You and I Am
The Story of You is a true experience of a young infant who is now seven years old. The rest of the story is fiction although many events are true. The doctor in the fiction is our way of giving credit to my Jewish obstetrician who delivered most of my eight children. The animals are based upon darling pets my children have raised and those that my family owned when I was but a child myself. Organization and sites relate to true experiences, the admiration and respect for the wonderful word that these nonprofit organizations accomplish (e.g., YWAM). Indeed, one of these organizations is operated by the writer. These are intertwined to give a spin of hope and respect for the way God has used these programs to bless his people, especially young aspirants. All of us is You. It is not difficult to live a holy life of obedience. It is definitely a choice. Many of us delay to make the choice with accompanying consequences. We are all overcomers through Christ. Walk with You and let her life be an encouragement to you.
You and I Am
The Story of You is a true experience of a young infant who is now seven years old. The rest of the story is fiction although many events are true. The doctor in the fiction is our way of giving credit to my Jewish obstetrician who delivered most of my eight children. The animals are based upon darling pets my children have raised and those that my family owned when I was but a child myself. Organization and sites relate to true experiences, the admiration and respect for the wonderful word that these nonprofit organizations accomplish (e.g., YWAM). Indeed, one of these organizations is operated by the writer. These are intertwined to give a spin of hope and respect for the way God has used these programs to bless his people, especially young aspirants. All of us is You. It is not difficult to live a holy life of obedience. It is definitely a choice. Many of us delay to make the choice with accompanying consequences. We are all overcomers through Christ. Walk with You and let her life be an encouragement to you.
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You and I Am

You and I Am

by Dr. Hyacinth B. Hue
You and I Am

You and I Am

by Dr. Hyacinth B. Hue


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The Story of You is a true experience of a young infant who is now seven years old. The rest of the story is fiction although many events are true. The doctor in the fiction is our way of giving credit to my Jewish obstetrician who delivered most of my eight children. The animals are based upon darling pets my children have raised and those that my family owned when I was but a child myself. Organization and sites relate to true experiences, the admiration and respect for the wonderful word that these nonprofit organizations accomplish (e.g., YWAM). Indeed, one of these organizations is operated by the writer. These are intertwined to give a spin of hope and respect for the way God has used these programs to bless his people, especially young aspirants. All of us is You. It is not difficult to live a holy life of obedience. It is definitely a choice. Many of us delay to make the choice with accompanying consequences. We are all overcomers through Christ. Walk with You and let her life be an encouragement to you.

Product Details

ISBN-13: 9781524691523
Publisher: AuthorHouse
Publication date: 06/22/2017
Sold by: Barnes & Noble
Format: eBook
Pages: 110
File size: 320 KB

About the Author

Let's see God's plan for my life. I am Hyacinth Bloome Simmonds-Hue born eight days before the celebration of the birth of Jesus to celebrate His life and His call on mine.

Read an Excerpt



YOU's Homecoming

Birth is like death and death like birth. Birth is leaving the heavenly home and arriving in a new planet, not before known. The shock must be severe as we hear the infant scream.

Death is birth into a new realm, entirely different from planet earth.

Similar, but pure and resplendent of the beauty and glory if I AM.

When a child arrives, he has no inkling of the place she has arrived, and the citizen of earth upon departure has no knowledge of where he is going, so death offers a scare. The infant is received with love and hospitality and the same is true when a saint arrives. The arms of Abraham's bosom receive him with much greater love and hospitality than any human can offer.

Both have fear and trepidation, which immediately vanish in the atmosphere of unadulterated and unconditional love. You have no fear of birth and will have no fear of "death". What we call death and the end is just the beginning – of eternal life.

The final trimester of gestation was almost completed. Back pains begun to bear down on the mother, as the pressure on the uterus intimidated her walk. She could no longer skip and bend. The judgement of the sorrow of labour was upon her, but this was only the beginning. The pain of labour would soon be forgotten.

A tidal wave developed in the uterus. YOU somersaulted into a reverse position, head towards the exit door.

The door begun to open a centimetre at a time, but only the strength of YOU could totally open the door of the birthing canal.

Would she have the strength? The force would be ingratiating to mother, but love suffers long and is kind.

The moon was in its fullest light, round and yellow with the gold of love and light. It's mystified force attracted the waters of planet earth and mystified the water of the womb, seated in the embryonic sack. The water begun to move as if it were at boiling temperature. The force ruptured the sack as water flowed downwards to the feet of Mother. This magnetism invigorated YOU as she started her push to force the door open. A spot of blood showed and the call was made for the luggage that had been packed for the hospital. All three sped away in the family car, their goal the delivery room of the hospital.

The Nursery for YOU

This room was spacious, painted in light pink, with streams of white paint edging the mid-walls like ribbons. The room felt like peaches and ice cream, and the smell as fresh as roses.

On a small shelf under the window rested a cherubic icon of the nativity. The holy family seemed to be anticipating the new arrival. The brush of angel wings could be felt as they ministered their angelic performance.

The cradle was hand made by Father, and dressed in white skirts, pink coverlets and blanket. The pillows were embroidered in pictures of daisies, and forget-me-nots festooned with green vines.

A rocking chair with a large Teddy bear sat by the window. Mobiles decorated the entire room and they danced in circles as if propelled by the music of the angels.

A dresser with a mirror, painted the purest white, as was the cradle, held neatly folded clothing, toiletry, cotton balls and buds, sterilization equipment and other needed articles.

A top the dresser was a framed picture of the ultrasound image of YOU. Next to this was a picture of the Holy Family and one of the mother and father of YOU. YOU's first picture would soon be added, as would YOU and her later pictures. The room would soon be reverberating with life.

The Hospital

In the Girl's Scout and Boy's Scout both mother and dad in their youth, learned to "be prepared". They took every precaution to be ready for this moment.

Pre registration was made at the hospital. The obstetrician was called the moment her water broke and he gave instruction for them to meet him at the hospital. He had just finished his supper when Father called. He was free to fulfil his commitment to deliver YOU and to present YOU to her mother's waiting arms.

He got ready, entered his car and was on his way to the hospital feeling satisfied after a delicious meal, and a lovely conversation with his family. They prayed over supper and asked God's blessing on any emergency call that came in, because tonight he was on "call" at the hospital. Although a private physician, he gave time to the hospital in preparation of God's blessing on his life and on his family's.

Medical school had been a challenge, his mother passed while he was in high school. She was giving birth to a boy that would be his brother. The shock set his father back for a while, but eventually they overcame the shock and with the help of I AM, their life without a wife and mother was back on track. The challenge of medical school was almost overwhelming, but as a student in medical school, he forged his way promising himself that by the help of I AM, he would complete his purpose. His purpose was to be the best in obstetrics so that the careless mistake that took his mother's life would never happen again. His fight was in research of techniques that could save lives at birth and to ask I AM's help in assuring that no life (mother or child) would be lost under his medical supervision and assistance.

God answered his prayers.

He drove cautiously yet hurriedly. He whispered a prayer of thanks to I AM for keeping all the promises He gave. So far he lost no one. His record was unbelievable. Three thousand births, no loss of parent or infant. I AM is faithful and just to forgive all our sins and to cleanse us from all unrighteousness. Truly, I have been sinful. I blamed God for my mother's death. Dad drank for a while until the love of the Church and their prayers brought him back into fellowship. "I have a lot to be grateful for." He prayed as he turned his eyes up to heaven as if he saw into Heaven where I AM was seated.

He had a blessed assurance that all would go well tonight. He was at the hospital before he knew it. He parked his car and headed to the delivery area of the hospital. He arrived at the labour room simultaneously as mother.

Mother was in the labour room strapped to the gurney. She was panting hard. The pain in her low back was excruciating. The labour pains got sharper and sharper. She felt as if a tornado was getting ready to blow and there was no space for this to happen. You felt as if she were trapped in hell or death. She had to fight hard to get out of this place that once was so comfortable and safe, but now gave her eviction notice.

She pushed her head downwards as if she were diving into something solid. Something like a large rose appeared over her head. The petals burst open and liquefied as blood, it covered her face and body. Earlier she felt as if she were being moved with her mother and truly she was. She was now with her mother in the delivery room.

Her mother thought of the curse of woman "in pain will you bring forth children."

She gave herself in resignedly to her fate and pushed. You felt the energy of her mother and joined in as the door immediately opened and YOU floated into the hands of Dr. Kurman. He held her by her legs and gave a gently slap on the tiny buttocks. Air pumped into her seemingly aquatic being and the voice box or larynx exploded with a tiny scream. YOU is now in a new world. She has been called forth by I AM. She is being washed and wrapped in swaddling cloth and placed into the arms of her waiting mother.

She has been waiting for nine months for this moment. Her father's hand bore the bruises of the hold on his hand by Mother. He tried to shake off the pain as he reached for this new part of his life, his being. Together, they held her safe and tenderly sharing arms of love as they experienced a calm and peace that seemed unnatural. Yes, truly unnatural. It was supernatural.

God called forth from before time a child to be born in our time; a girl as pink as the delicate petals of a rose. Under the translucent veil called skin, shone blue and red arteries and veins like a road map. The pink flesh beneath would soon be colourings and pigments of the skin. For now she was a rose of variegated colours or shapes of pink and red.

All infants are born with pink or red skin. The tip of the ears and the fingers beneath the nail could alert you of the true colours.

YOU is checked for fingers and toes. All are accounted for. The nails are soft and tender. Her fingers show slimness and were extraordinary lengthy, the sign of a true musician and pianist, maybe.

Her hair is light and feathery with a light brown tinge to it. Her brows are of the same shade of brown matching long curvaceous lashes. Her eyes are like diamonds reflecting the inner being of her soul. She is not yet able to focus on the light, but her eyes are clear and bright. No jaundice here. Her stomach is good, breast good, reflex good, strength of fingers good. She is holding the forefinger of her father. Love was flowing from one to the other. The thrill of love between father and YOU was ecstatic.

They are not yet bonded yet the flow of love was unstoppable. He would die to protect the life of YOU.

No greater love has any man for this child. He came back to reality. The thought of him fighting for YOU's life started an adrenalin rush. He was breathing heavily. He spoke a quiet prayer of thanks and asked I AM's protection for them all.

In all the excitement no one gave YOU any sustenance. This was brought to focus almost two hours after birth. Mother attempted to give her natural milk. Goat gives their kids goat's milk. Cows give their calves cow's milk, cat, cat's milk and so on.

It did not seem natural that you could not receive the milk. The grandmother, acted like the proverbial fly on the wall. She felt that the denial of sucrose or glucose at birth had weakened the ability of her grandchild to suck and release the flow of milk. She said nothing. There are times in the life of man, that family become invisible. The focus is so personal at times that any loved one seems to be an intruder. This was one of these times. The focus was first mother; then mother and YOU; then father, mother, YOU and the medical team. The relatives that ran to the house and to the hospital are often not remembered until the nurse comes out and announces, "It's a girl (or boy)!"

They may be subconsciously, unremembered, but they always remember. Go to the hospital Chapel, they are there. Go to the homes, look in the bedroom or the bathroom, there they are on their knees interceding to I AM on behalf of their loved ones and their condition.

As one ages and as he grows spiritually in faith he realizes that in these circumstances he/she should stand still and see the salvation of I AM. That does not mean he should stand by and do nothing, or say nothing. Stand in faith and pray and having done all, stand.

After the cleansing of the infant, YOU, she was wheeled in a basinet to the nursery while mother was taken to her assigned room for a rest that was so needed after the breathtaking ordeal. The young YOU was later brought in and each visitor had the opportunity to peak at her, or to hold her for a moment.

The sweet aromatic oil of anointing that permeates a newborn is irresistible. No one to our knowledge can resist the temptation to snuggle his/her nose to the neck of the child and inhale the purity of love and holiness. YOU's oil perfumed her blanket and clothing. Her body sprayed the room with this sweet anointing. Is it any wonder that everyone wanted to hold her to his breast even for a moment?

Pictures were being taken of YOU and her parents. Everyone wanted a first day picture of this blessed infant. She was so beautiful and wonderfully made. These pictures were later shared personally, on the internet, telephone and via the U.S. mail. All were delighted to hold this lovely creature in their hands, even if it were just a picture. A picture speaks louder than a thousand words. She would be prominently displayed in every home and office. Equal numbers of prayers were being said on behalf of YOU and her family.

Angels were appearing in the hospital and before the face of I AM, carrying the good news of YOU's birth and the prayer team that never ceased to pray and to give thanks to I AM.

In due time, YOU was checked out of the hospital and was safely in her cradle in her nursery. Mother and father could not wait to be in their home where 'prayer' was the watchword and where the sanctity of the house gave way to unbridled praise and thanksgiving.



The Permanent Abode

A man seeks a permanent place to reside, grow and enjoy the last years of his life. One should ask and answer the question if there is any permanence on earth. The answer is that maybe, that for as long as we live, this is permanent. On the other hand this may be our temporary home.

Looking at the splendour of the land, its landscape, the pets on the form and at the lovely home, mother and father anticipated this unique and blessed setting a permanent abode for YOU. This blessing that arrived a few days ago, should enjoy a hope for life, if God wills it to be so.

Should YOU have the desire to choose, she should not have asked for anything more.

I AM divinely inspired and directed mother and father in the preparation and reception for YOU. Even the weather was perfect for her homecoming.

The nurse wheeled mother to the waiting car after placing YOU into father's arms. He walked militantly close to the wheelchair, as if to protect both of his wards at the same time. His eyes flashed from side to side as if aware of some unforeseen danger. They arrived safely to the car. The rear door opened and on the seat was a child's car seat strapped securely on the right passenger seat. The nurse placed and strapped in the car seat the sleeping YOU, as mother slid in next to her.

Father was to chauffeur all the way home as the humming sounds of the automobile lulled YOU deeper into sleep.

The only conversation between the driver and the adult rider was on the blessing that I AM brought to them. They prayed a short prayer of thanks before the journey began and the conversation was a repetition of the content of the prayer.

In a short time they were parked at the driveway by the door of their home and the door opened by the proud chauffeur and father to exist mother. He then unshackled the infant and walked to the door. Mother tried to collect the luggage, but he sweetly told her to let it be, for he would be back to retrieve it after they were safely landed in their comfortable quarters.

Mother felt very uncomfortable that she was not allowed to hold YOU in her arms on the way home. She begrudged the car seat and wished there was never that law. Resignedly, she gave in to her thoughts realizing that this law was in place for the safety of YOU, just as the seat belt law protected her and father from past danger.

As I AM serving-Christians, they must observe these laws of man, so that they would be able to obey the laws of I AM whom they could not see. Which of these is easier, they mused?

The Manual on "Raising You" would be immediately brought to the forefront, to be checked regularly for the rules and regulation on "Bringing Up YOU". This same Manual brought up father and mother and many before them. There was no resistance to this act; without the word they would not be the people they are today.

As a matter of fact, YOU would not be there. For a genetic fault in mother's inherited trait warned of difficulty in the birth of their children. They had been advised not to have children and to abort if pregnancy developed. This is one of the reasons for their faith in I AM and for their faith against abortion. Their motto: "Trust in I AM with all Thine Heart and lean not unto thine own understanding." They refused to lean unto their own understanding. I AM would and should always direct their path! Mother was served a refreshing snack and ordered to rest while YOU rested. Nights could grow long and the days testy. "Rest while it is day."

The Manual is officially launched!

The telephones are ringing off the hooks. The door bell rings and rings. The father thinks of detaching the ring-tone, while mother wishes she could disconnect the telephone. Better judgement prevails. The phone is our outside link and our prayer link. Visitors are an asset. They bring a meal. They hold YOU so the parents can get a needed break. They encourage and pray with the family. They run short errands. They even help in cleaning. They bear one another's burden.


Excerpted from "You and I Am"
by .
Copyright © 2017 Dr. Hyacinth B. Hue.
Excerpted by permission of AuthorHouse.
All rights reserved. No part of this excerpt may be reproduced or reprinted without permission in writing from the publisher.
Excerpts are provided by Dial-A-Book Inc. solely for the personal use of visitors to this web site.

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