THE KINGDOM OF SATAN EXPOSED! Activities of Principalities and Demon Worship in our World - Inside The World of Witchcraft, Voodoo, Warlocks and Spiritual Warfare
There are spiritual forces active in the world. We cannot see them with our natural eyes; invisible spiritual forces; neither can we touch nor interact with them with our material physical flesh. They are not aliens as erroneously called by some people, but live and impact on the lives of human beings. Just as there are spiritual forces of good working on the side of the Lord God Almighty, so also are forces of Evil and Darkness. There is a spirit being known as Satan. He’s not a figment; he’s well and alive in our world today. There is Satan and there are Satanists; those that are worshiping him as god and do his biddings by carrying out his agendas in the lives of human beings.

Who is Satan? How and why was he created by God Almighty? What relationship did he have with God before his fall and why did he fall? If the Lord God Almighty is omniscient-knows everything-why didn't He know Satan would rebel against Him before He created him? How was Satan able to convince one-third of the angels in heaven to support him in rebelling against God? What did Satan promise these angels before they agreed to join him against God? Where are these fallen angels in the world and how do they operate on the earth today? We looked at the origins of false good, how demons operate in the lives of born-again Christians and unbelievers; the concepts of demonic oppression, demonic possession and demonic harassment. These and any more are contained in this book.

Similarly, in this book, there are two special sections on Interpretation of Dreams which are antennas to the spirit realm and another section on the religion of Islam. How can you interpret your dreams? Does God Almighty speak to us; how and why does He speak to all human beings and how can we hear Him? Find out how Satan and his demons too use dreams to oppress human beings. We explained the Tripartite parts of the human personality; spirit, soul and body and how the spirit realm operates. Take a look at some of the dreams we interpreted in the book and how you can appropriate the templates to interpret yours.

In the final part of the book, we look at the religion of Islam and the Quran. Do Christians and Moslems worship the same God? Is Allah of the Quran the same as the Jehovah Lord God Almighty of the Holy Bible? Are the Quran and the Holy Bible the revealed words of the True Lord God Almighty? Was Prophet Mohammad Abdallah inspired and sent to the world by the True Jehovah Lord Almighty? Are Christians and Moslems going to the same place after death? Are the Moslems’ eternal abode of Al-janna the same as Christians’ eternal destination of paradise? Are Christianity and Islam basically the same religion but the only difference is in English and Arabic languages? These and many more are contained in this book.
THE KINGDOM OF SATAN EXPOSED! Activities of Principalities and Demon Worship in our World - Inside The World of Witchcraft, Voodoo, Warlocks and Spiritual Warfare
There are spiritual forces active in the world. We cannot see them with our natural eyes; invisible spiritual forces; neither can we touch nor interact with them with our material physical flesh. They are not aliens as erroneously called by some people, but live and impact on the lives of human beings. Just as there are spiritual forces of good working on the side of the Lord God Almighty, so also are forces of Evil and Darkness. There is a spirit being known as Satan. He’s not a figment; he’s well and alive in our world today. There is Satan and there are Satanists; those that are worshiping him as god and do his biddings by carrying out his agendas in the lives of human beings.

Who is Satan? How and why was he created by God Almighty? What relationship did he have with God before his fall and why did he fall? If the Lord God Almighty is omniscient-knows everything-why didn't He know Satan would rebel against Him before He created him? How was Satan able to convince one-third of the angels in heaven to support him in rebelling against God? What did Satan promise these angels before they agreed to join him against God? Where are these fallen angels in the world and how do they operate on the earth today? We looked at the origins of false good, how demons operate in the lives of born-again Christians and unbelievers; the concepts of demonic oppression, demonic possession and demonic harassment. These and any more are contained in this book.

Similarly, in this book, there are two special sections on Interpretation of Dreams which are antennas to the spirit realm and another section on the religion of Islam. How can you interpret your dreams? Does God Almighty speak to us; how and why does He speak to all human beings and how can we hear Him? Find out how Satan and his demons too use dreams to oppress human beings. We explained the Tripartite parts of the human personality; spirit, soul and body and how the spirit realm operates. Take a look at some of the dreams we interpreted in the book and how you can appropriate the templates to interpret yours.

In the final part of the book, we look at the religion of Islam and the Quran. Do Christians and Moslems worship the same God? Is Allah of the Quran the same as the Jehovah Lord God Almighty of the Holy Bible? Are the Quran and the Holy Bible the revealed words of the True Lord God Almighty? Was Prophet Mohammad Abdallah inspired and sent to the world by the True Jehovah Lord Almighty? Are Christians and Moslems going to the same place after death? Are the Moslems’ eternal abode of Al-janna the same as Christians’ eternal destination of paradise? Are Christianity and Islam basically the same religion but the only difference is in English and Arabic languages? These and many more are contained in this book.
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THE KINGDOM OF SATAN EXPOSED! Activities of Principalities and Demon Worship in our World - Inside The World of Witchcraft, Voodoo, Warlocks and Spiritual Warfare

THE KINGDOM OF SATAN EXPOSED! Activities of Principalities and Demon Worship in our World - Inside The World of Witchcraft, Voodoo, Warlocks and Spiritual Warfare

THE KINGDOM OF SATAN EXPOSED! Activities of Principalities and Demon Worship in our World - Inside The World of Witchcraft, Voodoo, Warlocks and Spiritual Warfare

THE KINGDOM OF SATAN EXPOSED! Activities of Principalities and Demon Worship in our World - Inside The World of Witchcraft, Voodoo, Warlocks and Spiritual Warfare



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There are spiritual forces active in the world. We cannot see them with our natural eyes; invisible spiritual forces; neither can we touch nor interact with them with our material physical flesh. They are not aliens as erroneously called by some people, but live and impact on the lives of human beings. Just as there are spiritual forces of good working on the side of the Lord God Almighty, so also are forces of Evil and Darkness. There is a spirit being known as Satan. He’s not a figment; he’s well and alive in our world today. There is Satan and there are Satanists; those that are worshiping him as god and do his biddings by carrying out his agendas in the lives of human beings.

Who is Satan? How and why was he created by God Almighty? What relationship did he have with God before his fall and why did he fall? If the Lord God Almighty is omniscient-knows everything-why didn't He know Satan would rebel against Him before He created him? How was Satan able to convince one-third of the angels in heaven to support him in rebelling against God? What did Satan promise these angels before they agreed to join him against God? Where are these fallen angels in the world and how do they operate on the earth today? We looked at the origins of false good, how demons operate in the lives of born-again Christians and unbelievers; the concepts of demonic oppression, demonic possession and demonic harassment. These and any more are contained in this book.

Similarly, in this book, there are two special sections on Interpretation of Dreams which are antennas to the spirit realm and another section on the religion of Islam. How can you interpret your dreams? Does God Almighty speak to us; how and why does He speak to all human beings and how can we hear Him? Find out how Satan and his demons too use dreams to oppress human beings. We explained the Tripartite parts of the human personality; spirit, soul and body and how the spirit realm operates. Take a look at some of the dreams we interpreted in the book and how you can appropriate the templates to interpret yours.

In the final part of the book, we look at the religion of Islam and the Quran. Do Christians and Moslems worship the same God? Is Allah of the Quran the same as the Jehovah Lord God Almighty of the Holy Bible? Are the Quran and the Holy Bible the revealed words of the True Lord God Almighty? Was Prophet Mohammad Abdallah inspired and sent to the world by the True Jehovah Lord Almighty? Are Christians and Moslems going to the same place after death? Are the Moslems’ eternal abode of Al-janna the same as Christians’ eternal destination of paradise? Are Christianity and Islam basically the same religion but the only difference is in English and Arabic languages? These and many more are contained in this book.

Product Details

BN ID: 2940149915941
Publisher:, Inc.
Publication date: 12/15/2014
Sold by: Barnes & Noble
Format: eBook
Pages: 698
File size: 702 KB

About the Author

MOSHOOD FAYEMIWO was born a Moslem but became a born-again Christian in 1997. He holds three master’s degrees, a PhD and lives in Chicago. MARGIE NEAL was born in Union, South Carolina. She became a born-again Christian in 2003. She holds two master’s degrees, an Ed.D and lives in Chicago.
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