National & Regional E-Newspapers
Barnes & Noble is your best source for e-newspapers. Browse digital newspapers to read on your smartphone, tablet, laptop or desktop. Our e-newspaper subscriptions make it easy for you to read wherever you go. Enjoy the current issue or sign up for a convenient monthly subscription or annual subscription for the best value. E-newspapers are not only easily accessible but benefit the environment. Reading them on your free Barnes & Noble NOOK app ensures that you can get the latest news even when snow or stormy weather keeps you at home.
In addition to receiving the most recent issue daily, you may also get access to news sites, depending on the subscription. For example, all active subscriptions to The New York Times through NOOK include free access to Allowing readers to stay up to date on news from around the world, digital newspapers are a cost-effective and practical option. Some of the most popular digital newspaper subscriptions include NYT, The Wall Street Journal , USA Today, The Washington Post , The Chicago Tribune and The Los Angeles Times . Whether you’re interested in national or regional news coverage, find it here.
E-newspapers and digital magazines are not only convenient for taking on the go, but you can also zoom in to easily view text and photos, customize the font, style and margins, and easily navigate from article to article. If you've never tried a digital newspaper before, now is the time! Get a free 14-day trial when you're a new subscriber to NOOK Newsstand. You don't need a NOOK device to be eligible, simply download the free B&N NOOK app to your smartphone or tablet and start reading today!