Red Desert: Point of No Return

Anna left at dawn.
She entered the Martian desert, all alone.
Where is she going?
What secret is she hiding?

Thirty years after the Mars exploration mission ‘Hera’, whose crew died in mysterious circumstances, the ensuing political issues that slowed NASA's race to conquer space have finally ended. This time the five members of the new ‘Isis’ mission will not travel the 400 million kilometres for a short visit. This time they are destined to become the first colonisers of the Red Planet.

The science fiction series “Red Desert”, set in the near future, includes four books.
The first one, “Point of No Return”, is a novella.

In what looks like a suicide attempt, Swedish exobiologist Anna Persson, crew member of the Isis, secretly leaves Station Alpha at the crack of dawn to travel deep into the Martian desert in a pressurised rover.
As she journeys to the limit of her two day oxygen supply, she shows us memories of events from her past leading up to the mission. Little by little, as time and oxygen run out, she reveals the real Anna.
Whatever her goal, wherever it is, will Anna reach her destination?

The second book is “Red Desert - People of Mars” (a novel).

Follow Anna Persson (AnnaPerssonDR) on Twitter!

--- This is the first book in a series of four and it ends with a cliffhanger. ---

Red Desert: Point of No Return

Anna left at dawn.
She entered the Martian desert, all alone.
Where is she going?
What secret is she hiding?

Thirty years after the Mars exploration mission ‘Hera’, whose crew died in mysterious circumstances, the ensuing political issues that slowed NASA's race to conquer space have finally ended. This time the five members of the new ‘Isis’ mission will not travel the 400 million kilometres for a short visit. This time they are destined to become the first colonisers of the Red Planet.

The science fiction series “Red Desert”, set in the near future, includes four books.
The first one, “Point of No Return”, is a novella.

In what looks like a suicide attempt, Swedish exobiologist Anna Persson, crew member of the Isis, secretly leaves Station Alpha at the crack of dawn to travel deep into the Martian desert in a pressurised rover.
As she journeys to the limit of her two day oxygen supply, she shows us memories of events from her past leading up to the mission. Little by little, as time and oxygen run out, she reveals the real Anna.
Whatever her goal, wherever it is, will Anna reach her destination?

The second book is “Red Desert - People of Mars” (a novel).

Follow Anna Persson (AnnaPerssonDR) on Twitter!

--- This is the first book in a series of four and it ends with a cliffhanger. ---

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Red Desert: Point of No Return

Red Desert: Point of No Return

by Rita Carla Francesca Monticelli
Red Desert: Point of No Return

Red Desert: Point of No Return

by Rita Carla Francesca Monticelli



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Anna left at dawn.
She entered the Martian desert, all alone.
Where is she going?
What secret is she hiding?

Thirty years after the Mars exploration mission ‘Hera’, whose crew died in mysterious circumstances, the ensuing political issues that slowed NASA's race to conquer space have finally ended. This time the five members of the new ‘Isis’ mission will not travel the 400 million kilometres for a short visit. This time they are destined to become the first colonisers of the Red Planet.

The science fiction series “Red Desert”, set in the near future, includes four books.
The first one, “Point of No Return”, is a novella.

In what looks like a suicide attempt, Swedish exobiologist Anna Persson, crew member of the Isis, secretly leaves Station Alpha at the crack of dawn to travel deep into the Martian desert in a pressurised rover.
As she journeys to the limit of her two day oxygen supply, she shows us memories of events from her past leading up to the mission. Little by little, as time and oxygen run out, she reveals the real Anna.
Whatever her goal, wherever it is, will Anna reach her destination?

The second book is “Red Desert - People of Mars” (a novel).

Follow Anna Persson (AnnaPerssonDR) on Twitter!

--- This is the first book in a series of four and it ends with a cliffhanger. ---

Product Details

BN ID: 2940045814508
Publisher: Rita Carla Francesca Monticelli
Publication date: 06/30/2014
Series: Red Desert , #1
Sold by: Smashwords
Format: eBook
File size: 191 KB

About the Author

Note: please scroll down for the English version.

Nata a Carbonia nel 1974, Rita Carla Francesca Monticelli vive a Cagliari dal 1993, dove lavora come scrittrice, oltre che traduttrice letteraria e tecnico-scientifica. Laureata in Scienze Biologiche nel 1998, in passato ha ricoperto il ruolo di ricercatrice, tutor e assistente della docente di Ecologia presso il Dipartimento di Biologia Animale ed Ecologia dell’Università degli Studi di Cagliari.

Da bambina ha scoperto la fantascienza e da allora è cresciuta con ET, Darth Vader, i replicanti, i Visitors, Johnny 5, Marty McFly, Terminator e tutti gli altri. Il suo interesse per la scienza si è sviluppato di pari passo, portandola, da una parte, a diventare biologa e, dall’altra, a seguire con curiosità l’esplorazione spaziale, in particolare quella del pianeta rosso.
Ma soprattutto ama da sempre inventare storie, basate su questi interessi, e ha scoperto che scriverle è il modo più semplice per renderle reali.

Tra il 2012 e il 2013 ha pubblicato la serie di fantascienza “Deserto rosso”, composta di quattro libri disponibili sia separatamente che sotto forma di raccolta. Quest’ultimo volume è stato un bestseller Amazon e Kobo in Italia, raggiungendo anche la posizione n. 1 nel Kindle Store nel novembre 2014, ed è tuttora uno dei libri di fantascienza più venduti in formato ebook.
Grazie alla pubblicazione della serie, nel 2014 è stata indicata da Wired Magazine come una dei dieci migliori autori indipendenti italiani e ciò le è valso la partecipazione come relatrice al XXVII Salone Internazionale del Libro di Torino e alla Frankfurter Buchmesse 2014.
“Deserto rosso” è anche la prima parte di un ciclo di opere di fantascienza denominato Aurora, che comprende inoltre “L’isola di Gaia” (2014), “Ophir. Codice vivente” (2016) e “Sirius. In caduta libera” (2018).
“Nave stellare Aurora” è l’ultimo volume di questo ciclo ed è il suo quindicesimo libro.
Oltre a quelli del ciclo dell’Aurora, nel 2015 ha pubblicato un altro romanzo di fantascienza, intitolato “Per caso”.

La sua produzione include anche quattro thriller, vale a dire “Affinità d’intenti” (2015) e la trilogia del detective Eric Shaw: “Il mentore” (2014), che nella sua prima versione inglese edita da AmazonCrossing è stato nel 2015 al primo posto della classifica del Kindle Store negli Stati Uniti, nel Regno Unito e in Australia, raggiungendo oltre 170.000 lettori in tutto il mondo, “Sindrome” (2016) e “Oltre il limite” (2017).
Una nuova versione di “The Mentor” e il resto della trilogia in inglese saranno pubblicati tra il 2022 e il 2023.

Dal 2016 è docente del “Laboratorio di self-publishing nei sistemi multimediali”, nell’ambito del corso di laurea triennale in Scienze della Comunicazione e del corso di laurea magistrale in Scienze e Tecniche della Comunicazione presso l’Università degli Studi dell’Insubria (Varese). Da questo laboratorio è tratto il suo saggio “Self-publishing lab. Il mestiere dell’autoeditore” (2020).

Oltre che al Salone e alla Buchmesse, è stata chiamata a intervenire in qualità di autoeditrice, divulgatrice scientifica nel campo dell’esplorazione spaziale e autrice di fantascienza hard in eventi quali COM:UNI:CARE (2013) all’Università degli Studi di Salerno, Sassari Comics & Games (2015), Festival Professione Giornalista (2016) a Bologna, la fiera della media e piccola editoria Più Libri Più Liberi (2016) a Roma, Scienza & Fantascienza (2014, 2016, 2018, 2019 e 2020) all’Università degli Studi dell’Insubria (Varese) e Voci e Suoni di Altri Mondi (2018) nella sede di ALTEC a Torino.
I suoi libri sono stati recensiti o segnalati da testate nazionali quali Wired Italia, Tom’s Hardware Italia, La Repubblica, Tiscali News e Global Science (rivista dell’Agenzia Spaziale Italiana).

Appassionata dell’universo di Star Wars, in particolare della trilogia classica, è conosciuta nel web italiano con il nickname Anakina e di tanto in tanto presta la sua voce e la sua penna al podcast e blog FantascientifiCast. È inoltre una rappresentante italiana dell’associazione internazionale Mars Initiative e un membro dell’International Thriller Writers Organization.


Rita Carla Francesca Monticelli is an Italian science fiction and thriller author.

She has lived in Cagliari (Sardinia, Italy) since 1993, earning a degree in biology and working as independent author, scientific and literary translator, educator and science communicator. In the past she also worked as researcher, tutor and professor’s assistant in the field of ecology at “Dipartimento di Biologia Animale ed Ecologia” of the University of Cagliari.

As a cinema addict, she started by writing screenplays and fan fictions inspired by the movies.

She has written original fiction since 2009.
Between 2012-2013 she wrote and published a hard science fiction series set on Mars and titled “Deserto rosso”.
The whole “Deserto rosso” series, which includes four books, was also published as omnibus in December 2013 (ebook and paperback) and hit No. 1 on the Italian Kindle Store in November 2014.

“Deserto rosso” was published in English, with the title “Red Desert”, between 2014 and 2015.
The first book in the series is “Red Desert - Point of No Return”; the second is “Red Desert - People of Mars”; the third is “Red Desert - Invisible Enemy”; and the final book is “Red Desert - Back Home”.

She also authored three crime thrillers in the Detective Eric Shaw trilogy - “Il mentore” (2014), “Sindrome” (2016), and “Oltre il limite” (2017) -, an action thriller titled “Affinità d’intenti” (2015), five more science fiction novels - “L’isola di Gaia” (2014), “Per caso” (2015), “Ophir. Codice vivente” (2016), “Sirius. In caduta libera” (2018), and “Nave stellare Aurora” (2020) - and a non-fiction book titled “Self-publishing lab. Il mestiere dell’autoeditore” (2020).

“Il mentore” was first published in English by AmazonCrossing with the title “The Mentor” in 2015. A new edition will be published on 30 November 2022. The other two books in the trilogy, “Syndrome” and “Beyond the Limit”, are expected in 2023.
“Affinità d’intenti” was published in English with the title “Kindred Intentions” in 2016.

All her books have been Amazon bestsellers in Italy so far. “The Mentor” was an Amazon bestseller in USA, UK, Australia, and Canada in 2015-2016.

She is also a podcaster at FantascientifiCast, an Italian podcast about science fiction, a member of Mars Initiative and of the International Thriller Writers Organization.

She is often a guest both in Italy and abroad during book fairs, including Salone Internazionale del Libro di Torino (Turin Book Fair), Frankfurter Buchmesse (Frankfurt Book Fair) and Più Libri Più Liberi (Rome Book Fair), local publishing events, university conventions as well as classes (University of Insubria), where she gives speeches or conducts workshops about self-publishing and genre fiction writing.

As a science fiction and Star Wars fan, she is known in the Italian online community by her nickname, Anakina.

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