No Parents At All???
So you see, life is for awhile. And we have no control over it. No control what so ever. We don't know if we're going to live to a ripe old age? or get sick and suffer? or die from cancer? or lose our minds with altzheimers or dementia etc.? Or die in a car accident even? Oh! I dread those kind of deaths, and don't want to die like that. Do you? And remember one more thing, there's no coming back, no coming back. Ever? "Rennie Ferrante
No Parents At All???
So you see, life is for awhile. And we have no control over it. No control what so ever. We don't know if we're going to live to a ripe old age? or get sick and suffer? or die from cancer? or lose our minds with altzheimers or dementia etc.? Or die in a car accident even? Oh! I dread those kind of deaths, and don't want to die like that. Do you? And remember one more thing, there's no coming back, no coming back. Ever? "Rennie Ferrante
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No Parents At All???

No Parents At All???

by Rennie Ferrante
No Parents At All???

No Parents At All???

by Rennie Ferrante


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So you see, life is for awhile. And we have no control over it. No control what so ever. We don't know if we're going to live to a ripe old age? or get sick and suffer? or die from cancer? or lose our minds with altzheimers or dementia etc.? Or die in a car accident even? Oh! I dread those kind of deaths, and don't want to die like that. Do you? And remember one more thing, there's no coming back, no coming back. Ever? "Rennie Ferrante

Product Details

ISBN-13: 9781463450243
Publisher: AuthorHouse
Publication date: 11/02/2011
Sold by: Barnes & Noble
Format: eBook
Pages: 196
File size: 1 MB

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Copyright © 2011 Rennie Ferrante
All right reserved.

ISBN: 978-1-4634-5026-7

Chapter One

The Beginning:

There was a beautiful baby girl born to these two Italian people. Her name Georgette. She was one of the most beautiful babies that anyone had seen. So they wanted to protect her the best they could. Her mother would buy her the best of everything. The prettiest looking clothes, and pretty little silk panties. And she polished her little nails on her fingers, and her little toes, and pierced her ears. Maybe her mother wanted that all her life so she did it for her little beautiful bambino (baby) and wanted to show her off every chance she got, no matter where she went. And as time went on she would take her to school in the Kindergarten and just gloat when she saw the other looking kids. She would say to herself, what oogons,(dogs in Italian) they are. She smiled as she talked to other women, as they bragged about their kids, she knew she had the best looking kid in the school, as she made good friends with another woman named Sophia, whose daughter Carlotta was nice looking also, not as pretty but nice. They would take them to the park and make them go down the sliding pond and see their panties that covered their little pussy and say, we might have trouble with them as they get older, because those boys will want to get a hold of that beautiful thing, their Podinones she called it, (vagina) She knew Georgette had a gorgeous one as she changed her diapers all those years, and wanted to protect it for her, her little beautiful bambino. As Sophia said, I worry all the time too, about my Carlotta, how will they be when that time comes? but time will tell she said.

Being in the same class Georgette and Carlotta were always together. Sometimes other girls would bully Georgette, and try to intimidate her because she was so beautiful, and they were jealous. but Carlotta came to her rescue every time, and Georgette always thanked her and said, why do you want to protect me? I have to fight them sometime. Why she asked again? As Carlotta was staring at her she said, your so beautiful, and I have a doll that looks just like you, and she's beautiful too, and I love her, and I won't let anything happen to her either, and your my friend and I love you too, that's why. Oh that's so nice Gerorgette said, and I love you too, as she hugged her. Being they were Catholics that went for religious instructions every Wednesday after school, and they had their hands full because other girls ganged up on both of them. But Carlotta did pretty good and was fighting like hell as they tried bullying them. but she got a bloody nose and a black eye when she saw them surrounding Georgette. There were too many of them this time, and she couldn't fight them off, as Georgette got a cut lip, as one girl whacked her when she wasn't looking. On their way home Carlotta said, don't ever turn your head from them, they're sneaky like Japs, and hit when your not looking. She was a pretty learned girl about street fights, and being that her uncles taught her a lot about self defense, so she wouldn't get bullied, and could take care of herself. They even bought her boxing gloves and used to box and hit her hard, and hurt her, and then laugh when she got mad, she was a terror.

The day they made their first Holy Communion, they had a white dress, veil, and white shoes and sox, and a white pocketbook, gloves, a rosary, and a small crown like a Tiara on their heads, and a smudge of lipstick on their lips and cheeks, and they looked beautiful. especially Georgette, as Carlotta was staring at her and said, oh, your so beautiful Georgette. I'm so glad your my friend, and you'll always be my friend, and I love you. So Georgette said I love you too, and kissed her on her cheek, as they said, they'd be friends forever. Being the same age they would make their Confirmation in a few years also. There were days they didn't see each other and would call on the phone to say hello. Carlotta would ask did anybody bother you, being they know you won't fight back? I think they want to make friends with me now Georgette said. Don't you know why Carlotta said? no why she asked? Because if they hang around with you they'll get more guys to talk to them. You draw guys like honey does to a bee, you beautiful thing you. And if they hang around with beauty they'll get to talk with more guys, don't you see that? I never thought of that she said, I see what you mean. But there are other girls that are better looking than me, no? she asked. Are you kidding Carlotta said? They couldn't come close.

No way, and I know, believe me. How did you get to be so smart Georgette asked? My aunts and uncles she said. They always coach me and tell me what's right and wrong. Gee, I wish I had aunts and uncles like that Georgette said. I don't think you'd want them she said. Why Georgette asked? Because there are things they make me do, I'll tell you about it one day she said. I guess I'll just have to wait till then as she was thinking, boy they must be real mean to her. I wonder what they make her do? Maybe a lot of cleaning their house? or something, or go shopping for them? like a slave? I'll find out one day, I can wait.

As she was growing up her mother always made sure she had the right one to take care of her, especially when they baby sat. Only family she trusted. Like her brother, or her father, or her sister. She didn't want to leave her alone with anyone, really. Maybe something happened to her when she was a kid, who knows? Because she was a nice looking baby also? not like her baby, but nice. That's why she named her Georgette. A name just as beautiful as she was. She would compare her pictures to hers and say, I looked a little like her when I was small, not much though. She would say there are people who can't keep their hands off something that's so beautiful. And not only that, she and her husband were old fashioned. Old fashioned from the other side, Naples Italy. I no a trust a nobody she said, with her Italian accent. And her husband said, I a break a their heads, sonna ma bitches, if they a touch my bambino.

When Georgette was about nine years old she was sitting on her bed in a yoga position, and she had an itch between her legs and wanted to scratch it. As she touched it, it felt nice to her, so she moved her panties to the side and started to touch right at the top of her lips on her vagina, where the itch was, it was her clitoris. She didn't know what it was and It felt so nice as she moved her finger back and forth in a circular motion. She was actually playing with herself, masturbating? Her mother happened to walk in and saw her. What are you doing she asked her? nothing mommy she said, and covered up fast. Your not supposed to touch that baby, it's for making (pee shod) Italian for (pee pee) and only when you get married and have babies, she said. So Georgette never wanted to do that again because her mother said it's sinful, and god will punish her, as she said okay mommy, because she didn't want to get punished.

As a few years went by she would talk to Carlotta about getting hair under her arms, and hair down there. They would show each other and look at it in the mirror as they sat and opened their legs. oh, you got pretty pink lips Carlotta said, mine ain't like that. Why Georgette asked? Who knows she said, but they were inquisitive as they giggled and looked at each other. One day we're going to have to shave it off. Shave what she asked? Carlotta said, all that hair. Why? I don't know, but I know a lot of girls shave it off under the arms and legs. You said even your vagina too? I don't know about there but under your arms and legs for sure, Carlotta said. Why does it grow then Georgette asked? I'm keeping mine it has to be for something, no? Who knows Carlotta said, but it's called puberty, and we don't even know what it means? Well when you shave I'll shave Georgette said, under the arms, and legs only. Okay Carlotta said. Are your tits growing? Yeah Georgette said, and yours? oh yeah she said look, as she showed her the big bumps she had now. Oh you got big nipples Georgette said to her, look at mine, I got small nipples and big bumps, I don't think they started to grow yet. Give them time Carlotta said.

They were growing up together since kindergarten, and were very good friends, and when they had a secret they kept it between themselves. They always played together when they went to the park with their mothers, since they started school. They were around 13 years old now. Georgette was a month older. The boys would always grab and try to kiss them but they fought them off everytime, because they didn't like them anyway. Georgette didn't know how to kiss as it was. And being that she was so gorgeous they wanted her. One guy said to her one day, I'd eat a mile of your shit just to kiss your ass. Go eat your mothers shit and kiss her ass you filthy pig. No he said your so beautiful, I want you. Never she said, as Carlotta laughed and said yeah, go eat your mother's shit, you dirty, filthy bastard, and they laughed.

One day Carlotta said I'm going to teach you how to kiss, alright? Yeah Georgette said, I want to know how because when I meet a guy I like, I want to know what to do. So she told her to hold her hand where the thumb is and make a fist that looks like a mouth, and practice with that. Like a ventriloquist does when he moves his thumb to make it look like it was talking. I know what you mean Georgette said as Carlotta stared at her. As she tried it she got lipstick all over her fist. Oh, shit she said look what I did. So Carlotta said stop, I'll show you. She came up to her and put her lips on Georgettes mouth, and started to kiss her softly with her eyes shut. Then she took her tongue and put it in her mouth and Georgette said yuck and pulled away. Why did you do that she said? There are kisses and there are kisses she said. You can kiss with your mouth closed or open. But why did you put your tongue in my mouth? You can use your tongue, that's called a French kiss, or just a soft kiss without opening your mouth. But when you use the tongue that means you want to get laid, a soul kiss. Why is that Georgette asked? some dopey boys idea I guess Carlotta answered. Did you close your eyes she asked her? No, but you did, Georgette said. How do you know I had them closed? I was looking that's why she said. Okay close your eyes now, as she did it again and put her tongue in her mouth, and Georgette did the same thing, and she liked it this time she told her, it feels nice. But how long do you kiss like that? Who knows, maybe a minute or two, depending Carlotta said. Make sure your breath don't stink, brush before you go out. But Carlotta wanted to keep kissing her, why she wondered? She said why are you still kissing me? Your so beautiful and I got carried away, and thought you wanted me to. No, I had enough she said and she left.

One day Georgette told her mother she had to go to the hospital. Why? What happened baby she asked? I think I broke something down there when I was playing, because I'm bleeding like hell. Her mother started to laugh and Georgette said, what's so funny? Your alright baby, there's nothing to worry about. Your at that age and it means your becoming a woman now, in her Italian accent. All girls get that every month, it's called your period or your friend. Do you get it mommy she asked? Oh yes, I get it too she said. That's something God gave us, then told her to go buy a box of Kotex, and would show her how to put it on. The next day at school she told Carlotta about it, and asked her if she got hers yet? no, not yet she said. This thing is a pain in the ass, it's rubbing against my thigh as I walk and it's burning. How long does it last Carlotta asked? My mother said seven days at least. Shit, we have to wear that rag for seven days Carlotta said? Yes, if we have to we have to Georgette said, we're the same age, so you'll get it soon. I hope not, I got better things to do Carlotta said.

Georgette would stay away from boys as time went on, because she didn't like them anyway. She was told they always wanted to get laid. Laid? She didn't even know what it was? Girls that were bad always fooled around, and were popular as long as the guys wore a bag and they didn't get pregnant. And the girls would suck their cocks, or let them put it in their ass.

Even as the years went by and she got older, seventeen, she didn't want to have sex, and became a stuck up bitch. And she was from a strict and religious family and heard about getting pregnant. Her mother kept telling her, don't ever let anyone touch you down there. So she knew right from wrong? Maybe? But, once she would get a taste of it and had a climax, how would she act? Would she always want it? (a penis) (a dick), (a prick,) (a lob), (a pecker), (a cock), (a piece of pork), or (a Johnson bar?)What ever you want to call it. Only when I fall in love with some guy and marry him I'll do it, she said. (That's what you call real innocence) and she was very innocent.

Georgette was over Carlottas house this day and they were in the back yard talking about boys and Carlotta said, did you let a guy put his penis in your vagina yet? Being naive she said no, I never did. Why would I want him to do that? Because that's where it goes, and it feels good she said, and you see stars when he hits a certain spot that's why. Really she asked, and you saw those stars? oh, yeah many times as he pumps you after awhile Carlotta said.

And he makes funny sounds as he pumps, Ooh, ooh he yells, and he holds me real tight, as he shivers too. I never said anything to you all these years that I do that, because I didn't want to lose your friendship that's why, and you wouldn't think badly of me. But your my friend Carlotta, I love you and I'd never think badly of you. Then Carlotta said, the first time I ever saw his penis is when he took it out of his pants and told me to put it in my mouth, and I knew what he wanted me to do. In your mouth she asked? Yes in my mouth she said. Why, she asked again? He said he had to be relieved, and needed it, that's why. So I put it in my mouth and he held my head and was pushing it back and forth, as I was choking. So I took it out of my mouth, and he begged me to put it back in. I told him not to push my head because I choke. He said alright. I didn't put too much in as he told me to go up and down with my head. So I did that and he pushed as I choked again, that bastard. Then all of a sudden the head of his penis got so fat and something shot out of it, and I choked, because it went down my throat. He grabbed me by my head again and held me there and was pumping it in my mouth. I didn't like it too much at first because I was choking, as a lot of juice came out. I asked him what that was, and he said his love juice. But I knew what it was, and like anything else you develop a taste for it. I spit it out after that. Didn't you ever let a guy do that to you she asked? are you crazy Georgette said? My mother would kill me if she knew I did that. That's only after you get married and have kids, and I didn't know you had to suck on his thing? Yuck. My mother always told me not to let anybody touch me down there. As Carlotta said, you don't have to let him touch you there, but give him a blow job when he needs it. A what she asked? A blow job, that's what they call it when you suck his cock. Is that another name for penis Georgette asked? Yeah she said, cock. That's a cute name for it she said. Yeah I guess so, Carlotta answered. Then let him do you. What do you mean do me? Let him put his tongue in your pussy, and lick you. It feels so good. Some guys won't go near the pussy with their mouth, they think it's disgusting. But they can put their penis in your mouth she asked? That's bullshit, Georgette said. Carlotta said, but there are guys that do it, and like to get you off like that because they're making you feel good. By licking it she asked? Oh, yeah she said, it's like him giving you a blow job. I don't know if I could let a guy do that to me she said. Do you want me to teach you Carlotta said? What do you mean teach me she asked? I'll touch you down there and you'll see how good it feels, okay? okay she said with a shrug of her shoulders. Carlotta said lets go in the garage as she laid a mat down on the floor and started to pull Georgettes pants down, and then her panties, and spread her legs open as she sniffed it. And Georgette said why are you smelling it? Holy shit Carlotta said when she saw her pussy, it's beautiful. I never knew you had such a gorgeous pussy like that after all these years, since I saw it last? look up she told her, and close your eyes while she started to kiss and lick her pussy. Georgette jumped up so fast and said, what are you doing? How could you do that Carlotta? Why would you want to put your mouth down there? You don't understand yet she said but I have to do this to show you what I mean, so just lay back and let me do what I have to do, okay? okay she said go ahead. So she started again as Georgette was looking up and said, ooh, it feels nice as she pressed Carlottas head against her pelvis. Carlotta was moaning as she ate her, ooh she was saying, it's beautiful. Georgette pressed her head into her pussy as she licked harder. Ooh she said, now I know what you mean, it does feel good. Carlotta stopped and said now you do me. What she said? no! I can't do that, even though I love you, yuck she said. I don't know if I could put my tongue down there, and I never dreamed you did that. Don't it stink and taste funny? No, it's good and you keep it so clean. Being they were friends she asked her again please try it, okay what do I do? I'll tell you when she said as Georgette got down between her legs and sniffed it. Ooh, you have a little tang and laughed, She kissed her pussy as her tongue slipped into the slit and tasted that wet pussy, yuck she said I can't do it Carlotta. Okay she said stop it.


Excerpted from NO PARENTS AT ALL??? by RENNIE FERRANTE Copyright © 2011 by Rennie Ferrante. Excerpted by permission of AuthorHouse. All rights reserved. No part of this excerpt may be reproduced or reprinted without permission in writing from the publisher.
Excerpts are provided by Dial-A-Book Inc. solely for the personal use of visitors to this web site.

Table of Contents


CHAPTER #1 THE BEGINNING:....................PAGE 1 "WHAT HAPPENED"?....................PAGE 28 CHAPTER #2 "BAD EXPERIENCES"....................PAGE 32 CHAPTER #3 "YES SIR, NO SIR"....................PAGE 42 CHAPTER #4 "A GAY BLADE"....................PAGE 79 CHAPTER #5 "A NEW HOME"?....................PAGE 94 CHAPTER #6 "WHY A MARRIAGE?"....................PAGE 106 CHAPTER #7 "AN ANGEL FROM HEAVEN"....................PAGE 119 CHAPTER #8 "MOTHER"?....................PAGE 137 CHAPTER #9 "OH' MOTHER"....................PAGE 156 CHAPTER #10 "TRAGEDY"....................PAGE 163 "THE EPILOGUE"....................PAGE 173
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