Whispers of a Heart From the Other Side: The end of the life of Betsabe showed that her immortal spirit is still with us

Whispers of a Heart From the Other Side: The end of the life of Betsabe showed that her immortal spirit is still with us

by Maria Rosario Rowan
Whispers of a Heart From the Other Side: The end of the life of Betsabe showed that her immortal spirit is still with us

Whispers of a Heart From the Other Side: The end of the life of Betsabe showed that her immortal spirit is still with us

by Maria Rosario Rowan


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Whispers of a Heart from the Other Side is an amazing story about a girl named Betsabe, who made contact with her closest family and friends after she left her earthly life unexpectedly.


Author Maria Rosario Rowan has since been visited by her departed niece and an accompanying spirit of light, daily, for several months, to share beautiful messages that reveal truth about life here on earth, and in the hereafter.


Product Details

ISBN-13: 9781452542751
Publisher: Balboa Press
Publication date: 12/09/2011
Sold by: Barnes & Noble
Format: eBook
Pages: 116
File size: 4 MB

Read an Excerpt

Whispers of a Heart From the Other Side

The end of the life of Betsabe showed that her immortal spirit is still with us
By Maria Rosario Rowan


Copyright © 2011 Maria Rosario Rowan
All right reserved.

ISBN: 978-1-4525-4183-9

Chapter One

The End is a Continuation

* * *

When a loved one leaves, family members weep, suffer and just a few days later they begin to ask:

* Is it true that there is spiritual light?

* Is it true that there is another life after this life?

* Does reincarnation really happen?

It is increasingly common to find extraordinary books telling stories about the contact between human beings that live in the Earth and their loved ones that have gone. For those who have not been around these events, it is hard to believe they are real.

But I find that when the spirits send a message, they may add some details that only the family members or friends would know. Thus, the person receiving the message can trust the truthfulness of the person who sent it.

People who communicate with spirits may be called mediums in spiritism. The genuine ones are guided by love and compassion, receive the same distinctive type of message and obtain no monetary payment for it. In this book, I will refer to this kind of people, myself included, as those who can hear and/or see the spirits and who have only one concern: they want to show that persons who have passed have not gone forever.

The spirits just want to say, they are fine, they are near, they can see us, hear us, take care of us and counsel us.

Some people were born with the gift of communicating with spirits. It is innate and spontaneous; it happens without training or coaching. In some cases, people under the tutelage of a medium can learn how to communicate with spirits.

Potentially everyone can learn how to do it. I don't know the reason why some do it since they are children and others don't. Perhaps we learned this orientation it in previous lives.

If you have not given up reading this book, and you have an open mind about the stunning reality of the communication between the world of living beings on Earth and living beings in another dimension, I'm glad. That means you can be one more of many people who can make contact with their loved ones.

You can take comfort in the thought that they are fine, in a wonderful place, surrounded by kind and wise beings, feeling peace that they maybe never felt in the school of life of this Earth. The end of the life on earth is the continuation of the immortal life of the eternal spirit.

The Most Important Thing is Love

* * *

It is common to hear people comment on how successful they are. Usually they measure their success according to the professional and financial goals that they have achieved. When someone leaves, people comment if that person lived a good life on Earth telling for example he or she earned a PhD or established a company and made a lot of money. Kind of silly! Very few comment about that person's feelings, how many dreams were achieved, if he loved someone or was loved, if he was happy in terms of emotional experiences or not.

I believe that when we came into this life, we had already planned what we needed to achieve in it. It's similar to studying for a career. We know what we are studying. We know the subjects that we will take. We don't know the questions of the exams. But if we go to classes, study and pass the exams, we successfully finish our studies and receive a diploma.

The same happens in life. We know before birth the reason why we came into life and what we must do in it. When we are born, our memory is vague and our free will leads us through life. If we accomplish the objectives and complete our karmas, when we pass from life on earth we elevate in our spiritual evolution. In the areas that we failed, we can return to try to learn whatever we didn't learn before.

At every station of life, we must get on the right train. How can we avoid taking the wrong path?

When in our daily lives, we make decisions that don't harm us or others, these are good choices. So, we feel we are right. We're happy and we make others around us happy. We love and are loved. (I am not talking specifically about romantic love; I am talking about love in a deeper sense, which leads to harmony within the self, with relatives, friends, and others).

When we take the wrong train, and our free will distracts us from the achievement of worthy goals for our life, our decisions affect others, our life becomes a maze where we turn from one problem to another and we don't find an easy way out of difficult situations. This is the moment when disease, depression, and denial of God appear. It is when suicide may be contemplated.

One of the most famous concepts of Jesus Christ is: "Love one another as you love yourself." The great spiritual leaders from all time also said that the most important things in life are love and charity. Of course you may be thinking now ... I love everyone, I do not hurt anyone. I ask, examine your conscience. You're the only one who will know what you will find there.

How much time have you used to tell your parents you love them? Perhaps you have felt and thought about it. Maybe you think, tomorrow I will have time to tell them. Today you are busy with your studies and your friends. But perhaps there will be no tomorrow.

If you are married, you probably devote your time to your employment and to make money. You may think, tomorrow you will have time to share and tell your wife and children you love them. Perhaps there will be no tomorrow – on earth.

This can be applied to any type of relationship, family or friendship. You need to enjoy the love of people! Tell them continuously that you love them! That will make them happier, while these people will give more love to others. Love and happiness are contagious.

If we speak of charity, surely you think that recently you donated some clothing to the poor, or usually on Sundays, you give alms to the church. That is a mechanical charity we all adopt at some point of our lives. It is time for change. We need to feel and apply daily charity in our hearts. We need to look constantly around and feel when someone really needs us. Today it is the beggar in the street without food for eat, tomorrow it is the coworker who needs help in a task. Afterwards, it is a friend who needs our support in his or her problems. Charity means to have our hearts open, always available to help build and support all the people around us.

The Book of Corinthians 13 (New Testament) says, "Nothing is more perfect than love ... If I give all I possess and even sacrifice my body to glory, if I have no love, I gain nothing."

"Love is patient and comprehensive. Love is not jealous, it does not show off or act inflated. It does not act basely or seek its own interest. It is not carried away by anger but forgets the bad ... There are three valid virtues: faith, hope and love, but the best of these is love."

These sentences are full of greatness. They are so beautiful, showing us how wonderful love is. We must not forget! We must cherish the love like the most precious flower in our private garden.

Pray every day. Thank God for the beautiful things that He provided to you. Thanks for all the experiences you have lived. Thanks for all the beauty around you.

And spend less time on material things. Enjoy life on Earth. Share more. Smile more. Love More.

Communication with Those Who Have Gone

* * *

I am a person like you, my dear reader. It is true that I should clarify that in my case, since childhood I have seen and talked with spirits naturally. It's nothing special, I don't know why some do it naturally and others need to learn how. Spiritism is something you can learn. The ease of communicating with spirits is not synonymous with enlightenment or to be holy. It is simple and possible to all who take time to prepare.

You can do it too, if you follow a little advice. You only need to spend a few minutes a day to your preparation and patience to see the results. When the universal and the spiritual guidance shapes the right time for it, you will talk to and enjoy communication with people that have gone. You must trust it can happen.

The techniques described in this book are based on the learning and practice of meditation. People who have no meditation experience may be bored at the beginning. Not all people have the patience to meditate until obtaining the wonderful results it can elicit. There are people who fail to realize meditation on the first attempts and give up, others fall asleep in the first few minutes of meditation and do not continue. But, there are others who manage to stay awake, visualize, but are slow to advance in the communication process and then quit.

If you could not relax or concentrate enough to meditate practicing by yourself, you can go to meditation classes. A skilled person will guide you to achieve the necessary relaxation. For our purposes, you don't need to become an expert or a master of meditation. You only need to reach a basic level of relaxation and concentration. Later, return to this book and retry the meditations until you get to communication with your loved ones.

Do not give up, read and practice as many times as necessary every meditation, until you reach the goal suggested. With patience, love and dedication, you can achieve harmony in your mind, body and spirit. You will always feel relaxed and most important of all; you will begin to receive messages from those who are in the same dimension as people who have departed this life on earth.

Ways of Communication with Spirits

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A communication between living beings on earth and those who have gone is called spiritism. Through history, there have been different ways of communicating with spirits, but that's not the focus of this book. If you want to learn about the history and development of spiritism, we recommend you to read the books of Allan Kardec. I will comment briefly on this history.

In the early days of Spiritism, the communications were made by beating on the tables, or using pencils which wrote guided by the hand of a medium. In 1854, spiritist meetings began in France. Groups of people gathered in homes and talked with spirits through taps on the tables.

A teacher, scientist and skeptic named Hyppolyte Leon Denisard Rivail, attended these events. He became interested in the subject. He investigated and ascertained that spiritism was real. He wrote many books under the pseudonym Allan Kardec. Subsequently and until today, he has been called "the father of spiritism."

Kardec wrote, "Spiritism is the science that deals with the origin and destination of the spirits, and their relationship with the corporal world."

Later, the Ouija was created, a small board with letters and numbers. The medium puts a small signs arrow on the board and then he places his hand on the arrow and the spirit guides to indicate the words. Using this method, the inexpert person must be very careful because it could happen that low level spirits appear and play practical jokes. When I was a teenager, I used to practice it as a distraction, along with a group of friends. I don't remember having had at least one serious response from any spirit. At that time, the other participants and I were young and inexperienced. As an adult, I've never tried to use it again. I have read that there are persons that had success using the Ouija but I'm not one of them.

Some mediums let a spirit use their body temporarily. Through some rituals, the spirit takes possession of the physical body of the medium, and thus communicates directly with other people. It is a common method used by Hispanic spiritists and shamans.

In Eastern countries, especially India, meditation is used to communicate with beings that have gone and with teachers or spiritual guides. Advanced yogis achieve a total control of their spirits, before and after they left this earth. During their lives in the earth, some of them manage to manifest at will, spiritually, in distant sites to their bodies. After their lives on earth, they can visit their disciples. I recommend the book "Autobiography of a Yogi" by Paramahansa Yogananda, which is a beautiful and inspiring life story of one of the leading Eastern yogis. He brought meditation and Kriya Yoga to the West, moving to and living in the United States.

In Reiki, the healing technique from Japan, meditation is used to communicate with spiritual guides. Reiki practitioners and masters who have the gift for meditation and practice it constantly, can manage to communicate with beings from other living space. I am a Reiki Practitioner and Teacher who uses visualization in meditations to help people who consult with me.

The doctors who have dedicated themselves to the therapy of past life regression have known teachers of other lives. When they hypnotize the person who is coming back, they heard voices of teachers who give messages. One of the most famous is Dr. Brian Weiss, who has a wonderful and inspiring book called "Messages of the Sages." I recommend reading it. It is food for the soul.

Throughout human history there has been always communication with spirits. There are a variety of methods to talk with the people who have gone. As progress evolved in life, the spirits that left were also more complex and evolved. Spirits can use technology to communicate with us. That's part of what you are going to see in the true story to be presented in the second part of this book.

First We Accept, Then We Communicate

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The first thing to accept is that there is life after this life. We don't die when we leave the physical body. The spirit remains intact. The personality remains unchanged at first, and then it mixes with the ones we had in previous lives. The person remembers and understands why she came to Earth, what her mission was, and whether it was completed.

The wisdom gained through many lives makes the spirit show more maturity and wisdom over time. The spirits of children who have left speak with extraordinary wisdom and show knowledge that may surprise us.

I do not recommend trying to reach the spirits before being convinced of the existence of life after this life. Otherwise, your mind will play with your concentration. You hesitate, and this may make you fail in the first attempts.

Of course, you might say it does not work so you don't try it anymore. You need to think calmly. Analyze. You need to do research. Do not miss the wonderful opportunity to contact those who have gone. The spirits of people who have not reincarnated yet are somewhere and they can hear us calling them and come to talk.

After reading this book, I suggest you read others on the same subject. You can also read passages from the Bible. Spend a few minutes a day to dwell on the idea that you can communicate with your loved ones. Do not put all your expectations on the first day of exercises. Begin slowly, without pushing to obtain results. Be persistent, and above all, have faith in yourself. Your mind and your heart will help you achieve the results you want to obtain. You can be reunited with close people who have gone.


Excerpted from Whispers of a Heart From the Other Side by Maria Rosario Rowan Copyright © 2011 by Maria Rosario Rowan. Excerpted by permission of BALBOA PRESS. All rights reserved. No part of this excerpt may be reproduced or reprinted without permission in writing from the publisher.
Excerpts are provided by Dial-A-Book Inc. solely for the personal use of visitors to this web site.

Table of Contents


A Distinction....................xv
The End is a Continuation....................3
The Most Important Thing is Love....................5
Communication with Those Who Have Gone....................9
Ways of Communication with Spirits....................11
First We Accept, Then We Communicate....................15
My Experience with Spiritism....................17
Basic Guide to Meditation....................21
Day 1: Acceptance Meditation....................23
Day 2: Forgiveness Meditation....................27
Day 3: Love Meditation....................31
Day 4: Communication Meditation....................35
Come and Go....................39
Messages of Love from Betsa....................41
Betsabe Marcano De La Rosa....................43
Words of Farewell....................49
Hearts to Everybody....................51
Why a Heart?....................69
Musical Messages....................71
Lyrics for Where Are You, Betsabe?....................72
Song on the iPod....................73
Lyrics for If I Died Young by The Band Perry....................74
A Quilt for Mom....................75
Conversations with Betsa....................77
Afterword by María Teresa Marcano....................91
Be Happy on Earth....................95
Letter to the Readers....................97
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