Treasures in the Darkness: Letting Go of Pain, Holding On to Faith

The strongest believer’s faith can be shaken when faced with tragedy or even disappointment. Bishop Larry Brandon faced this himself when his oldest son, Brandon, was killed. Here he shares his own struggle, pain, and eventual victory in Christ. While it appeared to the world that he was doing well, inside his heart and faith were broken. Only someone who has faced the subtle crumbling and nagging doubts can speak with authority to the pain that readers face in such dark times.

Treasures in the Darkness also turns to the scripture to show how people like Abram, Sarai, David and others who loved God stumbled when their faith was put to the test. Through the text, the reader will gain spiritual understanding to help stay in faith while getting practical tools to help deal with and overcome private pain, whatever it may be. “Treasures in the Darkness” covers topics such as how to avoid masking one's pain, how to deal with frustration, assumption and presumption, coming through the grief process (the root of private pain), seeing our situation through the eyes of faith, discovering the "hidden treasure" in our pain, and more.

Treasures in the Darkness: Letting Go of Pain, Holding On to Faith

The strongest believer’s faith can be shaken when faced with tragedy or even disappointment. Bishop Larry Brandon faced this himself when his oldest son, Brandon, was killed. Here he shares his own struggle, pain, and eventual victory in Christ. While it appeared to the world that he was doing well, inside his heart and faith were broken. Only someone who has faced the subtle crumbling and nagging doubts can speak with authority to the pain that readers face in such dark times.

Treasures in the Darkness also turns to the scripture to show how people like Abram, Sarai, David and others who loved God stumbled when their faith was put to the test. Through the text, the reader will gain spiritual understanding to help stay in faith while getting practical tools to help deal with and overcome private pain, whatever it may be. “Treasures in the Darkness” covers topics such as how to avoid masking one's pain, how to deal with frustration, assumption and presumption, coming through the grief process (the root of private pain), seeing our situation through the eyes of faith, discovering the "hidden treasure" in our pain, and more.

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Treasures in the Darkness: Letting Go of Pain, Holding On to Faith

Treasures in the Darkness: Letting Go of Pain, Holding On to Faith

by L. Lawrence Brandon
Treasures in the Darkness: Letting Go of Pain, Holding On to Faith

Treasures in the Darkness: Letting Go of Pain, Holding On to Faith

by L. Lawrence Brandon

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The strongest believer’s faith can be shaken when faced with tragedy or even disappointment. Bishop Larry Brandon faced this himself when his oldest son, Brandon, was killed. Here he shares his own struggle, pain, and eventual victory in Christ. While it appeared to the world that he was doing well, inside his heart and faith were broken. Only someone who has faced the subtle crumbling and nagging doubts can speak with authority to the pain that readers face in such dark times.

Treasures in the Darkness also turns to the scripture to show how people like Abram, Sarai, David and others who loved God stumbled when their faith was put to the test. Through the text, the reader will gain spiritual understanding to help stay in faith while getting practical tools to help deal with and overcome private pain, whatever it may be. “Treasures in the Darkness” covers topics such as how to avoid masking one's pain, how to deal with frustration, assumption and presumption, coming through the grief process (the root of private pain), seeing our situation through the eyes of faith, discovering the "hidden treasure" in our pain, and more.

Product Details

ISBN-13: 9781426770753
Publisher: Abingdon Press
Publication date: 05/01/2013
Sold by: Barnes & Noble
Format: eBook
File size: 1 MB

About the Author

A popular lecturer and the author of several books, Bishop L. Lawrence Brandon is a well-loved pastor, minister, spiritual father, and community leader. As Senior Pastor and CEO of several churches, Bishop Brandon oversees Praise Temple Full Gospel Baptist Cathedral, one of the fastest-growing congregations in the Shreveport/Bossier City, Louisiana, area. The Bishop is also the founder and CEO of Praise Temple Ministries and L. L. Brandon Ministries, Inc.

Read an Excerpt

Treasures in the Darkness

Letting Go of Pain Holding On to Faith

By L. Lawrence Brandon

Abingdon Press

Copyright © 2013 L Lawrence Brandon
All rights reserved.
ISBN: 978-1-4267-7075-3



You Have the Light of Life

In Him was life, and the life was the light of men. JOHN 1:4

Before we get into exposing private pain and coming all the way through the grief process, I want to look at the promise. Because when you're in pain—emotionally, physically, or otherwise—it's important not to lose sight of hope. No matter what you may be facing there is a light inside of you: a treasure that can never be taken away.

What is this treasure within you? John 1:1-4 says:

In the beginning was the Word, and the Word was with God, and the Word was God. He was in the beginning with God. All things were made through Him, and without Him nothing was made that was made. In Him was life, and the life was the light of men [emphasis mine].

Second Corinthians 4:6-7 adds:

For it is the God who commanded light to shine out of darkness, who has shone in our hearts to give the light of the knowledge of the glory of God in the face of Jesus Christ. But we have this treasure in earthen vessels, that the excellence of the power may be of God and not of us [emphasis mine].

As we begin this journey, letting go of pain and holding on to faith, I encourage you to remember that God is going to see you all the way through to healing and victory. There is a light, a treasure, within you through your relationship with Jesus Christ that empowers you to stand, endure, and overcome for the glory of God.

Remembering this is vitally important, because when you experience loss it can be easy to focus on your pain and take your eyes off of God and His promises. And that's exactly what the enemy wants you to do. But God! He has already made a way for you to let go of your pain, hold on to your faith, and shine brightly in the darkness.

An ancient poet wrote: Finis origine pendet, "The end depends upon the beginning." Since that time, people from almost every walk of life have repeated this phrase because it's absolutely true. Why? God established the principle. He set everything in place for light to overcome darkness. Genesis 1:1-4 says:

In the beginning God created the heavens and the earth. The earth was without form, and void; and darkness was upon the face of the deep. And the Spirit of God was hovering over the face of the waters. Then God said, "Let there be light"; and there was light. And God saw the light, that it was good; and God divided the light from the darkness.

Of course, when God divided light from darkness He created day and night in the physical realm (v. 5). However, John 1:4 reminds us that God divides light from darkness within us when we belong to Him. In fact, all people—saved and unsaved—have "eternity" in our hearts; God places it inside of us (see Ecclesiastes 3:11). So, you see, there is always hope, especially when you belong to Jesus. As a child of God you can have firm hope for today and for the future because He won't leave you in the dark.

The book of Genesis also tells us that when God created man from the dust of the earth, He breathed into his nostrils the "breath of life" (2:7). It also records what happened when this first man, Adam, and his wife, Eve, fell prey to deception and ate the forbidden fruit. I'll quickly summarize. The Lord called to Adam and confronted them. Adam passed the buck to Eve, and then Eve passed blame to the serpent (3:9-13). Then Genesis 3:14-15 says:

So the LORD God said to the serpent: "Because you have done this, you are cursed more than all cattle, and more than every beast of the field; on your belly you shall go, and you shall eat dust all the days of your life. And I will put enmity between you and the woman, and between your seed and her Seed; He shall bruise your head, and you shall bruise his heel."

After dealing with the serpent, God dealt with Eve and Adam. As a result of their sin, Eve would have pain in childbirth and be ruled by her husband. Adam would sweat and work hard all the days of his life with fewer results. And they would both return to dust. (See vv. 16-19.) If that wasn't enough, God sent them out of the garden of Eden, a place of peace, purpose, and provision ... but He didn't take back the breath of life. That light was still within them.

What does this have to do with letting go of your private pain? Both Adam and Eve suffered painful losses. I'm sure they both had deep regrets. But God made sure to give them hope. He declared the Seed of the woman—Jesus Christ—would have victory over the serpent's seed. Although God disciplined Adam and Eve, He also made sure they knew that they were still in a posture of victory over the enemy (the serpent). They could move forward after their loss and still lead positive, productive lives. So can you.

I'll say it again: The end depends upon the beginning. Perhaps, like me, you have suffered the loss of a loved one. Maybe you've lost your job or your health or have gone through a difficult divorce. No matter what you may have lost, there is still life within you. God made sure of that in the beginning. The promise of life and light is as real now as it was then. You can come all the way through the grief process and have hope for better, brighter tomorrows.


So hold your focus, hold on to your faith in Christ, as we move forward. Cherish the treasure He's given you.

Society views treasure as accumulated wealth or valuable resources, like gold, precious stones, and so on. These treasures can be temporary. You can also treasure someone or something that's precious to you, like a loved one, your health, a family heirloom, or even knowledge you've acquired. But there will be times when, for one reason or another, a loved one can't be there for you. An issue could come up with your health or finances. A family keepsake could be lost. Something you learn today could become obsolete in the not-too-distant future.

But the treasure inside of you—the light of the knowledge of the glory of God in the face of Jesus Christ—is eternal. It doesn't change or become obsolete. Jesus Christ is the same yesterday, today, and forever (see Hebrews 13:8). His finished work on the cross is as valid today as it was when He died and rose from the grave. The devil can't ever take this light away from you. Why? Jesus has stripped him of his authority and delivered you from the power of darkness. (See Colossians 1:13-14; 2:13-15; Hebrews 2:14-15; and Revelation 1:18.)

You can do all things through Christ who strengthens you! The light of Jesus shines within you ... on your best days and in your darkest hours. Pain and grief can't extinguish His light. But if you pull away from God in the darkness, then you can give up what He has freely given you. Don't let the enemy steal your treasure. Keep your focus on God and you'll come through private pain into healing and victory.

Here's a handy tip from my booklet, 30 Minutes in Prayer: A little dab will do you. What does this mean? As I said in my booklet, "You can start right where you are and just do 'a little'; then you can build from there ... As you believe God, keep coming to Him, and faithfully do what He instructs you to do, He'll do what only He can do in your life. Your part is to believe God, come to Him, and obey. His part is to order your steps, reshape your life and lead you into your divine destiny."

With this in mind, here's a nugget of wisdom to light your day: Keep a song in your heart. In fact, I'd like to suggest the perfect one: "This Little Light of Mine" by Harry Dixon Loes. I'm sure you've heard of this popular gospel song. You may even know the melody by heart. Here are some of the lyrics to help keep you focused on the promise:

This little light of mine, I'm gonna let it shine ...
Jesus gave me the light, I'm gonna let it shine ...
Don't let the Satan blow it out, I'm gonna let it shine ...
Let it shine. Let it shine. Let it shine.

Just thinking about this simple message lifts my spirit and stirs my faith. How about you?

Here's another promising thought: "He who has begun a good work in you will complete it until the day of Jesus Christ" (Philippians 1:6). Believe it! Let it shine in your heart. Jesus is the author and finisher of your faith (see Hebrews 12:2). From the moment He gave you eternal life, Jesus was fully committed to be with you, and in you, always. He'll walk with you every step of the way as you come through the grief process.

I know from personal experience there is no pain so severe that God can't heal you. There is no loss so deep that He can't restore you. (I'll be sharing some of my story with you starting in the next chapter.) Jesus' light within you overcomes darkness. It dries your tears, heals your hurts, and strengthens you to finish the course.

Just hold on to your faith. Believe Him, come to Him, and obey Him as you deal with private pain. The process of letting go is much easier with the Lord than without Him. And remember, a little dab will do you. Do what you can and the Lord will do what only He can do. Hope, healing, and victory are yours in Jesus Christ.


Now that we've examined our treasure and focused on God's promises, it's time to move forward. It's always best to get off to a strong start, don't you agree? Because again, the end depends upon the beginning.

Here's a final tip: Bookmark this chapter. Come back to it whenever your faith is challenged. That way, you'll stay focused on the light—not the light at the end of the tunnel—the light, the treasure, within you ... and it will shine, shine, shine. Let me pray for you as I close.

Father God, we enter Your presence with thanksgiving and praise. You are King of kings, Lord of lords, and Master of the universe. You are Abba, our Father in heaven. Thank You for speaking light into darkness and for giving us the eternal promise that we can overcome the enemy in Jesus Christ. You are the light of life within us: a treasure in our earthen vessels. We could never repay You for the love You have freely bestowed upon us, so we give You our whole hearts and lives. We hold on to faith in You, Lord. Let Your eternal light shine brightly within us. I ask that just as You have delivered us from the power of darkness, that You would give my friend who is reading this book hope and strength to expose, confront, and let go of private pain. Help my friend to focus on You, keep coming to You in prayer, and obediently follow You during each step of the grief process. Thank You for giving hope and peace as only You can do and for bringing complete healing and restoration. We thank You as we move forward that Your Word will never pass away and that You always keep Your promises. Our hope is in You, Father God ... for Yours is the kingdom, the power, and the glory forever. In the priceless name of Jesus we pray. Amen.


Finally, before you start reading the next chapter, I want to make sure we're on solid footing. Are you confident of your salvation? Do you have any reason to doubt that you have truly received Jesus Christ as your Savior and Lord? If you answered no and yes, then bow your heart before the Lord with me and say the following prayer:

Dear Lord Jesus, I believe You are the Son of God and that You died and rose from the dead for my sin. Come into my heart. Forgive me, Lord. Fill me with Your life. Thank You for loving me, saving me from the power of darkness, and restoring me to the Father. I receive You with my whole heart and will follow You for the rest of my life. In Your name I pray. Amen.

Perhaps you're saved, but you have walked away from the Lord. There is no better time than the present to get things right with Him. Say this prayer with me:

Dear Lord Jesus, I come into Your presence giving You praise. Forgive me for walking away from You, Lord. I'm sorry for taking my focus off of You and doing what seemed right in my own eyes. I confess and renounce my sins. [Take a few moments to confess and renounce each one and give it to the Lord.] Thank You, Lord, that Your Word promises if I confess my sins You will forgive me of my sins and cleanse me from all unrighteousness. Create in me a clean heart and renew a right spirit within me. Restore the joy of my salvation and my first love for You. Lord, I ask You to give me hearing ears and an obedient heart. Stir my soul so I thirst for Your presence like a deer pants for water. Reignite the fire of holy passion in me. I will follow You from this day forward, Lord. Thank You for loving, forgiving, and restoring me. In Your name I pray. Amen.

Praise the Lord! Whether you prayed either of those prayers or are fully confident of your salvation and intimacy with the Lord, we're ready to take the next step. You don't have to be afraid of the dark. You're a child of God. You have a priceless treasure within you—the light of eternal life.



The Light Shines in Darkness

O God, listen to my cry! Hear my prayer! From the ends of the earth, I cry to you for help when my heart is overwhelmed. Lead me to the towering rock of safety, for you are my safe refuge, a fortress where my enemies cannot reach me. Let me live forever in your sanctuary, safe beneath the shelter of your wings! PSALM 61:1-4 (NLT)

The weekend of March 19, 2011, marked the two-year anniversary of losing my first son, Larry Lawrence Brandon, III. As I went about my activities, thoughts of my son kept cycling through my mind. Each time I experienced a memory and the sharp sting of pain that came afterward, I prayed silently and kept moving forward. Then on Sunday, when I hosted the "I Am My Faith" radio show before our morning church service, it became evident God was up to something. My spirit was stirring. I felt strongly led to share more about what I had gone through. As I obeyed God and opened up about my private pain, I was amazed at the results.

Let me start from the beginning in 2009 so you can see how God transforms private pain into public victory. My son's death was totally unexpected; he was killed in a random shooting in Fairfield, California. The day it happened I was on my way to a meeting and a photo shoot when I received a text message: "Larry, Little Larry is dead."

I was stunned. I couldn't believe my eyes. What could have possibly happened? This couldn't be real. I took a deep breath and called my mother to confirm it. Up to this point, though I was in shock about receiving the message, I was actually handling myself pretty well. Then I heard her voice: "Hey baby ..." From her tone and demeanor, I knew it was real. There's a certain way she says things when something has gone wrong.

She hadn't even finished her sentence when I said, "My son is dead." Sadly, she said yes, and then started telling me what had happened. At that point, I lost it emotionally. I had to take some quiet time alone. I said, "Momma, pray for me," and told her I would call her back.

The sting of my son's loss was intense. When I hung up the phone, a feeling of grief I had never experienced in my life overcame me. So many intense emotions set in. I didn't want to speak to anyone. I couldn't even pray.

A little while later, after gathering myself, I called her back and got some more information. Interestingly, though the reality of my son's death was sinking in, I was still in a state of disbelief. You don't want to believe someone you love is gone, especially under such sudden and tragic circumstances.

It came to me that I still had an appointment coming up at the church, so I gathered myself as best I could. I said, "Lord, I need You to help me. I'm Your son, and I'm on assignment, but I'm human." Of course, God was well aware of that. He had been with me every minute since I received the terrible news. God isn't put off by our pain. His strength is made perfect in our weaknesses (see 2 Corinthians 12:9). The more you need Him, the more He is there.

I went on to the church and took care of the remaining business, not saying a word about what had happened. Nobody knew what was going on.

Before I left the office I called my wife, Wanda, told her what had happened, and asked her to gather the children. I wanted all of us to be together when I told them about Larry. I also asked her not to answer the phone; I knew that soon everybody would be calling to console us. "Just sit still until I get there," I said.

My drive home was a long journey. As I took the familiar streets and turns, my emotions were all over the place. I was struggling ... but I knew by the time I got home I needed to be strong for my family. When I got to the house, I composed myself and walked in. I went to my family, sat among them, and shared what had happened to Larry. Understandably, they were shocked and extremely upset to hear what had taken place and that he was no longer with us.

I gave them time to release their emotions. Then something happened that touched me deeply. My daughter came to me, hugged me, and said, "Daddy, are you okay?" I broke down again ... because my baby was comforting me. Once again, I had to take some time alone. I asked them to gather themselves and told them I'd be back soon. Then I left the house to take another "journey" and come to terms with my own grief.


Excerpted from Treasures in the Darkness by L. Lawrence Brandon. Copyright © 2013 L Lawrence Brandon. Excerpted by permission of Abingdon Press.
All rights reserved. No part of this excerpt may be reproduced or reprinted without permission in writing from the publisher.
Excerpts are provided by Dial-A-Book Inc. solely for the personal use of visitors to this web site.

Table of Contents


1. The Treasure Within You You Have the Light of Life,
2. Exposing Private Pain The Light Shines in Darkness,
3. Let's Keep It Real Don't Hide Your Treasure,
4. When Waiting Gets Tough Real Treasure Endures!,
5. The Grief Process Where Your Treasure Is, Your Heart Will Be Also,
6. Overturning Circumstantial Evidence Discovering the Hidden Treasures of God,
7. Is This Faith or Am I Crazy? The Treasure of Trusting God,
8. Seeing the Light Your Heavenly Treasure Chest,
9. Moving Forward You Are a Light to the World,
Reflection/Discussion Questions,
Author Bio,

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