Quantum Bliss: The Quantum Mechanics of Happiness, Abundance, and Health

Quantum Bliss: The Quantum Mechanics of Happiness, Abundance, and Health

by George S. Mentz
Quantum Bliss: The Quantum Mechanics of Happiness, Abundance, and Health

Quantum Bliss: The Quantum Mechanics of Happiness, Abundance, and Health

by George S. Mentz


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Quantum Bliss is the breakthrough VIP summary of success, spirituality and mindful secrets that customers have been seeking since The Power of Now and The Secret became famous. Go beyond the law of attraction and power of awareness and learn the secrets of Quantum Bliss.

Product Details

ISBN-13: 9781785352041
Publisher: Collective Ink
Publication date: 01/29/2016
Sold by: Barnes & Noble
Format: eBook
Pages: 128
File size: 2 MB

About the Author

George Mentz is a speaker, lawyer, and global pioneer in management, education and training. His renowned teachings have been used in the top banks, government agencies, Fortune 500 companies, and financial institutions around the world. He has authored hundreds of books, guides, and journal articles, and his companies provide accredited training in over 50 countries.

Read an Excerpt

Quantum Bliss

The Quantum Mechanics of Happiness, Abundance and Health

By George S. Mentz

John Hunt Publishing Ltd.

Copyright © 2015 George S. Mentz
All rights reserved.
ISBN: 978-1-78535-204-1


The Inner Power of You – Becoming a Superstar

As some point, all of us develop an internal hunger for a higher purpose and to master our destiny during our lives. This instinctive fire in the belly seemingly compels us to think and take action; we must change and adapt. Growth is necessary for the human condition. Finding a reason for being, where we can cultivate our talents and use them to improve life for ourselves and those we love, becomes vitally important. Striving for the personal best in ourselves while serving humanity is an ideal both important and noble. It is part of our desire for a greater good. Becoming the best we can be and doing the things we love to do in service and in leisure is a natural desire. This is true whether one is a righteous member of any religion, or a follower of philosophical practices, virtues and ethics. The state of Abundance is possible when we inherently understand the need to adapt, grow and be prepared. You hold the golden key when you master your destiny by improving yourself in mind, body and spirit.

This codex is a summary of the key philosophies and secrets needed to advance to your highest potential. If you need to learn even more to prepare yourself for this guide, we suggest several other authors: Marcus Aurelius, the gospels of Jesus Christ, Buddha, Pythagoras, Hegel, Kant, Emerson, von Goethe, Meister Eckhart, the poetic Vedas and Eddas, the Book of Psalms, Zoroaster, Lao Tzu, Socrates, Plato, Aristotle, the Upanishads and any great wisdom literature. Then, of course, readers are encouraged to seek more light from the authors in the bibliography.

One of the greatest secrets of mankind is that leaders and professionals have quietly used the philosophy contained herein for centuries. Keep this book close, use this secret technology and master your destiny.

Whatever your vocation may be (e.g. mechanic, artist, etc.), you will need the right instruction and tools to gain excellence. The importance of natural expression is absolutely necessary for personal accomplishment and prosperity. Your highest form of expression requires an imaginative and resourceful life; it involves the abundance of ideas, things and actions.

True and lasting prosperity has a spiritual foundation and balance. Genuine success is mastering excellence in body, mind and spirit. When there is balance, ideas and energy naturally come from the universe to the person who is exercising this higher order of existence. When we are at our best and act as effective individuals, we actually have more insights flowing to us from the universal source or consciousness of the infinite.

Now let us focus firstly on the great philosophers of science and ethics. These great thinkers all contribute different ingredients to the recipe of a rich and fuller life. Read what each of them has to say, ponder their ideas and then you will be ready to examine the rest of the book.

• Rene Descartes simplifies the essence of philosophy: "I think, therefore I am." With this statement, we must be able to find our being, or what people call their "beingness." The key is to reconnect your spirit and deeper self with the universe in a way that is harmonious.

• Georg WF Hegel, a German philosopher, also believed that reality was absolute Spirit; we participate in our destinies and create our own realities.

• Meister Eckhart, the fourteenth century Christian Neo-Platonist, personified the spiritual basics in these words: "If the only prayer you say in your life is 'Thank You' that would suffice."

• Socrates said: "Know thyself" and "The unexamined life is not worth living." Be willing to take a hard look at yourself in the mirror, and seek an honest appraisal of your character and behavior and seek greater heights.

• The French existentialist Jean-Paul Sartre was clear about accountability. We should start having responsibility for our actions going forward and refuse to be bogged down with self-victimization and blame.

• Ben Franklin, in his autobiography, used a process called the precept of order, where each day he took time to review his day, set goals and see where he could improve his actions and character.

• Nietzsche said, "That which does not kill us makes us stronger." Thus, we need to face fear and rise above our comfort zones.

• Marcus Aurelius so eloquently said: "Take full account of the excellencies which you possess, and in gratitude remember how you would hanker after them, if you had them not." Aurelius also voiced another great statute that we should follow: "It is not death that a man should fear, but he should fear never beginning to live."

• Humanistic psychologists Carl Rogers and Abraham Maslow believed that people have an innate drive to be all they can be and to self-actualize. This intrinsic metaphysics plays a large role in facilitating the progression of the best in each of us.

• Aristotle formulated a theory of potentiality. "Within each of us is a natural evolution toward fulfilling our potential."

• Immanuel Kant has implied that OUR Perception IS our reality. If you focus your thoughts on the best, then you will attract the best. Feed yourself with things that are good, learning about what is excellent, and these things will build your worldview and character.

• Dr. Carl Jung theorized that one finds their natural talents deep within the spirit of one's self. When we get in touch with our natural inclinations, it elevates our outward expression. It may not be easy, but if you act toward your higher purpose each day, the cosmic momentum will build to your advantage.

• Both Aristotle and Thomas Aquinas refer to God as the "First Cause" or "Pure Mind." In essence, we come from this pure mind and first cause; we are created from the Source. We have desires and ideas flowing to us from a higher source at all times. What you do with your ideas and imagination is of extreme importance. Your ideas are yours, they are priceless and they are consciously coming to you in every moment. Your creativity is your abundance.

• The poet Johann Wolfgang von Goethe famously stated that: "Boldness is genius."

• Acclaimed self-help author Robert Collier also believed that beginning any task created a nucleus of activity, bringing form from the formless. If you begin something and maintain faith in the process, you may then utilize the act of gratitude and praise, which is like watering a flower with nourishment. In the same way a flower needs water, the universe craves peace, thanks, praise and action, and the universe will respond accordingly with blessings.

• Engels and Marx believed firmly in productivity as the key to progress. The big metaphysical secret lies in becoming one with your desires because you then become in tune with your objective! When we blend purpose and spirituality, our energy then becomes laser focused.

• The philosopher of existentialism, Soren Kierkegaard, was famous for saying: "We must think for ourselves and be suspicious of groupthink, and we should not worry about the ignorance of neighbors and society."

• Remember, Emerson, St. Augustine and Plato believed that evil is not a diabolical force but rather the absence of good.

• Henry David Thoreau believed that we should put our: "Conscience before conformity." Thus, your natural creativity and labor will be fun, and you will learn to freely accept premiums and rewards for your quality services and the products in relation to your craft.

• British political philosopher John Locke believed in a liberal, antiauthoritarian theory of the state. His practical theory of knowledge advocated religious toleration and personal identity. His philosophy suggests that order is necessary to protect the individual, and man is endowed with inalienable rights where these rights are gained through work and effort.

• Alfred Wallace, the founder of the evolution theory with Darwin, systematically came to believe evolution was sometimes guided by a higher power and that evolution could not account for human consciousness.

• The nineteenth century European philosopher Arthur Schopenhauer believed that we are motivated by our will, and it is our will that is our sense of reality. Therefore, willingness is at the core of our growth and advancement. Desire is good and comes from the Spirit. Seeing past the illusion of what seems apparent and acting on healthy desires are the keys to growth and happiness.

Whether you are a student of Locke, Emerson, Ayn Rand, Ben Franklin, Frederick Douglass or Buddha, we all benefit from these eternal truths. The great lesson from many of the world's legendary philosophers is that the individual is an important and unique part of the whole. Each person should master themselves; education, knowledge and inner peace are essential, just as efficient effort is vital for advancement. Growing in faith, knowingness and wisdom are all important factors of our duty to ourselves and to society. Your contributions may seem small, but your spiritual creativity and service may positively affect generations to come. Overall, the ripple effect of one pebble tossed in the lake has a broad impact on the whole of its contents. Thus, our individual betterment benefits all.

The outcome of practicing these principles and suggestions will result in a natural expression of your life's true purpose that will become a reality – you will become who you were meant to be. It will require an honest commitment from you, but it will eventually feel like child's play. You may find many challenges, but the experience of life will be invigorating when you pause in those moments to stop and smell the roses. Life is delicate and sometimes short, and you may be compelled to dedicate energy to definitive ends. All mortals are faced with these timeless questions. What do you want to be remembered for? How do you want to impact the world? What is your potential legacy?

The great masters have many similar teachings about spiritual matters, but the insights sound the same. The masters declare that: "You have within you the power to connect to the universal force." This force is the creative and animating energy that permeates the universe. Like gravity or electricity, the power is not seen, but exists as the all-pervading framework for which every law hinges upon. This all-pervading force is also known as God or "The Life Force." This unlimited power is everywhere as creation is constant. New ideas, new art and music, new planets, new galaxies, new species, and new worlds are continuously manifesting at this very moment in tandem with this Power. The unique part of your mind that can be in tune with this force is referred to, by the great teachers of metaphysics, as the subjective mind or higher consciousness.

Directed thought-energy can be focused where the individual may act as a creative force within the universal framework. This supernatural power is willing to serve you and grant you anything constructive that you earnestly and sincerely desire with focus, action, heartfelt gratitude and emotion.

If faith is the substance of things hoped for, then that very Substance can also be qualified as the energy of our attention and thoughts. Belief and faith are the same in that they mean we accept what is unseen. Energy is consciousness, and thus "thought awareness" is energy. All things created equally in perfect balance, the energy of faith, attention and mind can tilt the cosmic balance of life, happiness, and success in our favor.

All of us go through life with a steady stream of ideas, thoughts, and desires. Tapping into that greater, infinite self expands our intuitive abilities to best use our priceless inspiration. Thus, becoming aware that we may operate at a higher order of being is where achievement truly begins, and then we become willing to take the actions that provide results. Cooperation with the "force of the universe" and the framework of the metaphysical laws that affect mankind is the path to maximizing our existence, contributions and consciousness.

From Taoism to Christianity, and from Eastern and Western cultures, the mystics believed in a timeless and formless force that governs the cosmos. Most of the founding fathers of the United States were deists who believed in the Source or a supreme God. We are born of this cosmic force, and we have the ability to more effectively cooperate as spiritual and physical beings in conjunction with this force. Listen to your heart and allow yourself to become and evolve into your highest expression; get in tune with the world and allow yourself to manifest your Quantum Bliss ...


The Strategies to Fulfill Your Destiny

Strategy #1: Metaphysics & Spiritual Economics

The fact remains that wealth has been historically viewed as a greedy, godless scramble to capture scarcely allocated resources, but that is just simply not true. There exists unlimited riches in this world, and every time supply of anything runs low, whether it be here or somewhere else, someone creates a substitute for the products or services that have become scarce. In other words, thought-leaders and disruptive genius tend to create new products and services that satisfy the needs and demands of humanity. Are we all creators? The truth of the matter is that you ARE the totality of your thinking, your actions and your inactions, and that your individualized consciousness affects and controls your creative abilities. Thus, you are, in fact, your consciousness, which is the essence of your character as a person. A great American metaphysician named Wattles once said, "Every thought or form, held in thinking substance, causes the creation of the form, but always, or at least generally, along the lines of growth and action already established." In general, he is saying that if you impress your thoughts, your creative visualizations, and images clearly in your mind, if you cultivate these thoughts and think about them all day long, if you develop a consciousness that what you want is to be accomplished, that form will manifest itself either in you or for you. Another great twentieth century teacher, Neville Goddard, has said, "It is only by a change of consciousness, by actually changing your concept of yourself, that you can build more stately mansions, the manifestations of higher and higher concepts." Most of these authors, whether it be Napoleon Hill in the 1920s, Wallace Wattles in 1910 or Charles Haanel also in 1910, are saying the same thing: that you must have a burning desire to change, a burning desire to do something, and what that means is you must find a PURPOSE where you realize what you TRULY want to do and you'd be willing to do anything you can to achieve it.

Strategy #2: Becoming What You Want to BE

Here we come upon the great concept of presumption, or the concept of having something in your mind or in your consciousness before you actually possess it. Presumption is a wonderful thing because if you presume that you're going to have something and you maintain that "state of faith" each and every day, and you continue taking action to achieve that presumption each day, then it becomes your dominant goal, your primary purpose, and you'll begin to create the snowball effect of focusing the momentum of your mind and your energy toward a particular result. In some cases, you're going to have to let go of your old ideas altogether, and some spiritually-minded people would say that you have to let your old self die and let yourself be reborn so that you can become who you want to be. And here's the thing: if you want to be something and you're going to eventually become that type of person, you're going to need to start acting like that type of person. Some call this: "Faking it 'til you make it." If you want to be a Wall Street investment banker, then you're going to have to start playing the part of a Wall Street investment banker. You're going to have to know and understand the rules and the laws and the investment regulations related to being an investment banker. You have to become that person. You will associate with people who are in the business. You have to act the part, and that's what separates mere thinking from being. So the real challenge of the day is that you can learn about the metaphysics, you can do the exercises, you can do the affirmations, but at some point you have to act the part and you have to know and feel in your heart and mind that the results you want belong to you. The other critical issue is that we need to understand the essence of what we want. The essence is "Why you want something," and if you achieve it, how are you going to use that achievement? How are you going to take advantage of the achievement? How are you going to enjoy the achievement? How will you help improve your world with these advances?


Excerpted from Quantum Bliss by George S. Mentz. Copyright © 2015 George S. Mentz. Excerpted by permission of John Hunt Publishing Ltd..
All rights reserved. No part of this excerpt may be reproduced or reprinted without permission in writing from the publisher.
Excerpts are provided by Dial-A-Book Inc. solely for the personal use of visitors to this web site.

Table of Contents


The Great Teachers and YOU,
Chapter 1 The Inner Power of You – Becoming a Superstar,
Chapter 2 The Strategies to Fulfill Your Destiny,
Chapter 3 The Power of the Present – Presumption Decoded,
Chapter 4 The Twelve-Fold Path of Prosperity™,
Chapter 5 Spiritual and Success Exercises,
Chapter 6 Concise Laws of Success,
Chapter 7 Summary of Spiritual Empowerment,
Chapter 8 It Works If You Work It,
Chapter 9 Conclusion: 12 Steps to Fulfillment – Qualities of enlightened individuals who are living their dreams,
Chapter 10 Quotes on Prosperity and Abundance,
Chapter 11 Two Final Exercises,
Appendix A: Concise Chronology of Esoteric Spirituality,
Appendix B: Quotes by Famous Physicists and Scientists on Spirituality,
About George Mentz,
Other References or Authors of Interest,

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