Where the Four Winds Dwell

Seppie began writing seven years ago- full of angst, confusion and deep thoughts. Inspired throughout the years by a tumultuous life and brought to writing out of influence from such artists of greatness as T.S. Eliot and Walt Whitman to the Grateful Dead and Anti-Flag, she discusses every topic of thought such as politics, religion, the supernatural, nature, the mind and simply writing itself. Seppie has compiled quite a musing and superlative collection of poetry during her young life. Through depression, happiness, second-hand insanity, poverty, contentment, drug-induced fantasies and much more- the author shows to us the kind of road one must travel to finally reach that place Where the Four Winds Dwell.

Where the Four Winds Dwell

Seppie began writing seven years ago- full of angst, confusion and deep thoughts. Inspired throughout the years by a tumultuous life and brought to writing out of influence from such artists of greatness as T.S. Eliot and Walt Whitman to the Grateful Dead and Anti-Flag, she discusses every topic of thought such as politics, religion, the supernatural, nature, the mind and simply writing itself. Seppie has compiled quite a musing and superlative collection of poetry during her young life. Through depression, happiness, second-hand insanity, poverty, contentment, drug-induced fantasies and much more- the author shows to us the kind of road one must travel to finally reach that place Where the Four Winds Dwell.

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Where the Four Winds Dwell

Where the Four Winds Dwell

by Seppie
Where the Four Winds Dwell

Where the Four Winds Dwell

by Seppie


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Seppie began writing seven years ago- full of angst, confusion and deep thoughts. Inspired throughout the years by a tumultuous life and brought to writing out of influence from such artists of greatness as T.S. Eliot and Walt Whitman to the Grateful Dead and Anti-Flag, she discusses every topic of thought such as politics, religion, the supernatural, nature, the mind and simply writing itself. Seppie has compiled quite a musing and superlative collection of poetry during her young life. Through depression, happiness, second-hand insanity, poverty, contentment, drug-induced fantasies and much more- the author shows to us the kind of road one must travel to finally reach that place Where the Four Winds Dwell.

Product Details

ISBN-13: 9781452008073
Publisher: AuthorHouse
Publication date: 08/12/2010
Sold by: Barnes & Noble
Format: eBook
File size: 1 MB

Read an Excerpt

Where the Four Winds Dwell

By Seppie


Copyright © 2010 Seppie
All right reserved.

ISBN: 978-1-4520-0805-9

Chapter One

Escape From Reality 2004

Today I left reality And what was it that I seen? True individuality And unknown hues of green,

Lives that worked without disguise, People earning what they've got, Tears shed at a man's demise, Fields, not a parking lot!

Pollution never heard of, Real respect for the Earth, True emotions such as love- I think reality sounds worse!

Life in the Mushroom Kingdom 2004

Once upon a time, in a faraway place Lived Queen Perfect and her superior race. All day they would laugh and play fun games As the Queen's daughter cried when the kids called her names. The Queen did not know - she, herself, was so gay Until a fairy appeared one sad, lonely day. She told the Queen of the Princess' plight, The Queen did not care, so they started to fight. During this time, the Princess had a visitor; A small elf named Tripp who, to her, was superior. He told her of things she'd never heard before: Magic, he called it. The girl wanted to learn more. He gave her a sample, said, "Just eat this treat!" She did as instructed and thought the outcome neat! She began to cheer up and see amazing things! Possibilities were endless- donkeys with wings! The Queen and the fairy ended their fight, the Queen was the winner! She checked on her daughter and ordered her dinner. But the Princess didn't want food- this amazing world she had discovered She didn't want to leave, so she lay in her bed covered. She laid there all day imagining worlds of your dreams. She realized then, nothing's as it seems! She was still sad and lonely; her mother still didn't care, Her whole life was phony- she couldn't stay there! She begged the elf to give her some more, the elf had to agree So she ate all that was left. Her mind again was free. In her head she went exploring until one tragic hour Something was wrong and it was out of her power. She couldn't escape her Utopia and it turned suddenly to Hell. From her dream she didn't awake and her soul just fell. Her mother stared at her corpse and thought, 'Is she dead?' In her dream the Princess stayed, lying forever in bed.

Our Hope 2004

I'd cry to think of such a place Where lives are lost over race. But tears are lost from my eyes At the sight of such demise. I can't imagine such a world Where one's beaten 'cause they're a girl But this shit happens everyday And still we think, 'there's a better way'. This thought provides hope and we go on And then for us a new day will dawn, But the new day brings what we've seen the past, And again, we think, 'we should change this fast!' But how do we change if we do not see How this whole world is changing 'we'?- Not for the better, but for the worse, Day after day 'til we're in the hearse. And then it's too late for us to change; The one who could is even thought of as strange. But they can't pass on their wisdom because They're in the hearse like the last one was.

Two Days After Christmas 1999

'Twas two days after Christmas when I left the house- my bank card wasn't working and all my cheques bounced. I was getting furious, no money to withdraw! The price of children's toys left me in awe.

I went into panic, "Oh why, oh why me? The presents, the stockings and even the tree!"

When from out in the bank's lot arouse such a clatter, I took a peek to see what was the matter. A sleigh parked beside my bright yellow Jag- out came a man and an elf with a tag.

The man looked good, secure and tidy. The tag on the elf surely said 'Heidi'.

The man and the elf walked up to the teller, the man said, "I'd like to pay off some bills for this fell'er!" He pointed to me and gave me a wink.

"That's okay!-", I exclaimed, I took a second to think: 'Who was this guy, and why help me?' I looked at him, his eyes filled with glee. He handed me a cheque for almost two grand. I looked the cheque over, strand by strand.

Then what to my wondering eyes should see just then? It was old St. Bobby and eight tiny penguins! He jumped in the sleigh with Heidi in tow. He grabbed up the reins and got ready to go, "On Fredrick, on Marvin, on William and Billy! On Cindy, on Mindy, on Curtis and Lily! Now fly away, fly away, fly away all!"

As he flew through the sky on magic penguin feet, all I could think of was, 'Golly, how neat!'

Then he looked to me as he flew out of sight, "Merry bill- paying to all, and to all a good night!"

The Fog 2005

Beautiful in a way, How long will it stay? Even in the day, It can lead you astray.

Wisps of fog swirl and dance- Can capture you inside a trance. You venture still to take a chance- Much like a true romance.

Unforgiving, it can be, Like an ocean or a sea. It can fill one's heart with glee Or inflict great tragedy.

Memories of days gone by Surround you and make you cry. What waits ahead, blind to the eye, Not knowing if we live or die.

This One's For You (In Memory of Ryan Brown) 2005

It seems to me No one learns from the tragedies Which are bound to repeat, eventually. And still, I see People living so carefree Like it's the way to be But it's not, obviously.

People die, and Nobody wants to cry Because there's security in the lie That we live daily, by and by. No longer do we try To brighten a darkened sky We just beg for more supply.

"And still I see no changes-" That statement couldn't be more true. Pac, no one could say it better than you. Still, the things we do Offer nothing to look forward to Besides another puff and a brew Or a new homemade tattoo.

And there's still no peace- Just kids running from the police, It's got to cease In order for the peace to increase. Just to say the least, In memory of the deceased Let's get together from West to East.

It All Begins With One 2005

Controversy over races And it's always the same. But we've all got similar faces And feel the same kind of pain.

Black against white Or yellow against blue, But no difference tonight Between me and you.

A minority can't be racist- Well, that seems funny to me! No one wants to face it: Hate is hate, you see.

Maybe if we really try, We can have peace on Earth And brighten tomorrow's sky Instead of calling out the hearse.

Change begins with a single person To lead others from the confusion. Aim for better, don't worsen- Make it your resolution!

"But I was raised this way!" Is definitely no excuse! Make a positive plan today And put it to good use!

Think of all the hours Of deceit, lies and crime As fuel for your power And peace will come in time.

The Piteous State 2005

No matter what I try None of my plans will fly 'Cause people die and people lie As the world goes by and by.

Effortless is the cause And the world will never pause But will isolate our flaws. A losing hand, he draws.

Challenged by everything As we're tossed into the ring, The announcer begins to sing And the winner is crowned King.

Life's a circle, it was said And it keeps going 'til we're dead. The slayer returns with your head After the Fates have cut your thread.

We walk this world alone Not really knowing our true home, Taking stock of all we own. When will the way be shown?

Tell me, is this Hell we're living in? In life, no one can really 'win'. You can hear success in the din But it's drowned out by your sin.

A rat race, it has been called And all your morals have been mauled. Your insecurities can be shawled, But fate will not be stalled.

The Words 2005

We've all gone wild on goofballs, It's two doses, twice a day. Souls fade while the future falls- There's so much I could say!

But who really understands These words that I write, With only my head and my two hands As I dream wildly through the night?

Who stops to think what the words mean? Readers only like them because they rhyme. They could be kind or quite obscene And their meaning always changes over time.

So, what is it about the words That can so greatly change one's mood? Either about nature or the birds, Or topics that are more crude.

I could write my thoughts all day, Not really knowing to where they'll lead. Far from reality, I might stray- Engulf my mind in a bag of weed.

My mind's become very remote Much like Alice's in Wonderland. Through words, my beliefs, I emote, It's time for me to make a stand!

Observing 2005

I see something move from the side of my eye, I know that something's there. But when I turn around to look, The spot is always bare.

I continue my work because it's safe, But I see a foggy shift in the light. I stop again to look around But again, I see all is right.

It could just be that my mind's not all there, It could be a trick or delusion. It could also be a psychotic lapse Or an expression of my personal seclusion.

Whatever it is, I like it with me; It's something familiar and at my side. It seems as if it's always watching And when I look back, it runs to hide.

There are sounds and forms I can't explain, There's always something unknown. But there's one thing, only, I know for sure- Something's here and I'm not alone.

The Forbidden Knowledge 2005

As generations pass, We see no end. The world changes fast, Trapped in Pretend.

Education's been oppressed- We only know what they say. Truths the government suggest Blind us in millions by the day.

Through entropy they rule us To keep us ignorant of the truth. Still, we let them fool us While the masses souls they sleuth.

Control of thought leads To control of destinies; They control all our seeds And say our minds should rest at ease.

If you believe and trust them, Your mind can never grow. Treat your knowledge as a gem- Never let evil see it glow.

The world is ruled by Satan- But not too tricky for the wise! Quit all toiling and hatin' And now, open up your eyes!

See the world as it really is- Trapped in darkness, lies and corruption; Formed by demons ruling show biz Who teach to conform assumption.

Free yourself from worldly matters, Break the chains that hold you down, Climb up truths many ladders, Wear your own ruling crown.

Material objects inflict emotion, We feel remorse when they break. Everyday we quaff the potion That makes our souls easy to take.

When one person knows too much, They lock them up so they can't tell- Wisdom freed them from the Devil's clutch, But their body still resides in Hell.

Money is the root of Evil, Fighting for it helps it bloom, Thrusting the world into upheaval, Creating an impenetrable gloom.

To win, we must work together And save the future's obvious fate, So it doesn't repeat forever. First, we must redirect our hate;

Turn it into positive behaviors, Stop the violence, do it now! On Earth, we're our own Saviors- The only question is, 'HOW?'

Erase all you've been taught. You know, they can't stop us all! Forget all you once thought, Only then Evil will fall ...

The World's Truths 2005

The world runs on lies- It's the truth and a fact. The millionth person dies 'Cause they weren't given Essiac.

You're just a number and a slave To the leaders of the world Until you're deep in your grave And the truth is unfurled.

Going to the Crossroads To sell your only soul; Satan bribes and he goads- Another victim to his goal.

Young minds are herded into A straightjacket education And when they come out of it They're sold into degradation.

Forced immunizations For all high school students Are man's future creations Of all-mighty super humans.

'Nothing is ever what it seems'- That quote will get you through life. Believe only in your dreams, And try not to quarrel or to strife.

Look to yourself for the truth, It can only be found there; In a filling in your tooth Or in a single strand of hair.

Be independent and be free, Do not what others do. Maintain conscious anarchy Because they're always watching you!

They want to see what you know, How far you've come along. Don't yet let the knowledge show- Hide it behind a bong.

Pretend you're ignorant and dumb, Pretend you just don't care. They think they've got you under their thumb Because you're just a product there.

But only you will know The truth inside your head. Feed the knowledge, let it grow Or else, you're better off dead.


Excerpted from Where the Four Winds Dwell by Seppie Copyright © 2010 by Seppie. Excerpted by permission.
All rights reserved. No part of this excerpt may be reproduced or reprinted without permission in writing from the publisher.
Excerpts are provided by Dial-A-Book Inc. solely for the personal use of visitors to this web site.

Table of Contents


Letter to the Reader....................vii
Escape From Reality 2004....................1
Life in the Mushroom Kingdom 2004....................2
Our Hope 2004....................4
Two Days After Christmas 1999....................5
The Fog 2005....................7
This One's For You (In Memory of Ryan Brown) 2005....................8
It All Begins With One 2005....................10
The Piteous State 2005....................12
The Words 2005....................14
Observing 2005....................16
The Forbidden Knowledge 2005....................18
The World's Truths 2005....................22
My Last Words 2005....................25
Ode to Buttons 2005....................27
Problems 2005....................30
Extasy 2005....................31
Ways of the World Today 2005....................34
At Night 2005....................35
Da Green Chronic 2005....................37
A Natural Connection 2005....................38
Candle's Sacrifice 2005....................39
In My Head at Night 2005....................40
Back to My Roots 2005....................42
Impending Doom 2005....................45
Why I Like Animals More Than People 2005....................47
Newest Presence 2005....................50
Working For A Greater Good 2005....................52
Shakespearean Sonnet 2005....................53
Petrarchan Sonnet 2005....................55
Counting Frogs 2005....................56
Man Sells His Soul 2005....................57
Halloween 2005....................58
In A Dream 2005....................59
The Maiden 2005....................60
Just Having Some Fun 2005....................62
Time Moves On 2006....................64
The Disturbed Truth 2006....................66
A True Story About Life 2006....................68
A Kind Reverie 2006....................71
Grounded Soldiers 2006....................73
The Ant Hill 2006....................75
Freeverse 2006....................76
Is It A Wonderland? 2006....................78
Upon Awakening 2006....................82
Stars 2006....................84
Deceived By Smiles 2006....................85
Orange Wedge 2006....................86
Summersaults 2006....................87
Repugnance 2006....................89
Germination 2006....................90
Good Friends Are Hard To Find 2006....................92
Lost Youth 2006....................94
Springtime Night Rain 2006....................96
The Unknown One 2006....................98
In The Morning 2006....................100
Every Time I Die 2006....................102
Remorse For the Lost 2007....................105
What It Is 2007....................107
Abbreviated Circumstances 2007....................108
When Sanity Turns You In 2007....................110
Who Has Seen The Wind? 2007....................112
Death Before Appreciation 2007....................113
In Hopes You Treat the Future Well 2007....................115
On the Open Sea 2007....................117
Marco ... Polo ... 2007....................120
Wasted Time Is the Misdeed of Great Things 2007....................121
The Colorful Demise 2006....................122
A Title Would Only Offend the Defensive 2008....................123
Lament for Freedom (Ode to Stephen Harper) 2008....................124
"You Must Have Dropped This Back There ..." 2008....................127
Still Life 2009....................129
Supplication 2009....................131
What Wells' Character Forgot 2009....................132
Shapers of the World 2009....................133
Inheritance 2009....................134
Scrounging Up Change 2009....................135
Gnostic 2009....................136
The Truth of the Matter Is ... 2009....................138
The Frosty, Good-Time Blues 2009....................141
11/12/09 2009....................142
Early Morning Boarding 2010....................143
Reflections On Yesterday 2010....................144
A Seer's Prayer 2010....................145
Re: To A Stranger 2010....................146
Glory of Winter 2010....................147
La Luna 2010....................149
About the Author....................181
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