The Advice Trap: Be Humble, Stay Curious & Change the Way You Lead Forever

Hi there, it's Michael, the author. You might know my previous book, The Coaching Habit. It was an unexpected bestseller: more than 700,000 copies sold so far, 1,000+ 5-star reviews on Amazon (my favourite: "I have plodded through many books that wish they could be this book"), a Wall Street Journal bestseller, and used by people and organizations around the world.So I've been sweating on the follow-up. The pressure! The anticipation! But here it is, and I think you're going to like it. If The Coaching Habit says, “here are the seven essential questions to be more coach-like,” The Advice Trap is about getting to grips with how to actually change your behaviour so you stay curious a little bit longer.It sounds like it should be easy, but it's not. You have to tame your Advice Monster, that part of you that jumps in to offer up ideas, opinions, suggestions and advice. And it's taming your Advice Monster that's at the heart of this book. But there are also some specific coaching strategies, particularly on how to focus on what matters most. There are tools to make your conversations, coaching and otherwise, irresistible. There are even resources beyond the book itself, including a one-year, free leadership program from a 52-person faculty of cool, diverse, and provocative thinkers.In 2019, I was named the #1 Thought Leader in Coaching, and was short-listed for the coaching award by Thinkers50, the “Oscars of Management.” My work's been featured in journals such as HBR, Fast Company, Forbes, and Inc., and my company, Box of Crayons, has trained more than 100,000 people just like you in the tools and mindset required for this essential leadership behaviour: being more coach-like. You'll get all of that wisdom and experience when you read The Advice Trap. I'm pretty sure you'll find it a great investment of your money and time. (And, by the way, thank you in advance for buying it. I'm thrilled to know the book is going out into the world.)

The Advice Trap: Be Humble, Stay Curious & Change the Way You Lead Forever

Hi there, it's Michael, the author. You might know my previous book, The Coaching Habit. It was an unexpected bestseller: more than 700,000 copies sold so far, 1,000+ 5-star reviews on Amazon (my favourite: "I have plodded through many books that wish they could be this book"), a Wall Street Journal bestseller, and used by people and organizations around the world.So I've been sweating on the follow-up. The pressure! The anticipation! But here it is, and I think you're going to like it. If The Coaching Habit says, “here are the seven essential questions to be more coach-like,” The Advice Trap is about getting to grips with how to actually change your behaviour so you stay curious a little bit longer.It sounds like it should be easy, but it's not. You have to tame your Advice Monster, that part of you that jumps in to offer up ideas, opinions, suggestions and advice. And it's taming your Advice Monster that's at the heart of this book. But there are also some specific coaching strategies, particularly on how to focus on what matters most. There are tools to make your conversations, coaching and otherwise, irresistible. There are even resources beyond the book itself, including a one-year, free leadership program from a 52-person faculty of cool, diverse, and provocative thinkers.In 2019, I was named the #1 Thought Leader in Coaching, and was short-listed for the coaching award by Thinkers50, the “Oscars of Management.” My work's been featured in journals such as HBR, Fast Company, Forbes, and Inc., and my company, Box of Crayons, has trained more than 100,000 people just like you in the tools and mindset required for this essential leadership behaviour: being more coach-like. You'll get all of that wisdom and experience when you read The Advice Trap. I'm pretty sure you'll find it a great investment of your money and time. (And, by the way, thank you in advance for buying it. I'm thrilled to know the book is going out into the world.)

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The Advice Trap: Be Humble, Stay Curious & Change the Way You Lead Forever

The Advice Trap: Be Humble, Stay Curious & Change the Way You Lead Forever

by Michael Bungay Stanier
The Advice Trap: Be Humble, Stay Curious & Change the Way You Lead Forever

The Advice Trap: Be Humble, Stay Curious & Change the Way You Lead Forever

by Michael Bungay Stanier



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Hi there, it's Michael, the author. You might know my previous book, The Coaching Habit. It was an unexpected bestseller: more than 700,000 copies sold so far, 1,000+ 5-star reviews on Amazon (my favourite: "I have plodded through many books that wish they could be this book"), a Wall Street Journal bestseller, and used by people and organizations around the world.So I've been sweating on the follow-up. The pressure! The anticipation! But here it is, and I think you're going to like it. If The Coaching Habit says, “here are the seven essential questions to be more coach-like,” The Advice Trap is about getting to grips with how to actually change your behaviour so you stay curious a little bit longer.It sounds like it should be easy, but it's not. You have to tame your Advice Monster, that part of you that jumps in to offer up ideas, opinions, suggestions and advice. And it's taming your Advice Monster that's at the heart of this book. But there are also some specific coaching strategies, particularly on how to focus on what matters most. There are tools to make your conversations, coaching and otherwise, irresistible. There are even resources beyond the book itself, including a one-year, free leadership program from a 52-person faculty of cool, diverse, and provocative thinkers.In 2019, I was named the #1 Thought Leader in Coaching, and was short-listed for the coaching award by Thinkers50, the “Oscars of Management.” My work's been featured in journals such as HBR, Fast Company, Forbes, and Inc., and my company, Box of Crayons, has trained more than 100,000 people just like you in the tools and mindset required for this essential leadership behaviour: being more coach-like. You'll get all of that wisdom and experience when you read The Advice Trap. I'm pretty sure you'll find it a great investment of your money and time. (And, by the way, thank you in advance for buying it. I'm thrilled to know the book is going out into the world.)

Product Details

BN ID: 2940163444953
Publisher: Michael Bungay Stanier
Publication date: 02/29/2020
Sold by: Smashwords
Format: eBook
Sales rank: 279,907
File size: 3 MB

About the Author

George Orwell said, “An autobiography is only to be trusted when it reveals something disgraceful.” In that vein, Michael was banned from his high school graduation for “the balloon incident”, was sued by one of his Law School lecturers for defamation, and managed to give himself a concussion while digging a hole as a labourer…

Luckily, there’s also been some upside. He is the author of a number of books, and the one he is best known for with 90,000 copies sold is Do More Great Work. However, the one he’s proudest of is End Malaria, a collection of articles about Great Work from thought leaders that’s raised about $400,000 for Malaria No More and reached #2 on

Michael also organized the Great Work MBA, a virtual conference featuring 30 world class speakers and which had more than 10,000 registered participants.

All of this is done as founder and Senior Partner of Box of Crayons, a company that helps organizations do less Good Work and more Great Work. Their focus is on helping time-crunched managers coach in 10 minutes or less, and their Fortune 500 clients include TD Bank, Kraft, Gartner and VMWare.

Michael is a well-regarded speaker, and as well as speaking to organizations he regularly keynotes at conferences such as HRPA, SHRM, CSTD, the Evanta HR Leadership series and The Conference Board of Canada. He’s known for sessions that are highly engaging, interactive and entertaining. And for his colourful Box of Crayons socks.

Before Box of Crayons, Michael spent time inventing products and services as part of an innovation agency, and working as a management consultant on large scale change, where amongst other things he wrote the global vision for GlaxoSmithKline.

Michael was a Rhodes Scholar and the first Canadian Coach of the Year.

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