The Golden Age: A Quantum Leap for Mankind

Each day, humans are exposed to an unending onslaught of negativity. It would be easy to lose hope for the future, but in the face of all this bad news, there is a beacon of hope. Within each of us, we hold the key to mankind’s salvation. By altering our individual consciousness, we can collectively bring about a shift in the collective consciousness. The Golden Age: A Quantum Leap for Mankind covers the relevant topics pertaining to mankind’s sustenance and growth, presenting a philosophy that seeks to bring about a positive, productive, wholesome shift for humanity. Mankind awaits its quantum leap of awareness, achieved through new ways of thinking and new ways of looking at our world. An enhanced perspective can create enhanced and improved behaviours, reinforces our self-confidence and brings about the restoration of mankind. In this guide, author Tilakasiri Simon shares encompassing, timeless messages from the Great Masters who have walked among us and the great leaders of the world. When we work together to raise humanity to a new paradigm of existence, we view life from a new perspective and experience life differently, all for the common good of humanity and its habitats, the earth’s flora and fauna and the planet itself—regardless of races, religions and nationalities. All is not yet lost. We can make a difference! The future depends on us and the choices we make for ourselves, our planet and our future.

The Golden Age: A Quantum Leap for Mankind

Each day, humans are exposed to an unending onslaught of negativity. It would be easy to lose hope for the future, but in the face of all this bad news, there is a beacon of hope. Within each of us, we hold the key to mankind’s salvation. By altering our individual consciousness, we can collectively bring about a shift in the collective consciousness. The Golden Age: A Quantum Leap for Mankind covers the relevant topics pertaining to mankind’s sustenance and growth, presenting a philosophy that seeks to bring about a positive, productive, wholesome shift for humanity. Mankind awaits its quantum leap of awareness, achieved through new ways of thinking and new ways of looking at our world. An enhanced perspective can create enhanced and improved behaviours, reinforces our self-confidence and brings about the restoration of mankind. In this guide, author Tilakasiri Simon shares encompassing, timeless messages from the Great Masters who have walked among us and the great leaders of the world. When we work together to raise humanity to a new paradigm of existence, we view life from a new perspective and experience life differently, all for the common good of humanity and its habitats, the earth’s flora and fauna and the planet itself—regardless of races, religions and nationalities. All is not yet lost. We can make a difference! The future depends on us and the choices we make for ourselves, our planet and our future.

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The Golden Age: A Quantum Leap for Mankind

The Golden Age: A Quantum Leap for Mankind

by Tilakasiri Simon
The Golden Age: A Quantum Leap for Mankind

The Golden Age: A Quantum Leap for Mankind

by Tilakasiri Simon



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Each day, humans are exposed to an unending onslaught of negativity. It would be easy to lose hope for the future, but in the face of all this bad news, there is a beacon of hope. Within each of us, we hold the key to mankind’s salvation. By altering our individual consciousness, we can collectively bring about a shift in the collective consciousness. The Golden Age: A Quantum Leap for Mankind covers the relevant topics pertaining to mankind’s sustenance and growth, presenting a philosophy that seeks to bring about a positive, productive, wholesome shift for humanity. Mankind awaits its quantum leap of awareness, achieved through new ways of thinking and new ways of looking at our world. An enhanced perspective can create enhanced and improved behaviours, reinforces our self-confidence and brings about the restoration of mankind. In this guide, author Tilakasiri Simon shares encompassing, timeless messages from the Great Masters who have walked among us and the great leaders of the world. When we work together to raise humanity to a new paradigm of existence, we view life from a new perspective and experience life differently, all for the common good of humanity and its habitats, the earth’s flora and fauna and the planet itself—regardless of races, religions and nationalities. All is not yet lost. We can make a difference! The future depends on us and the choices we make for ourselves, our planet and our future.

Product Details

ISBN-13: 9781482891270
Publisher: Partridge Publishing Singapore
Publication date: 03/27/2014
Sold by: Barnes & Noble
Format: eBook
Pages: 144
File size: 1 MB

Read an Excerpt

The Golden Age

A Quantum Leap for Mankind

By Tilakasiri Simon


Copyright © 2014 Tilakasiri Simon
All rights reserved.
ISBN: 978-1-4828-9126-3



"By mind the world is led"

—The Buddha.

A New World Order is all about bringing about a new horizon, a new way of life, a life where greed and hatred have no place in our daily lives but only brotherly love, respect and understanding. It is all about restoring the self respect and the dignity of man. It is about giving people back to themselves through the process of raising the human consciousness above the current state of affairs.

Man has managed to tip the scales of balance and harmony, but unfortunately, not in his favor. Should no corrective measures are taken to restore the balance, we can all bid adieus and kiss each goodbye. This is because the larger System, of which planet Earth and man are part of it, will begin to restore the balance. The Universe is at all times trying to strike a balance. This balance is inherent in everything in the universe. Man is no exception. And in the process of doing so, Life as it is will have to make a change. The outcome from the natural act of balancing may not be something we may all desire. We may end up not existing at all and Life would have taken a different form all together. And this is all perfect as far as the System is concerned. Life adapts itself. Should we wish to continue life in the present state with all our achievements in all areas, then it is important that a shift in the consciousness of man be deliberately made. It has to be done consciously and it has to be done now. This is called Conscious Evolution.

"The cup is useful only when it is empty. With most of us, the mind is clouded, cluttered up with so many things. It is never empty. And creation can take place only in the mind that is totally empty. Creation is always new, and therefore the mind is made constantly fresh, young, innocent; it doesn't repeat, and therefore it doesn't create habits. To bring about a different human being, and therefore a different society, a different world, there must be ending of sorrow; for it is only in the ending of sorrow that there is a new life."

—J. Krishnamurthi


Raising the collective consciousness of mankind can take place when man as an individual raises his own consciousness. Whether we are aware of it or not, the human consciousness is constantly changing. Whether it is changing for the better or for the worse, positively or negatively, that is the crux of the issue here. To raise the human consciousness is to affect it positively and intentionally, with clarity, with precision and with focus, not leaving anything to chance.

What would be the purpose and the effect of raising the human consciousness? It would lead man to a global awareness, an understanding, a conviction, that man is not an island. He cannot be. Though he may be seen to be an individual but he is also the collective. He is a part of you and you are a part of him, and we are a part of the whole universe and most importantly, we are never apart and we will never be. This is not something new. Spiritual scientists of modern times and ancient seekers have spoken on this. They have been documented. Modern scientists are now coming to terms with these ancient truths. They are speaking of a Unified Field or a matrix that connects each and everything in this universe.

Man will realize that he is no more an individual making individual decisions as and when he likes. He will realize that his very thoughts about a decision he wants to take can cause ripples in the collective consciousness of man. This awareness will shift man's understanding about life as a whole and his position and roles in the common matrix. He will see a shift from his current modes of operations in his life to a level much higher where he can view himself as a co-creator of his outcomes of his life rather than a victim, as what he is experiencing right now. He would have moved from the "I" to the "We".

Such a shift is already in the making. Many books have already been written with the hope that more and more people will awaken from their slumbers and start taking life seriously should we choose to continue life with all our achievements so far.

Man will come to realize that there are latent powers within him, at his disposal, which he now only wishes he has. It has been with him all this while but he has not been aware of it. Through the raising of the human consciousness, he will come to realize that we are indeed never separate from one another and that we are in fact just One appearing as many, existing at different rates of vibration and frequency and hence with different mindsets. Currently, we are creating situations through our actions and reactions, without being actually aware of the consequences of such actions. With indifference to the situations, we just go on and on in the mire of life, not knowing how to get out. Unknowingly, through our collective consciousness, we end up creating situations and circumstances that we actually despise.

The creation of a New World Order is about discovering new frontiers, quite alike to what Gene Roddenberry had proposed in his Star Trek movies, to venture into frontiers where no man has dared to venture before. This would be the most daring of all ventures of man, should he decide to undertake this mission. It is not an impossible task but at the same time it will be no easy task either. This journey has to be undertaken not by just a few of us. Many would prefer that the people in power and position like the politicians and the religionist, to whom we all look onto to solve our problems, would take the lead and all we do is just tag along, but it is a journey to be taken and explored by all of us. It involves everyone and it involves our life. This is a serious subject we are into. It involves everything that man has ever worked so hard for over the millennia. We just cannot afford to lose them especially the rich cultures of some societies, the multifarious languages, the music and the dances, the science and technology, the religions and spirituality and everything else that man holds onto very close to their hearts.

But then again, no matter how serious a subject can be, we just cannot afford to lose our sense of humor and lighten things up throughout our journey. As a matter of fact it is mandatory. And that's because we are 'light' onto ourselves. It is said that the lighter the luggage, the better is the journey. As we literally become 'light', we will tend to be less serious on survival matters but instead will soar high and enjoy the way we live our lives, together as one big family, from moment to moment. We will open our hearts and minds more and more, and in the process of doing so, we will become enlightened, ie we become light itself, our original state before we came into physical life. It is a state where all knowledge of the universe rests.

To venture into frontiers where no man has been, we cannot go there with our accumulated baggage and luggage in our minds. We ought to be new everyday of our lives, every hour, every minute and every moment. Every moment is a new moment and in every new moment is a new you and a new me. And to know this is very exhilarating and inspiring. There is much excitement around us, and within us.

But how have we accumulated this luggage? We have done so by listening to everyone else on this planet except to our own hearts. We have been listening to the politicians. We have been listening to the religious teachers for directions in our lives. We have been going from books to books, including all the religious scriptures for directions on how to live. We go to all the seminars the world would conduct to look for new ways and means on how we should lead our lives. Of course it is a good habit to read and understand many things from another's point of view. But mere reading books and listening to others just to past the time will only pass with time. This knowledge has to be applied in our lives for them to have meanings in our lives.

How important are all these knowledge? They are important to us as much as the warmth of the sunlight is important for the germination and the growth of a seed buried in the ground. All these knowledge should trigger in our minds for a deeper quest of who we really are. As long as this is not triggered, we will continue to delve into more and more books and attend more and more seminars, just to make ourselves feel good. And that is perfectly alright. We can bury ourselves with all the mountain of books in the world for all we want, no one will care. The fundamental question we must and ought to ask ourselves is:

"Have all these knowledge transformed me to be a peace loving person? Am I able to love another without any conditions? And most of all, "How have all this knowledge helped me to achieve the peace of mind and inner happiness that every living creature, from the lowest of the lowest worm to the richest king of kings, are looking for".

If it hasn't, then why do we go on doing it? Now, supposing you are the captain of a ship and you are required to make a lone un-chartered journey and there isn't any form of reference as where to head and how to go. You are left without any guide. What would you do?


You would have to do the most intelligent thing anyone else would do, that is, consult your own inner self. But however, when we are faced with difficulties in our lives, we do the most contradicting thing. We stop asking ourselves but instead look outward for others to give directions, look for others to tell us what to do and what not to do, we look into our Holy Books and see what our prophets have instructed us to do. By doing so, we have demonstrated a lack of self confidence in our own selves thus betraying ourselves by placing our trust and faith on another. We failed to realize that all those are only guides. The books, at best, are only guides. The teacher is a guide. The prophet is a guide. The Masters of the Universe are not here to make followers out of us but to make us masters of our own destiny. And the greatest Master will be the one who makes most masters out of his followers. Unfortunately the majority of the human population has taken the words in the books, the words of the teachers, the words of the prophets, the words of the Masters as the reality rather than the essence of what has been said. As such we have confined ourselves to a very limited way of seeing the world and the way we live and hence do not experience the freedom Life has to offer. Thus, we have failed the Masters who are living among us and the Masters who have walked the planet before us.

This is our lives we are talking about here. Why must someone outside you determine how you must live your live? At most they are mere guides. Of course there is no harm taking some cues from them now and then, but we have to remember always that they act only as guides. It is you who are living the life, not them. They have lived theirs and they are speaking from their experience. Their experiences need not be your experiences at all! A repetition of someone else's life is not called a living, but a 'copying'. The originality is not there, it is lost. Imitation robs the beauty of life. This is a serious matter as I said before. It is time to lighten the baggage and travel light. Only then we can hope to travel at the speed of light and 'be at all places at all times'. We have to summon all our faith in ourselves, our courage, our determination and our strengths, not just physical and mental strengths but more importantly our spiritual strength, because this is a spiritual journey we are into here.

Many of us have the mistaken notion that the politicians or the religionist will bring about a better world. At this moment of time and space, at the current stage of human development, it is not possible for them to do so. But eventually, once the spiritual problem is resolved, yes, their actions will propel the raising of the human consciousness to a higher plane, a plane of existence where no man has ever dreamt of. Their roles will come in later when the whole process is on auto-drive. There are many politicians and religionists with sincere intentions. Many of them have the vision and the sincerity of creating a better place to live in but at current stage, they will not be able to do it alone, in spite of all the available resources at hand. This is because the birth of a New World Order is in the hands of the individuals. The creation of a New World Order is an individual matter. World peace is an individual matter.

"Remember, your light shines through you when your light shines on another. The darkness of the world can be illumined by your glowing presence—yet you must believe in yourself as The Source of that light and that love. All the world awaits your arrival today, shivering in its sadness, looking to you for warmth. Can you bring a radiance to those you touch today? Will you? Your answer will determine more for you than it will for them. In this is The Great Secret".

—Neale Donald Walsch (Conversations With God)

The good news is we need not move a single step from where we are because this journey is not an external journey. It is a journey within, seeking who we really are. If we are but willing to take the journey, the journey within ourselves, we have taken the first step in the creation of a New World Order. It is possible only if we think it is possible. Everything is mind made.

Lao Tze said, "A journey of a thousand miles begins with the first step". Are we courageous enough to say "yes" to the New World Order? If you say 'yes', then the Universe is at your bidding. We must not doubt of what we can be. We have the ability to transform ourselves from a 1Watt 'bulb' to a 100Watts 'bulb' or maybe even a 1000W bulb.

When we come to an understanding of who we really are, that we are but spiritual beings undergoing human experiences in this magnificent journey of Light and Love, then we will understand each other better and will treat another better, with much respect, love and understanding.

Everyone is in a relationship with one another. In short, the creation of the New World Order is all about how we treat each other. It is all about creating new relationships, new ways of dealing with one another, new ways of interacting with one another, because the present ways do not seem to be working in providing man his peace and his happiness.

Man has been robbed of his peace of mind. The poor man is worried as to from where and when his next meal will come. The rich man is worried that his riches will be taken away. Both are constantly living in fear. This is not called 'living'. This is called existing in fear. So both men are constantly in mental agitation, never at peace. This is the reality of the world today. This is the order of the day.

There is a huge competition going on among men today. There is a struggle for power. Those in power are endowed with authority. There is a struggle to stay dominant. On our planet, the people or the country with the most wealth has power over others. And those in power will want to remain in power, and those who are not in power want to be in power. So power or authority equals money.

So in the process of attaining more and more money, to continue remaining in power or in the process of attaining power, we have thus created a world with unequal distribution of wealth. This has resulted in some people or countries having huge some of money, while other live on mere handouts. It is said that about four hundred million people die of starvation each day while at the same time, some others can afford to swim in fine champagne and have fine dining everyday. There are those who would fly a few thousand miles to a foreign country just to have a hair cut while others look so forlorn, not knowing where life is leading them to.

Certain industries, especially the hotel industries, can afford to throw away food into their garbage bins while millions of children go to bed hungry every night.


Excerpted from The Golden Age by Tilakasiri Simon. Copyright © 2014 Tilakasiri Simon. Excerpted by permission of PartridgeSG.
All rights reserved. No part of this excerpt may be reproduced or reprinted without permission in writing from the publisher.
Excerpts are provided by Dial-A-Book Inc. solely for the personal use of visitors to this web site.

Table of Contents


Acknowledgement, vii,
Preface, ix,
Foreword, xi,
The Golden Age, xiii,
Chapter 1 A New World Order, 1,
Chapter 2 Coming Anew, 19,
Chapter 3 We Are All One, 26,
Chapter 4 The Sacredness Of Life, 41,
Chapter 5 Simple Living, 47,
Chapter 6 A World Without Guns, 58,
Chapter 7 Meditation & Healing Modalities, 68,
Chapter 8 Parenting & The Education System, 90,
Chapter 9 Race & Religions, 99,
Chapter 10 Politics Of The New World Order, 104,
Chapter 11 Back From The Future, 109,

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