Sweet as Apple Pie

This fun, fresh book combines heartfelt devotions with a love for crafts, cooking, and country style.

Both fans of Karla Dornacher’s work and new readers will be drawn to these hearty helpings of delightful art and inspiring words. They’ll enjoy “Today’s Apple” scriptures, “Chew on It” thoughts, and “Savor the Flavor” prayers, and the journaling areas will encourage them to explore the art of fruitful living in their own lives.

Dornacher’s charming artwork has been licensed into a multitude of formats, including fabric, framed art, stationery, greeting cards, stoneware, calendars, scrapbook collections, and more.

Sweet as Apple Pie

This fun, fresh book combines heartfelt devotions with a love for crafts, cooking, and country style.

Both fans of Karla Dornacher’s work and new readers will be drawn to these hearty helpings of delightful art and inspiring words. They’ll enjoy “Today’s Apple” scriptures, “Chew on It” thoughts, and “Savor the Flavor” prayers, and the journaling areas will encourage them to explore the art of fruitful living in their own lives.

Dornacher’s charming artwork has been licensed into a multitude of formats, including fabric, framed art, stationery, greeting cards, stoneware, calendars, scrapbook collections, and more.

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Sweet as Apple Pie

Sweet as Apple Pie

by Karla Dornacher
Sweet as Apple Pie

Sweet as Apple Pie

by Karla Dornacher



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This fun, fresh book combines heartfelt devotions with a love for crafts, cooking, and country style.

Both fans of Karla Dornacher’s work and new readers will be drawn to these hearty helpings of delightful art and inspiring words. They’ll enjoy “Today’s Apple” scriptures, “Chew on It” thoughts, and “Savor the Flavor” prayers, and the journaling areas will encourage them to explore the art of fruitful living in their own lives.

Dornacher’s charming artwork has been licensed into a multitude of formats, including fabric, framed art, stationery, greeting cards, stoneware, calendars, scrapbook collections, and more.

Product Details

ISBN-13: 9781400318698
Publisher: Nelson, Thomas, Inc.
Publication date: 11/07/2011
Sold by: HarperCollins Publishing
Format: eBook
Pages: 80
File size: 3 MB

About the Author

Karla Dornacher’s artwork line called HeartBlossomsTM has been licensed with 23 different licensees including DaySpring, Celebration Greeting, Dicksons, Promise Checks, and Heritage Lace, with 6.6 million impressions in both Christian and general marketplaces.

Read an Excerpt

Sweet As Apple Pie

Daily Inspirations for Healthy and Fruitful Living

Thomas Nelson

Copyright © 2011 Karla Dornacher
All right reserved.

ISBN: 978-1-4003-1869-8

Chapter One

Day 1

Today's Apple ...

Through Jesus, therefore, let us continually offer to God a sacrifice of praise - the fruit of lips that confess his name. Hebrews 13:15

Chew on it ...

There is no greater fruit, none that is more pleasing to God the Father, than the fruit of our praises. To exalt His name, to sing His praises, to lift our hands and offer up our hearts, is the ultimate purpose for which we were called. In those moments when life is a struggle and our praise is not found in our circumstances, it is then that our hearts and thoughts are challenged to focus only on how great God truly is. It is in those moments that our praise becomes a holy sacrifice and we remember that all our fruit-bearing efforts are dependent on Him and not us ... and He gets all the glory!

Savor the Flavor ...

Dear Lord, forgive me for using my lips to grumble and complain when things don't go my way. You have been so good to me, Lord. I owe You my life. I owe You my praise.

Day 2

Today's Apple ...

A word aptly spoken is like apples of gold in settings of silver. Proverbs 25:11

Chew on it ...

Mmmmmmm good! Our words have the power to nourish and give life or to poison and bring death. God instructs us to choose life. To speak a word of encouragement, comfort, or instruction at just the right moment in time can be as sweet to the soul and as nourishing to the heart as a gift of golden delicious apples to both the giver and the receiver. Especially with sensitive issues, the time and place is as important as the word itself, so ask God for the wisdom to know when and where to speak, so the setting will be as perfect and precious, as the word itself.

Savor the Flavor ...

Lord, thank You for creating me as a woman of influence. Fill my mouth with words that build up and not tear down. Give me wisdom in the timing as well as the setting in which I speak, and let my words always be a blessing to those who hear them.

God desires to speak golden apples into your life through the precious wisdom of His Word. Take a few moments to chew on this verse and then describe the flavor of its sweetness as it feeds your soul.

"I know the plans I have for you," declares the LORD, "plans to prosper you and not to harm you, plans to give you hope and a future." Jeremiah 29:11

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Day 3

Today's Apple ...

You did not choose me, but I chose you and appointed you to go and bear fruit - fruit that will last. John 15:16

Chew on it ...

You were chosen! Isn't that an incredible thought? Out of all the wild trees of the field, God chose you, lifted you up out of the brambles and muck, and transplanted you into His royal orchard! Now, you've always borne fruit, but before Christ found you, your branches were spindly and your fruit was fit only for the birds. But now that the Master Orchardist is overseeing your care, you're growing in strength and vigor, and your fruit is holy and fit for eternity.

Savor the Flavor ...

Oh Lord, thank You for choosing me and giving me new life in Christ. I don't always see holy fruit in my life, but I do believe You are working in me and through me to bear fruit worthy of my King.

A Bushel Basket of Apple Facts

Fresh picked still the best! Statistics indicate that 61 percent of the apples grown in the United States are still eaten as fresh fruit - just the way God made them.

A rose is a rose is a rose ... unless it's an apple! Apples are actually part of the rose family. So does that make the fruit a giant rose hip?

The apple variety "Delicious" is the most commonly grown in the United States. Delicious by name ... delicious by taste. Hmmmmmm - good!

Have you ever heard of bobbing for oranges? How about for bananas? The reason we bob for apples is because 25 percent of their volume is air, and they'll always rise to the top.

When is an apple really a banana? Okay, never ... but in early America the apple was called a winter banana, and there's still a variety known by that name today.

Early Bird Apple Casserole

This is a wonderfully sweet but nutritious casserole- Perfect for a ladies brunch or get-together.

Preheat your oven to 350 degrees.

Start by mixing 2 cups of sour cream and ½ cup of brown sugar. Chill until serving.

Next you want to make your french toast for layering: 12 slices of wheat bread 4 eggs 1 cup half-and-half (or hazelnut creamer) 1 T. butter

Soak bread slices in mixture of whipped eggs and creamer. Preheat griddle with butter and cook bread on each side until golden brown.

Now you're ready to put it all together ... 12 thin slices of ham (try the maple-flavored kind!) 2 cups mixed, grated cheddar jack cheese 1 20-ounce can of apple pie filling 1 cup of granola

In a 9 x 13 baking dish, place 6 slices of the french toast. Add a layer of all the ham. Top with 1 1/2 cups of cheese. Add remaining 6 slices of french toast. Spread apple pie filling over the top. Sprinkle with granola. Bake 25 minutes. Top with remaining cheese and return to the oven for 5 minutes.

Serve with the chilled sour cream topping and enjoy!!

Day 4

Today's Apple ...

We ... do not cease to pray for you, and to ask ... that you may walk worthy of the Lord, fully pleasing Him, being fruitful in every good work and increasing in the knowledge of God. Colossians 1:9-10 (NKJV)

Chew on it ...

God has made Himself known to us in nature, in Scripture, and ultimately in the person of His Son, Jesus Christ. He wants us to know Him because the better we know Him, the more we will trust Him. The more we trust Him, the more we will love Him. The more we love Him, the more we will want to please Him and live a life worthy of His love. A life lived for God will always result in good works - good works that will bear fruit to His glory.

Savor the Flavor ...

Father, help me to know You more today than yesterday. Teach me to hear Your voice and be sensitive to Your leading so that my life will not be in vain, but be abundantly fruitful, bringing great pleasure and glory to You.

Day 5

Today's Apple ...

I praise you because I am fearfully and wonderfully made; your works are wonderful, I know that full well. Psalm 139:14

Chew on it ...

There are tart apples, sweet apples, crunchy and juicy apples. There are pie apples, eating apples, bobbing and drying apples. There are about 2,500 varieties of apples grown in the United States and about 7,500 worldwide, each distinct enough to be given its own name. God loves variety and that's why He created you and me - similar in some ways but very different in others. God made us each unique individuals so that we would bear fruit to meet different needs. Don't ever try to be like me ... the world needs both of us!

Savor the Flavor ...

Lord, I praise You for creating me with my own personality, talents, and strengths. Thank You that You love me just the way You made me. Help me to never compare myself to anyone else, but to use my uniqueness to bear fruit for Your glory.

What makes you different from other women you know? Are you more serious or more playful? Are you more creative or more analytical? Do you like computing more than cooking? List some of the things that make you unique and then ask God to use these qualities to make a difference in your world.

_______________________________________ _______________________________________ _______________________________________

Day 6

Today's Apple ...

God loves a cheerful giver. 2 Corinthians 9:7 (NKJV)

Chew on it ...

I love a good belly laugh. Evidently God does too. In fact, a paraphrase of these words from the original language would be: God delights much in a hilarious giver. God wants us to be like Him ... willing, good-natured, and joyfully ready to give. Where I live in the Pacific Northwest, a nine-year-old boy recently asked family and friends to donate money to a well-known children's charity rather than give him presents for his birthday. The amount he raised was extravagant to a nine-year-old although a drop in the bucket to a large charity. This story ended up on a local TV station because hearts are touched by this kind of giving. A hilarious giver is contagious and a delight to the Lord!

Savor the Flavor ...

Father, thank You for all You have sown into my life. I am blessed. Show me the seeds I need to sow today. Help me to be a hilarious, contagious giver, for in such a person You delight.

Appleberry Tea

This delicious, fragrant tea would be wonderful served for a luncheon or any large gathering of ladies.

It's easiest to prepare this delightful brew in a 30-cup coffee maker.

Simply combine the following ingredients and heat: 1 gallon of apple juice 32 raspberry tea bags 16 regular tea bags 1 quart of water 2 teaspoons of lemon juice ½ cup of sugar

Just a tip: Pour hot water into your teapot as you prepare the tea. When ready, pour out the hot water and fill with the tea. This will heat your teapot and keep your tea from cooling before serving.

For fun: If they're in season, add a couple of fresh raspberries to each cup for a splash of color!

Day 7

Today's Apple ...

A man will be satisfied with good by the fruit of his mouth. Proverbs 12:14 (NKJV)

Chew on it ...

How easy it is for us to fall into a trap of negative speaking. When we speak badly about others, it's called gossip. When we speak negatively about ourselves, we disagree with the truth of whom God says we are in Christ. When we speak against our circumstances, the Bible calls it murmuring or complaining. As our ears hear the words we speak from our own lips, without even realizing it, we are feeding our own souls with discontent and despair. What kind of words are you eating? Ask God to help you speak only those things that are true, honorable, admirable, and praiseworthy. See if life doesn't start to taste a little better when you do.

Savor the Flavor ...

Father God, help me to be more aware of the words of my mouth - words to myself and to others. Teach me to speak only words that are in agreement with Your Word and bring glory to Your Name.

Day 8

Today's Apple ...

Give her of the fruit of her hands, and let her own works praise her in the gates. Proverbs 31:31 (NKJV)

Chew on it ...

I don't know about you, but I really want my husband to notice and appreciate when I have worked especially hard for our family. Whether it is persevering through paperwork, a messy job, or a day with a sick child, his praise rewards me. And, if he fails to notice, unlike the Proverbs 31 woman, I just might remind him! The word fruit in Proverbs 31:31 is also translated reward. When a farmer plants an apple seed and diligently takes care of the seedling, he is eventually rewarded with a harvest of apples. It's the same way for the woman who, with an eternal perspective, works purposefully to accomplish her daily tasks and nurtures the life of Jesus in herself and others. Her work will be rewarded and praised, if not in this life, in the one to come.

Savor the Flavor ...

O Lord, help me to be diligent and generous with the work of my hands. Protect me from the temptation to work for the praises of others or find my value anywhere else but in You.

Day 9

Today's Apple ...

The seed is the word of God. Luke 8:11 (NKJV)

Chew on it ...

Have you ever thought about how many apples can grow from a single seed? One seed, one tree ... but countless fruit! That's how God's Word is! His Word has the power to give life - and life more abundantly! From the singular seed of His love, planted into your heart through the power of His Word, God is able to transform your life into a tree of great fruitfulness. You may be only one tree, but your single life has the incredible potential to impact and influence not only those closest to you, but generations to come. Are you letting God's Word transform you today?

Savor the Flavor ...

Lord, I want a transformed life. Stir my heart to spend more time with You - reading, studying, and meditating on Your Word, allowing it to mold and change my life to look more like You.


Excerpted from Sweet As Apple Pie by KARLA DORNACHER Copyright © 2011 by Karla Dornacher. Excerpted by permission of Thomas Nelson. All rights reserved. No part of this excerpt may be reproduced or reprinted without permission in writing from the publisher.
Excerpts are provided by Dial-A-Book Inc. solely for the personal use of visitors to this web site.

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