Revolution: How Christianity Mirrors Reality, Changes the World and Impacts You

Have you ever wondered:

1. Are science and the Bible at odds?

2. What started the scientific enterprise?

3. Is the Bible fiction because it talks about unicorns?

4. Is our DNA 99% similar to a chimp's DNA?

5. Which religion matches reality the best?

6. Is evolution or creation correct?

7. Does the Bible teach that Christians should have a blind faith?

8. Did Jesus Christ even exist?

9. Did Jesus really rise from the dead?

10. What does becoming a Christian really mean?


Book overview

This book will look into the above topics. We will talk about how different worldviews and religions have different real-world impacts, both good and bad. As we look at Christianity, we will see that it has propelled world progress in tangible ways. It gave rise to science and the free market, and it abolished chattel slavery. The findings of science seem to point to biblical claims about God and nature. Life looks designed as Scriptures teach, not formed from the directionless processes that some assume. Genetically, we are radically disparate from chimps. We will also discuss other things too, such as some strange biblical passages that some view as fiction, but rather are vindicated by evidence. We will see that objective moral stands from the Creator make a better world than subjective moral standards. As Jesus is the central figure of Christianity, we will also learn about some interesting aspects of his birth, life and death. We will learn how his message has changed people and has changed the world for the better. Lastly, we will see how building a rational Christian faith, each one of us can be the change we want to see, and as a side benefit, we can help change the world for the better.

Revolution: How Christianity Mirrors Reality, Changes the World and Impacts You

Have you ever wondered:

1. Are science and the Bible at odds?

2. What started the scientific enterprise?

3. Is the Bible fiction because it talks about unicorns?

4. Is our DNA 99% similar to a chimp's DNA?

5. Which religion matches reality the best?

6. Is evolution or creation correct?

7. Does the Bible teach that Christians should have a blind faith?

8. Did Jesus Christ even exist?

9. Did Jesus really rise from the dead?

10. What does becoming a Christian really mean?


Book overview

This book will look into the above topics. We will talk about how different worldviews and religions have different real-world impacts, both good and bad. As we look at Christianity, we will see that it has propelled world progress in tangible ways. It gave rise to science and the free market, and it abolished chattel slavery. The findings of science seem to point to biblical claims about God and nature. Life looks designed as Scriptures teach, not formed from the directionless processes that some assume. Genetically, we are radically disparate from chimps. We will also discuss other things too, such as some strange biblical passages that some view as fiction, but rather are vindicated by evidence. We will see that objective moral stands from the Creator make a better world than subjective moral standards. As Jesus is the central figure of Christianity, we will also learn about some interesting aspects of his birth, life and death. We will learn how his message has changed people and has changed the world for the better. Lastly, we will see how building a rational Christian faith, each one of us can be the change we want to see, and as a side benefit, we can help change the world for the better.

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Revolution: How Christianity Mirrors Reality, Changes the World and Impacts You

Revolution: How Christianity Mirrors Reality, Changes the World and Impacts You

by Daniel Currier
Revolution: How Christianity Mirrors Reality, Changes the World and Impacts You

Revolution: How Christianity Mirrors Reality, Changes the World and Impacts You

by Daniel Currier



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Have you ever wondered:

1. Are science and the Bible at odds?

2. What started the scientific enterprise?

3. Is the Bible fiction because it talks about unicorns?

4. Is our DNA 99% similar to a chimp's DNA?

5. Which religion matches reality the best?

6. Is evolution or creation correct?

7. Does the Bible teach that Christians should have a blind faith?

8. Did Jesus Christ even exist?

9. Did Jesus really rise from the dead?

10. What does becoming a Christian really mean?


Book overview

This book will look into the above topics. We will talk about how different worldviews and religions have different real-world impacts, both good and bad. As we look at Christianity, we will see that it has propelled world progress in tangible ways. It gave rise to science and the free market, and it abolished chattel slavery. The findings of science seem to point to biblical claims about God and nature. Life looks designed as Scriptures teach, not formed from the directionless processes that some assume. Genetically, we are radically disparate from chimps. We will also discuss other things too, such as some strange biblical passages that some view as fiction, but rather are vindicated by evidence. We will see that objective moral stands from the Creator make a better world than subjective moral standards. As Jesus is the central figure of Christianity, we will also learn about some interesting aspects of his birth, life and death. We will learn how his message has changed people and has changed the world for the better. Lastly, we will see how building a rational Christian faith, each one of us can be the change we want to see, and as a side benefit, we can help change the world for the better.

Product Details

BN ID: 2940165223891
Publisher: Daniel Currier
Publication date: 03/31/2021
Sold by: Draft2Digital
Format: eBook
File size: 358 KB

About the Author

Daniel earned a bachelor's degree in technology education and a graduate degree in biology. In addition, he is a graduate of the Discovery Institute Summer Seminar, an intensive training in science, philosophy and intelligent design. This unique educational background has opened doors for him in various professional careers including graphic design, industrial design, line art, information technology and healthcare. In addition, since 2009, he has taught biology and technology at the college, high school and Jr. high levels.

While biology and technology may seem like a strange duo, he sees them as compatible. They give him an eye for designs found in nature, designs that point to the Creator. This unique background helps him have answers to secularism and Darwinism. He also founded, a platform where he writes on Christian apologetics and worldview. He speaks at various venues and conferences where workshops and presentations include topics that range from science and faith, Intelligent design and creation, Christian apologetics and Christian worldview, social issues, and pre-college preparation. Daniel also has been part of starting and leading a local Ratio Christi chapter, a university campus apologetics club.

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