Reversing Hypertension: A Vital New Program to Prevent, Treat, and Reduce High Blood Pressure
Using diet, nutritional supplements, exercise and other lifestyle changes, Dr Whitaker shows how to prevent or manage high blood pressure without recourse to drugs and their unwanted side effects.

It Strikes One in Four Americans Without Warning... it triples your risk of dying from a heart increases your risk of stroke can lead to kidney disease, diabetes, and blindness...and to fight it, you may be taking expensive-and dangerous-drugs. Now Dr. Julian Whitaker, a leading champion of nutritional medicine and the author of Reversing Diabetes and Reversing Heart Disease, unleashes a new weapon in the war against hypertension. His simple yet dramatically effective plan offers: * a comprehensive program of diet, exercise, nutritional supplements, and stress management-to replace or cut down your dependence on medication * Dr. Whitaker's Quick Start Diet-to decrease dangerously high blood pressure fast * over 30 easy recipes for delicious, low-fat, healthy eating * custom-tailored exercises, from simple stretching to extensive walking regimens * tips on how to properly balance your salt intake and drink more water-hypertension's most overlooked remedy * important information on inexpensive mineral supplements, EDTA chelation and EECP therapies, and much more.
Reversing Hypertension: A Vital New Program to Prevent, Treat, and Reduce High Blood Pressure
Using diet, nutritional supplements, exercise and other lifestyle changes, Dr Whitaker shows how to prevent or manage high blood pressure without recourse to drugs and their unwanted side effects.

It Strikes One in Four Americans Without Warning... it triples your risk of dying from a heart increases your risk of stroke can lead to kidney disease, diabetes, and blindness...and to fight it, you may be taking expensive-and dangerous-drugs. Now Dr. Julian Whitaker, a leading champion of nutritional medicine and the author of Reversing Diabetes and Reversing Heart Disease, unleashes a new weapon in the war against hypertension. His simple yet dramatically effective plan offers: * a comprehensive program of diet, exercise, nutritional supplements, and stress management-to replace or cut down your dependence on medication * Dr. Whitaker's Quick Start Diet-to decrease dangerously high blood pressure fast * over 30 easy recipes for delicious, low-fat, healthy eating * custom-tailored exercises, from simple stretching to extensive walking regimens * tips on how to properly balance your salt intake and drink more water-hypertension's most overlooked remedy * important information on inexpensive mineral supplements, EDTA chelation and EECP therapies, and much more.
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Reversing Hypertension: A Vital New Program to Prevent, Treat, and Reduce High Blood Pressure

Reversing Hypertension: A Vital New Program to Prevent, Treat, and Reduce High Blood Pressure

by Julian Whitaker MD
Reversing Hypertension: A Vital New Program to Prevent, Treat, and Reduce High Blood Pressure

Reversing Hypertension: A Vital New Program to Prevent, Treat, and Reduce High Blood Pressure

by Julian Whitaker MD


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Using diet, nutritional supplements, exercise and other lifestyle changes, Dr Whitaker shows how to prevent or manage high blood pressure without recourse to drugs and their unwanted side effects.

It Strikes One in Four Americans Without Warning... it triples your risk of dying from a heart increases your risk of stroke can lead to kidney disease, diabetes, and blindness...and to fight it, you may be taking expensive-and dangerous-drugs. Now Dr. Julian Whitaker, a leading champion of nutritional medicine and the author of Reversing Diabetes and Reversing Heart Disease, unleashes a new weapon in the war against hypertension. His simple yet dramatically effective plan offers: * a comprehensive program of diet, exercise, nutritional supplements, and stress management-to replace or cut down your dependence on medication * Dr. Whitaker's Quick Start Diet-to decrease dangerously high blood pressure fast * over 30 easy recipes for delicious, low-fat, healthy eating * custom-tailored exercises, from simple stretching to extensive walking regimens * tips on how to properly balance your salt intake and drink more water-hypertension's most overlooked remedy * important information on inexpensive mineral supplements, EDTA chelation and EECP therapies, and much more.

Product Details

ISBN-13: 9780446676632
Publisher: Grand Central Publishing
Publication date: 02/01/2001
Pages: 336
Sales rank: 485,016
Product dimensions: 5.40(w) x 8.05(h) x 1.55(d)

About the Author

Julian M. Whitaker, MD, trained as a surgeon, has practiced medicine for over 25 years. Thousands of patients from all over the country have visited his Whitaker Wellness Institute in Newport Beach, CA. Founder and past president of the American Preventive Medical Association, he is regarded as one of the country's premier exponents of preventive medicine. Dr. Whitaker is the author of more than ten books.

Read an Excerpt

Reversing Hypertension

A Vital New Program to Prevent, Treat, and Reduce High Blood Pressure
By Julian Whitaker

Warner Books

Copyright © 2001 Julian Whitaker
All right reserved.

ISBN: 0446676632

Chapter One

Hypertension: Action Alert

Hypertension affects an estimated 50 million Americans-more than one in three American adults. It is the lit fuse of a bomb waiting to go off. Hypertension triples your risk of dying from a heart attack and increases your risk of stroke sevenfold over someone with normal blood pressure. Yet hypertension is largely symptom-free-until it's too late. Hypertension is classified as a cardiovascular disease (CVD), a disorder afflicting the heart or blood vessels. According to 1999 American Heart Association (AHA) statistics, 58.8 million Americans suffer one or more of the cardiovascular diseases, making CVD an epidemic of unbelievable proportions. CVD mortality rates actually outrank our country's next seven leading causes of death combined (including cancer). Every year 959,227 Americans die of CVD. That's 2,600 per day, or 1 every 33 seconds, which accounts for 41.4 percent of the total deaths in the United States. Imagine, nearly half of all Americans will die from cardiovascular disease-and hypertension is a primary contributor to many of these deaths. If you don't take control of and effectively manage your blood pressure, it will take control of you.

Although hypertension is extremely common, it is painless and usually symptom-free. Hypertension does occasionally give subtle warning signs. You might, for example, experience troublesome headaches. These are usually located in the back of the head and upper neck and are most acute in the morning, when blood pressure is relatively low. Vision problems, dizziness, fatigue, abnormal sweating, insomnia, shortness of breath, and excessive flushing of the face are other symptoms you might experience. Any one or a combination of these might signal hypertension. Although these symptoms could also stem from other conditions, if you are experiencing any of them I urge you to consult your physician immediately and have your blood pressure monitored.

Many people with hypertension are completely unaware that they have this insidious condition: of the 50 million Americans with hypertension, only 68.4 percent are aware that their blood pressure is high. This is why I recommend that everyone over age 35 have their blood pressure checked regularly. Although hypertension can strike at any age, blood pressure tends to increase steadily with age, so regular checkups become even more important as you get older.

Measuring Blood Pressure

Having your blood pressure checked is quick and painless. It is usually done with a stethoscope and a sphygmomanometer (sphygmo means "pulse"), which consists of an inflatable arm cuff attached to a column of mercury and a gauge (see Figure 1). Although newer technologies in monitoring-including wrist and finger cuffs with digital readouts-are becoming more and more popular for home and clinic use, the sphygmomanometer remains the standard.

Here's how a sphygmomanometer works. The cuff, which is wrapped around the upper arm just above the elbow, is inflated with air to compress the brachial artery, the major artery in the arm. The cuff is first inflated to a pressure that shuts off all of the blood flow through the artery. As the cuff is slowly deflated, the person taking the blood pressure reading listens through a stethoscope placed on the brachial artery for the first audible beat-the sound of blood rushing back into the compressed artery-and notes the number on the gauge. (A computer chip in the electronic versions does this for you.) This indicates the systolic blood pressure, or pressure generated by the heart immediately after it contracts, or beats, and represents the top number of the blood pressure reading.

As pressure from the cuff continues to be released, the beats become stronger and more distinct, then taper off and disappear. The number at which the last beat is audible indicates the diastolic pressure, or the arterial pressure maintained between heartbeats, when the heart is at rest. The combined ratio of systolic over diastolic reveals the relative pressure generated by the heart as it alternately pumps blood through the arteries and rests. The fraction is expressed in millimeters of mercury (mm Hg), which refers to the amount of mercury displaced by the arterial pressure during the reading. So a blood pressure reading of 120/80 mm Hg represents a systolic pressure of 120 and a diastolic pressure of 80. A blood pressure reading will indicate one of three states: hypotension (low blood pressure), normotension (normal blood pressure), or hypertension (high blood pressure). Normotension is, of course, the ideal. In fact, it's one of the best predictors of a long life. Low blood pressure may not be entirely desirable, but because it is relatively rare, it will not be discussed in this book. If the reading indicates hypertension, your health is in danger, and you need to take immediate steps to bring your blood pressure down to healthier levels.

Making the Diagnosis

There is general agreement that optimal blood pressure is 120/80 or less. However, exactly what blood pressure constitutes hypertension is subject to some interpretation. In the past a diagnosis of hypertension was often based exclusively on diastolic blood pressure (the bottom number in the blood pressure reading). If your diastolic pressure was over 90, you had high blood pressure. It was felt that because the heart takes longer to rest than it does to beat, the diastolic measurement was more significant. However, more recent research has made it clear that an elevated diastolic pressure is no more hazardous than a high systolic reading-and the latter appears to be an even more accurate predictor of cardiovascular risk. The current consensus is that elevations in either systolic or diastolic blood pressure readings should be taken seriously. This is particularly true among older people, who may have dangerously high systolic readings while maintaining virtually normal diastolic blood pressure.

According to current American Heart Association guidelines, hypertension is clinically defined as a systolic blood pressure greater than 140 or a diastolic pressure greater than 90. This echoes the recommendations of the Joint National Committee on the Prevention, Detection, Evaluation, and Treatment of High Blood Pressure (JNC), a widely respected National Institutes of Health task force of physicians who are experts in hypertension and whose recommendations are approved by most major organizations. The JNC, which updates its recommendations periodically, published its sixth and latest report of guidelines in November 1997. The committee devised an updated system of diagnosis using both systolic and diastolic blood pressures to assess a patient's health risk. The guidelines also recommend that clinicians specify other known risk factors, including smoking, immoderate drinking, and routine overeating. All of this information is then combined to determine the stage of risk for a specific patient. The higher the stage, the greater the patient's risk of a heart attack or stroke.

However, more recent research suggests that blood pressure readings for a diagnosis of hypertension might need to be adjusted downward. In June 1998, results of the Hypertension Optimal Treatment (HOT) trial, a five-year study involving almost 19,000 patients from 26 countries, were published in The Lancet, one of the world's leading medical journals. Researchers found that patients who were able to lower their systolic blood pressure to an average of 138.5 mm Hg and their diastolic blood pressure to an average of 82.6 had major reductions in heart attack and stroke risk. In early 1999, the World Health Organization and the International Society of Hypertension recommended that the upper limit for high normal blood pressure be lower, 130/85 (down from the JNC's upper limit of 139/89). They based this on findings of the HOT trial and other studies showing that stroke and heart attack risk are dramatically reduced when diastolic blood pressure is less than 85.

You may be thinking, "Why quibble over such small numbers? What's the difference between 85 and 89?" According to an article published in the Journal of the American Medical Association in March 1999, a decrease in diastolic blood pressure of only 5 to 6 points lowers your risk for stroke 42 percent.

So when should you be concerned about your blood pressure? Since risk factors decrease as blood pressure goes down, I'd have to agree with the most recent findings. If your blood pressure is above 130/85, you should institute the measures outlined in this book for reversing hypertension and aim to get into the optimal range of 120/80 or lower.

Check and Recheck Your Blood Pressure

If you have high blood pressure based on a blood pressure reading in your doctor's office, don't panic. Before a true diagnosis is made you should return to the clinic on at least three separate occasions (six return visits for monitoring are even better), so your doctor can evaluate whether your blood pressure is consistently elevated. Your blood pressure changes constantly throughout the day, depending on your environment, activities, diet, emotions, medication, and other factors. Even so simple a thing as talking can dramatically raise your blood pressure. In a 1998 study carried out at the Clinique Cardiologique in Paris, researchers measured the blood pressures of 50 patients with hypertension while they were actively talking, silently reading, or sitting quietly. During the talking period blood pressure significantly increased-by an average of 17 mm Hg systolic and 13 mm Hg diastolic-and it remained elevated, although to a lesser degree, for a time afterward. Silent reading actually lowered blood pressure more than did merely sitting quietly.

Another cause of elevated blood pressure readings-in the absence of true hypertension-is what is known as "white-coat hypertension." For many people, visiting a doctor is stressful, and the sheer anxiety of being examined by a health professional temporarily elevates blood pressure. When this reaction occurs, an inexperienced or hasty medical practitioner may misdiagnose the patient as having hypertension solely on the basis of one or two in-office blood pressure readings. White-coat hypertension is an all-too-common phenomenon that can result in expensive, unnecessary, and potentially hazardous treatment. Despite frequent and supposedly accurate measurements of blood pressure, as many as 12 million patients in the United States may be misclassified as hypertensive.

For this reason, I turn to a test called the twenty-four-hour ambulatory blood pressure monitoring (ABPM) system. This device measures blood pressure every fifteen to thirty minutes and can help determine if a patient has true hypertension. The computerized ABPM monitor is about the size of a paperback book and is attached to a blood pressure cuff. The cuff is worn around the patient's arm, while the monitor is worn on a belt around the waist or over the shoulder like a purse. While the ABPM can take blood pressure readings over a twenty-four-hour period, I have my patients wear it for just twelve to eighteen hours, since I don't want to rob them of a night's sleep. This still gives me the information I need for an accurate evaluation of their blood pressure, allowing me to rule out white-coat hypertension and treat only those patients with true hypertension. Unfortunately, the overwhelming majority of patients are still being diagnosed with hypertension based solely on a few readings taken in a doctor's office. I feel this is a grave mistake. The authors of a 1993 Journal of the American Medical Association study reported that as many as "twenty-one percent of the patients diagnosed as having borderline [high normal] hypertension in the clinic were found to have normal blood pressure readings on ambulatory monitoring." And the sad part about it is that many of these perfectly normal patients are needlessly placed on prescription medications that might actually make them sick.

Guidelines for Having Your Blood Pressure Taken

Here are a few things to consider when having your blood pressure taken in your doctor's office to ensure the most accurate readings.

Don't drink coffee or other caffeine-containing beverages or foods for a couple of hours before your blood pressure is monitored.

Abstain from smoking for at least thirty minutes prior. Don't talk during the reading.

Request at least two readings, separated by two minutes, one taken in each arm.

If you really want to stay on top of things, I suggest you take your own blood pressure at home. Self-monitoring is easy, economical, and, once you get the hang of it, quite accurate. You could purchase your own sphygmomanometer and stethoscope, which would allow you to take your blood pressure at home anytime. Or contact your local pharmacy or fitness facility and ask if they offer a blood pressure monitoring unit you can use free of charge. (See Appendix D for detailed instructions on measuring your blood pressure with a sphygmomanometer.) Electronic blood pressure monitors are also available. Whatever type of device you choose, take it with you to your next doctor's appointment, so your physician can make sure you are using it properly and it is giving you accurate readings. Remember, although self-monitoring is a viable means of keeping track of your blood pressure, you should do it in conjunction with the professional monitoring and guidance provided by your own physician. Self-monitoring should not be used for self-diagnosis.

What Do You Do If You Have Hypertension?

Once a diagnosis of hypertension is firmly established, what do you do? According to a study entitled "Heartstyles: Profiles in Hypertension," based on data analyzed by Dr. Michael Weber of the State University of New York and his colleagues, you might have one of several reactions. These researchers surveyed 727 patients and came up with four distinct responses to the diagnosis of hypertension.

The Actively Attentives (39 percent of the patients) were the ideal patients. Proactively involved in their health, they educated themselves about their condition and were highly motivated to modify their diets and make other lifestyle changes in an effort to reduce risk factors.

The Nonchalant Newcomers (23 percent) were more difficult. They essentially refused to take their diagnosis seriously. They had limited knowledge about hypertension and made little effort to learn more. They might take medication, but only to pacify their physician.

The Honestly Overwhelmed (22 percent) were the most difficult group. They tended to have lots of problems in their lives and were unable to really focus on the seriousness of their condition. They knew little about hypertension and had few resources.



Excerpted from Reversing Hypertension by Julian Whitaker Copyright © 2001 by Julian Whitaker. Excerpted by permission.
All rights reserved. No part of this excerpt may be reproduced or reprinted without permission in writing from the publisher.
Excerpts are provided by Dial-A-Book Inc. solely for the personal use of visitors to this web site.

Table of Contents

Part IHypertension and Its Related Risks1
Chapter 1Hypertension: Action Alert5
Measuring Blood Pressure7
Making the Diagnosis8
Check and Recheck Your Blood Pressure10
What Do You Do if You Have Hypertension?13
Chapter 2Understanding Blood Pressure15
The Pump and Pipes of the Cardiovascular System15
Pump, Pipes, and Blood Pressure19
Blood Pressure: The Rest of the Story21
Two Types of Hypertension25
Chapter 3Heart Attacks, Strokes, and Other Hazards of Hypertension28
Hypertension Wears Out the Heart29
Top Risk Factor for Stroke30
Hypertension and Your Brain31
High Blood Pressure Increases Risk of Kidney Disease32
Atherosclerosis and Arteriosclerosis: Causes or Results of Hypertension?33
Chapter 4The Primary Causes of Hypertension35
Obesity and Hypertension Go Hand in Hand36
Dietary Factors Contributing to Hypertension39
Stop Smoking and Live Longer44
Excess Alcohol Consumption Drives Up Blood Pressure46
Chronic Stress and Blood Pressure47
Chapter 5Less Obvious Causes of Hypertension49
Drugs That Raise Blood Pressure50
High Blood Pressure as a Symptom of a Poisoned Planet53
Risk Factors Beyond Your Control55
Chapter 6Insulin Resistance: An Underlying Cause of Hypertension61
Understanding Insulin Resistance64
How Insulin Resistance Raises Blood Pressure65
Dietary Aspects of Insulin Resistance65
Obesity and Insulin Resistance67
Other Causes of Insulin Resistance68
Insulin Resistance, Cardiovascular Disease, and Diabetes69
What to Do About Insulin Resistance70
Chapter 7The Dangers of Antihypertensive Drugs71
All Drugs Have Side Effects73
Antihypertensive Drugs and Their Side Effects74
Diuretics Cause Nutrient Losses75
Beta-Blockers Weaken the Heart78
ACE Inhibitors Block the Formation of Angiotensin80
Calcium Channel Blockers Relax the Blood Vessels82
Other Drugs for Hypertension84
In Summary86
Part IISafe, Effective Natural Therapies for Hypertension89
Chapter 8Salt and Potassium: Dynamic Duo for Healthy Blood Pressure93
A Tale of Two Minerals94
The Power of Potassium96
How Much Sodium?98
Salt Sensitives, Beware99
How Do You Get the Potassium You Need?100
In Summary103
Chapter 9Magnesium, Calcium, and Other Beneficial Minerals104
Magnificent Magnesium105
Magnesium Protects Against Insulin Resistance107
Calcium, Hypertension, and Insulin Resistance108
Trace Minerals Against Hypertension110
In Summary113
Chapter 10Nutritional Supplements Against Hypertension115
Who Needs Nutritional Supplements?117
How Free Radicals Affect Blood Pressure119
Antioxidants for Your Cardiovascular System120
B-Complex Vitamins: Power Against Hypertension125
Essential Fatty Acids Help Normalize Blood Pressure127
Coenzyme Q10 for Hypertension130
Arginine: An Amino Acid for the Heart131
Herbs That Lower Blood Pressure132
Putting Together a Nutritional Supplement Program135
Chapter 11The Whitaker Wellness Diet for High Blood Pressure138
The DASH Study: Dietary Approaches to Stop Hypertension140
The Health Benefits of a Plant-Based Diet141
The Whitaker Wellness Diet for High Blood Pressure146
Glycemic Guidelines152
Let Diet Make a Difference in Your Life155
Your Guide to Eating Out164
In Summary165
Chapter 12The Hypertension-Water Connection166
The Hazards of Dehydration167
Another Reason to Avoid Diuretics169
Make Sure You Drink Enough Water170
Make Sure Your Water Is Clean171
In Summary173
Chapter 13Exercise Your Way to Healthier Blood Pressure174
How Exercise Reduces Blood Pressure175
Exercise Improves Insulin Resistance177
Don't Fear Exercise-Induced Hypertension178
Design Your Own Personalized Exercise Program179
How to Begin a Walking Program181
How to Make Exercise a Part of Your Life185
In Summary187
Chapter 14Reduce the Stress in Your Life--and Your Blood Pressure189
How Stress Raises Blood Pressure190
Chronic Stress and Hypertension192
Stress and "Pre-Hypertension"193
Tips on How to Manage Stress194
In Summary204
Chapter 15Additional Therapies for Hypertension205
EECP Dramatically Improves Circulation206
Reverse Atherosclerosis with EDTA Chelation Therapy209
Lower Blood Pressure the Ancient Chinese Way211
In Summary212
Chapter 16Get Started Now!213
Work with Your Physician216
Get Nutrition Insurance with Nutritional Supplements216
Balance Your Minerals217
Reduce Your Body Fat217
Stop These Unhealthy Habits218
Eat (Low-Glycemic), Drink (Water), and Be Healthy218
Exercise Your Body, Mind, and Spirit219
Try EECP, Chelation Therapy, and/or Acupuncture219
Congratulations on Your Commitment to Optimal Health220
Appendix AAntihypertensive Drugs221
Appendix BKeeping Track of Your Blood Pressure224
Appendix CThe Whitaker Wellness Diet for High Blood Pressure: Two-Week Menu Plan and Recipes225
Appendix DHow to Monitor Your Blood Pressure with a Sphygmomanometer252
Appendix EResources254
Alternative Medicine Organizations255
Compounding Pharmacies255
Health Information256
Information on Specific Therapies256
Recommended Reading257
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