Kids' Bible Dictionary

Hey, kids - here's a dictionary you'll actually want to read! The Kids' Bible Dictionary features 1,000 of the most important words and names from the Bible - from Aaron, Abba, and Abomination to Zacchaeus, Zeal, and Zion. Each definition is written in understandable - even fun - language to help you know your Bible better. Plenty of pictures and a cool, colorful design make Kids' Bible Dictionary the book for personal reading, school reports, or even stumping your friends with Bible questions.

Kids' Bible Dictionary

Hey, kids - here's a dictionary you'll actually want to read! The Kids' Bible Dictionary features 1,000 of the most important words and names from the Bible - from Aaron, Abba, and Abomination to Zacchaeus, Zeal, and Zion. Each definition is written in understandable - even fun - language to help you know your Bible better. Plenty of pictures and a cool, colorful design make Kids' Bible Dictionary the book for personal reading, school reports, or even stumping your friends with Bible questions.

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Kids' Bible Dictionary

Kids' Bible Dictionary

by Jean Fischer
Kids' Bible Dictionary

Kids' Bible Dictionary

by Jean Fischer


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Hey, kids - here's a dictionary you'll actually want to read! The Kids' Bible Dictionary features 1,000 of the most important words and names from the Bible - from Aaron, Abba, and Abomination to Zacchaeus, Zeal, and Zion. Each definition is written in understandable - even fun - language to help you know your Bible better. Plenty of pictures and a cool, colorful design make Kids' Bible Dictionary the book for personal reading, school reports, or even stumping your friends with Bible questions.

Product Details

ISBN-13: 9781607423577
Publisher: Barbour Publishing, Incorporated
Publication date: 06/01/2009
Series: Kids' Guide to the Bible
Sold by: Barnes & Noble
Format: eBook
Pages: 160
File size: 15 MB
Note: This product may take a few minutes to download.
Age Range: 8 - 12 Years

About the Author

Jean Fischer has been writing for children for nearly three decades, and has served as an editor with Golden Books. She has written with Thomas Kinkade, John MacArthur, and “Adventures in Odyssey,” and is one of the authors for Barbour’s upcoming “Camp Club Girls” series. A nature lover, Jean lives in Racine, Wisconsin.

Read an Excerpt

Kids' Bible Dictionary

By Jean Fischer

Barbour Publishing, Inc.

Copyright © 2009 Barbour Publishing, Inc.
All rights reserved.
ISBN: 978-1-60742-358-4



Aaron. ____________

Moses' big brother. Moses wasn't a good speaker. So God told Aaron to speak for him. Aaron did the talking. Moses was the leader. Aaron helped Moses lead the Hebrew slaves out of Egypt. God chose Aaron to be Israel's first high priest. But Aaron wasn't perfect. The people asked him to make a statue of a god they could worship. Aaron agreed and made a golden calf. God forgave Aaron after Moses prayed for him. Neither Aaron nor Moses made it to the Promised Land because they disobeyed God one time at a place called Meribah. They were supposed to speak to a rock to create miracle water in the desert—but Moses was angry with the people and hit the rock with a stick instead.

Exodus 1–17

Exodus 37:1–4

Numbers 70:6–17

Abba. ____________

An Aramaic word meaning "daddy." (Aramaic is the language that Jesus and His disciples spoke.) Before He was crucified, Jesus prayed in the Garden of Gethsemane. When He prayed, He cried out to God: "Abba, Father." The apostle Paul used the word Abba, too. He said when we're saved, God adopts us and we can call him "Daddy."

Mark 14:36

Romans 8:15

Abbadon. ____________

A Hebrew word that means "destruction." Abbadon was also the name given to the angel in charge of the "bottomless pit".

Revelation 9:11 KJY

Abednego. ____________

A Hebrew man thrown into a fiery furnace. Abednego and his friends, Shadrach and Meshach, would not worship a golden statue that King Nebuchadnezzar made. They refused to bow down to the false god. As punishment, the king had them thrown into a fiery furnace. God protected them. They came out of the fire unhurt. (Read all about it in Daniel 3.)

Abel. ____________

The second son of Adam and Eve. The New Testament says that Abel was "righteous." He was faithful and good. Abel always gave his best to God, including his offering. That made his older brother, Cain, very jealous. Cain was unfaithful. He did not give God the offering He desired. Instead of trying to be more like Abel, Cain did an awful thing. In a fit of anger, he murdered his younger brother. Afterward, God sent Cain away from his family. Cain settled in the land of Nod, east of Eden.

1 John 3:17 Genesis 4:1–10

Abigail. ____________

Wife of a mean man named Nabal. Nabal was rude to David's servants. That made David angry. Abigail was sorry about her husband's attitude. She packed up a tasty feast for David and his servants. Then she hurried off to find them (1 Samuel 25:14–35). David was kind to Abigail, and he forgave Nabal. Later, after Nabal died, Abigail and David got married.

1 Samuel 75:7–3

Abimelech. ____________

A king during Abraham's time. Abimelech was king of an ancient town called Gerar. Gerar was in the southern part of Israel. Abimelech is known for taking Abraham's - wife, Sarah, and making her part of his collection of women. After he had a dream in which God told him Sarah was Abraham's wife, Abimelech gave her back to Abraham.

Genesis 20:1–18

Abner. ____________

Commander of King Saul's army. Abner introduced David to Saul. After Saul died, Abner was loyal to David. He convinced the tribes of Israel to follow David's leadership.

2 Samuel 3:17–21

Abomination. ____________

A nasty, terrible, disgusting, or wicked act, person, or thing. In Bible times, the Hebrews had a long list of abominations. Back then, it was common for people to kill animals and offer them as a gift to God. If someone offered God an animal that wasn't perfect, that was an abomination. Worshipping statues of gods is an abomination, too. So are witchcraft, magic, and the belief that dead people can communicate with people who are alive. If you want an easier word that means "abomination," try sin. Anything that is a sin is an abomination.

Deuteronomy 7:25–26 KJY

Deuteronomy 17:1 KJY

Deuteronomy 18:9–12 KJY

Abraham. ____________

A man of great faith. Abraham and his wife, Sarah, had a son named Isaac. They loved him very much. One day, God decided to test Abraham's faith. He asked Abraham to offer Isaac as a sacrifice to Him. That means God wanted Abraham to kill his own son to prove that God was the most important thing in Abraham's life. Abraham was about to do what God asked. Then the angel of the LORD appeared. "Don't hurt the boy!" the angel said. God was totally sure that Abraham would do anything for Him. Because Abraham was so faithful, he was called "the father of us all."

Genesis 22:1–13

Genesis 22:12 CEV

Romans 4:16

Abraham's Bosom. ____________

A term that refers to the life after this life. The Jews believed that when they died and went to heaven, they joined their ancestors, especially Abraham. (The phrase "Abraham's bosom" is found in Luke 16:22 KJY.)

Absalom. ____________

King David's badly behaved son. Absalom and his brother, Amnon, had a fight about their sister. Absalom was so mad at Amnon that he had him killed. Afterward, Absalom ran away. King David was angry. He wanted nothing to do with his son. So Absalom got even. He went to war against his dad. At first, it looked like Absalom's army would win. But God helped David win, because he was a godly king. Absalom lost most of his troops. Then he tried to get away riding on a mule. His head got caught in some tree branches. While Absalom was hanging from the tree, a soldier named Joab speared him in the heart and killed him. (Check it out in 2 Samuel 18:1–18.)

2 Samuel 13:27–29

2 Samuel 15:10

Abstinence. ____________

Not doing something. The Bible talks about avoiding food and drinks that are harmful to our bodies. In the New Testament, the apostle Paul tells us that we should abstain from doing anything that will cause other people to sin. "It is better not to eat meat or drink wine or to do anything else that will cause your brother [or sister] to fall."

Romans 14:21 NIV

Abyss. ____________

The dark, ugly place where demons live. The word abyss means "bottomless pit."

Revelation 9:1–2, 11 NISB

Aceldama. ____________

A field near the city of Jerusalem. Jesus' disciple Judas was given money to betray Jesus. He used his reward money to buy a field. Afterward, Judas killed himself there. The field was later named Aceldama. This word means "field of blood." (Find out more in Acts 1:15–19 KJY.)

Achan. ____________

A thief. Joshua's army invaded Jericho. His warriors were not supposed to steal from the city. Everything there belonged to God. But Achan stole gold, silver, and a beautiful robe. He hid them in his tent. Later, Joshua lost a battle in a place called Ai. He thought it was because God was punishing his army. Then he found out what Achan had done. People threw stones at Achan and killed him. Then he and all his things were burned. His ashes were covered up with stones. (Read more about it in Joshua 7:19–26.)

Acts of the Apostles. ____________

Another name for the New Testament book called Acts. Acts of the Apostles comes after the four books called the Gospels: Matthew, Mark, Luke, and John. Luke wrote the book of Acts. He was the same man who wrote the Gospel of Luke. Acts starts where the Gospels leave off. It begins with the ascension of Christ (Jesus going up into heaven). It tells about the early days of the Christian church. You'll also learn about the apostle Paul and his ministry. Acts shows Christianity spreading from Jerusalem throughout the world.

Acts 12:25–28:31

Acts 13–28

Adam. ____________

The first person on earth. Adam was awesome! He was good and smart, but he wasn't perfect—because he disobeyed God's one rule and ate the fruit of a tree God had said to stay away from. Adam was the first worker and the first husband. God made a woman named Eve to be Adam's wife. Their home was the Garden of Eden, but when Adam and Eve sinned, God sent them away from their perfect home forever.

Genesis 2:8, 15

Genesis 2:18–25

Genesis 3:22–24

Adonai. ____________

A Hebrew word for God. Adonai is another way of saying "LORD."

Ezekiel 11:8 NIV

Adoption. ____________

To take someone into your family and make them your own. Sometimes children are not born into a family. Instead, they are adopted by someone who loves them. The apostle Paul talked about a different kind of adoption. It is called spiritual adoption. Paul said that all of us can be adopted as God's children. You can be a child of God if you are sorry for your sins and have faith in Jesus Christ.

Romans 11:1–32;

Galatians 4:4–7

Galatians 3:24–26

Advent of Christ. ____________

Another way of saying "the birth of Christ." Jesus' birth was the beginning of a wonderful thing. He was God's only Son. And he was God's special gift to all humans—then and forever. God sent His Baby to earth to save us from our sins. In Bible times, people gave their best animals to God. They killed them and put them on an altar. It was a sacrifice—a way of telling God that He was more important than anything they owned. When Jesus was born, He was already chosen by God as His sacrifice for us. When Jesus grew up, God allowed Him to be crucified on the cross. God gave us His precious Son to show that He loves us more than anything else! In all of time, there will never be a sacrifice as great as that.

Matthew 1:21

John 3:16

Hebrews 10:10

Adversary. ____________

An opponent. Some are enemies. They are out to get you. The Bible says to watch out for the worst adversary—Satan. "Your adversary, the devil, prowls around like a roaring lion, seeking someone to devour."

1 Peter 5:8 NASB

Adversity. ____________

Bad times. Adversity is when things go wrong. Adversity can happen when God tests our faith. It might also happen because God punishes sin. The first time a human was punished was when Adam broke God's rules. God told Adam: "You listened to your wife. You ate the fruit of the tree that I commanded you about. I said, 'You must not eat its fruit.' So I am putting a curse on the ground because of what you did. All the days of your life you will have to work hard to get food from the ground.' "

1 Peter 1:6–7 NIRV

Genesis 3:17 NIRV

Advocate. ____________

A person who supports someone or something. Is there a cause that you really believe in? If you speak up or do something about it, then you are an advocate. An advocate is a helper. The Bible says that Jesus is our Advocate: "If you ... sin, Jesus Christ always does the right thing, and he will speak to the Father for us."

1 John 2:1 CEV

Affliction. ____________

Anything that causes pain or suffering. An affliction can affect your body and make you feel hurt or sick. It can also affect your spirit and make you feel sad. People with afflictions came to Jesus. They knew He understood and had power to help. Jesus healed a man who was born blind. He also got rid of demons that made men act crazy. Affliction might happen because God is judging sin. We grow stronger in faith as we trust God to help us with our afflictions.

John 9:1–41

Matthew 8:28–33

Romans 2:9

Romans 5:3–5

Agape. ____________

To love someone without thinking about yourself. A great example is God's love for us. He loves us so much that He allowed His only Son, Jesus, to die on the cross for our sins. To understand agape love, remember this Bible verse: "God loved the people of this world so much that he gave his only Son, so that everyone who has faith in him will have eternal life and never really die."

John 3:16 CEV

Ahab. ____________

A wicked king of Israel. Ahab was a really bad man. He was married to Jezebel. She was wicked, too. Together they got the people of Israel to worship a false god named Baal.

1 Kings 21:25

1 Kings 16:30–33

Aijalon. ____________

A town west of Jerusalem. Joshua fought a battle with five kings in Aijalon. During this battle, the sun and moon stood still until Joshua defeated his enemies.

Joshua 10:12–13

Alexandria. ____________

The capital city of Egypt in New Testament times. Seventy-two wise Jewish men came to this city to translate the Old Testament from Hebrew to Greek. That ancient version of the Bible is called the Septuagint.

Alien. ____________

A stranger from a land other than Israel. This kind of alien wasn't from outer space! In Bible times, he or she was a foreigner who did not have the same rights as citizens of Israel.

Deuteronomy 14:21

job 19:15

Allegory. __________

A story that tells an important truth. Allegories often use symbols—one thing stands for something else. The apostle Paul used the births of Ishmael and Isaac as an allegory to explain the difference between God's law and grace.

Galatians 4:22–31

Alleluia. ____________

"Praise the Lord!" Alleluia is a Greek word used to praise God.

Revelation 19:1–6

Alliance. ____________

An agreement between specific people or nations. Old Testament prophets warned against forming an alliance that would cause people to turn from God.

Jeremiah 2:17–19

Almighty. ____________

The one with the greatest power. "Almighty" is a title used for God. It shows that He has endless power to do all things. God used "Almighty" to describe Himself. "When Abram was ninety-nine years old, the Lord appeared to Abram and said to him, 'I am Almighty God; walk before Me and be blameless.'"

Genesis 17:1 NKJV

Almond. ____________

A kind of nut tree. If you go to Israel, you might see orchards of almond trees. They bloom in January. Then they produce lots of flavorful nuts. In Bible times, almonds were among the best products of the land.

Genesis 43:11

Alpha and Omega. ____________

A term that means the beginning and the ending. In the Greek alphabet, ITLαITL is the first letter and ITLωITL is the last. These words are sometimes used to describe God. Alpha and omega remind us that God the Father, His Son Jesus, and the Holy Spirit are here forever and ever. Jesus promised that it was so when He said, "I am the Alpha and the Omega, the Beginning and the End ... who is and who was and who is to come, the Almighty."

Revelation 1:8 NKJY

Altar. ____________

A place where sacrifices are made. An altar might be a table, a platform, or another raised surface. In early Bible times, altars were made of rocks or earth. Noah was the first one to build an altar: "Then Noah built an altar to the LORD and, taking some of all the clean animals and clean birds, he sacrificed burnt offerings on it."

Exodus 20:24–25

Genesis 8:20 NIV

Amalekites. ____________

A tribe that was an enemy of the Israelites. For a neat story about how Moses and his friends defeated the Amalekites, read Exodus 17:8–16.

Ambassador. ____________

A messenger for a ruler, king, or queen. Paul thought of himself as an ambassador for Christ. He said that all believers could be ambassadors for Jesus.

Ephesians 6:20

2 Corinthians 5:20

Amen. ____________

A word that many people use to end a prayer. Amen is also used to show approval and to agree with a promise. Jesus is sometimes called "the Amen" because He is good and dependable right to the end.

Psalm 89:52

Nehemiah 5:13

Revelation 3:14

Ammonites. ____________

The relatives of Lot's grandson, Ammon. The Ammonites became enemies of the Israelites during the Exodus (a time when the Israelites traveled from Egypt to their homeland). When the Ammonites' country was ruled by an Amorite king, he did not allow the Israelites to cross their land, and the Ammonites did not offer the Israelites food and water when they came out of Egypt.

Numbers 21:21–24

Deuteronomy 23:3–4

Amnon. ____________

King David's oldest son. Amnon behaved badly with his half sister, Tamar. When King David found out, he was very upset. But he did not punish Amnon. Amnon's brother Absalom was angry with Amnon, too. He was so angry that he decided to take matters into his own hands. Absalom told his servants to kill Amnon, which they did. Then Absalom ran away. (Read more about it in 2 Samuel 13.)

2 Samuel 3:2


Excerpted from Kids' Bible Dictionary by Jean Fischer. Copyright © 2009 Barbour Publishing, Inc.. Excerpted by permission of Barbour Publishing, Inc..
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