Table of Contents
Editor's Preface
From the East: The Master's Message
Masonic Truths—A Disclaimer
Works Under Dispensation
A Brief History on the Organization of Western New York Lodge of Research
The Early History of Freemasonry in Erie County, New York State - Charles Ketchum
Freemasonry and Roman Catholicism - Don Markham
First Transactions
The Grand Lodge of Israel: The Origins and Development of Freemasonry in the Holy Land - Maurice Solomon
The Law Is ... - Charles Kysor
Light on a Dark Subject - Don Markham
Mordecai Manuel Noah: Was He a Freemason? - Melvin Levy
What is Freemasonry? A Collection of Historical Facts - Stuart Farmer
The Preservation of Historical Materials - Don Markham
The Morgan Affair, Why? - LaVerne S. Lamkin and Charles Ketchum
The Beginning (Historical Context)
Early Lodges Around Batavia
The Story of William Morgan
Appendix: Officers of Former Masonic Lodges at Batavia, N.Y.
from 1811 to 1859
Second Book of Transactions
Did the Morgan Affair Sow the Seeds that Are Strangling Masonry? - Anthony Delisi
Masonry and Religion–Are They Compatible? - John Borycki
Masonic Beginnings in New York and the Great Schism 1730–1827 - Jeffrey Williamson
“Old Hickory”—The Man Who Made It Twice - Alan Fowler
Masonic Interest in the Saints John & the Fate of Others who Shared this Interest - Anthony Delisi
Two Grand Lodges in New York - Charles Ketchum
Astrology: As Above, So Below - Phillip Beith
Visiting English Lodges - John Comstock
Third Book of Transactions
Spiritual Alchemy - Phillip Beith
Arthur Conan Doyle and Sherlock Holmes: Their Western New York Legacy - John Comstock
A Short Historical Introduction to the Scottish Rite - Bruce Renner
The Tolpuddle Martyrs - John Comstock
The Cities of Rome and Jerusalem and the Foundations of Christian Theology: How the Craft’s use of the Temple Legend Has Lead to ‘Unspeakable’ Things - Mark Robson
The Ancient Landmarks: Our Indefinite Boundaries - Nathan Shoff
The Arabic Cipher Hypothesis: Was Banking the Holy Grail and Numerals Its Keeper? - Ken Stuczynski
Western New York Lodge of Research Under Dispensation By-Laws
Founding Members, Charter Members, and Worshipful Masters
About the Editing of this Book