About Barnes & Noble.com
Barnes & Noble.com leverages the power of the Barnes & Noble brand to offer online customers the Web's premier destination for books, eBooks, magazines, toys & games, music, DVD and Blu-ray, and related products and services.
The Internet's Largest Bookstore
Taking advantage of vast warehouses across the United States, we stock over 1 million titles for immediate delivery -- that's more titles than any other online bookseller.
With so many titles, it is vital to give customers an easy way to find precisely the books they are looking for. Our search engine enables customers to locate books by title, author, or keyword in a few seconds at most. Customers with a general idea of what they want can use our Browse pages to sift through hundreds of categories to find exactly the right book. To further assist users, we offer descriptions and reviews, and our See Inside program lets customers read excerpts from tens of thousands of titles. We also offer editor recommendations and customer reviews on hundreds of thousands of titles.
In 2009, Barnes & Noble.com also became a leader in eBooks, offering over 1 million titles in its eBooks store and launching NOOK, the world's most advanced eBook reader, that features groundbreaking lending technology, a color touchscreen and lets readers download books in seconds.
The B&N Marketplace offers millions of new and used items from a network of trusted Sellers, often at discounted prices -- all with the security and guarantee of BN.com. Our special collection of Rare & Collectible Books features unique finds such as signed and first editions and out of print books.
Barnes & Noble.com has also created a number of thorough, easy-to-use stores, including including Audiobooks, Award Winners, Libros en español, and Bargain Books.
As the ultimate destination for book lovers, Barnes & Noble.com offers an incredible array of content. B&N Studio features hundreds of video author interviews, Emmy-winning documentaries, and our weekly book show, Tagged! hosted by Molly Pesce, B&N Review is the leading online-only book review on the Web, packed with literary reviews and interviews. And B&N Reads author-events and much, much more.
More than Books
Barnes & Noble Kids is the ideal destination for anyone looking for the best in children's books, videos, and music. With age-based recommendations, as well as specialty stores that cater to Harry Potter and other big titles, it's the ultimate one-stop shop for kids.
Our DVD & Blu-ray Store's 60,000+ titles make it the destination of choice for movie lovers, whether they enjoy Blockbusters, Art House rarities, or Kids' favorites. You can view more than 10,000 full-length previews -- and instantly order what you have seen -- making it the most customer-friendly site around.
Our Music Store has been named the Web's best by Forbes.com. The premier site for Classical, Jazz, Rock, and World music, the store's rich content includes exclusive interviews, free downloads, over 1 million sample audio clips, nearly 100,000 music reviews, and a roster of 40,000 artist biographies.
In recent years we've added new product lines, expanding our Toys & Games store on the Web; a Magazines store, filled with exclusive and hard-to-find titles offering thousands of subscriptions.
Barnes & Noble.com Makes Shopping Easy
Barnes & Noble Members get Unlimited Free Member Express Shipping in 3 days or less on eligible orders. Non-members can get Free Shipping on orders of $35 or more of eligible items.
Barnes & Noble.com Physical Address
33 East 17th Street,
New York, NY 10003
The Internet's Largest Bookstore
Taking advantage of vast warehouses across the United States, we stock over 1 million titles for immediate delivery -- that's more titles than any other online bookseller.
With so many titles, it is vital to give customers an easy way to find precisely the books they are looking for. Our search engine enables customers to locate books by title, author, or keyword in a few seconds at most. Customers with a general idea of what they want can use our Browse pages to sift through hundreds of categories to find exactly the right book. To further assist users, we offer descriptions and reviews, and our See Inside program lets customers read excerpts from tens of thousands of titles. We also offer editor recommendations and customer reviews on hundreds of thousands of titles.
In 2009, Barnes & Noble.com also became a leader in eBooks, offering over 1 million titles in its eBooks store and launching NOOK, the world's most advanced eBook reader, that features groundbreaking lending technology, a color touchscreen and lets readers download books in seconds.
The B&N Marketplace offers millions of new and used items from a network of trusted Sellers, often at discounted prices -- all with the security and guarantee of BN.com. Our special collection of Rare & Collectible Books features unique finds such as signed and first editions and out of print books.
Barnes & Noble.com has also created a number of thorough, easy-to-use stores, including including Audiobooks, Award Winners, Libros en español, and Bargain Books.
As the ultimate destination for book lovers, Barnes & Noble.com offers an incredible array of content. B&N Studio features hundreds of video author interviews, Emmy-winning documentaries, and our weekly book show, Tagged! hosted by Molly Pesce, B&N Review is the leading online-only book review on the Web, packed with literary reviews and interviews. And B&N Reads author-events and much, much more.
More than Books
Barnes & Noble Kids is the ideal destination for anyone looking for the best in children's books, videos, and music. With age-based recommendations, as well as specialty stores that cater to Harry Potter and other big titles, it's the ultimate one-stop shop for kids.
Our DVD & Blu-ray Store's 60,000+ titles make it the destination of choice for movie lovers, whether they enjoy Blockbusters, Art House rarities, or Kids' favorites. You can view more than 10,000 full-length previews -- and instantly order what you have seen -- making it the most customer-friendly site around.
Our Music Store has been named the Web's best by Forbes.com. The premier site for Classical, Jazz, Rock, and World music, the store's rich content includes exclusive interviews, free downloads, over 1 million sample audio clips, nearly 100,000 music reviews, and a roster of 40,000 artist biographies.
In recent years we've added new product lines, expanding our Toys & Games store on the Web; a Magazines store, filled with exclusive and hard-to-find titles offering thousands of subscriptions.
Barnes & Noble.com Makes Shopping Easy
Barnes & Noble Members get Unlimited Free Member Express Shipping in 3 days or less on eligible orders. Non-members can get Free Shipping on orders of $35 or more of eligible items.
Barnes & Noble.com Physical Address
33 East 17th Street,
New York, NY 10003
In 1971, bookseller Leonard Riggio acquired the Barnes & Noble trade name and flagship bookstore in Manhattan, merging it with his own thriving bookselling business. Within a few years, he had grown the Barnes & Noble Fifth Avenue store in New York City into "The World’s Largest Bookstore," with 150,000 textbook and trade titles
Throughout the 1970s and 1980s, the Company made numerous acquisitions, adding new bookstores throughout the country. In 1987, the Company made its largest acquisition &ndash 797 retail bookstores &ndash when it purchased B. Dalton Bookseller, making the Company a nationwide retailer overnight and the second-largest bookseller in America. The Company also acquired Doubleday Book Shops, rights to the Scribner’s bookstore trade name, and BookStop. In the early 1990s, Mr. Riggio came up with the concept of the "superstore," which helped revolutionize bookselling by combining a vast and deep selection of book titles with an experienced bookselling staff as well as a warm, comfortable and spacious atmosphere. The stores offered a comprehensive inventory of books, music, educational toys and games and gifts.
Barnes & Noble became a publicly traded company in 1993, and continued to grow throughout the 1990s, adding an e-commerce website, BN.com in May 1997, and publishing capabilities. In 2001, the Company purchased SparkNotes.com, a leading study aids website, and in 2003, Sterling Publishing, which had been operating for more than half a century and had a deep library of titles in print. In 2009, the Company entered the eBook market with its acquisition of Fictionwise and launched its NOOK® brand of e-Reading products, which provide a fun, easy-to-use and immersive digital reading experience. Over the past several years, the Company has introduced several devices in the tablet and e-Reader categories. In 2011, the Company added the Borders and Waldenbooks brands into its family. In 2016, Barnes & Noble began introducing new prototype stores in select markets across the country, featuring a contemporary aesthetic with books at the center, expanded food and beverage offerings, and comfortable seating for a welcoming customer experience. In August of 2019, Barnes & Noble was acquired by Elliott Advisors (UK ) Limited ("Elliott") and taken private. Elliott’s acquisition of Barnes & Noble followed its June 2018 acquisition of Waterstones, the largest retail bookseller in the United Kingdom. James Daunt, Managing Director of Waterstones, was appointed CEO of Barnes & Noble. Mr. Daunt has nearly 30 years of experience in bookselling. In 1990, after an early career as an investment banker, he opened his own bookstore in London, called Daunt Books. Daunt Books now has nine locations, mainly in London. At present, Barnes & Noble serves over 600 communities in all 50 states and remains the #1 book retailer in the United States.