, and that way is through your son, Jesus Christ.

It's a revelation to know that in all my trials and tribulations that I am being conditioned towards the things of God and purged from the things of Satan – This can be very hurtful and (I guess this is how Jesus felt as he hung on the cross), But it had to be done this way. It's like gold being refined through the fire; only to come forth more beautiful than before.


I'm choosing to serve you completely; heart, body, and soul! My body is your temple. Help me to cleanse your temple and stop it from becoming a den of thieves. I know I'm being tested, and I also know that you will protect me as I sojourn through life.


I've learned so much about death and dying. Check this out: If you die to sin and turn toward eternal things; death has no sting. I realize I am blessed and I don't need to die a physical death in order to receive the riches you have for me.

I'm also reminded; "to whom much is given; much is required". Whatever riches you bestow upon me, whether it's material or spiritual, let me be able to share it with others so we can all praise your name and give you the glory.


I'm so glad you came as son of man and experienced this life for yourself. You've felt Satan's power as he tried to tempt you into sin. I know you must feel my pain because you were as I am, except without sin. And then you died for me.

If I am to be like you, then I must die too. I must die unto self so your spirit can run free in my soul.


Thank you for giving me the understanding of what it means to die unto self and to take self off the throne and put Jesus in his rightful place – the throne of my heart. Without you I can do nothing.


Don't let my feet slip into hell. Satan is warring for my soul. He's trying to destroy me. Keep me in your good grace. Give your angels charge over me. Guide me towards people who worship you and you alone. Help me to understand your will for my life.


Thank you for your amazing grace. You have shown me the pathway that I must follow and you have given me your guiding light to lead the way. I have fallen, but I've gotten back up. Thank you for your forgiving spirit. I will continue to run the race with Jesus Christ as my prize.

We're going to war, but it's not the kind of war you might think. It's a spiritual war, and if you're not protected with the armor of God, then you have not protection at all.

No matter what happens, God is in control. He rains on the just and the unjust. Jesus is coming back to judge the world. (He was, is, and is to come), the Holy One.


I ask you to help those who have fallen by the wayside. Stir their hearts and hopefully they will turn from their evil ways. I will pray for them as I would my friends. Thanks for your love that's in my heart.

A house divided can't stand. God spoke to me and said, if I choose to deliberately sin, then he chooses to chasten me. He let me know that I need to make a stand for Christ. He told me to put into action what I knew to be true – to open my mouth and proclaim his name. Then and only then will my life change.


I thank you for your unfailing love, patience, and kindness. I now understand the meaning of grace. Thank you for your Holy Spirit who lead and guide me.


Thank you for this glorious day. I will praise you, your son Jesus, and your blessed Holy Spirit. I want to be able to turn to you always. Without you I am nothing.


The Bible is such a wonderful book; best book ever written. I'm starting to live by your Word and it feels wonderful. Continue to guide and protect me.


Help me to be truthful and honest in all my endeavors. Satan is attacking me on all angles. My flesh is weak. Please forgive me. I have sinned against you and I've ignored your Holy Spirit. I know there are consequences to pay, but I pray that you don't take your Holy Spirit from me.


Thank you for your mercy and saving grace. I'm so grateful for the gift of life. I love you and want to live the life you have prepared for me.

Satan is busy and he's trying to keep me busy too. He wants to occupy all my time so I won't think about you; but I do, because I love you.

I don't know what tomorrow will bring, but I do know you will be there to bring me through.


Thank you for the many blessings you have bestowed upon me. Thanks for your discipline as well as your guidance. I experienced something wonderful today. Now I understand the meaning behind your son's death. The reality of the situation is that I have your son's blood running through my veins and your Holy Spirit running through my soul.


Satan and his demons are just as real as you, your son, and your Holy Spirit. I know that Satan has no power unless given by you. I believe you allow certain things to happen to test one's faith.


I know Satan is warring for my soul. My flesh is weak but your spirit is very strong, and I have that spirit living inside of me. The same spirit took on human form, hung on the cross, and reconciled you and man.

Since you are spirit, then the only way to communicate with you is through the spirit, your Holy Spirit.


Thank you for my life, your son, and your Holy Spirit. You are so good to me. You heard my cry and were quick to answer. You forgave me for unforgiveable sins. You healed my body and told me to run on, and you opened my eyes and made me see. I am forever grateful.


I need help. I know you set me on the right path, but somehow I got side tracked. I need the support of my family and spiritual people.

Satan knows you have work for me to do, so he's attacking me on every side. I trust and know you have already given me a route of escape (your Word).

I need to move into a more conducive environment because the environment I'm in is nothing but Satan's playground. I've decided to turn my whole life over to you.

If there's anything I can do to be more like you; I'll do. If there's any prayer I can pray to keep your Spirit day by day; I'll pray. If there's any wickedness you see inside of me, have it to flee because you mean the world to me.

Most private aspirations:

- Live every day in the Spirit

- No more shades of Gray or draw back

Hebrew 10:38-39 Now the just shall live by faith, but if any man draw back my soul shall have no pleasure in him. But we are not of them that draw back unto perdition but of them that believe to the saving of the soul.


It's been brought to my attention that my bi-polar disorder is triggered when I don't want to experience hurt/pain; whether it's physical, emotional; and/or spiritual. I'm always asking you for spiritual health and strength, but when I'm faced with adversity, I tend to bend backward to what I feel is comfortable, then to bend forward into the unknown. It's frightening!

Romans 8:10 If Christ is in you, the body is dead because of sin but the Spirit is life because of righteousness.

Romans 8:15 Ye have not receive the spirit of bondage again to fear; but you have receive the spirit of adaption whereby we cry, Abba Father.

My motto for the year is "No more Fear"

Psalms 23:4 Yea, though I walk through the valleys of the shadow of death, I shall fear no evil: for thou art with me; thy rod and thy staff they comfort me.

Luke 1: 74 He would grant unto us, that we being delivered out of the hand of our enemies might serve him without fear.

2 Timothy 1:7 For God has not given us the spirit of fear; but of power, and of love, and of a sound mind.

The gift of a grateful heart is to acknowledge we have everything we need. We do not need external stimuli. We also must learn to be content in whatever circumstance we might find ourselves.

Romans 5:3-but we glory in tribulations also; knowing that tribulations worketh patience. And patience, experience, and experience, hope: And hope make us not ashamed, because the love of God is shed abroad in our hearts by the Holy Ghost which is given unto us.

I got rid of all my psyche medication because I'm tired of being controlled by chemicals. It's bad enough it's in our foods (steroids, pesticides, etc). And don't forget........ the doctor has a pill for everything!!!

There must be a better way! Why can't we go back to the time when people grew their own food and raised their own cattle? The world was a healthier place. People were in better physical, mental, and spiritual condition. It's time to go back to Eden. The time is now!

Dear Lord,

Help me to establish a system so I can be more receptive to what you have to say. Help me to resist the temptation of the evil one. I want to live according to your law and precepts. Help me distinguish the difference from the lies the devil told me throughout my life and from the truth that's found in your Word.


I'm having a difficult time dealing with my emotions; they are all over the place.

I know I have issues I must deal with, without the use of alcohol and/ or drugs and I know I must cleanse and keep my body holy for the indwelling of your Holy Spirit.

Your Word says that all who believe on the name of the Lord shall be saved. I believe in the Father, the son, and the Holy Spirit. I believe my time has come. I believe I'm a chosen one!


Let your kingdom come and your will be done on earth as it is in heaven.

I believe my life has a two-fold purpose.

1) Teach the transcendent truths from God's Word

2) Usher in God's kingdom

- Bible study topic(s): VERY INPORTANT!!!

- The Sabbath

- The Passover


I'm ready to listen to whatever you have to say today. Direct me in the way that I should go. Remind me that it's all about you. Keep me humble and hidden in your Word. Help me to resist the temptations of the evil one. These things I Pray in Jesus' name.


Thanks for putting people in my life to help get through what I must go through to get closer to you.


Today is the Day of Atonement? I would like to make an appointment with you. I want to be obedient to your Word because you say obedience is better than sacrifice.

When God's law doesn't coincide To man's law

Why is man trying so hard to keep marijuana from becoming legal? Could it be the reverse trick of Satan? Remember Satan tricked Adam and Eve into believing God was holding back the one thing that would make them equal to him (God). Well, what if Satan is the one who is holding back?

God made everything on this earth and he said it was good, so why are we being punished for using a natural herb? We're not punished for growing a garden which we use the vegetables to help maintain physical health, so why can't we grow marijuana for the maintenance of our mental health? Is it because Satan knows that a new realm of life will be revealed to us, our health restored, and our relationship with Christ brought closer?


Lead me and guide me in the direction I should go. In everything I do, let me do it in remembrance of you.


I thank you for this day. You say in your Word to remember the Sabbath and to keep it Holy. When is the Sabbath?

Leviticus 23:2-3 (Weekly Sabbath)

Speak unto the children of Israel, and say unto them, concerning the feasts of the Lord, which ye shall proclaim to be holy convocations, even these are my feasts.


Excerpted from Inspirations of Love by Deborah Kim Blocker. Copyright © 2015 Deborah Kim Blocker. Excerpted by permission of AuthorHouse.
All rights reserved. No part of this excerpt may be reproduced or reprinted without permission in writing from the publisher.
Excerpts are provided by Dial-A-Book Inc. solely for the personal use of visitors to this web site.

Table of Contents


Acknowledgement, ix,
Dedication, xi,
Chapter 1: My Daily Walk with Thee, 1,
Chapter 2: Poems of worship and praise, 37,
You Were There, 39,
The Trinity, 40,
What You Gave Me, 41,
Thank You, 42,
Only You, 43,
He's Here And He'll Be There, 44,
Don't Worry, 45,
Just To Be Close To You, 46,
Come Unto Me, 47,
Cloth Me In Your Righteousness, 48,
Be Still, 49,
It's Time, 50,
I Want To Be Free, 51,
Thank You Lord, 52,
A Supplication To My Lord, 53,
Lord Jesus, 54,
Prisoner Of Your Mind, 55,
I've Learned, 56,
The Devil's A Liar, 57,
I Will CHANGE, 58,
Chapter 3: There's something about that name, 59,
CRAZY, 65,
Mother, 70,
Chapter 4: Inspirational Bible Verses, 77,
Chapter 5: Poems for all Occasions, 89,
Love, 91,
Love is, 92,
I Remember, 93,
Until We Meet Again, 94,
Seasons: A Change of Heart, 95,
What's a Wedding Anniversary?, 96,
They Have Ears but They Cannot Hear, 97,
Tomorrow, 98,

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