Seeds of Abundance
Taking the road less traveled can bring to ones life greater satisfaction than remaining still. As you travel through life, you are sure to encounter disappointments and setbacks. However, it is not always about the weight of your problems, but its the way that you carry them. In this book, you will learn how to do certain things in a certain way that would yield you better results. It is in your brain from the Creator to have abundance, and it is not a limiting factor of just having moneyit goes beyond that.
Seeds of Abundance
Taking the road less traveled can bring to ones life greater satisfaction than remaining still. As you travel through life, you are sure to encounter disappointments and setbacks. However, it is not always about the weight of your problems, but its the way that you carry them. In this book, you will learn how to do certain things in a certain way that would yield you better results. It is in your brain from the Creator to have abundance, and it is not a limiting factor of just having moneyit goes beyond that.
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Seeds of Abundance

Seeds of Abundance

by Dr Nikki Krampah CNHP ND
Seeds of Abundance

Seeds of Abundance

by Dr Nikki Krampah CNHP ND


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Taking the road less traveled can bring to ones life greater satisfaction than remaining still. As you travel through life, you are sure to encounter disappointments and setbacks. However, it is not always about the weight of your problems, but its the way that you carry them. In this book, you will learn how to do certain things in a certain way that would yield you better results. It is in your brain from the Creator to have abundance, and it is not a limiting factor of just having moneyit goes beyond that.

Product Details

ISBN-13: 9781504969871
Publisher: AuthorHouse
Publication date: 01/19/2016
Sold by: Barnes & Noble
Format: eBook
Pages: 150
File size: 277 KB

About the Author

I am a certified natural health professional and Naturopathic Doctor. I wrote this book as I was battling breast cancer in Ghana, Africa. I was separated from my children for nine months and used these tried-and-tested techniques, in my opinion, to recover and overcome illness and poverty. I returned back to the United States healthy and cancer free to reunite with my children. When I returned home, I was in major debt. I currently reside in Indianapolis with my husband and six children. As I continued to write this book, I started doing things in a certain way as I was influenced to do so prior. Now I am seeing those seeds that I had planted return to me, and it’s multiplied! I have met influential people along the way that have shared money-making ideas, and I’m currently an apprentice under a renowned doctor. I never expected even this much but have come to realize that God and I are now the majority, and I’m not in this by myself.

Read an Excerpt

Seeds of Abundance

By Nikki Krampah


Copyright © 2016 Lanekqua Nyarko Krampah
All rights reserved.
ISBN: 978-1-5049-6989-5



Consciousness creates form; and thought creates reality. The seeds that we sow start in our conscious thoughts. Once they have been accepted as true or false they are stored in the data-base we call our subconscious mind. Here, there is no more filtering, for the subconscious mind accepts everything that the conscious deems as true. It does not interject. From here it shapes the things in your life events, situations etc ... starts to show up, out of the subconscious mind they are born into the physical realm.

Are you familiar with the phrase "You create your own reality," often referred to as the acronym, YCYOR! YCYOR is a powerful manifesto; one that most certainly gives pause for thought. And pause we should, if thought is truly the rainmaker of our physical reality and circumstances, that would mean that circumstances do not happen to us, but by us. Pretty interesting concept, isn't it?

Early on I had become quite enamored by such a prospect. Could it really be so that reality as we know it is but a construct of the human mind and do we have the ability to consciously shape our own reality? Whatever the case, would it not be of extreme importance to monitor what comes in or goes out of our most prized possession, our minds?

We sow our seeds first by our thoughts. What we think gives birth to our dreams, ambitions, ideas, desires and goals.

So many of us are used to functioning in "autopilot mode" that we really don't do much thinking at all. Acting only on impulse and only reacting off of emotional stimuli be it right or be it wrong. This is the same mode that will leave you in a relationship that you very well are aware of is unhealthy. However you are so comfortable with the routine of it all. Maybe your stuck in a dead end job that you know you're not being recognized for advancement, nor being considered for another position, that you more than qualify for, but you stay anyway because you know the job so well, you can do it in your sleep. The problem with both scenarios is you mind is not being challenged. Although both are stressful, which can be challenging, these situations are not pushing you to strive for what is better.

Another form of sowing is by our deeds, rather good or bad, we will meet the full recompense of them all and nothing can circumvent this.

Last but certainly not least are our words. Yes the bible says it better than I have ever heard said before. It says "Life and death are in the power of the tongue."

Since the mouth is referred to as being so powerful it can either build or destroy. This is one body member that will surely payoff in the long run if we train it properly and is worthy of getting the mastery over. If you think that your tongue is too small to make a difference, then try sleeping with an mosquito. Then you will see, that the size of an object doesn't matter. Pun intended.

One thing we ought to comprehend is that we sow seeds consistently either in our lives or in the lives of others. We sow seeds physically, inwardly, profoundly and rationally. In assuming that you plant negative seeds through negative musings you will have cynicism in your life in full bloom. Just like plants, you need to sustain your contemplations of thoughts and empower them to develop in a positive way so you can have a positive feedback in life. Each seed that we sow carries its own harvest either for great or for terrible. Our brain is the second strongest force to our soul. What we allow to enter has a powerful effect on the subconscious mind. It could be likened to a DVD, a Digital Versatile Disk, in which you can reprogram and wipe at anytime. For instance, when we do something kind for others, like providing for them a blessing, we are sowing seeds of gifts and bliss. When we say a kind word, we are sowing. seeds of adoration and certification.

When we petition God for others and ask God to meet their necessity or help them in an area that they are battling, we are sowing seeds of trust, leniency and beauty. No matter the crux of the situation or the nature of our problems. We seem to know from out of them we will be delivered and will soon taste beauty for ashes. When we recognize a deed well done or compliment somebody on a ability they have, we are sowing seeds of encouragement. As we keep sowing these tiny little seeds, remember that they will multiply and in due time we will yield a bountiful harvest.


Different Aspects of Thought

When you think about it, even on the most fundamental level, before anything can materialize, it has to first originate in thought. For instance, you go to meet a friend for dinner. How did the reality of having dinner with a friend make its way to a physical event? First the thought enters your head. Initially, having dinner is an option. Then you imagine what the evening may be like: Great food, the ambiance, stimulating conversation etc. The thought begins to gain more momentum, which gives birth to imagination. Then you settle on the idea that you would indeed enjoy having dinner with your friend and so you proceed to take the physical steps to make it happen: a phone call to see if your friend is free for the evening, another call to make reservations at a favorite restaurant and of course the act of playing out the thought – dinner with a friend. Where did it all begin? In the mind of course. For if the event was not first planted in our mind it wouldn't have ability to play out.

Of course, this is a simplistic illustration of how thought creates reality and furthermore, we are speaking of conscious thought. There are other layers – more subtle layers that can be incredibly powerful in creating our reality. And in fact, this process may be the most potent form of reality creation.

"We are like 'Iceberg Beings' – Most of us is beneath the surface."

-Michael Talbot (author of The Holographic Universe)


Sowing Seeds by Deeds

"With every deed you are sowing a seed, though the harvest you may not see."

-Ella Wheeler Wilcox

Each seed that we sow will fall into the soil of somebody's heart. It will flourish, develop and carry to realization what was planted by "us" the "sower." That is the reason why we must be cognizant to what we are stating and doing to others. We are either planting great seeds to favor, energize and fortify them or on the other hand we are planting awful seeds that will debilitate others and make them question their very own existence. Give ourselves a chance to recollect the force of our activities and be constant in lifting others up and revealing to them the correct significance that exists within their being.

An alternate range concerning the seed is providing for God monetarily. How would we provide for God? In the Old Testament all individuals were charged to give a tenth of what they had over to God and that might guarantee their continued favoring from Him. As New Testament Christians, we are not directed to give 10% of our pay, however we are advised to give to the extent that originates from our heart. We read in 2 Corinthians 9:7-8 "Each man to the extent that he purposes in his heart, so let him give; not grudgingly, or of need: for God loveth a joyful giver. What's more God has the capacity to make all effortlessness proliferate to you; that ye, continually having all sufficiency in all things, may proliferate to each great work." We are advised to give merrily and on the grounds that we do, God will make His beauty flourish towards us. (King James Version)

I move you to be a giver in life. Sow your seeds intentionally. Say kind words, do kind deeds, lift others up, and give from your entire heart so God may have the capacity to return it once more to you reproduced numerous times over. Where would it be advisable for you to give? Wherever it is required. Provide for your congregation, provide for the service that nourishes you profoundly, provide for the safe houses that help others, provide for the spots where you can see foods grown from the ground approaching from it, like local organic farmers. Provide for the place that is honored since that is great ground with great soil and will come back to you a great harvest.

The sublime thing about seeds is they duplicate significantly when planted in a fertile ground and the measure of harvest you appropriate is straightforwardly related to the measure of seeds that you've sown. The Biblical canon proclaims in 2 Corinthians 9:6 "However this I say, He which soweth sparingly might harvest likewise sparingly; furthermore he which soweth abundantly should procure additionally plentifully." A farmer doesn't have a go at searching for the harvest he never planted and it is the same with us. We shouldn't hope to harvest in spots where we've never planted. The point when we give merrily with an open heart, we can hope to gain the same in kind. A straightforward quote I adore says "Providers pick up". It may sound inverse to some, yet the supplier knows all excessively well how accurate it is. Be encouraged to attempt it for yourself and accept the gift of being a supplier. Continuously keep in mind the person who gives the most additionally increases the most.

Domingo's Story

God is Alive and Imparts Me With Strength

My name is Domingo and I would like to share my life changing story in hope that it could help other people going through hard times. I was exposed to Jehovah at a young age 9, but I wasn't quite knowledgeable yet, because I lived with an alcoholic father who beat me and raped me till I was 14. I ran away and hitch hiked to California where I lived for 4 years as a male prostitute, taking drugs and drinking. The whole time I was working the streets, I was running from life and God.

At the age of 18 I was arrested for prostitution and was sent home to my mothers house with a new step-father. I liked this new way of life and started going to my congregation again and tried to stay on the right path. Satan stepped in again to keep me working the streets, but still going to my meetings was in itself a battle with my own soul. I stayed in this situation till I was 25, stuck in limbo, then I went to jail for 6 months for prostitution. Here I was a manager at a local retail store and working the streets. The whole time I was a mess, always depressed and lonely looking for love. I did my time in jail and that's when I met a man that knew God, I studied the word of God for those 6 months and prayed for my soul. When I got out of jail I still lived with a male lover for 2 yrs. going on with life thinking that it was okay to do this. I was so ashamed, I would even hide him when I had my bible studies. I started to feel bad and no longer wanted to live like this.

At the age of 29, I met a women who was 10 years older, and had 5 children. I began dating her and ended up falling in love with her and giving up my gay lifestyle, or so I thought. In a year we were married and now I took on a family, and still the feelings for men were attacking me all the time. After several years of marriage and several affairs with men on the side I could not take it anymore. Here I was married to a wonderful woman and 5 adopted children; I often wondered why God sent me someone in whom I did not't deserve.

WHAT WAS I DOING? Since then I have dedicated my life to Jehovah along with my wife and have not looked back since! My conscience is now clean, I no longer desire to live a debauched lifestyle. What is of more significance, I long to help others. Putting my instant self gratifications on the back-burner. In helping others, I no longer feel that woe is me, self-pity. I am using my power to give to others as my fuel to keep me going and it has served me quite well.

One day my wife and I got up to go to work. We had been praying for months for the Lord to take over our lives and to be of more service, when this day I was driving an hour and half to work. I got off of the expressway at 7:30 am the same time my wife opened our door to a little girl who asked her for clothing, all she had on was rags. My wife gave her an outfit.

When I got off of the expressway, there was a man dirty and asking for food, I gave him my last $10.00 and told him across the street was a truck stop where he could take a clean up. Around the same time my wife shut the door and decided she wanted to see where the small girl was going. When she opened the door, the girl was gone, as I turned on the road I looked in my mirror to see that the man made it across the busy street and he was gone. When my wife and I saw each other after work we told each other our stories (Angels, no other answer).

No matter what our lot in life is, Jehovah can use us from where we are planted. In this story both husband and wife did a good deed at the same time. However, notice what this man has previously encountered. Being raped and molested by his own blood father, a life of prostitution and he struggled with addictions. Yet still God used him as a worthy vessel to bless someone else. Domingo did not allow life to make him bitter or so engrossed with pain, that he counted his soul dear to himself. Instead he asked Jehovah to willingly direct him and his wife and they chose to be of service to others. Today him and his wife owns a non-for-profit business taking care of the mis-fortunate, by providing food, clothing and shelter. What a wonderful story of sowing good seeds indeed.

Read and meditate on these scriptures:

Galatians 6:9-10 "And let us not be weary in well doing: for in due season we shall reap, if we faint not. As we have therefore opportunity, let us do good unto all men, especially unto them who are of the household of faith."

Galatians 6:7-8 "Be not deceived; God is not mocked: for whatsoever a man soweth, that shall he also reap. For he that soweth to his flesh shall of the flesh reap corruption; but he that soweth to the Spirit shall of the Spirit reap life everlasting."

Romans 12:19-21 "Dearly beloved, avenge not yourselves, but rather give place unto wrath: for it is written, Vengeance is mine; I will repay, saith the Lord. Therefore if thine enemy hunger, feed him; if he thirst, give him drink: for in so doing thou shalt heap coals of fire on his head. Be not overcome of evil, but overcome evil with good."

Proverbs 8:32-36 "Now therefore hearken unto Me, O ye children: for blessed are they that keep My ways. Hear instruction, and be wise, and refuse it not. Blessed is the man that heareth Me, watching daily at My gates, waiting at the posts of My doors. For whoso findeth Me findeth life, and shall obtain favour of the LORD. But he that sinneth against Me wrongeth his own soul: all they that hate Me love death."


Sowing Seeds by Words

"Weeping may stay for a night, but joy comes in the morning."

Psalm 30:5

Joy is a choice, it is a decision that you make that come what may, you are determined to stay in the "secret hiding place of Jehovah." In that place no one can steal your joy, because joy abounds all around you. Look up in the sky, what do you see? Look into the field, the garden, the streets you roam about. Hear the childrens' laughter. Take a deep breath, as you do feel your lungs fill up with air. In this very moment as you exhale, feel the weight on your heart be released with your exhalation. Not for one moment did you ever wonder if your next breath of air was going to come or not. Joy is what you are therefore seeking. ... but yet and still it's all around you. If you can't see it with your physical eyes, how are you going to perceive it with your spiritual senses? Start where you are planted first, then God will excel you to newer higher and heights. If you so as much can't start here, ask for a sense of direction in prayer. If you fail to do this joy will always elude you.

Jehovah is a happy God. To give you joy makes HIM joyous. He is also generous and kind and gives freely. If you ask for joy in abundance, then in the name of Jesus it's YES and Amen. The bible says you have not because you ask not. You have joy in great volumes. Myriads and myriads of joy is all around you in that place. The very secret hiding place of Jehovah. No one can penetrate your contentment or enter into your inner sanctum or sanctuary. For you yourself would have a circle formed around about you, for only you and your Creator. That you have personally formed by your bond with HIM. HIM in whom is shaping and molding the very person you are. Whom is refining you like fine gold and removing the dross off of your very being. This ONE yes the Grand Creator who created all things has entertained you day and night to the ambiance of sweet melody of joy with laughter as it's kinsmen and happiness as it's lodging place. Reclining together in the bosom position of his undeserved kindness. There was nothing we ever had to do to get here, but except Jesus invitation to come be his follower. We are certainly privileged to serve such an awesome God such as Jehovah.


Excerpted from Seeds of Abundance by Nikki Krampah. Copyright © 2016 Lanekqua Nyarko Krampah. Excerpted by permission of AuthorHouse.
All rights reserved. No part of this excerpt may be reproduced or reprinted without permission in writing from the publisher.
Excerpts are provided by Dial-A-Book Inc. solely for the personal use of visitors to this web site.

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