In the year 2024, four astronauts depart on a one way journey to Mars. Due to various malfunctions, the crew miss the planet entirely, doomed to continue onward into the void of space until their limited resources expire. Instead of meeting that fate, they were surprised to find themselves on a mysterious alien planet where they are the subject of the local religion. Now they must make friends with the locals, fight the evil dictatorship, and sneak in and out of military bases in order to find each other again and figure out a way home.
Doctor Tray Finsglad stumbles on a conspiracy targeting the first Martian colonists. Now he has to find a way to save the doomed crew, a task that spans generations. This journey leads a space crew to find a primitive alien race and, inadvertently, alter the course of their development forever.
This stand alone book takes place in the Crowbarland Chronicles universe.
In the year 2024, four astronauts depart on a one way journey to Mars. Due to various malfunctions, the crew miss the planet entirely, doomed to continue onward into the void of space until their limited resources expire. Instead of meeting that fate, they were surprised to find themselves on a mysterious alien planet where they are the subject of the local religion. Now they must make friends with the locals, fight the evil dictatorship, and sneak in and out of military bases in order to find each other again and figure out a way home.
Doctor Tray Finsglad stumbles on a conspiracy targeting the first Martian colonists. Now he has to find a way to save the doomed crew, a task that spans generations. This journey leads a space crew to find a primitive alien race and, inadvertently, alter the course of their development forever.
This stand alone book takes place in the Crowbarland Chronicles universe.
Missing Mars
Missing Mars
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Product Details
BN ID: | 2940164193843 |
Publisher: | Cassandra Morphy |
Publication date: | 08/01/2020 |
Sold by: | Smashwords |
Format: | eBook |
File size: | 459 KB |